Most computer users organize their files into directories, which are also known by what term?

Updated: 11/06/2021 by

Alternatively referred to as file management or FS, a file system is a method of organizing and retrieving files from a storage medium [e.g., hard drive]. File systems usually consist of files separated into groups called directories. Directories can contain files or additional directories. Today, the most commonly used file system with Windows is NTFS.

Without file management, all files would have no organization, and it would be impossible for a file with the same name to exist. Files are most often managed in a hierarchy, which lets you view files in the current directory and then navigate into any subdirectories.

Examples of file systems

Over the evolution of computers, there have been many different file systems used. Below are links to the most common file systems.

  • exFAT
  • FAT [e.g., FAT16 and FAT32]
  • GFS
  • HFS
  • NTFS
  • UDF

How are files managed by the user?

To manage and organize the directories and files on their computer, they use a file manager. For example, in Microsoft Windows, you'd use Explorer, which is a file manager.

Computer acronyms, Directory, File, Fstype, Journaling file system, Operating system terms, Partition, System component

When you store data in a computer file on a persistent storage device, what are you doing?


Multiple Choice

The terms directory and folder are used synonymously to refer to an entity that is used to organize files.


True False

Files exist on devices such as hard disks, USB drives, reels of magnetic tape, and optical discs.What are these files considered to be?


Multiple Choice

Most computer users organize their files into directories, which are also known by what term?

Multiple Choice

How does a C# application open a file?

Multiple Choice

The File class is contained in the System.IOFile namespace.

True False

When a C# application is done using a file, what should it do with the file?

Multiple Choice

When you copy data from a file on a storage device into RAM, what are you doing?

Multiple Choice

Permanent storage that does not lose contents when a computer loses power is known as what type of storage?

Multiple Choice

A CSV file contains values separated by semicolon delimiters.

True False

A data file is what type of file when each record is read in order of its position in the file?

Multiple Choice

What is a collection of fields that contain data about an entity?

Multiple Choice

When you write a program and save it to a disk, you are using temporary storage.

True False

What class contains methods that allow you to access information about files?

Multiple Choice

Files are used to store data on nonvolatile memory.

True False

What class can be used to provide information on directories or folders?

Multiple Choice

Due to the fact that data can be erased from files, what term do programmers generally prefer over permanent storage?

Multiple Choice

What format is used by files that store music or images?

Multiple Choice

When you write a C# program that stores a value in a variable, you are using temporary storage; the value you store is lost when the program ends or the computer loses power.What is the name for this kind of storage?

Multiple Choice

What term describes any one of the letters, numbers, or other special symbols [such as punctuation marks] that comprise data.

Multiple Choice

What are files and directories in computer?

A directory is an area on the computer containing other directories and files and helps keep the computer organized. Files can be contained within a directory and contain information used by the operating system or other programs on the computer. See our file page for further information on files.

What is the process of converting objects into streams of bytes known as?

Serialization is the process of converting an object into a stream of bytes to store the object or transmit it to memory, a database, or a file. Its main purpose is to save the state of an object in order to be able to recreate it when needed. The reverse process is called deserialization.

How files are stored in computer?

Saved files are stored on a computer's hard disc. The hard drive is a data storage system that uses magnetic storage to store and receive digital data with a rapidly spinning disc coated with magnetic material.

What do you call the organization of files and folders on a disk quizlet?

Directory: The organization of files and folders on a disk.

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