Can t delete items off desktop

  • Where are you deleting the icon from?  The user's profile or All Users profile?  If it is the all users profile, the user does not have rights to delete the icons by default.


  • Logged in as said user, on deskop, right click icon, delete.  Says access denied.  If I use the admin login it will delete from both desktops [which shouldn't happen?]

  • Avast and Driveimage XML

  • What if you log in as said user, create a shortcut to notepad, can you then delete that? 

    How was this user's PC built?  I build our machines with a sysprepped image.  before I make my master image, I create a temp user log on, setup all my default views and such and copy that user profile to the default user profile.  i am curious if you do something simliar...


  • I have had a similar problem this occured when I have installed programs as the admin and set the install to ALL USERS this has created a icon in the ALL USERS directory in

    C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Desktop

    C:\ being the drive letter you installed the Operating system on.

    Because the program was installed under the admin account only admin users can delete the icon hence that's why you can delete when logged in as admin.

    Hope that helps.


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  • You could make the user a local admin temporarily. This way they can delete it. If it was installed with Domain admin rights, you may have this problem with all users not that level of creds or higher.

  • Yes I can delete one if I create it, but just those two I wasn't able to.  Is it because the programs were installed by the admin login?

    I actually reformatted this pc and installed from scratch.  i was going to get it all setup and create an image using Driveimage [first time using this software].  When I installed DI it created an icon for both users.

    What do you use as a temp user?

  • Hummm.. I would opt for just going round and logging on as admin and deleting it off. If his users are like mine they will probably try and install some games or a bit-torrent client. lol

  • I have had an issue like this as well. The user had Webroot spyware sweeper with the spyware shield option turned on.  This basically locked down changes to some settings on the PC for that user.  For example we were unable to: uninstall applications, change the homepage,modify desktop icons, or make changes to the registry while it was running.  By disabling the app the changes can be made and then the app can be turned back on.Hope this helps.Later Days,


  • Before you image the machine just delete the icons off and then you won't have the problem of the user not being able to delete them.

  • Dean, sounds like that is what happened,  Thanks all for replying!

    Probably another post, but how do you guys go about creating a generic user?

  • I may have over thought the answer not knowing your situation, but I think Dean K got it...if you install a program as an admin and it installs the icons on the All Users desktop, it will appear on the desktop for each user, including the admin, but only admins have permissions to delete it. When I make my PC images, I follow this guide I don't get too involved making it completely seemless for all hardware profiles, but I do get all the NIC drivers on the image so that I can at least add the machine to the domain during the mini setup and access a network share to install all other drivers manually. Dave

  • 1. Build the master image. 2. Create a local user [I use tempuser] with no admin rights. 3. Set your defaults like homepage, background, whatever, then log out. 4. log back in as admin, right click on my computer, go to the advanced tab 5. click on the Settings button under User profiles and highlight the tempuser and click Copy to. 6. default user will not be an option but you can type it in [c:\documents and settings\default user] 7. then delete the tempuser from the machine.

  • When you say GENERIC USER do you mean an account that anyone can use just to check the internet or are you talking about an ADMIN right generic user?

    If just a normal generic user then you can enable the guest user through GPO or best still create a user in Active Directory call something like your company name then temp i.e focustemp and give it the default user access.

    If you mean an ADMIN temp user then i would just rename the local admin account to focusadmin and have a password that is complex but easy to remember i.e F0cu5

  • I just create a local user not a domain user and log into the local machine with it. you can call it whatever you want.

  • I have recently gone through creating images for our machines and might be able to you if you have anyproblems, as i ran into many as my OS were all OEM you can contact me on skype my username is  focusithelpdesk

  • Exactly what David said on creating a user.  Thanks!!

    1. Build the master image. 2. Create a local user [I use tempuser] with no admin rights. 3. Set your defaults like homepage, background, whatever, then log out. 4. log back in as admin, right click on my computer, go to the advanced tab 5. click on the Settings button under User profiles and highlight the tempuser and click Copy to. 6. default user will not be an option but you can type it in [c:\documents and settings\default user] 7. then delete the tempuser from the machine.

  • Only admins can delete the desktop icons, if you are a limited user [non-admin] you cant delete them, this is the reason why the user cant delete them, theirselves, if you log in as admin & go to: C:\Documents and Settings\[username of the non-admin user]\Desktop then it should let you access the users desktop & delete any icons that you wish to, the icons will not then reappear when the user next logs in either. Problem solved. :]

  • start del \\computername\C$\Documents and Settings\All Users\Desktop\shortcutname.lnk

    If you have lots of wkstns, then prepare this in excel, substitute computername for your pc names, and lookup the filename of the shortcut ????.lnk

    save as a batch file and run as admin [domain admin]

  • This all comes down to NTFS. I bet if you check the NTFS security permissions on those 2 desktop icons you'll see the problem. Grant your users explicit access - full control or whatever you want, and the users will be able to delete the icons. You may also need to grant additional NTFS security permissions to the applications' install directory and registry keys. Some apps require additional perms in odd places like "application data" directories, in which case those need rights as well. Also if you cut the icons from an admin desktop and paste them to the all users directory, you need to go into the security permissions of those icons and make sure they inherit permissions from the parent directory. Otherwise explicit permissions granted from the admin's desktop will be carried over and nobody but admins will have access. With regards to creating a custom default profile for when new users login, you will find at least one issue: everyone's my documents, my pictures, and my videos folders will appear to be named tempuser's documents, tempuser's pictures, and tempuser's videos. This is because of the desktop.ini file. You may want to edit or delete those files from the default user's profile directory to avoid this issue.

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