darky là gì - Nghĩa của từ darky

darky có nghĩa là

white people can't call black people darky, but black people can call white people whitey.

talk about fucking equality

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black guy- hey whitey!
White guy- hey darky!
black guy- Im taking you to court mother fucker

darky có nghĩa là

A black person.

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black guy- hey whitey!
White guy- hey darky!

darky có nghĩa là

black guy- Im taking you to court mother fucker

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black guy- hey whitey!

darky có nghĩa là

White guy- hey darky!

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black guy- hey whitey!

darky có nghĩa là

White guy- hey darky!

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black guy- Im taking you to court mother fucker

darky có nghĩa là

A black person. "I'll take the darkie on the left."
-a friend of mine, amongst many others, during a game of Rival Schools

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derogatory name used for people of the night, a.k.a. coloreds Operation Human Shield. Send in the Darkies! Any of the non-playable characters on the player's team or side in a first or third person shooter video game. Their sole purpose is to take point and thin the ranks of the enemy prior to the player's advance into potentially hazardous areas or situations. First referenced in South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut. "Operation: Get Behind the Darkies" "I'm going to hide out here until my Darkie takes out some of them."

darky có nghĩa là

a black man. not really an insult. pronounced dark-ee darkies used to be slaves

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an old-fashioned word from the 19th century often used by women and high class society back then to describe a negro, originally a negro slave; a word most often used by southern women and effete gentlemen who thought the more commonly accepted word nigger [back then] was a bit low-class and pedestrian; a polite word for a nigger slave memorialized in song by Stephen C. Foster's tunes like O Susanna, My Old Kentucky Home, and Old Folks at Home.

darky có nghĩa là

Too describe dark skinned people in the Caribbean. Not an insult whatsoever in the caribbean its moslty used towards dark skinned black women as a term of endearment. btw no matter what race anybody in the Caribbean can say it.

Ví dụ

'Darky where you from' Orlando Octave www.zshare.netaudio/5042450363136596/

darky có nghĩa là

Scarlett: A proper southern lady always uses the word darkie when referring to her negro slaves.

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Rhett: Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn. There all a bunch of lazy niggers to me.

darky có nghĩa là

A man of talent. Working with indie hip-hop music otherwise called underground/smart rap. Very wise for his age, usually writes contemporary music about stories and poem quality statements. Began in early aug. 2004 and has been elevating since. Produces, records, and writes his own lyrics. Was first known to be a amateur netMC but now controlling the microphone all over the denver Streets. WORD.

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A word used by South African's to describe indigenous african people, because they are afraid to use the term "KAFIR"

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