How to see what your friends are listening to on Spotify on laptop

Spotify is an online music streaming platform where you can follow friends with common interests. Sometimes due to different reasons, you are unable to see friend activity. You will not be able to see them in the friends list and this is a kind of bug. I am going to share some of the most common reasons to fix the Spotify Friends Activity bug. Mostly this is resolve on its own but still if it is not working and you can fix it with some basic fixations.

How to Fix Spotify Friend Activity Not Working?

If you are focused on one single friend whose activities are not visible on Spotify try to unfollow and follow him/her back. This is a basic thing you can o instantly to resolve the issue. Second, you can do is try to re-login to your Spotify account and check it once again. Unless you see any error displayed on the screen it is a little tough to find the exact reason behind this issue. Try one more thing, just view if you had not hidden the friend from the list. This also happens accidentally making the person disappear from the friend list. Just follow the steps below once to turn on friends activity just in case it is turned off.

  • Tap on the down arrow on the top right and go to Settings.
  • Go to Display Options and enable See what your friends are playing.

Go to the Activity Tab and check if the friends are not hidden by mistake. Unhide the same person and you will be able to watch his/her activity. If the issue persists on a smartphone then remove the app and install it again. For desktop, you can just log in and log out. Finally, if nothing works then it is an issue from Spotifys end. Try after some time and this will be fixed definitely. Spotify Friends Activity missing errors usually appear on mobile. Very few users have reported it on the desktop. Here is a list of some of the most common fixes to resolve the missing friends issue.

  1. Verify if you are using the latest version of the app.
  2. Verify if your mobile is having the latest OS version.
  3. Restart the Spotify app once.
  4. Log out and log in back.
  5. Re-install Spotify to restore default settings.

Hopefully, the above tips and steps are enough to pull out of the issue. Still, if you are getting the same problem them is from the apps end. You will have to wait for some time to get a solution. Till then you can also check by login into your Spotify account on a PC or Laptop if you are using it on a mobile phone.

Updated Method: Enable Share my listening activity on Spotify

If you are looking to enable sharing your listening activity with your friends in the Friend Activity Feed sidebar desktop app, follow the steps given below:

  1. First of all, go to Settings.
  2. After that go to Social and Turn on Share my listening activity on Spotify in the mobile app or desktop app.

If you want to enable the Friend Activity Feed sidebar in the desktop app, here are the steps:

  • First, go to Settings.
  • After that click on Display and Turn on See what your friends are playing.
  • You can also go to the File Menu > View > Click on Friend Activity.
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