Limit point in topology Examples

From Knowino

In topology, a limit point [or "accumulation point"] of a subset S of a topological space X is a point x that cannot be separated from S.

[edit] Definition

Formally, x is a limit point of S if every neighbourhood of x contains a point of S other than x itself.

A limit point of S need not belong to S, but may belong to it.

[edit] Metric space

In a metric space [X,d], a limit point of a set S may be defined as a point x such that for all ε > 0 there exists a point y in S such that

This agrees with the topological definition given above.

[edit] Properties

  • A subset S is closed if and only if it contains all its limit points.
  • The closure of a set S is the union of S with its limit points.

[edit] Derived set

The derived set of S is the set of all limit points of S. A point of S which is not a limit point is an isolated point of S. A set with no isolated points is dense-in-itself. A set is perfect if it is closed and dense-in-itself; equivalently a perfect set is equal to its derived set.


[edit] Limit point of a sequence

A limit point of a sequence [an] in a topological space X is a point x such that every neighbourhood U of x contains all points of the sequence with numbers above some n[U]. A limit point of the sequence [an] need not be a limit point of the set {an}.

[edit] Adherent point

A point x is an adherent point or contact point of a set S if every neighbourhood of x contains a point of S [not necessarily distinct from x].

A point x is an ω-accumulation point of a set S if every neighbourhood of x contains infinitely many points of S.

[edit] Condensation point

A point x is a condensation point of a set S if every neighbourhood of x contains uncountably many points of S.

[edit] References

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From ProofWiki


Let $T = \struct {S, \tau}$ be a topological space.

Limit Point of Set

Let $A \subseteq S$.

Definition from Open Neighborhood

A point $x \in S$ is a limit point of $A$ if and only if every open neighborhood $U$ of $x$ satisfies:

$A \cap \paren {U \setminus \set x} \ne \O$

That is, if and only if every open set $U \in \tau$ such that $x \in U$ contains some point of $A$ distinct from $x$.

More symbolically, a point $x \in S$ is a limit point of $A$ if and only if

$\forall U\in \tau :x\in U \implies A \cap \paren {U \setminus \set x} \ne \O\text{.}$

Definition from Closure

A point $x \in S$ is a limit point of $A$ if and only if

$x$ belongs to the closure of $A$ but is not an isolated point of $A$.

Definition from Adherent Point

A point $x \in S$ is a limit point of $A$ if and only if $x$ is an adherent point of $A$ but is not an isolated point of $A$.

Definition from Relative Complement

A point $x \in S$ is a limit point of $A$ if and only if $\left[{S \setminus A}\right] \cup \left\{{x}\right\}$ is not a neighborhood of $x$.

Limit Point of Point

The concept of a limit point can be sharpened to apply to individual points, as follows:

Let $a \in S$.

A point $x \in S, x \ne a$ is a limit point of $a$ if and only if every open neighborhood of $x$ contains $a$.

That is, it is a limit point of the singleton $\set a$.

Limit Point of Sequence

Let $T = \struct {S, \tau}$ be a topological space.

Let $A \subseteq S$.

Let $\sequence {x_n}$ be a sequence in $A$.

Let $\sequence {x_n}$ converge to a value $\alpha \in S$.

Then $\alpha$ is known as a limit [point] of $\sequence {x_n}$ [as $n$ tends to infinity].


End Points of Real Interval

The real number $a$ is a limit point of both the open real interval $\openint a b$ as well as of the closed real interval $\closedint a b$.

It is noted that $a \in \closedint a b$ but $a \notin \openint a b$.

Union of Singleton with Open Real Interval

Let $\R$ be the set of real numbers.

Let $H \subseteq \R$ be the subset of $\R$ defined as:

$H = \set 0 \cup \openint 1 2$

Then $0$ is not a limit point of $H$.

Real Number is Limit Point of Rational Numbers in Real Numbers

Let $\R$ be the set of real numbers.

Let $\Q$ be the set of rational numbers.

Let $x \in \R$.

Then $x$ is a limit point of $\Q$.

Zero is Limit Point of Integer Reciprocal Space

Let $A \subseteq \R$ be the set of all points on $\R$ defined as:

$A := \set {\dfrac 1 n : n \in \Z_{>0} }$

Let $\struct {A, \tau_d}$ be the integer reciprocal space under the usual [Euclidean] topology.

Then $0$ is the only limit point of $A$ in $\R$.

  • The set $\Z$ has no limit points in the usual [Euclidean] topology of $\R$.


  • Equivalence of Definitions of Limit Point
  • Relationship between Limit Point Types
  • Results about limit points can be found here.

Let $[X,\tau]$ be a topological space where $X = \{a,b,c,d\}$, $\tau=\{\emptyset,X,\{a\},\{a,b\},\{a,c\},\{a,b,c\}\}$. Then what are limit points of the set $A = \{a,c,d\}$?

Is it true that $b$, $c$ and $d$ are limit points?

See also: Limit of a function and Limit of a sequence

In mathematics, a limit point [or cluster point or accumulation point] of a set S {\displaystyle S}

in a topological space X {\displaystyle X}
is a point x {\displaystyle x}
that can be "approximated" by points of S {\displaystyle S} in the sense that every neighbourhood of x {\displaystyle x} with respect to the topology on X {\displaystyle X} also contains a point of S {\displaystyle S} other than x {\displaystyle x} itself. A limit point of a set S {\displaystyle S} does not itself have to be an element of S . {\displaystyle S.}
There is also a closely related concept for sequences. A cluster point or accumulation point of a sequence [ x n ] n ∈ N {\displaystyle [x_{n}]_{n\in \mathbb {N} }}
in a topological space X {\displaystyle X} is a point x {\displaystyle x} such that, for every neighbourhood V {\displaystyle V}
of x , {\displaystyle x,}
there are infinitely many natural numbers n {\displaystyle n}
such that x n ∈ V . {\displaystyle x_{n}\in V.}
This definition of a cluster or accumulation point of a sequence generalizes to nets and filters. In contrast to sets, for a sequence, net, or filter, the term "limit point" is not synonymous with a "cluster/accumulation point"; by definition, the similarly named notion of a limit point of a filter[1] [respectively, a limit point of a sequence,[2] a limit point of a net] refers to a point that the filter converges to [respectively, the sequence converges to, the net converges to].

The limit points of a set should not be confused with adherent points for which every neighbourhood of x {\displaystyle x} contains a point of S {\displaystyle S} . Unlike for limit points, this point of S {\displaystyle S} may be x {\displaystyle x} itself. A limit point can be characterized as an adherent point that is not an isolated point.

Limit points of a set should also not be confused with boundary points. For example, 0 {\displaystyle 0} is a boundary point [but not a limit point] of set { 0 } {\displaystyle \{0\}}

in R {\displaystyle \mathbb {R} }
with standard topology. However, 0.5 {\displaystyle 0.5}
is a limit point [though not a boundary point] of interval [ 0 , 1 ] {\displaystyle [0,1]}
in R {\displaystyle \mathbb {R} } with standard topology [for a less trivial example of a limit point, see the first caption].[3][4][5]

This concept profitably generalizes the notion of a limit and is the underpinning of concepts such as closed set and topological closure. Indeed, a set is closed if and only if it contains all of its limit points, and the topological closure operation can be thought of as an operation that enriches a set by uniting it with its limit points.

With respect to the usual Euclidean topology, the sequence of rational numbers x n = [ − 1 ] n n n + 1 {\displaystyle x_{n}=[-1]^{n}{\frac {n}{n+1}}}
has no limit [i.e. does not converge], but has two accumulation points [which are considered limit points here], viz. -1 and +1. Thus, thinking of sets, these points are limit points of the set S = { x n } . {\displaystyle S=\{x_{n}\}.}

Let S {\displaystyle S}   be a subset of a topological space X . {\displaystyle X.}   A point x {\displaystyle x}   in X {\displaystyle X}   is a limit point or cluster point or accumulation point of the set S {\displaystyle S}   if every neighbourhood of x {\displaystyle x}   contains at least one point of S {\displaystyle S}   different from x {\displaystyle x}   itself.

It does not make a difference if we restrict the condition to open neighbourhoods only. It is often convenient to use the "open neighbourhood" form of the definition to show that a point is a limit point and to use the "general neighbourhood" form of the definition to derive facts from a known limit point.

If X {\displaystyle X}   is a T 1 {\displaystyle T_{1}}   space [such as a metric space], then x ∈ X {\displaystyle x\in X}   is a limit point of S {\displaystyle S}   if and only if every neighbourhood of x {\displaystyle x}   contains infinitely many points of S . {\displaystyle S.}  [6] In fact, T 1 {\displaystyle T_{1}}   spaces are characterized by this property.

If X {\displaystyle X}   is a Fréchet–Urysohn space [which all metric spaces and first-countable spaces are], then x ∈ X {\displaystyle x\in X}   is a limit point of S {\displaystyle S}   if and only if there is a sequence of points in S ∖ { x } {\displaystyle S\setminus \{x\}}   whose limit is x . {\displaystyle x.}   In fact, Fréchet–Urysohn spaces are characterized by this property.

The set of limit points of S {\displaystyle S}   is called the derived set of S . {\displaystyle S.}  

Types of accumulation points

If every neighbourhood of x {\displaystyle x}   contains infinitely many points of S , {\displaystyle S,}   then x {\displaystyle x}   is a specific type of limit point called an ω-accumulation point of S . {\displaystyle S.}  

If every neighbourhood of x {\displaystyle x}   contains uncountably many points of S , {\displaystyle S,}   then x {\displaystyle x}   is a specific type of limit point called a condensation point of S . {\displaystyle S.}  

If every neighbourhood U {\displaystyle U}   of x {\displaystyle x}   satisfies | U ∩ S | = | S | , {\displaystyle \left|U\cap S\right|=\left|S\right|,}   then x {\displaystyle x}   is a specific type of limit point called a complete accumulation point of S . {\displaystyle S.}  

Accumulation points of sequences and nets


A sequence enumerating all positive rational numbers. Each positive real number is a cluster point.

In a topological space X , {\displaystyle X,}   a point x ∈ X {\displaystyle x\in X}   is said to be a cluster point or accumulation point of a sequence x ∙ = [ x n ] n = 1 ∞ {\displaystyle x_{\bullet }=\left[x_{n}\right]_{n=1}^{\infty }}   if, for every neighbourhood V {\displaystyle V}   of x , {\displaystyle x,}   there are infinitely many n ∈ N {\displaystyle n\in \mathbb {N} }   such that x n ∈ V . {\displaystyle x_{n}\in V.}   It is equivalent to say that for every neighbourhood V {\displaystyle V}   of x {\displaystyle x}   and every n 0 ∈ N , {\displaystyle n_{0}\in \mathbb {N} ,}   there is some n ≥ n 0 {\displaystyle n\geq n_{0}}   such that x n ∈ V . {\displaystyle x_{n}\in V.}   If X {\displaystyle X}   is a metric space or a first-countable space [or, more generally, a Fréchet–Urysohn space], then x {\displaystyle x}   is a cluster point of x ∙ {\displaystyle x_{\bullet }}   if and only if x {\displaystyle x}   is a limit of some subsequence of x ∙ . {\displaystyle x_{\bullet }.}   The set of all cluster points of a sequence is sometimes called the limit set.

Note that there is already the notion of limit of a sequence to mean a point x {\displaystyle x}   to which the sequence converges [that is, every neighborhood of x {\displaystyle x}   contains all but finitely many elements of the sequence]. That is why we do not use the term limit point of a sequence as a synonym for accumulation point of the sequence.

The concept of a net generalizes the idea of a sequence. A net is a function f : [ P , ≤ ] → X , {\displaystyle f:[P,\leq ]\to X,}   where [ P , ≤ ] {\displaystyle [P,\leq ]}   is a directed set and X {\displaystyle X}   is a topological space. A point x ∈ X {\displaystyle x\in X}   is said to be a cluster point or accumulation point of a net f {\displaystyle f}   if, for every neighbourhood V {\displaystyle V}   of x {\displaystyle x}   and every p 0 ∈ P , {\displaystyle p_{0}\in P,}   there is some p ≥ p 0 {\displaystyle p\geq p_{0}}   such that f [ p ] ∈ V , {\displaystyle f[p]\in V,}   equivalently, if f {\displaystyle f}   has a subnet which converges to x . {\displaystyle x.}   Cluster points in nets encompass the idea of both condensation points and ω-accumulation points. Clustering and limit points are also defined for filters.

Every sequence x ∙ = [ x n ] n = 1 ∞ {\displaystyle x_{\bullet }=\left[x_{n}\right]_{n=1}^{\infty }}   in X {\displaystyle X}   is by definition just a map x ∙ : N → X {\displaystyle x_{\bullet }:\mathbb {N} \to X}   so that its image Im ⁡ x ∙ := { x n : n ∈ N } {\displaystyle \operatorname {Im} x_{\bullet }:=\left\{x_{n}:n\in \mathbb {N} \right\}}   can be defined in the usual way.

  • If there exists an element x ∈ X {\displaystyle x\in X}   that occurs infinitely many times in the sequence, x {\displaystyle x}   is an accumulation point of the sequence. But x {\displaystyle x}   need not be an accumulation point of the corresponding set Im ⁡ x ∙ . {\displaystyle \operatorname {Im} x_{\bullet }.}   For example, if the sequence is the constant sequence with value x , {\displaystyle x,}   we have Im ⁡ x ∙ = { x } {\displaystyle \operatorname {Im} x_{\bullet }=\{x\}}   and x {\displaystyle x}   is an isolated point of Im ⁡ x ∙ {\displaystyle \operatorname {Im} x_{\bullet }}   and not an accumulation point of Im ⁡ x ∙ . {\displaystyle \operatorname {Im} x_{\bullet }.}  
  • If no element occurs infinitely many times in the sequence, for example if all the elements are distinct, any accumulation point of the sequence is an ω {\displaystyle \omega }  -accumulation point of the associated set Im ⁡ x ∙ . {\displaystyle \operatorname {Im} x_{\bullet }.}  

Conversely, given a countable infinite set A ⊆ X {\displaystyle A\subseteq X}   in X , {\displaystyle X,}   we can enumerate all the elements of A {\displaystyle A}   in many ways, even with repeats, and thus associate with it many sequences x ∙ {\displaystyle x_{\bullet }}   that will satisfy A = Im ⁡ x ∙ . {\displaystyle A=\operatorname {Im} x_{\bullet }.}  

  • Any ω {\displaystyle \omega }  -accumulation point of A {\displaystyle A}   is an accumulation point of any of the corresponding sequences [because any neighborhood of the point will contain infinitely many elements of A {\displaystyle A}   and hence also infinitely many terms in any associated sequence].
  • A point x ∈ X {\displaystyle x\in X}   that is not an ω {\displaystyle \omega }  -accumulation point of A {\displaystyle A}   cannot be an accumulation point of any of the associated sequences without infinite repeats [because x {\displaystyle x}   has a neighborhood that contains only finitely many [possibly even none] points of A {\displaystyle A}   and that neighborhood can only contain finitely many terms of such sequences].

Every limit of a non-constant sequence is an accumulation point of the sequence. And by definition, every limit point is an adherent point.

The closure cl ⁡ [ S ] {\displaystyle \operatorname {cl} [S]}   of a set S {\displaystyle S}   is a disjoint union of its limit points L [ S ] {\displaystyle L[S]}   and isolated points I [ S ] {\displaystyle I[S]}  :

cl ⁡ [ S ] = L [ S ] ∪ I [ S ] , L [ S ] ∩ I [ S ] = ∅ . {\displaystyle \operatorname {cl} [S]=L[S]\cup I[S],L[S]\cap I[S]=\varnothing .}


A point x ∈ X {\displaystyle x\in X}   is a limit point of S ⊆ X {\displaystyle S\subseteq X}   if and only if it is in the closure of S ∖ { x } . {\displaystyle S\setminus \{x\}.}  


We use the fact that a point is in the closure of a set if and only if every neighborhood of the point meets the set. Now, x {\displaystyle x}   is a limit point of S , {\displaystyle S,}   if and only if every neighborhood of x {\displaystyle x}   contains a point of S {\displaystyle S}   other than x , {\displaystyle x,}   if and only if every neighborhood of x {\displaystyle x}   contains a point of S ∖ { x } , {\displaystyle S\setminus \{x\},}   if and only if x {\displaystyle x}   is in the closure of S ∖ { x } . {\displaystyle S\setminus \{x\}.}  

If we use L [ S ] {\displaystyle L[S]}   to denote the set of limit points of S , {\displaystyle S,}   then we have the following characterization of the closure of S {\displaystyle S}  : The closure of S {\displaystyle S}   is equal to the union of S {\displaystyle S}   and L [ S ] . {\displaystyle L[S].}   This fact is sometimes taken as the definition of closure.


["Left subset"] Suppose x {\displaystyle x}   is in the closure of S . {\displaystyle S.}   If x {\displaystyle x}   is in S , {\displaystyle S,}   we are done. If x {\displaystyle x}   is not in S , {\displaystyle S,}   then every neighbourhood of x {\displaystyle x}   contains a point of S , {\displaystyle S,}   and this point cannot be x . {\displaystyle x.}   In other words, x {\displaystyle x}   is a limit point of S {\displaystyle S}   and x {\displaystyle x}   is in L [ S ] . {\displaystyle L[S].}  

["Right subset"] If x {\displaystyle x}   is in S , {\displaystyle S,}   then every neighbourhood of x {\displaystyle x}   clearly meets S , {\displaystyle S,}   so x {\displaystyle x}   is in the closure of S . {\displaystyle S.}   If x {\displaystyle x}   is in L [ S ] , {\displaystyle L[S],}   then every neighbourhood of x {\displaystyle x}   contains a point of S {\displaystyle S}   [other than x {\displaystyle x}  ], so x {\displaystyle x}   is again in the closure of S . {\displaystyle S.}   This completes the proof.

A corollary of this result gives us a characterisation of closed sets: A set S {\displaystyle S}   is closed if and only if it contains all of its limit points.


Proof 1: S {\displaystyle S}   is closed if and only if S {\displaystyle S}   is equal to its closure if and only if S = S ∪ L [ S ] {\displaystyle S=S\cup L[S]}   if and only if L [ S ] {\displaystyle L[S]}   is contained in S . {\displaystyle S.}  

Proof 2: Let S {\displaystyle S}   be a closed set and x {\displaystyle x}   a limit point of S . {\displaystyle S.}   If x {\displaystyle x}   is not in S , {\displaystyle S,}   then the complement to S {\displaystyle S}   comprises an open neighbourhood of x . {\displaystyle x.}   Since x {\displaystyle x}   is a limit point of S , {\displaystyle S,}   any open neighbourhood of x {\displaystyle x}   should have a non-trivial intersection with S . {\displaystyle S.}   However, a set can not have a non-trivial intersection with its complement. Conversely, assume S {\displaystyle S}   contains all its limit points. We shall show that the complement of S {\displaystyle S}   is an open set. Let x {\displaystyle x}   be a point in the complement of S . {\displaystyle S.}   By assumption, x {\displaystyle x}   is not a limit point, and hence there exists an open neighbourhood U {\displaystyle U}   of x {\displaystyle x}   that does not intersect S , {\displaystyle S,}   and so U {\displaystyle U}   lies entirely in the complement of S . {\displaystyle S.}   Since this argument holds for arbitrary x {\displaystyle x}   in the complement of S , {\displaystyle S,}   the complement of S {\displaystyle S}   can be expressed as a union of open neighbourhoods of the points in the complement of S . {\displaystyle S.}   Hence the complement of S {\displaystyle S}   is open.

No isolated point is a limit point of any set.


If x {\displaystyle x}   is an isolated point, then { x } {\displaystyle \{x\}}   is a neighbourhood of x {\displaystyle x}   that contains no points other than x . {\displaystyle x.}  

A space X {\displaystyle X}   is discrete if and only if no subset of X {\displaystyle X}   has a limit point.


If X {\displaystyle X}   is discrete, then every point is isolated and cannot be a limit point of any set. Conversely, if X {\displaystyle X}   is not discrete, then there is a singleton { x } {\displaystyle \{x\}}   that is not open. Hence, every open neighbourhood of { x } {\displaystyle \{x\}}   contains a point y ≠ x , {\displaystyle y\neq x,}   and so x {\displaystyle x}   is a limit point of X . {\displaystyle X.}  

If a space X {\displaystyle X}   has the trivial topology and S {\displaystyle S}   is a subset of X {\displaystyle X}   with more than one element, then all elements of X {\displaystyle X}   are limit points of S . {\displaystyle S.}   If S {\displaystyle S}   is a singleton, then every point of X ∖ S {\displaystyle X\setminus S}   is a limit point of S . {\displaystyle S.}  


As long as S ∖ { x } {\displaystyle S\setminus \{x\}}   is nonempty, its closure will be X . {\displaystyle X.}   It is only empty when S {\displaystyle S}   is empty or x {\displaystyle x}   is the unique element of S . {\displaystyle S.}  

  • Adherent point – Point that belongs to the closure of some give subset of a topological space
  • Condensation point
  • Convergent filter
  • Derived set [mathematics]
  • Filters in topology – Use of filters to describe and characterize all basic topological notions and results.
  • Isolated point – Point of a subset S around which there are no other points of S
  • Limit of a function – Point to which functions converge in topology
  • Limit of a sequence – Value to which tends an infinite sequence
  • Subsequential limit – The limit of some subsequence

  1. ^ Bourbaki 1989, pp. 68–83.
  2. ^ Dugundji 1966, pp. 209–210.
  3. ^ "Difference between boundary point & limit point". 2021-01-13.
  4. ^ "What is a limit point". 2021-01-13.
  5. ^ "Examples of Accumulation Points". 2021-01-13.
  6. ^ Munkres 2000, pp. 97–102.

  • Bourbaki, Nicolas [1989] [1966]. General Topology: Chapters 1–4 [Topologie Générale]. Éléments de mathématique. Berlin New York: Springer Science & Business Media. ISBN 978-3-540-64241-1. OCLC 18588129.
  • Dugundji, James [1966]. Topology. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. ISBN 978-0-697-06889-7. OCLC 395340485.
  • Munkres, James R. [2000]. Topology [Second ed.]. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, Inc. ISBN 978-0-13-181629-9. OCLC 42683260.
  • "Limit point of a set", Encyclopedia of Mathematics, EMS Press, 2001 [1994]

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