englewood là gì - Nghĩa của từ englewood

englewood có nghĩa là

The most ghetto neighborhood in all of Chicago. It is known for having a high murder rate. Its unemployment rate is 35%. Stay away from Englewood at night unless you like getting shot. It's filled with gangs and drugs dealers. You haven't seen ghetto until you've seen this place. It needs some serious improvement.


englewood chicago ghetto

englewood có nghĩa là

A half rich, half ghetto town.
Once you cross the train tracks on Palisade Ave, it becomes a whole new town. The people who live up in the hills are rich and have spoiled kids who all go to private school, and the ethnic makeup of the residents of the "Hills" are 60% White, 15% Latino 5% Asian and 10% Black.
The Ghetto, aka "Englehood" sucks. Its home to 70% black,20% Latino, 19% Asian and 1% White. Unless you have a gun, stay out of here.


Guy: Ok, Ill pick you up at 10, where do you live?
Girl: Englewood
Guy: Oh I see, I cant go out with you. Im not allowed in Englehood
Girl: No! Dont worry! I live on the Hills!

englewood có nghĩa là

Englewood is a small city in bergen county, New Jersey. For all you idiots who keep saying calling englewood "englehood" and "the hills"... you're all ass holes. You probably have never travelled past the tracks and have no right to call it that. I'm a white upper middle class citizen living on the "other side of the tracks" and attended private school all my life. I can say first hand this is absolutely not a dangerous place. just because there are black and hispanic people who live on the other side doesnt mean you need a fucking gun. and my best friend who is black lives in what you call "the hills." the last person to shoot a gun in englewood was a disturbed white guy living in a mansion on "the hills." get your facts straight.


kelly: My mom said not to cross the tracks in englewood or I'll get shot by mean ethnic men.
me: shut up dumb racist bitch. Shove your chanel bag up your ass, and shut the fuck up.

englewood có nghĩa là

A school with smart, dumb weird people that shares a campus with the less intelligent Dwight Morrow High School. This school is a copy cat of Bergen Academies. Its a school where you may not want to go to, the work is not as hard as it is abundant. "Where the weak are slain and eaten." If you dont think you can handle 2 hours of homework per night, dont go here. Also, if you are easily irritated by racist White, Indian, Middle Eastern people, dont go here either. Its located in the town of Englewood, which is boring and has little to offer. Although its a good school its super weird and annoying. When you go here you are bound to see someone doing something weird or some girls pretending to be lesbian. We have to take mandatory clubs and electives. When we graduate we'll have a lot of credits, but will have cried many tears as well. I am a sophmore and have cried more times than i can count these 2 years. Please, be prepared before you come here.

Also..beware of snobby, middle-class girls, with their coach sneakers and Prada glasses.
There are an excessive amount of eEmo kids. There are many interracial couples that talk about anime and Bamboozle.


"Why is Inna humping Marrisa?"
"They always do that at Academies@Englewood."

Lisa-"Grace is ugly"
Grace-"Hey, Lisa"
Lisa-"Hey Grace, you look so pretty today"
Grace-"Thanks Lisa!"
Lisa-"Anytime, want to go to the Ave?"
Grace-"No I cant, Ms. Rochman assigned that project remember? Maybe after Englewood Idol"
Lisa-"Okay, I cant wait*girlyy screams*"
Grace-"She is soo ugly, I dont even have Ms. Rochman..LOL"

yes people talk using IM lang.
We are losers who need to get a real life.

englewood có nghĩa là

a small old town in colorado between denver and littleton. most of the rich bitches in cities like highlands ranch and centennial call it ghetto, but its just a little rough.


Person 1: i live in englewood
Person 2: that shits ghetto

englewood có nghĩa là

A school located in Englewood, NJ in which some of the smartest kids in Bergen County walk amongst the most ghetto students from the school it shares an eye-appealing campus with, Dwight Morrow High School. The admissions process is highly selective, and although it is much easier to be admitted than the untouchable Bergen County Academies, the curriculum in both schools are similar. Unless you are prepared to be graded harshly, be loaded down with at least two hours of homework per night, and face vicious teachers you will never forget, do not apply here. Despite the time consuming work, you are guaranteed to meet true friends here that you will never forget, and will keep you laughing through your hardest days. By the time these students graduate, they have far exceeded the NJ credit requirements, giving ample opportunities for college acceptances. Also, do not come here in hope of playing for a well-known sports team, no one cares about the athletics here, everyone is too busy focusing on Mock Trial or the Dr. John Grieco Scholarship Fund.


8th Grader 1: Hey where are YOU going to high school next year? 8th Grader 2: The Academies @ Englewood! 8th Grader 1: Damn, you gonna be loaded down with work. 8th Grader 2: Yeah I know. /: But it will be worth it when I graduate, and I hear everyone's nice!

englewood có nghĩa là

a shit hole of a town, not alot of people live there. Not well none of. Very boreing there, can never fond anything to do unless your destroying something or drinking alcohol. E-wood is growing and alot of yankees like to come here but we don't like it.


Jenna- "let's go to englewood florida"

frank "i don't want to be bored all day."

englewood có nghĩa là

Also known as Wrinklewood.
Located in South Florida.
If you live here, you're most likely 60+ years old.


Matt: Dude, where do your grandparents live?
Greg: In Englewood.
Matt: Mine too!

englewood có nghĩa là

Englewood is a shit hole of a small drug infested town located in South West Florida. Meth heads are the most common people you will run into. Than there are the pill junkies, mostly found in Old Englewood. The population also consists of elderly people from the Northern parts of the U.S. They drive 10 mph slower then the posted speed limits, and have no clue what a blinker is. Also known as Ewood.


Englewood, FL a dope hole

englewood có nghĩa là

Located about 10 miles southwest of Chicago, it is the true definition of the hood and is primarily the worst area in Chicago. The crime is some of the highest in Illinois and the income levels are some of the lowest. Stay away from this place.


"Did you hear about the shooting in west englewood"
"Which one? The one last night or this morning?"

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