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19 Best Utopian Science Fiction Books

Lilypad by Belgian architect Vincent Callebaut

Maybe true utopias are possible, but most science fiction writers suspect that living in perfect peace and harmony will require giving up some vital part of being human. Is it worth it?

Trouble on Triton
by Samuel R. Delany 1976

This comedy of manners focuses on Bron Helstrom, a young man living on Triton who has previously worked on Mars as a male prostitute. The society of Mars is far harsher than that of utopian Triton, and it has evidently influenced Brons personality. He is self-absorbed, often lacks insight about himself and others, and has great difficulty with personal relationships. Though the civilization of Triton offers everything that he could reasonably want, he is unhappy with his life, out of harmony with those around him, and continually looking for others to blame whenever things go wrong.

Triton itself is embattled and enters into a war with Earth.

Brons troubles become more and more complex, and he decides the best answer to his problems is to become a woman.

Author Delany has said that Trouble on Triton, whose subtitle is An Ambiguous Heterotopia, was written partly in dialogue with Ursula K. Le Guins anarchist science fiction novel The Dispossessed, whose subtitle was An Ambiguous Utopia.

Delanys most controlled, and therefore his most successful, experiment to date Triton is a novel of mannersthose of a rich and complex society in which the avowed highest good is the free expression of each individuals personality.
Gerald Jonas, New York Times Book Review

Men Like Gods
by H.G. Wells 1923

In the summer of 1921, a disenchanted journalist escapes the rat race for a drive in the country. But Mr. Barnstaples trip exceeds his expectations when he and other motorists are swept 3,000 years into the future. The inadvertent time travelers arrive in a world that corresponds exactly to Barnstaples ideals: a utopian state, free of crime, poverty, war, disease, and bigotry. Unfettered by the constraints of government and organized religion, the citizens lead rich, meaningful lives, spent in pursuit of their creative fancies. Barnstaples traveling companions, however, quickly contrive a scheme to remake the utopia in the image of their twentieth-century world.

Wellss optimistic take on working utopias will likely feel false to modern readers. Men Like Gods and other novels like it provoked Aldous Huxley to write Brave New World, a parody and critique of Wellsian utopian ideas.

Engine Summer
by John Crowley 1979

A young man named Rush that Speaks comes of age in Little Belaire, a mazelike village of invisible, shifting boundaries, of secret paths and meandering stories, and antique bric-a-brac carefully preserved in carved chests. Little Belaire appears to be free of any violence or even serious competition.

Rushs journey is set in motion when the girl he loves, Once a Day, elopes from Little Belaire to join another group, an enigmatic society called Dr. Bootss List.

He travels through a strange, post-apocalyptic world in pursuit of several seemingly incompatible goals.

Fans of this little-known book commonly place it their favorite ten books of all time.

by Ivan Yefremov 1957

Andromeda portrays Soviet author Yefremovs conception of a classic communist utopia set in a distant future. Throughout the novel, the authors attention is focused on the social and cultural aspects of the society, and the struggle to conquer vast cosmic distances. There are several principal heroes, including a starship captain, two scientists, a historian, and an archeologist. Though the world described in the novel is intended to be ideal, theres an attempt to show a conflict and its resolution with a voluntary self-punishment of a scientist whose reckless experiment caused damage. Theres also a fair amount of action in the episodes where the crew of the starship fight alien predators.

by Mike Resnick 1988

It is a series of parables about one mans attempt to preserve traditional African culture on a terraformed utopia.

Koriba, a distinguished, educated man of Kikuyu ancestry, knows that life was different for his people centuries ago, and he is determined to build a utopian colony, not on Earth, but on the terraformed planetoid he proudly names Kirinyaga.

As the mundumugu [witch doctor] Koriba leads the colonists. Reinstating the ancient customs and stringent laws of the Kikuyu people, he alone decides their fate. He must face many challenges to the struggling colonys survival: from a brilliant young girl whose radiant intellect could threaten their traditional ways to the interference of Maintenance which holds the power to revoke the colonys charter. All the while, only Koribaunbeknownst to his peoplemaintains the computer link to the rest of humanity.

Ironically, the Kirinyaga experiment threatens to collapsenot from violence or greedbut from humankinds insatiable desire for knowledge. The Kikuyu people can no more stand still in time than their planet can stop revolving around its sun.

School Library Journal

Pandoras Star
by Peter F. Hamilton 2004

Over one thousand light-years away, a star vanishes. It does not go supernova. It does not collapse into a black hole. It simply disappears. Since the location is too distant to reach by wormhole, a faster-than-light starship, the Second Chance, is dispatched to learn what has occurred and whether it represents a threat. In command is Wilson Kime, a five-time rejuvenated ex-NASA pilot whose glory days are centuries behind him. He comes across a deadly discovery whose unleashing will threaten to destroy the utopian Commonwealth and humanity itself.

Hamiltons exhilarating new opus proves that intelligent space opera isnt an oxymoron.
Publishers Weekly

Woman on the Edge of Time
by Marge Piercy 1976

In this classic feminist story, Connie Ramos is a Mexican American woman living on the streets of New York. Once ambitious and proud, she has lost her child, her husband, her dignityand now they want to take her sanity. After being unjustly committed to a mental institution, Connie is contacted by an envoy from the year 2137, who shows her a time of sexual and racial equality, environmental purity, and unprecedented self-actualization. But Connie also bears witness to another potential outcome: a society of grotesque exploitation in which the barrier between person and commodity has finally been eroded. One will become our world. And Connie herself may strike the decisive blow.

A stunning, even astonishing novel marvelous and compelling.
Publishers Weekly

Pacific Edge
by Kim Stanley Robinson 1990

2065: In a world that has rediscovered harmony with nature, the village of El Modena, California, is an ecotopia in the making. Kevin Claiborne, a young builder who has grown up in this green world, now finds himself caught up in the struggle to preserve his communitys idyllic way of life from the resurgent forces of greed and exploitation.

Pacific Edge is the final book in Kim Stanley Robinsons Three Californias Trilogy. Its okay to read them out of order.

An outstanding achievement.Robinsons writing ranks in the highest levels of the genre. The book generates a soaring optimism.
Publishers Weekly

The Giver
by Lois Lowry 1993

The Giver, winner of the 1994 Newbery Medal, is set in a society which is at first presented as utopian, but gradually appears more and more dystopian. The society has eliminated pain and strife by converting to Sameness, a plan that has also eradicated emotional depth from their lives. Twelve-year-old Jonas is selected to inherit the position of Receiver of Memory, the person who stores all the past memories of the time before Sameness, in case they are ever needed to aid in decisions that others lack the experience to make. Jonas learns the truth about his dystopian society and struggles with its weight.

The Giver is a part of many middle school reading lists, but it is also on many challenged book lists and appeared on the American Library Associations list of most challenged books of the 1990s.

The Silver Metal Lover
by Tanith Lee 1981

For sixteen-year-old Jane, life is a mystery she despairs of ever mastering. She and her friends are the idle, pampered children of the privileged class, living in utopian luxury on an Earth remade by natural disaster. Janes life is changed forever by a chance encounter with a robot minstrel with auburn hair and silver skin, whose songs ignite in her a desperate and inexplicable passion.

Jane is certain that Silver is more than just a machine built to please. And she will give up everything to prove it. So she escapes into the citys violent, decaying slums to embrace a love bordering on madness. Or is it something more? Has Jane glimpsed in Silver something no one else has dared to seenot even the robot or his creators? A love so perfect it must be destroyed, for no human could ever compete?

[E]xotic and a little frightening, but quite believable.One of Lees most fully realized creations.
Publishers Weekly

Station Eleven
by Emily St. John Mandel 2014

Station Eleven is more pre-utopia than strict utopia, but its good enough to include in the list.

Kirsten Raymonde will never forget the night Arthur Leander, the famous Hollywood actor, had a heart attack onstage during a production of King Lear. That was the night when a devastating flu pandemic arrived in the city, and within weeks, civilization came to an end.

Twenty years later, Kirsten moves between the settlements of the altered world with a small troupe of actors and musicians. They call themselves The Traveling Symphony, and they have dedicated themselves to keeping the remnants of art and humanity alive. But when they arrive in St. Deborah by the Water, they encounter a violent prophet who will threaten the tiny bands existence.

Winner of the Arthur C. Clarke Award in 2015.

Darkly lyrical A truly haunting book, one that is hard to put down.
The Seattle Times

by Charlotte Perkins Gilman 1915

Three male explorers stumble upon an all-female society isolated somewhere in South America. Noting the advanced state of the civilization theyve encountered, the visitors set out to find some males, assuming that since the country is so civilized, there must be men.

Written by an early feminist before women were allowed to vote, this 1915 magazine serial wasnt published as a book until 1979.

by Scott Westerfeld 2005

Uglies is a young-adult book set in a future post-scarcity dystopian world in which everyone is turned Pretty by extreme cosmetic surgery upon reaching age 16.

Under the surface, Uglies speaks of high-profile government conspiracies and the danger of trusting the omnipresent Big Brother. While the underlying story condemns war and all the side effects thereof, the true thrust of the story is that individual freedoms are far more important than the need for uniformity and the elimination of personal will.

by Ernest Callenbach 1975

This book is a science fiction environmental classic [and there arent too many of them].

Ecotopia was founded when northern California, Oregon, and Washington seceded from the Union to create a stable-state ecosystem: the perfect balance between human beings and the environment. Now, twenty years later, this isolated, mysterious nation is welcoming its first officially sanctioned American visitor: New York Times-Post reporter Will Weston.

Skeptical yet curious about this green new world, Weston is determined to report his findings objectively. But from the start, hes alternately impressed and unsettled by the laws governing Ecotopias earth-friendly agenda: energy-efficient mini-cities to eliminate urban sprawl, zero-tolerance pollution control, tree worship, ritual war games, and a woman-dominated government that has instituted such peaceful revolutions as the twenty-hour workweek and employee ownership of farms and businesses. His old beliefs challenged, his cynicism replaced by hope, Weston meets a sexually forthright Ecotopian woman and undertakes a relationship whose intensity will lead him to a critical choice between two worlds.

Looking Backward
by Edward Bellamy 1888

Published in 1888, Looking Backward was the third-largest bestseller of its time, after Uncle Toms Cabin and Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ. It influenced a large number of intellectuals, and appears by title in many of the major Marxist writings of the day. In the United States alone, over 162 Bellamy Clubs sprang up to discuss and propagate the books ideas.

On the surface, the novel is the story of time-traveler Julian West, a young Bostonian who is put into a hypnotic sleep in the late 19th century, and awakens in the year 2000 in a socialist utopia. In conversations with the doctor who awakened him, he discovers a brilliantly realized vision of an ideal future, one that seemed unthinkable in his own century. Crime, war, personal animosity, and want are nonexistent. Equality of the sexes is a fact of life.

It also predicted radio, television, motion pictures, credit cards, and covered pedestrian malls.

by Aldous Huxley 1962

The final novel from Aldous Huxley, Island is a provocative counterpoint to his worldwide classic Brave New World, in which a flourishing, ideal society located on a remote Pacific island attracts the envy of the outside world.

A mirror for modern man. . . . Should be read and reread.
Saturday Review

Childhoods End
by Arthur C. Clarke 1953

It looks like a good deal at first: a peaceful alien invasion by the mysterious Overlords, whose arrival ends all war, helps form a world government, and turns the planet into a near-utopia. However, they refuse to answer questions about themselves and govern from orbiting spaceships. Clarke has said that the idea for Childhoods End may have come from the numerous blimps floating over London during World War II.

The Player of Games
by Iain M. Banks 1988

Iain M. Banks is my second-favorite SF author [after Stanislaw Lem], and The Player of Games was my first Banks book, so Im always happy to recommend it.

The Culturea utopian human/machine symbiotic societyhas thrown up many great Game Players, and one of the greatest is Gurgeh. Jernau Morat Gurgeh. The Player of Games. Master of every board, computer and strategy. Bored with success, Gurgeh travels to the cruel and incredibly wealthy Empire of Azad, to try their fabulous gamea game so complex, so like life itself, that the winner becomes emperor. Mocked, blackmailed, almost murdered, Gurgeh accepts the game, and with it the challenge of his lifeand very possibly his death.

The Dispossessed
by Ursula K. Le Guin 1974

The Dispossessed is a utopian science fiction novel set in the same fictional universe as that of The Left Hand of Darkness.

Shevek, a brilliant physicist, decides to take action. He will seek answers, question the unquestionable, and attempt to tear down the walls of hatred that have isolated his planet of anarchists from the rest of the civilized universe. To do this dangerous task will mean giving up his family and possibly his life. Shevek must make the unprecedented journey to the utopian mother planet, Anarres, to challenge the complex structures of life and living, and ignite the fires of change.

Le Guins book, written in her solid, no-nonsense prose, is so persuasive that it ought to put a stop to the writing of prescriptive Utopias for at least 10 years.
The New York Times

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  • Lynn McGuire says:
    September 16, 2017 at 2:49 pm

    Can I nominate "The Werewolf Principle" by Clifford Simak for this list ?

    It is the story about a longtime space traveler coming home to Earth and the society has converted to utopian.

    • Joaquim Jorge says:
      September 24, 2019 at 1:22 pm

      Read it. Loved it.

  • Dennis King says:
    September 5, 2021 at 3:45 pm

    A Dweller on Two Planets [pub. 1905] by Frederick Spencer Oliver [1866-1899]. It is an early science fiction novel begun when the author was 17, that portrays Atlantis as a society with modern technology not yet extant in our world in Oliver's time and with many progressive features such as universities comparable to late 19th century U.S. land grant schools attended by both men and women. His claim, possibly emanating from one or both of his parents, that it was the result of dictation by a Tibetan master named Phylos was partly debunked later by Oliver himself when he admitted most of the stories came from mental pictures in his own head. Oliver apparently was an omnivorous reader of the science fiction of his day as well as of 19th century utopian works and of Theosophy writers such as Helena Blavatsky. It is hard to sustain the idea of authorship by "Phylos" when so many details can be traced to sources contemporaneous with Oliver. His Atlantis has many utopian features and the hero, after his death, spends time in another utopia, more like Edward Bellamy's, in a higher dimension before being reincarnated. The book is of startling originality and should classify not only among the best science-fiction utopias but as an important work of 19th century American literature in a more general sense.

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