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Answer Keys Answers for Academic Practice Test 3 Listening Section 1 1 Simmons 2 Ocean Drive 3 Unlimited 4 24 Month 5

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Answers for Academic Practice Test 3 Listening

Section 1

1 Simmons 2 Ocean Drive 3 Unlimited 4 24 Month 5 White 6 [a] goldfish 7 30 June/30 June/June 30/June 30th 8 Modem 9 Home phone 10 Security

Section 4 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

Interventions Policies Housing Statistics Evaluate Cooperate Economic Critical Gender micro-credit

Section 2 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

D B H A C G Tourists Monday[s] Happy Dragon 3231190

Section 3 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

B C A B A Documents Shortlist Tailor Call Ask questions

106 ELTS Brochure with Folio-overidenew-P2.indd 106

IELTS Essential Guide 9/16/2015 13:46:34

Answer Keys

Answers for Academic Practice Test 3 Reading

Each question correctly answered scores 1 mark. Correct spelling is needed in all answers.

Section 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

TRUE NOT GIVEN FALSE FALSE NOT GIVEN TRUE A young age The ruling monarch A nominations system An advisory panel B C F

30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40


Section 2 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26


Section 3 27 G 28 H 29 K

107 IELTS Essential Guide ELTS Brochure with Folio-overidenew-P2.indd 107

IELTS Essential Guide 107 9/16/2015 13:46:35

Answer Keys

Answers for Academic Practice Test 3 Writing

Task 1 The diagram demonstrates how a solar powered water pump is used to supply water for a village. There are three main components to the system: a solar panel, an underground bore or well with a water pump inside it, and a tank for holding the water after it has been pumped up from the underground source. The first part of the process involves collecting sunlight to power the pump. A solar panel consisting of photo-voltaic cells is mounted, facing the sun, on a raised pole well above the ground. DC electricity is collected when the panel is exposed to sunlight. This DC current travels from the panel to power a water pump, which is suspended below the water level inside an underground well or bore. The DC power is used to pump water from the well into an outlet pipe which runs from the pump up the well through the bore cap and into the top of a water tank which is situated on the ground nearby. The water then runs in a pipe to a village, where it provides fresh water to the residents. 186 Words.

Task 2 Students spend a great deal of time and money on tertiary study; therefore, vocational subjects would be a better investment in terms of immediate job opportunities. However, not everyone has an aptitude for science, engineering or medicine, and there is a need for graduates with expertise gained from arts courses. In subjects such as philosophy, students learn a valuable set of skills. They become active thinkers who learn how to solve problems, rather than passive learners who memorise facts and other peoples ideas. Philosophy students become proficient at critical and moral thinking, argumentation and debate. The ability to examine and analyse topical issues or challenge the status quo is very important. After all, someone needs to question the results or indeed the usefulness of scientific research, the politicians assertions, and historical events and assumptions in general. What is more, scandals in business and government emphasise the need for ethics in the corporate and public domain. The sciences and business are clearly very important for our community, and those who have talent should, of course, pursue a university degree and a career in those fields. If, however, they also have training in logic and analytical thinking or a broad general knowledge from studying arts subjects, they are more likely to be able to solve problems, create initiatives, identify bias and avoid major pitfalls as they progress through their careers. in short, I wholeheartedly disagree with the statement that arts subjects should not be taught. I suggest that every student should have instruction in philosophy, history or other arts subjects, even

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IELTS Essential Guide 9/16/2015 13:46:35

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Answers for Academic Practice Test 3 Writing

if they elect to major in the sciences, because learning critical thinking skills, and developing a wide background knowledge, will benefit them enormously in later life. In addition to this general training, we need specialist graduates in arts subjects to make their contribution to a well-rounded society. 307 Words.

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