Desktop path Windows 10 command prompt

JakeSokol-9687 asked Nov 22, '20 | MotoX80 answered Nov 23, '20

Command prompt for This PC

Guys - I'm working on a batch script to copy files from my phone to my computer. However, the phone shows up as Pixel 4 and there isn't a drive letter attached to it in disk manager. Can you tell me how do I do a cd command or change directory to this particular directory structure? When I copy the path from a folder I need to copy files from, it shows up This PC\Pixel 4\Internal shared storage\DCIM\Camera but don't know how to call that in a .bat file Thx

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RitaHan-MSFT answered Nov 23, '20

Hello @JakeSokol-9687,

Use mountvol in the command prompt you can get the ID of the volume you want to access like this:

In a batch script you can try the following command to see if it helps:

start \\?\Volume{578d75fd-0000-0000-0000-100000000000}\

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MotoX80 answered Nov 23, '20

From I've been able to determine, you would need to set your phone to connect in MSC mode. That way it will appear as a USB drive to your pc.


On my Motorola G5 it had USB options to "Transfer files" and "Transfer Photos [PTP]". I set my phone to "Transfer files", and I saw that it was using the MTP driver. I found these software products that appear [I have not tested] to make the phone visible as a drive letter.


To access "This PC", it appears that you would need to use the Shell.Application COM object. Here is a Powershell script that uses that to copy files from your phone. You can modify that to suite your needs.


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