Java 8 list add if not exists



Return the contained value, if present, otherwise throw an exception to be created by the provided supplier.

Popular methods of Optional

  • get
  • orElse
  • isPresent
  • ofNullable
  • empty
  • of
  • map
  • ifPresent
  • orElseGet
  • filter
  • flatMap
  • equals
  • flatMap,
  • equals,
  • hashCode,
  • toString,
  • isEmpty,
  • ,
  • ifPresentOrElse,
  • or,
  • stream

Popular in Java

  • Making http post requests using okhttp
  • scheduleAtFixedRate [ScheduledExecutorService]
  • compareTo [BigDecimal]
  • startActivity [Activity]
  • FileWriter []
    A specialized Writer that writes to a file in the file system. All write requests made by calling me
  • URI []
    A Uniform Resource Identifier that identifies an abstract or physical resource, as specified by RFC
  • HashSet [java.util]
    HashSet is an implementation of a Set. All optional operations [adding and removing] are supported.
  • LinkedList [java.util]
    Doubly-linked list implementation of the List and Dequeinterfaces. Implements all optional list oper
  • JOptionPane [javax.swing]
  • JTextField [javax.swing]
  • Sublime Text for Python

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