How to access Remote Desktop folder from local

Step 1: Launch the Remote Desktop Connection application and fill out the computer and username fields, following our guide here if you would like instructions:


Step 2: Click on the show options arrow in the bottom right corner of the window. Then, click on the local resources tab.

Step 3: Click on the “More…” button in the local devices and resources section. This will bring up the following window:

Step 4: Select any drives you would like to be available for file transfer from the list, and then press OK.

Step 5: Press connect to start the RDP session.

Step 6: From within the remote session, navigate to “This PC” within the File Explorer. The drives that you have selected will appear under the “Redirected drives and folders” section.

Step 7: Drag files to and from the drive like you would any other folder.

Note: If you get a message that says “Destination Folder Access Denied” when trying to transfer files, you may need to restart your RDP session and run the Remote Desktop Connection application as an administrator.

Let’s say you are working remotely on a Remote Desktop session and would like to access files saved on your local desktop or a USB flash drive. By default, it’s inaccessible but there is a setting in Remote Desktop Client that when it’s turned on all local drives, including USB drives, will be mapped to the Remote Desktop session automatically, acting as if a network mapped drive.

Here is how you can do it.

Launch Remote Desktop Connection, before hitting Connect button, click Show Options to bring up more options.

Go to Local Resources tab, and click More… button under Local devices and resources section.

Check the Drives option if you want all local drives to be mapped to the Remote Desktop session. Or, click the little + icon to expand the Drives list and check the ones you want them to be mapped.

Click OK and it’s ready to connect. The settings are automatically saved for next time, but you can also save it as a separated RDP connection shortcut if you have multiple Remote Desktop computers that need different settings. The Save options are in General tab.

Now, let’s connect and see how it works out.

As you can see, the highlighted drives are the local drives mapped on the Remote Desktop session. They work exactly like a network mapped drive.

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