maritimes là gì - Nghĩa của từ maritimes

maritimes có nghĩa là

A real Canadian, unlike those asswipes from Ontario and Alberta. The original and best part of Canada, where people are down to earth, take the time to talk with you and ask how you are doing, and are known for being friendly.

Oh, and we actually respect America, our neighbours and trade partners. Hell, we should join New England, as the rest of Canada has no respect for what we have to offer.


"So, you're a Maritimer... you backward Newfie!"

"No, dick wad, Newfoundland is classified only as a part of Atlantic Canada, not the Maritimes. Doesn't the watered down education system in Ontario teach geography?"

maritimes có nghĩa là

A term used to describe a person who comes from or lives in the Maritime or Atlantic provinces of Canada; Newfoundland, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. These four provinces in particular have a rich sea-faring heritage, thus the derivation from the naughtical word "maritime", meaning having to do with the sea.


"I met a maritimer the other day. He said he came from Newfoundland."

maritimes có nghĩa là

A term used for a person living in the Atlantic provinces of Canada. i.e. Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island.

Maritimers tend to make fun of Americans, not unlike how other Canadians do, except with no logic behind it.

Maritimers are also very ignorant people, and should look at themselves before judging people from southern states like Alabama.


Albertans: Those Maritimers are so dumb, eh?

maritimes có nghĩa là

1. The collective name for the Canadian Provinces of Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick.

2.Where many of the inter-provincial Canadian immigrants are from.

3.A quiet, affordable, reasonably safe and naturally beautiful [if not boring] place to have a home and raise a family or take a vacation.


1. Want a summer full of Lobster and beaches but light on the wallet? Head on down to the Maritimes.

2.I saw alot of people from the maritimes when I went to Calgary for that job interview.

3.If you want a quiet life near an ocean where you don't have to pay 3000$ a month for a basement apartment and worry about mountain lions eating you on the way to your car, do we have the place for you.

maritimes có nghĩa là

A condition that occurs when a cadet is at New York Maritime College for too long, resualting in an illision that makes females more attractive than they really are. Similar to beer goggles, the two should never be combined in an unsafe area. The effects of the combination of the two are catastrophic, often resaulting in massive quantities of shame and ridicule by peers. There is, in fact, an equation that describes the potency of Maritime Goggles, h+[.15w]=mgh, with h being equal to the initial hotness of the chick, w being equal to the number of consecutive weeks a cadet is stuck on campus ]whithout being off campus for a span of >1week], and mgh being equal to the maritime goggle hotness, or the final hotness of the chick.


Maritime Cadet: "Wow, look at that hottie in the mini-skirt!"
Normal Dude: "Uh, bro, she's no better than a 6."
Maritime Cadet: "Damn maritime goggles again, ive been stuck there too long." if a girl is a 6 to one uneffected by maritime goggles, and is seen afer a cadet has been stuck on campus for 7 weeks, then she is now a 7.05 under maritime goggles, because 6+[.15*7]=7.05. The mgh potancy factor would be 1.05

maritimes có nghĩa là

An entity who inhabits the Atlantic regions of Canada. Maritimers' strong desire for Moosehead brand beer is only exceeded by their tendencies to perform anal sex on local moose who also inhabit the area. When a Maritimer is content, it will retire to its Velvet chair and usually smoke marijuana unit it passes out or pisses on itself. Use great caution when when visiting the Maritime region of Canada. Butt plugs are widely available in all Welcome Centers near the border.


"Over here to the left you will see one of our prized local moose!" said the Canada Park Ranger "You can tell the Maritime moose from the other species because of their distinctive gait." "Hey!" said the tourist "That moose walks just like the ones we saw at Yellowstone!" "Yep. Looks like our Maritimers have been spending too much time on JTV" said Ranger Steve

maritimes có nghĩa là

I agree with the other guy, Ryan, who shit all over this region! Because it IS a piece of shit place to live! Friendly people - my ass. I have lived successfully in every major city in Canada. Why the hell did I feel it necessary to come out east then? Fuck knows! The biggest mistake I ever made.


The maritimes breed are just a bunch of sorry-ass whiners and complainers out here - and some who even think they're better than everyone else HA! now if that isn't a Laugh Out Loud notion, nothing is.

maritimes có nghĩa là

Maritimes - to the worthless deadbeat Ryan S McNamara - the Maritimes happens to be one of the FEW places in Canada where they happen to speak PROPER UK English. He says hick - most of the rest of Canada in comparison speaks the American English which as the rest of the world knows is the hick English. .... Maritimes can attribute themselves to the fact that their accent in particular is original & authentic. Basically they're not losers who want to be Americans, like a vast majority of Canadians, and speak PROPER English.


Ryan S McNamara is a inbred hick who is not from the Maritimes.

maritimes có nghĩa là

When there are two beer left on the plastic rings of a six pack. It is pulled apart by two people, similar to a thanksgiving turkeys wishbone, who make wishes. The person with the plastic six pack rings left on the beer has their wish come true. A Maritimer is a person who lives in the Maritimes in Canada.
Generally thought to be more hickish then those from other parts of Canada.


A frown appeared on Jerry's face, as he held up what was left of the beer.... a maritimers wishbone.

maritimes có nghĩa là

a person who has not had sexual intercourse on a boat in a body of salt water


These sailors keep making up stories of mermaids and mermen. What a bunch of maritime virgins.

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