Lỗi could not find file e ger ger gerinput xmldata năm 2024

I have a problem while executing a data validation map with an XML file. The Command Server window shows me the right number of objects traited for the input but there is no output and the message is :"One or more inputs was invalid".

I execute the map another time, but with a trace and now I can read in the trace : "INPUT 1 was valid.". And I still have my error message in my Command Server window...

The interesting thing is that when I look at the more detailed trace, I can see this type of message :

The "Export" button under Developer -> XML in Microsoft Excel is used to export XML data to an XML data file. This feature is designed to export XML data that has been imported into Excel using the "Developer -> XML" functionality or other XML data import methods. It allows users to save the data in an XML format that can be used for further processing or sharing with other applications.

However, the "Export" button is not meant to export any XML data that was not previously imported into Excel. It does not provide a generic way to export arbitrary XML data to an XML file. Therefore, trying to export XML data that was manually entered or copied into Excel will likely result in an error, as you mentioned.

In the specific case of the sample XML you provided, it was not imported into Excel using the XML import functionality. It was manually entered as text in the worksheet. Therefore, attempting to export it using the "Export" button will not work, and you will encounter the error.

If you want to export the sample XML data to an XML file, you will need to use other methods outside of Excel, such as saving the sample XML data directly to a text file with a ".xml" extension using a text editor or a specialized XML editor.

To summarize, the "Export" button in Excel is intended for exporting previously imported XML data, and it won't work for arbitrary XML data entered manually. If you need to save XML data that was not imported into Excel, you'll have to use other methods for exporting it to an XML file.

Most likely an error with the Federal return. if there was only a problem with the state the Fed would probably go through. A federal rejection automatically results in a state rejection. since this seems to be a recent issue, I would wait til Monday to submit to see if TT fixes the issue or has a solution.

The XML data has failed schema validation. The reason for this error is

The most common reasons taxpayers receive X0000-005 XML Schema Validation Errors: 1. You incorrectly used one or more of those little grey boxes [Tax Literal Fields]. The forms contain small grey boxes that appear to the left of where you put your figures. These areas appear throughout the form.

  1. You should not put any data into these areas unless the form instructions tell you to do so.
  2. Properly entering a Tax Literal usually requires input into a description field and a corresponding amount field. The description field is usually the first Tax Literal field and may accept alpha and numeric characters. The "Amount" Tax Literal fields only accept numeric characters.
  3. The program will only allow one Tax Literal [a description field and an amount field] per line.
  4. If instructed to enter a Tax Literal, you must enter the Tax Literal exactly as it appears in the form instructions. Include any capital letters, but do not include any quotation marks. There are tables below that show the acceptable Tax Literals; however, you should always consult the instructions for the form you are working on. 2. All the necessary lines/boxes of the electronic W-2 were not complete 3. Taxpayers put erroneous information [other federal withholding]

here are some other possibilities

IRS rejection X0000-005 occurs when something inside the return is not conforming to IRS standards.

There are several possibilities that can cause this rejection since it covers nearly every field in a return.

Select the PTF appropriate for your component level. You will be required to sign in. Distribution on physical media is not available in all countries.

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSVSD8","label":"IBM Transformation Extender"},"Component":"","ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"8.2","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}},{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU054","label":"Systems w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SG19M","label":"APARs - z\/OS environment"},"Component":"","ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"8.2","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""}}]

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