broughtons là gì - Nghĩa của từ broughtons

broughtons có nghĩa là

groups of fugly sluts who have been kicked out of sms, left sms, or just arent good enough to get into a nicer school.
2. They spread gossip in about 1.333 seconds, and are known for their bad reputations.
3. consist of skanks, whores, bitches, and straight up bust assed freak a leaks
4. bhs girls think they're the shit and can kick your ass. but really they're too messed up to do that because all they do is get fucked up 24/7
5. They try to talk shit about st marys girls...when really...they want to be one so badly
6. They are so cool..that they crap and piss on each others cars
7. They make straigh A's, then again sleeping with your teacher isnt that hard.
8. 1 in every 5 has either an STD, AIDS, or herpes
9. they think they are the shit...when they only smell like it...


girl 1: hey why didnt any BHS girls get asked to queen of hearts?
boy 1: we didnt want to get SARS

girl 1: did u hear bout that BHS [ bitch hor slut] girl that slept with her teacher?
girl 2: nope...doesnt surprise me...shes a BHS girl....what a faggg

woodberry guy 1: YOU DATE A BHS GIRL?
woodberry guy 2: HELL NO...why wud i date a disgusting cock sucking std hor! you crazyyy
BHS girl 1: i think i have herpes
BHS girl 2: dont worry...your not alonee
BHS guy 1: man these bhs girls are such whores....but hey those st marys girls are mighty fine...and they dont talk trash at all!
BHS guy 2: yeah....those sms girls are fine...i wish we didnt have to be here with these old dirrty trollups...these bhs girls are by far the ugliest freak a leaks....
BHS guy 1: amen

broughtons có nghĩa là

fucking worst high school in NC. take away the H[igh] --stoners-- and all you have is BS.


enloe kid: damn those Broughton kids are fuckin lame.

broughtons có nghĩa là

Pork Chop, Pork Chop
Greasy Greasy
Broughton Girls are EASY EASY!


when you go to a Broughton football game and see "Broughton girls are Easy" spray-painted on the field...

broughtons có nghĩa là

A beautiful, safe place, can 100% go out past 10 if you get injured, police come right away, no cap. Everyone is very nice unlike those disgusting swintoners whom will "shag ur nan" if you get cheeky fam.


Broughton is my dream holiday

broughtons có nghĩa là

the ghetto were shit gets poppin and tha nines are neva stoppin
located in marblehead ma this streets fulla welfare checks and unprotected sex
this how they live


shit that man tupac is broughton

broughtons có nghĩa là

Girls who aren't afraid of some all girl private school's insecurities.


Bring it on SMS! Broughton girls can listen to you complain all night... or just until your "boyfriends" call.

broughtons có nghĩa là

The ultimate thing a person can be. The best there is.


My boyfriend, he's so broughton!

broughtons có nghĩa là

Together with Marquis of Queensberry rules Governing Contests for Endurance the founding set of boxing rules


Jack Broughton's Boxing Rules [1743]

1]That a square of a yard be chalked in the middle of the stage, and on every fresh set-to after a fall, or being parted from the rails, each Second is to bring his Man to the side of the square, and place him opposite to the other, and till they are fairly set-to at the Lines, it shall not be lawful for one to strike at the other.

2] That, in order to prevent any Disputes, the time a Man lies after a fall, if the Second does not bring his Man to the side of the square, within the space of half a minute, he shall be deemed a beaten Man.

3] That in every main Battle, no person whatever shall be upon the Stage, except the Principals and their Seconds, the same rule to be observed in bye-battles, except that in the latter, Mr. Broughton is allowed to be upon the Stage to keep decorum, and to assist Gentlemen in getting to their places, provided always he does not interfere in the Battle; and whoever pretends to infringe these Rules to be turned immediately out of the house. Every body is to quit the Stage as soon as the Champions are stripped, before the set-to.

4] That no Champion be deemed beaten, unless he fails coming up to the line in the limited time, or that his own Second declares him beaten. No Second is to be allowed to ask his man's Adversary any questions, or advise him to give out.

5] That in bye-battles, the winning man to have two-thirds of the Money given, which shall be publicly divided upon the Stage, notwithstanding any private agreements to the contrary.

6] That to prevent Disputes, in every main Battle the Principals shall, on coming on the Stage, choose from among the gentlemen present two Umpires, who shall absolutely decide all Disputes that may arise about the Battle; and if the two Umpires cannot agree, the said Umpires to choose a third, who is to determine it.

7] That no person is to hit his Adversary when he is down, or seize him by the ham, the breeches, or any part below the waist a man on his knees to be reckoned down.

broughtons có nghĩa là

to instigate and sustain an online argument that has no bearing on reality or the topic at hand


What the hell does Ron Paul have to do with the service at Taco Bell? Why do you always broughtonize on my facebook page?

broughtons có nghĩa là

Full of little idiots that think Their better than Everyone Else.
Most of The girls think their all that but they look like they have been battered with a frying pan and edit the shit out of their Facebook pictures so they look skinny and less wrinkly They are full on muppets that chat behind your back but got no backbone to say it to your face when they see you
Proper 2 faced little cretins Hey if you are inbred or a crack head then you will be accepted in Broughton with open arms infact you might even pull a scummy mummy who sniffs coke or smokes crack while their kids are in bed The village is a run down shit whole full of inbreds and nonses


look at her she's got 5 kids to different men and calls other people slags and tramps...... Oh yeah she's from Broughton Flintshire

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