indianapolis là gì - Nghĩa của từ indianapolis

indianapolis có nghĩa là

Also known as Circle City, I-Town, INDY, and The Heart of America. The capitol of "Indiana." Has been increasing in population to become a thriving "Urban City" and one of the largest cities in the United States [check census]. Is known for its crime rate, hospitality, and for its low cost of living. Home of the Pacers, Colts, Indy 500, and the Black Expo.


Ignorant Bastard: Where is the corn?
Indy born: What do ya mean whurr is the corn?!? This is Indianapolis... 317 is whurr you at... no corn herre.

indianapolis có nghĩa là

regardless what other people who call the city "IndiaNoPlace" say, the capital of Indiana is still great. It can't be that bad, as its population has grown steadily, meaning people aren't leaving. The city currently has a population of over 780,000. That's bigger than St. Louis, Omaha, Milwaukee, Louisville, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, and EVEN Boston, folks. It has a great skyline in my opinion, and it is growing in the "clean" industry area. For example, they now have several pharmaceutical and software companies. In addition, the city can be reached throught a day's drive by over half of the United States population. The Indianapolis Colts are great football team [They beat the Packers before], the Pacers rock, and IndyCar is way better than that stupid NASCAR. Oh yeah, Indianapolis is not full of a bunch of stupid Midwestern hicks, there are thousands and thousands of successful people within the city with various careers ranging from medicine, industrial and technological, education, etc.


I-town is great, or Indy, or Circle City....

indianapolis có nghĩa là

One of the greatest cities in the United States of America. It is the capital of Indiana as well as the third largest city in the Midwest, with a population of well over 780,000 people. This major metropolis located in the center of Indiana has some of the largest and most impressive buildings in the Hoosier State. The tallest building is the Bank One Tower at 49 stories and over 800 feet tall, built around 1990.
Indianapolis has several nicknames, including I-Town, Indy, NapTown [from one of the syllables in the city name] , and the Circle City. The third nickname derives from the layout and design of the city, which "circles" around the very large Soldiers and Sailors Monument in the direct center of Downtown, plus the fact that the urban sprawl of the metropolis is roughly circular in shape.
Indianapolis now has a very diversified economy, with industries and businesses in pharmaceuticals, medical research, computer software, insurance, and banking. Some of the most major banks in the Midwest are located in this city, including Bank One and First Indiana. There is a generally-friendly atmosphere withing this city and the metropolitan area, not to mention there are plenty of fun things to do, and all kinds of cultures and ethnic groups in the vincinity of this place.


In addition, who could forget that Indianapolis is the home of Indycar, a very popular kind of racing.

indianapolis có nghĩa là

The capital city of Indiana, and one of the largest cities in the United States, by means of area and citywide population. It is the third largest city in the Midwest, and the 12th largest in the country. Known as the Racecar capital of the world. Home to many upscale malls, such as Circle Centre and the Fashion Mall. Home to the Indianapolis Colts, one of the best football teams in the AFC, as well as the Indiana Pacers. Located in the center of Indiana. Has many monuments. A big city, yet a small town charm in certain areas. Mainly white and black, but a hispanic population is increasing, and many Asians live in the suburbs. Pretty much the best city in Indiana!


Many people probably thing Indianapolis is mostly farming areas, but its a city, so get over your opinionated selves and come to one of the best places in the midwest! kltr.

indianapolis có nghĩa là

The city voted most sexually satisfied in 2008 in Mens Health Magazine. This city is located off of I-69 which only speaks for itself.


" Man I cant stand it here in Michigan. It's dark and we are unsatisfied, lets "go down" I-69 to Indianapolis for a good time.

indianapolis có nghĩa là

Indianapolis is an extreamly shitty city. I have family there and visit about once a year. Every house there is like 60 years old and looks ghetto as hell. The roads suck major ass, pot holes everywhere. Everyone drives like 25 mph because they are afriad their rusted out cars will fall apart when they hit a pot hole. Every vehical there more then 3 years old is completely rusted out and and ghetto as hell. The general population has no class, no job and are the scum of society. Crime is very high. Did I mention all the houses are old and ghetto as hell?


Get a job, paint your ghetto ass house, fix your roads, and get a new goddamn car! Indianapolis sucks!

indianapolis có nghĩa là

A sorry ass town in Indiana that:

1. Has alot of cornfields
2. Is boring as hell
3. Has a building [chase Tower] look like a penis w/ antennas
4. Looks like a giant suburb in search of a city
5. Has alot of Cocky, arrogant Jocks and ignorant wiggers
6. Has alot of redneck, white-bread, chicken shit maw fauckas
7. Has alot of stupid, white, backstabbin whores
8. Has mean black girls
9. Has raggidy ass roads
10. Has a football team that can never make it to the superbowl
11. cheated it's way into the top 20 largest U.S. cities
12. is not really a major city
13. thinks they're better than Chicago
14. has people who large pick-ups and/or SUV's that speed down the freeways at 90 MPH
15. has no streetlights or sidewalks
16. Has a small downtown with nothing to do
17. Has over-reactive cops that thinks someone will crash an airplane into their small buildings or nuke their cornfields
18. Has a bunch of old, tore up ass houses that make westside chicago houses look new
19. Is full of pussies
20. Can go to hell
21. People even in Chicago don't know exists


"Where u live?"
"Damn I feel Sorry fa you."

indianapolis có nghĩa là

most boring city ever. im from hmd[219] and hammond,ec,and gary are more exciting to live in than "naptown" cause naptown is always napping. indianapolis is a great place for wiggars and middle aged people. people from indianpolis along with the rest of indiana except northwest think indianapolis is better than chicago. its just really gay.


sean: im from naptown!!!!!
mark: what?????
sean: indianapolis!!!!?????
mark: ohhh
mark: ahahahhhahahhahahah
mark: so what???????

indianapolis có nghĩa là

The capital and largest city of Indiana with over 790,000 residents in the city limits and an additional 1,000,000 in the metro area. Carmel is perhaps its most well-known suburb and lies just north of the city in Hamilton County. It is the 12th largest US city by population--larger than even San Francisco, Baltimore, Boston, Washington DC, Cleveland or Milwaukee. It's The second largest state capital. It's also the fastest-growing large city and metro area in the Midwest. Derogatory titles like India-no-place or Napt-Town [hence, the last syllables NAPOLIS in its name]no longer apply. It's often called the Crossroads of America, the Cinderella of the Rust Belt, the Amateur Sports Capital or "Indy" as is most common among locals and Hoosiers. It's a basketball crazed town that is divided in loyalty between the Indiana Hoosiers and Purdue Boilermakers. Ignorant Michiganders to the north often call it Indiana, confusing it with its state.

Indianapolis is in the midst of a transformation from being a sleepy, industrial, Midwest metropolis to a more vibrant and modern one of today. The city has spent billions of $$ developing its downtown: Circle Center Mall, Conseco Fieldhouse, White River State Park, a new airport and a new Lucas Oil Stadium for the 2007 Super Bowl champs, the NFL's Colts.

Its residents suffer from somewhat of an inferiority complex. They often think Indy is the end of all places and is an undesirable hole. This is hardly the truth. Major national media publications have lauded the Indianapolis area for its afforable cost of living, excellent reputation in the arts, a healthy and steadily-growing economy and a growing population. Eli Lilly, a major pharmaceutical manufacturer has its headquarters in the middle of the city and is a well respected Fortune 500 company.

All in all, Indianapolis is a damn fine town to live in and has much to be proud of. It's my hometown and I'm damn proud to be from there.


Indianapolis is a nice city.

indianapolis có nghĩa là

A sad city in the center of the U.S. state Indiana, there is nothing to do there and people should avoid this cesspool of depression and pot smokers.


I feel like Indianapolis today.

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