Do we get headphones for IELTS listening test British Council?

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Are headphones provided for IELTS Listening test by British Council in Delhi?

Are headphones provided for IELTS Listening test by British Council in Delhi?2021-10-03 13:24:02【Mr_宣】


Please be assured that British council will provide you headsets and a volume adjuster. They will perform a demo and a check before you commence your examination.

Please be sure that you check and test the headsets, if anything let them know. They will replace it. Do not hesitate. They have all the backup!

Good luck.


G. Valmiki

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Are headphones provided during the IDP IELTS exam?

2021-06-30 12:48:41【Mr_辛】

Yes, in India both organizations provide headphones. IDP provides wired headphones whereas British Council has wireless headphone set up. Make sure to test the headphones before the test begins as Listening is the first module in the sequence of L-R-W. If the headphone stops working during the test then, there is not much help provided or any replacement. All you can do after the test is to fill a feedback form so that you are compensated in any other way.

Happy IELTS!

Is British council famous for delaying IELTS test results that idp?

2021-04-16 23:27:13【Mr_相】

No. Both are professionally run institutes and have no incentive or interest in delaying results whatsoever.

Is British Council New Delhi a good institute for beginners?

2021-06-21 06:27:50【Mr_邢】

British council engages the students in a communicative-based approach where focus is communicating in English. Focus is on perfecting all the four skills- READING, WRITING, LISTENING and SPEAKING. The trainers engage the students in various lessons and activities [both individual and group], play various audio and video files and make use of the optical white board to make the class as interactive as possible.

When you go to enrol, you are advised to take a test that allows British council to evaluate your level of proficiency. The children with the same band score are placed in a class. I think this is a very healthy practice. Since all the students in the class have the same level of command over English, all learn and grow together and there is no shying away from speaking and opening up in class.

In all its a very healthy environment to learn english where students get lots of exposure to various techniques, skills and resources.

Which test is best, IELTS British Council or IDP?

2021-04-16 23:21:30【Mr_栾】

IELTS is the test, organized by both British Council and IDP in India. The exam is same for both of them and so are the dates. Difference is that of management, such as, the examiner who will take your speaking test and the organizing people in the LWR venue and the venue itself. BC is preferred more than IDP, with vague arguments stating the mangement was bad, marking was not correct for the speaking or writing exam or any other excuse. I scored 8 bands on the 8th July exam taken through IDP. BC and IDP are the organizing committee and wont affect your grades in any way. The test conducted is same, your scorecard will have a stamp of the committee you took the exam through.

Will all the IELTS centres in Dubai be provided with headphones for listening test paper?

2021-06-30 13:00:19【Mr_荣】

Since Listening test is for accurately determining your capabilities, none of the IELTS centres will play the audio over a common speaker system.

They definitely provide with a headset, and also have backup if you want to exchange yours. They spend about 510 mins playing sample audios, to let you test your headsets.

Anyone like to share about their experience at British Council classes in Delhi?

2021-06-21 01:43:58【Mr_佴】

British Council Classes at KG Marg Delhi is one the best thing happened in my Life .

It's worth every penny spent .

In 2009 April my father got me into spoken English skill class , Our instructer was very nice and cooperative . She gave attention to each and every candidate .

For example in last class you have to deliver a speech in auditorium in front of 100+ people . I was so nervous and left the speech in half . My instructor realised this and asked me if I would like to give 1 more try . I went for it and nailed it .

My Instructor was may be Mrs.Neeru , i wished to meet her again . I owe her a big time for my communication skills .

Also my class had people from different nationality [ Korean , Indonesian ] And profession [ Students , doctors , housewife ] . It gave a lot of exposure in life .

Are headphones allowed in the IELTS listening test?

2021-06-30 12:48:52【Mr_黄】

Your center will provide you the headphones.

You are not allowed to carry anything inside except ID proof, pencils, eraser and sharpener.


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