CAE Listening test 1

CAE Listening

Improve your listening skills

I want to practice my listening

The Certificate in Advanced English is one of the most demanding exams offered by Cambridge University, as it corresponds to the C1 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

Obtaining a certificate that guarantees that youre at an advanced level doesnt only require having extensive knowledge of the language. While this is a very important factor, its also indispensable for you to be able to concentrate when listening and to know how to empathize with other people.

Keep in mind that listening and hearing are two completely different things. Many students get used to hearing what others say to them, but dont have the ability to listen to them. If you plan to prepare your listening and take the C1 Advanced exam, its essential for you to improve your listening comprehension.

To achieve excellent results, you need to rely on a method like Smart Learning®. Developed according to the Cambridge and CEFR guidelines, in addition to covering the topics that are evaluated in the CAE, it will help you improve your English and active listening skills.

Listening at an advanced level?

Some students are able to speak English and feel that they have reached a high enough level to take an international exam and become certified as advanced.

However, its important to be perfectly certain of the knowledge you actually have, to lose any fear of public speaking and to consider some factors that encourage good communication before scheduling the exam date.

Listening tips for the CAE


Having an excellent base of phonetics and grammar sometimes isnt enough. To understand what others are saying to you, you must concentrate on the important points of the conversation and avoid distractions. Participating in Speaking Sessions is a great help.

Go beyond the words

They are a fundamental component, but they arent everything in a dialogue. Its also important to pay attention to the speakers tone of voice. Movies, TV series, and short films are resources that will help you acquire this skill.

Set your anxiety aside

Nerves wont only affect your breathing, but your concentration level as well. Losing focus when you take a listening test is counterproductive. To learn how to manage stress, you can practice with your teachers.

Listen to the radio in English

This is an excellent way to improve your listening comprehension and to reach or maintain an advanced level. Youll also avoid getting your ear used to a single accent.

Trust your knowledge

Strengthen your listening comprehension by doing advanced level exercises like the ones youll find in the ABA English app. Enjoy the content that interests you and establish a Daily Plan to improve your listening and take the C1 Advanced exam.

Prepare yourself with ABA English and stand out on the CAE English listening test.

I want to improve my listening skills

The CAE listening test: Everything you need to know!

We know that before taking the exam, youll have many doubts about the structure, the types of questions youll find in the listening section, and the time youll have to finish the test. Below, youll find information that will be of great help:

What do they assess in this section?

You must demonstrate that youre able to understand what you hear in English. Youll find different types of audios: interviews, radio programs, conversations, monologues, and interviews. Then youll have to answer a series of questions.

How many parts does it have?

This section is divided into four parts and has a total of 30 questions. Youll have 40 minutes to complete it.

Are all the questions the same style?

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Is it possible to take the exam on a computer?

You can take the test on paper or on a computer at an authorized center.

ABA English: The best option to improve your listening

ABA English offers you its new and innovative Smart Learning® method, a personalized learning experience that is adapted to your interests so that you can learn English at your own pace and with contact with native speakers.

Do you want to pass the CAE Cambridge listening test? Prepare yourself and improve your listening, reaching the advanced level by using all the tools that ABA English offers you:

A complete English course

Unlike traditional methods, ABA English provides content that truly fits your level of knowledge. Moreover, youll have more than 144 grammar video classes and more than 1000 exercises to improve your skills for the CAE listening online.

An award-winning app

Youll be able to download the application that has been twice awarded the best educational app in the Reimagine Education Awards on any device.

Speaking Sessions

You can sharpen your ear by practicing with native teachers and students from all over the world. Remember that your teachers will always be willing to help you and clear up your doubts.

Exams and quizzes

Youll be able to measure your progress and be confident about your level. Remember that every time you pass a unit, ABA English gives you an official certificate that will help open new possibilities for you. Dont forget to share it on LinkedIn!

Are you ready to take your CAE listening test?

Its time to achieve your goals, but you must be clear that doing so requires a lot of dedication and consistency. In the end, youll understand how worthwhile it was to have worked so hard to reach the advanced level.

We know that this process requires help from experts. Thats why we want to accompany you and invite you to live a unique learning experience with ABA English. Remember that we dont only want to help you reach your goal, but also to do it with honors.

I want to improve my listening skills

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