How does the galactic city model explain urban development in metropolitan areas?

 1. Concentric Ring Model or Burgess Model 

Created by: Ernest Burgess

  •  The purpose behind the model is to give the explanation of distribution of social groups within urban areas. 
  •  It functions with a CBD is in the middle of the model and expands with other concentric rings around different areas.
  • Strengths:
    1. Obtainable for maintaining a business on that land.
    2. Center will have the highest number of customers, profitable for retail activities.
    3. Manufacturing will be less for land.
    4. First Model and easy to understand.
  • Weakness:
    1. Only in the United States and Europe
    2. With advanced transportation and technology the cities are not in "zones" anymore.
  • Effectiveness: It applies to numerous British cities, that are old and small.
2. Sector Model

Created by: Homer Hoyt

  •  Purpose: State a broad principle of urban organization.
  • Function: Zones expand outward from the city center along railroads, roads, etc.
  • Strengths:
    1. Allow for outward progression of growth.
  • Weaknesses:
    1. Growth of a sector can be limited.
    2. No private cars.
  • Effectiveness:  It works older cities, but not for newer and modern cities.
3. Multiple Nuclei Model

Created by: Chauncy Harris, and Edward Ullman

  •  Purpose: To describe a layout of 20th century city.
  •  Function land starts with CBD and similar industries with common land uses established near each other.
  •  Strengths:
    1. Allows for suburbanization.
    2. Nodes!!!
  • Weaknesses:
    1. No distinct division of zones.
  • Effectiveness: Only used to show modern cities.
4. Urban Realms / Galactic City Model

Created by: James E. Vance Jr. and Joel Garreau

  •  Purpose: To explain modern cities, that are now just not a central city, but a whole realm of edge cities too.  To account for edge cities.
  • Function: Realm that is linked together to form a metro framework of edge cities and a central city.
  • Strengths:
    1. Many suburbs.
    2. More economic benefits.
  • Weaknesses: 

    1. It's only possible with the automobile.
    2. Urban sprawl.
  • Effectiveness:  Works well to explain large cities like San Francisco and the bay area.

5. Latin American City Model

Griffin-Ford Model

  •  Important features:
    1. Market and CBD in the middle, with a spine connecting the Mall to the CBD.
    2. The upper class surround the spine.
    3. The poor live around the edge of the city in shantytowns.
6. African City Model

de Blij Model

  •  Important Features:
    1. Three CBDs a old Colonial CBD, a Traditional CBD, and a Market Zone or a Market CBD.
    2. There is more mixing of classes in neighborhoods.
    3. The extreme poor live on the outskirts of the city in shantytowns.
7. Southeast Asian City Model

McGee Model

  •  Important Features
    1. No "CBD", but instead it has a port zone.  Being since the cities are situated on the coast.
    2. Have a Western Commercial Zone, this shows the heavy influence western countries have had on the development of Southeast Asia.
    3. A pattern of squatter settlements and suburbs where the people live.  Industry is on the outskirts of the city.
8. Central Place Theory

Created by: Walter Christaller

  •  A model that is used to predict how and where central places in the urban hierarchy [hamlets, villages, towns, and cities] would be functionally and spatially distributed.
  • Assumptions
    1. Surface is flat
    2. Soil fertility is the same
    3. Population and wealth distributed evenly
    4. Region has uniform transportation network
    5. A good or service could be sold in all directions out to a certain distance.
  • Large settlement have larger markets.  Consumers willing to travel long distances.
  • Small settlements have smaller markets.

  • Hinterlands is the trade area.

9. Rank-Size Rule:  
  •  In a model urban hierarchy, the population of the city or town it will be inversely proportional to its rank in the hierarchy.
  • Example:
    1. Largest city is 12 million
    2. city 6 million
    3. city 4 million
    4. city 3 million
  • The United States follow this rule.
10. Primate City  
  •  The leading city of a country.  The city is disproportionately larger than the rest of the cities in the country.
  • Examples: 
    1. London
    2. Mexico City
    3. Paris
11. Six Hearths of Urbanization  Mesopotamia, 3500 BCE   
Nile River Valley, 3200 BCE
Indus River Valley, 2200 BCE
Huang He and Wei River Valleys, 1500 BCE
Mesoamerica, 1100 BCE
Peru, 9000 BCE

 These hearths of urbanization happen due to the agricultural surplus, and social stratification.  Part of the first Urban Revolution.



How does the galactic model explain urban development?

The galactic city model represents a city with growth independent of the CBD that is traditionally connected to the central city by means of an arterial highway or interstate. The Keno-capitalism model, based on Los Angeles, suggests that areas are zoned off or even gated off from other zones in the city.

What are two factors that led to the development of the galactic city as an urban landscape in North America?

Describe TWO factors which led to the development of the galactic city as an urban landscape in North America. The increased wide-spread use of cars and public highways. Cars allow people to live farther away from the CBD and highways allow for easy connectivity from place to place.

What is a strength of the galactic city model?

Strengths of Galactic city model/peripheral model. Shows the development of sprawl in the US with businesses and residential moving outward away from the downtown into suburbs and leaving a sometimes declining inner city behind. Takes into account the car as main transport mode in many places.

What cities are galactic cities?

Galactic City was the name of the planet-wide city of Coruscant. During the Galactic Republic, it was also known as Republic City or the City of Spires. During the Clone Wars the city was referred to as Triple Zero in military slang due to Coruscant's hyperspace code Zero Zero Zero [0,0,0].

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