Poetry dissertation topics

Robert Frost [Robert Frost ,1874-1963] is one of the most famous in the United States in the 20th century poet. His life, his pen stopped working, and created a lot of popular Masterpiece enjoy the honor of difficult to compare with other contemporary American poet. He was four-time winner of the Pulitzer Prize, invited to recite poetry in the inauguration of the President of the United States is the only poet. His poetry is well received by the American people and the people of the world's favorite. His influence not only in the country is huge, and has already gone beyond the U.S. borders. The paper intends to establish the structure of a historical narrative, discussion and research on the overall creation of Frost lifetime. The full range of papers, minute period, many sides to explore the ideological content of the artistic style of Robert Frost poetry. The papers reviewed Complete Poems of Robert Frost, poet from the 1913 publication from the first book of poems, \poet lifetime alone published nine books of poetry, drama as well as two separate published. Papers search for traces of the poet lifetime creative, to comment on Frost's poetry four chapters: Chapter 1: pastoral poetry: the early poetry; Chapter 2: perception of life; poetry 20-30's; Chapter 3: triumph over suffering : the poetry of the 1940s; Chapter 4: the interaction of art and society: the late poetry. The papers, both from a macro grasp the characteristics of the poets, and also focused on the elucidation of the poet in the poetry of a certain stage characteristics. Chapter 1, mainly from the perspective of the formation of pastoral poetry explored Frost early published three volumes of poetry: the wish of \pastoral poet of the industrial society the true meaning of the title. This chapter is divided into two, in the first section, the article first pointed out that industrial society as a pastoral singer famous poet, Robert Frost his life have insisted spirit and nature, dialogue, and rural life placed their own spiritual nature and rural life through dialogue. Secondly, whatever depth, full of papers on the reasons for the formation of the Robert Frost poem style and main connotation. The article points out that rural life and farm labor has a important impact on the formation of Frost's poetic style. This factor makes Frost's poetry is no longer simply to enjoy the vision to look at the natural beauty, from the depths of life through the sense of labor sentiment makes his poetry is not vague, not false, deeper on and establish a flesh and blood on the nature and form a natural and rustic poetry style. Finally, the article discusses the recursive iconicity This fully embodies the poet natural and simple poetic style structure. In the second section, the article maintains that Frost has never given up thinking in the Context of nature and rural life, including care for the little attention to women as well as the exploration of human nature are in this section focused on the topic. \the consciousness of the people-oriented in nature and pastoral Context, a performance poet care of the little people, the features speak for the little guy. In addition to the care of little people, Frost also wrote the contents a lot of poetry about women unfortunate life. Frost poetry depicting the living conditions of the female characters in society at that time living in the face of adversity and oppression, to explore the alienation of their repressed emotions, to show the life experience of the female characters are different from men, mentality and personality characteristics portrayed them confused and struggling in a male-dominated society. A matter of course, concerned about the little people and women, the poet inevitably involves a human problem. Frost poems, many places are exploring humanity. Therefore, the article devotes some space to select some of Frost's famous poem to elucidation of the poet of humanity's thinking. Chapter 2 discussed mainly from the point of view of the perception of life Frost's poetry in the 1920s and 1930s, involves three poems poet published in this period, \Mountains Beyond Mountains, and associated with the poet's journey. Half of American society in the twentieth century has entered the era of industrialization. Frost poetry writing during this period inevitably facing the surging tide of market economy, a strong commercial awareness, money worship rampant Context. The paper analyzes the poet, how to maintain peace of mind in the wave of commercial economy, how to embark on the tastes of the poetry of the road and how to adhere to the taste of the art of poetry. In this chapter, the article discussion focused on the poet perception of life on this topic. First, the article says Frost in the wave of rampant commercialization of the initiative to the pursuit of peace of mind, because only to keep the spiritual quiet to really think about life, the perception of life. Secondly, the thesis is divided into three levels of Frost perception of life in their daily lives: sentiment emotional sentiment of responsibility and sentiment philosophy. Again, the article that Frost has been with the heart and feeling and really came to realize that the variety and complexity of life, and this sentiment is reflected in his poetry, led to the poetry of Robert Frost as Brodsky said \Articles Frost poetry this simple - complex features a detailed and in-depth exploration and analysis, some of the more novel argument that Frost with plain language to describe complex ideas he conscious pursuit. The paper uses the metaphor conceptual scheme, the synthesis space theory, the concept of integration theory analysis of Frost's poetry, and strive to the internal structure of the peaceful easy language from the plain language of the inner tension up to explore, analyze the complexity of Frost poetry, and highlighted the root cause of the complexity of his poetry is that the poet came to realize the complexity of life. Finally, from the two sides, the article discusses the significance of Frost's poetry in the context of industrialization: 1. Warning industrialized society; hope people in harmony with nature. Chapter 3 triumph over suffering and religious thinking two perspectives detailed analysis and discussion of the poetry of Robert Frost in the 1940s published two new creations \the long poem \From the mid-1930s to the 1940s a period of years, suffering with poet. Daughter Marjorie died, the death of his wife, Eleanor, son Carol suicide. This period and the Second World War, the home difficult national calamity intertwined, the paper pointed out that through the analysis of some excellent poems sublimation from suffering consciousness series of suffering and defeat Frost, but to promote Fuluo Si especially from the suffering has been sublimated. Sublimation of this suffering consciousness makes Frost in this - during the creation of poetry was extremely heavy and profound. The article also focuses on the poet's religious thinking. Suffering of Frost attention and thinking of religion is especially pronounced during this period. Article Frost religious consciousness is the same strain, and Emerson is inconsistent with the traditional Western religious feelings. This unorthodox religious feelings reflect the creation of two of the drama in this period of the poet: \Article these two fully reflect the religious feelings of the poet, drama and a more detailed interpretation. Chapter 4 discussed mainly from the point of view of the arts and society late poems of Robert Frost. The article first start to explore the relationship between the art of poetry and politics from the poet's relationship with former U.S. President John F. Kennedy. Frost and Kennedy, an artist, a politician, has forged a profound friendship, while the elephants left in American poetry and literary history. President Kennedy's inauguration, Frost was invited to recite poetry. Founding two hundred years of the history of poetry in the United States is unique. Typical event provides a great deal of space to explain the interaction of art and society. This implied an event of unusual significance of art and society, the article carried out the in-depth review. Second, the article from the perspective of the arts and society of the poet's social thinking. Combining poetry interpretation are discussed three sides poet of social thinking: First, the dedication, patriotism, life responsibility. The articles detailed analysis of the works in this regard. Finally, the papers discuss the poet's art of thinking from the perspective of the arts and society. Frost in his later years, he has been thinking about the problems of the art of poetry. His last of a collection of poems \In short, the article from the point of view of the arts and society, the poet has been in the times, on the one hand, he has been concerned about the changes in society, on the other hand has been on his own unique poetic art unwavering with valuable the expansion.

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