defecant là gì - Nghĩa của từ defecant

defecant có nghĩa là

To void feces from the bowels. [In other words, to crap]

To become clear or free of.

Ví dụ

"I guess you should know that sudden brain injury causes the victim to simultaneously urinate, defecate, and bite down."
-Andy Dufresne to Bogs about refusing to suck his cock-a-doodle. From Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption.

defecant có nghĩa là

to poop

Ví dụ

"I guess you should know that sudden brain injury causes the victim to simultaneously urinate, defecate, and bite down."

defecant có nghĩa là

-Andy Dufresne to Bogs about refusing to suck his cock-a-doodle. From Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption.

Ví dụ

"I guess you should know that sudden brain injury causes the victim to simultaneously urinate, defecate, and bite down."

defecant có nghĩa là

-Andy Dufresne to Bogs about refusing to suck his cock-a-doodle. From Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption.

Ví dụ

"I guess you should know that sudden brain injury causes the victim to simultaneously urinate, defecate, and bite down."

defecant có nghĩa là

-Andy Dufresne to Bogs about refusing to suck his cock-a-doodle. From Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption.

Ví dụ

to poop

defecant có nghĩa là

The dog defecated on the floor.

Ví dụ

Taking a big Shit.....oh Yeah!!! It was so Scary he was defecating him self. The most honorable and at the same time relaxing and emotional action in a man's mean day.

defecant có nghĩa là

I have been decorated by the Queen of england herself for having taken a crap in the royal bathroom. The most noble defecation of the garter

Ví dụ

to take a crap, poop, or otherwise drop turds in the toilet.

defecant có nghĩa là

I gotta go defecate. to void the bowels; to shit dude...i just shit all over your floor

Ví dụ

[dude...i just defecated all over your floor] What someone should do on Justin Bieber's face.

defecant có nghĩa là

Someone need to defecate on that lil bitch. Daily ritual of emptying ones bowels.

Ví dụ

"I just clogged your toilet with defecant." "This defecant taco is mighty tasty" "Mine pants are filled with defecant."

defecant có nghĩa là

NOTE: Should only ever be performed on company time. Dad always taught me ....."make sure you're always paid to defecate son" poop

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