confidential là gì - Nghĩa của từ confidential

confidential có nghĩa là

Among the worst websites on the internet. A place to go where you can read about snotty geniuses who feel the need to brag in the ultimate attempt to make the "average high school student" feel pity on the themselves. An absolutely awful website that privileges and celebrates the Ivy League-Potential student, while completely forgetting about everyone else.


Jonathan from New York: Hello, my name is Jonathan from New York. I was wondering if I could get into any college in the entire universe with these *shitty* grades and these terrible credentials. Will someone please help me!? Here goes: 5.0 GPA [on 4.0 scale]; 1600 SATs; participated in every club in my high school; Started 12 new clubs/became Club President of each respective one; was Valedictorian of my class; participated in Community Service; Volunteered all over the place; Held jobs at 8 different workplaces; Wrote an amazing College Application essay; Teachers wrote excellent recommendations about me/sent those to the colleges; participated as Captain of every available high school sport team; played 4 different instruments/played in Jazz Band/Orchestra/Marching Band/Symphony Band/Choir... Oh yeah, and my high school is ranked #1 in the entire country.... WHAT ARE MY CHANCES PEOPLE!?!? HELP ME!! I'm just so worried, and I probably won't even get into the nearby Community College!! HEEEEEELLLPPPP!!!!

ME: You ignoramus!!!

confidential có nghĩa là

A "college help forum" that breeds elite nerd factions. Everyone wants to know their "chances" of getting into a certain Ivy school, but everyone knows that if you don't have an inspiring life story you can't get in in the first place.


Another day at College Confidential...
Thread title: Chances

iluvphysics: Hey everyone, I want to know my chances of getting into the University of Chicago. Someone please tell me if these are remotely good enough?

Caucasian male, 5.1 GPA Freshman year
5.2 GPA Sophomore year
5.5 GPA Junior year
[weighted with extra summer classes]
2400 on the SAT, 36 on the ACT [re-took them 6 times]
President of Debate Club, French NHS, Science NHS, National Honor Society, Class Vice President, Treasurer for Spanish NHS, Art NHS,
Member of almost every club at school
Did Basketball, Tennis, and Track all four years, winning excessive awards and breaking more records than I have fingers,
Worked 3 jobs and was promoted my Senior year to leadership positions in all of them,
Recieved the Governor's Teen Award
Mayor's Top 10 award
National Merit Scholar
And numerous other academic awards,
Did 5000+ hours of community service,
Won the National Physics Bowl championship 4 years in a row

So will somebody PLEASE tell me if I have the FAINTEST chance of MAYBE getting in?

gradezarecool: I think you have a very strong chance of getting in, just like me.
mathdude101: And me!
SocratesSquared: Me, too. We'll all get in.

Thread title: Chances
chucknorris51: Hey guys, I want to get into the University of Chicago. Can someone help me out?
White dude from Colorado,
3.85 GPA Freshman year
3.65 GPA Sophomore year
4.06 GPA Junior year
[all weighted]
Did 70 hours of community service
Played tennis on JV for 3 years
Member of Gaming Club, French NHS, Science NHS
Got a 30 on my ACT
Worked a paper route for 4 years

gradezarecool: YOU HAVE NO AWARDS?? No chance of getting in. You need at least a 36 on the ACT to even qualify.
mathdude101: OMG, ARE YOU KIDDING ME?? Not a chance. How could you even think of qualifying?
SocratesSquared: Wow, you're really stupid.
chucknorris51: Well, I did survive arm cancer when I was 4 years old and have been recovering all my life, even learning to play the guitar and tennis. What sets you guys apart?
gradezarecool: My extracurriculars.
mathdude101: My extracurriculars.
SocratesSquared: My extracurriculars.
chucknorris51: I see. So you really think I have no chance?
gradezarecool: NO CHANCE!!
mathdude101: NO WAY!!
SocratesSquared: I HAVE A TINY PENIS!! I mean, NO WAY!!
chucknorris51: Hah. Retards.

confidential có nghĩa là

A place for trolls who want to make everyone feel bad with bogus accomplishments. Sample post:
Soph. year
World History 5
Chemistry 5
French Lang 5
Euro History 5 [self-study] Junior Year
Eng. Lit 5
Biology 5
Span Lang 5
Eng. Lang 5
Music Theory 5 [self-study]
US History 5
Calculus AB 5
Computer Science 5 [self-study] Senior Year
Physics B Physics C E&M and Mechanics [self-study]
Env. Sci [self-study]
Calculus BC Statistics [self-study]
US Gov. Comp Gov Latin Virgil [self-study]
Human Geography [self-study] I only took 5 AP classes senior year, earned a 34 on the ACT, 2290 on the SAT, earned a million awards, have 3,219 community service hours, gave a speech in front of 100,000 people, earned a plaque from my counselor for writing the best application essay he's ever seen, got 780 or better on each of the 16 subject tests I've taken. I have a 4.99 GPA, and I am #2 in my class of 933 [it's a big school and it's competitive] and I'm an internet troll. I have no chance into any college at all! Will colleges care if I didn't take that many AP classes? and that I have bad scores? Tell me! I don't want to be a loser. I have no chance at all!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!1111OMG1!!!ROFLZ!!!!1!!!!!! Proper reply: If you think a 34 on the ACT give you no chance into any school, you might be as smart as Christian Weston Chandler. Even the perfect student doesn't take that many AP tests, let alone earns all fives.


Post 2 on College Confidential
Here's what I will do senior year:
Maintain my 5.00 GPA
Speak at my graduation
Apply to all the Ivy League schools, Stanford [match], MIT [match], Caltech, Northwestern [safety], and Oxford
Get accepted into all of them
Earn $245,000 in scholarships
Become editor-in-chief in every publication at my school
Go to Tuscany for spring break with my gf since preschool
Break 17 or more school athletics records
Become national track and field champion again
Play at Carnegie Hall
Become state tennis champion for the fifth year in a row
Take 7 AP courses in school and self-study five
Get 5's in all of those AP exams
Become the National AP Scholar
Get some plaque for some award that I don't think exists
Write the advice book "If you aren't in the top 2% in your class, have a 2100 on the SAT, and earn several 5's on your AP exams, you will die alone and live a miserable life on the street"
Own an iPad and make $2,000,000 off making apps Proper reply: How is all this possible?

confidential có nghĩa là

A website where pretentious nerds troll all day about high school/college and make other people who read their posts want to crawl in a hole.


PretentiousDouche09: Hey everyone on College Confidential, my name is Cornelius. Plz chance me for admittance into Ivy League; I want to go to Harvard!!!1!! Stats: 4.75 GPA [weighted] 2400 SAT, 36 ACT [both one sitting] APs- 5's in Chemistry, Biology, Physics B, Physics C, Calculus BC, English Language, English Literature, Psychology, Environmental Science, World History, U.S. History, Spanish, French, Chinese, Latin, Statistics, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics. I could have totally taken Italian also if I had enough room in my schedule >.< I don't feel like listing my ECs, but here's a brief run-down:
-Class Prez, VP, Secretary, and Treasurer all at the same time for 4 years
-Piano: performed at Carnegie Hall 9x, played at White House
-Spent summer in Africa to build houses for the poor; found the cure for AIDS while there
-Internship at Harvard Medical Center
-Volunteered at Soup Kitchen 1000 hours
-3 jobs
-Created 4 clubs at my school, President of 12 others
-Varsity Track, Swimming, and Tennis [captain for all three]
-National Merit Finalist
-Won Intel
-Attended Biology, Physics, and Chemistry Olympiad study camps
-USAMO 3x I'm kinda nervous right now-should I do more ECs? Improve my GPA??? I'm freaking out!!!!!! ZombiSlayr5000:
THAT'S SO WEAK! I HAVE LIKE 10x MORE ECs THAN YOU! PretentiousDouche09:

confidential có nghĩa là

Fuel for Gossip


I'll tell you all about what they did.I'll give you all of the details, but it's Confidential.

confidential có nghĩa là

in terms of goverment and federal secrecy it is what it is which are the records and information applied about a person or an event...but when a school psychologists says it to a student patient or other corrupt officials working for the school they secretly lie to you and send the information you told in your records in confirmation to your status.


Dr Dennis: Hellow Bill I see youv'e made a dark picture Bill: Why yes I did but it was only for a while I just wanna go back to class I wont do it again I promise.
Dr Dennis: That's ok just tell me everything about your personal life Bill:Ok well I get im a naiive shy kid so just don't tell anyone about this please I just wanna move on
Dr Dennis:Don't worry Bill I promise I wont it's all Confidential.

confidential có nghĩa là

technically means 'private' but down here in fal we say confidential as a person we talk to that dont nobody else know about


male:ay dawg imma call that confidential
female: gir i gotta go meet that confidential on the corner

confidential có nghĩa là

When something is meant to be kept secret.


When one of Hello Kylie's fans say that #Hylie is real and Hello Kylie says that it is confidential but, guess what, it is #Hannie, everyone!

confidential có nghĩa là

A term that Adham uses all the time, and a term that Logan Jung Un had copied from Adham


That is extremely confidential Logan. You shall never know.

confidential có nghĩa là

when you ask someone for information, and tell them that it will be on the confidential so the information will stay between to the 2 people in the conversation, its quite like "on the DL" but less ghetto. coined by me, 2005


person whats goin on with you 2.
person 2.nothin.
person 1.cmon itll be kept on the confdential.
person 2.ok well ....


make sure you keep that info, on the confidential

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