Ethics are most closely related to

  • Normative ethics is the same as descriptive ethics.

      a. True
      b. False
  • A deontologist likely would be more concerned about the intention behind an act than a utilitarian would.

      a. True
      b. False
  • Communitarianism is an offshoot of virtue ethics.

      a. True
      b. False
  • Nonmaleficence is the obligation against harming others.

      a. True
      b. False
  • Doctors have specific duties of beneficence to the sick that laypeople do not have.

      a. True
      b. False
  • The principle that goods should be distributed according to merit is one of several material principles of justice.

      a. True
      b. False
  • Narrative ethics and casuistry have considerable overlap.

      a. True
      b. False
  • Utilitarianism focuses mainly on

      a. consequences
      b. actions
      c. moral skills
      d. honor
  • The philosopher most closely associated with deontology is

      a. Immanuel Kant
      b. Aristotle
      c. Jeremy Bentham
      d. Alastair MacIntyre
  • Which moral theory is most likely to be view morality as a set of skills acquired through practice?

      a. deontology
      b. an ethic of care
      c. virtue ethics
      d. utilitarianism
  • The legal requirement that participation in medical research be voluntary is an expression of which principle?

      a. beneficence
      b. nonmaleficence
      c. respect for autonomy
      d. justice
  • All of the following might be a source of moral authority in religious traditions except

      a. the Koran
      b. a priest
      c. natural law
      d. casuistry
  • Related Questions

    • Q170:

      According to your text,which of the following is considered a moral intensity factor? A]Social consensus. B]Environmental impact. C]Economic impact. D]Social impact. E]None of the answers apply.

    • Q171:

      Moral intensity is higher when: A]the issue produces good decisions but not bad decisions. B]the decision has little or no effect on other people. C]the decision maker is neutral and far removed from the issue or its consequences. D]All of the answers are correct. E]None of the answers apply.

    • Q172:

      One problem with the utilitarian principle of ethics is that: A]not all utilitarian rights are protected by law. B]it is impossible to determine what factors should be relevant when distributing rewards. C]it is difficult to predict the ''trickle down'' benefits to the least well off in society. D]it judges morality by the results but not by the means to attaining those results. E]the utilitarian principle has never been accepted by ethics experts as an ethical principlE.

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      Which of the following is an ethical principle stating that people have entitlements allowing them to act in a certain way? A]Utilitarianism. B]Individual rights. C]Moral intensity. D]Distributive justice. E]Ethical sensitivity.

    • Q174:

      Which of the following statements about cross-cultural values is TRUE? A]People with a high achievement-orientation emphasize relationships and the well-being of others. B]People with high individualism can have any level [high or low]of collectivism. C]People with high power distance value independence and personal uniqueness. D]People with low uncertainty avoidance must also have high power distance. E]People in almost all cultures have high uncertainty avoidancE.

    • Q176:

      Which moral intensity factor best relates to the question,"How many people are affected by this action?" A]Immediacy of effect B]Concentration of effect C]Probability effect D]Butterfly effect E]Magnitude effect

    • Q177:

      The ability to recognize the presence and determine the relative importance of an ethical issue is known as: A]neuroticism. B]moral intensity. C]moral sensitivity. D]utilitarianism. E]uncertainty avoidancE.

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    • Q179:

      People who value their independence and personal uniqueness have: A]high individualism. B]low collectivism. C]high power distance. D]low uncertainty avoidance. E]high individualism and low collectivism.

    • Q180:

      The main limitation of the individual rights principle is that: A]it really isn't an ethical principle at all. B]some individual rights conflict with other individual rights. C]it pays attention to whether consequences are ethical,but not to whether the means to those consequences are ethical. D]it is almost impossible to evaluate the benefits or costs of decisions when many stakeholders are affecteD. E]it can degenerate into unjust favouritism.

    Are values closely related to ethics?

    Values are essential to ethics. Ethics is concerned with human actions, and the choice of those actions. Ethics evaluates those actions, and the values that underlie them. It determines which values should be pursued, and which shouldn't.

    Why ethics and law are closely related?

    Laws and ethics both serve similar purposes of guiding human conduct so as to make it conducive to civilized social existence. They enforce a sense of right and wrong. Laws refer to the set of codified norms which are enforced by the state. They act as external obligations.

    Why is virtue ethics most closely associated with?

    Virtue ethics are most closely associated with Plato whose approach to ethics asks, "How ought people live their lives?" Aristotle believed that discussion of ethics is wasted on the young. In attempting to define true goods, Aristotle found that good and pleasure were clear concepts.

    What are the 3 types of ethics?

    Ethics is traditionally subdivided into normative ethics, metaethics, and applied ethics.

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