rude boi là gì - Nghĩa của từ rude boi

rude boi có nghĩa là

Along with his female counterpart -the Rude Girl- 'Rudys' as they are called in the ska scene were developed by the first ska bands to mimic the depression[or] post war gansters of america. The word 'Rude' is refrenced to Jamaican culture where it is slang for mischevious or obscene.

A Rude Boy's attire would include a white button up and thin tie under a closed black blazer top with matching dress pants, A Black Ferdora with an occasional white stripe of fabric, and to top it off, sunglasses and classy skankin' boots- or loafers.

Normally associated with the traditional two-tone ska scene, Rude Boys can now be seen as a nostalgic tribute for the more modern 3rd wave ska followers.


Him: "I think this guy showed up at the wrong joint, whys he wearing sunglasses?"
That Guy: "He's gotta be a Rude Boy"
Him: "..."
That Guy: "does he have a 9mm?"
Him: "AND a 3-piece suit"
That Guy: "Yup hes gotta be a Rude boy"

rude boi có nghĩa là

1.In the 60's in jamaica, they were the ones who went to sound system shows and the like, and were very violent. They wore suits and pork-pie hats to imitate the rich. The were basically the gangsters of that time and place. They were also the first Jamaican youth subculture. When they went to America they influenced the skins there.
2. When they influenced those kids, two-tone [second wave] ska started. A rudie after that point is a person who supports ska music, is a fan of checkers [symbolized black and white unity], suits, pork-pie hats, etc. They are not violent or criminal like the rude boys of Jamaica. They like to skank. [a dance done to ska music.
3. Refers to [both white and black] lower-class youth in Britain that like to follow the trends and new fashions from Africa. Also sometimes called chavs or townies.


1. The rude boys started a huge riot at the sound system show last night.

2. The rude boys skanked throughout the whole show.

3. The rude boys had just found out about the newest trend.

rude boi có nghĩa là

Kids [boys or girls] who follow the 2-tone subculture of Ska which emerged in the 1970s to promote equality and exceptance

see also Ska


Look at thoes Rude Boys in the skank pit

rude boi có nghĩa là

Having no education, no qualifications, Rude Boys are driven to desperation. They rob, stab, and steal, loot, shoot and wail. They are rougher than rough, tougher than tough, and dreader than dread.

Their actions are unlawful, but these are good men, who do what they must to provide for themselves and their families.

You can not work if there is no job. If your family is starving you will take the food you see, like a lion kills for his lioness.

Don't confuse a Rude Boy with a bad man, a Rude Boy can be a righteous man. They are the by-product of a society that takes from them every day, and forgets them when there is nothing left to take.


I introduce myself as the rudest of all rude boys. Some people call me dreader than dread. And if anyone try to stop rude boys they will get sick in their heads. And end up in the cemetary because theyll be dead. No 100, no 1000 years, no clean face man can judge dread. And when we win this appeal you'll pay for every mans head. So don't be a fool just play cool. Because this is rude boy dreader than dread.

“But as you can see, they’re from a poor generation
Having no education, no qualification
So they’ve driven to desperation
Can’t get no job so they’ve forced to rob
I’m not saying they should, but as you know
A hungry man is an angry man
So think it over before you bind them over
Please give them a break to mend their mistakes
As you already know, robbery was from creation
For robbery befell the black nation
Our ancestors once ruled the world and all it’s gold
But now we’re poor.” ­ Martin [Barrow, 56]

rude boi có nghĩa là

American - Followers of The Ska Genre, charicterized by Checkered clothing and fancy dress n' hats.

Jamacan - Lower class youth who were typically violent and dressed fancily to immitate the upper class

British - Form of wiggie. Middle to upper class who attempt to act "gangsta" and tough


American - "There were like 256926526 Rude boys at the mustard plug show"

Jamacan - "We shouldnt go down that street, we might be jumped by some rude boys"

British - "Ha look at that rude boy, I wonder how he can walk with his pants so low"

rude boi có nghĩa là

Jamacian born gangstah. A greeting from one Jamacian to another.


Yo Rude-Boy!

rude boi có nghĩa là

When bling bling gangsta culture and sheer stupidity collide you are left with the rude boy.

Rudeboys are simply males who feel it is their place in society to beat up small children, attempt to mug people because they forgot their bus fare, and loiter around the local mcdonalds for hours in posses of 5-7 members. They insanely uncomfortable baseball caps, schott jackets, ugly looking mainstream sports brand tracksuits and ALWAYS tight nike trainers, regardless of whether what their actual activities involve playing sports, which is what the clothes they wear are actually designed for. Their hobbies consist of being threatening [they try], talking utter shit and listening to arrogant black men talking about themselves over repetitive beats. FUN FUN FUN!!! they appear to depict fun as causing inconvenience to members of the public. when they're not doing that, theyre threatening members of the public. the rude boy is easily offended by any insult wayward comment, or even look in their general direction. any thing which offends them [often for no apparent reason] prompts a tirade of offensive gestures, threats and attempted 'blapsing' [when the rudeboys croud round someone, and attempt to inflict pain on their unsuspecting victim]. Their anger and mannerisms stem from their overpowering desire to act as though they were raised in a cardboard box in 'tha ghetto' by their speed freak mom. Im sure upper class suburban life is ever so hard. This redundant feeling of hostility is amplified by the garbage mini pop junkies and rudeboys alike listen to : RAP MUSIC. Rap music is nothing but arrogant black men praising their pimped up life style:fast cars with 'twennys on em', half naked 'bitches' with huge derieres shaking their tits, big groups of ridiculously dressed men attempting to act intimidating and boyish, and their gigantic piles of feminine esque jewelery which they wear in copious amounts every where visible for all the shallow bitches to swoon at and get hitched the same night. rude boys of the british and non L.A gangster category buy into this turgid crap, because it gives them a false sense of empowerment. they use this false sense of empowerment on any member of the public dumb enough to listen, and if no one listens, they confront someone and make them listen. Basically the rude boy in its current form [a sad asre school dropout with a total lack of credibility] is a piece of shit thats not worth a minute of anyones time, because if you give them your time theyll try and mug you.


"Oi man you startin beef, iz you askin for me and me homies to blaps you for no good reason but to look like stupid little ghetto children"

rude boi có nghĩa là

1. People that follow ska music
2. someone who wears lots of checkered clothing and does a dance called "skanking"
3. sometimes wear suits and funny hats


All the Rude boys are going to the ska show tonight.

rude boi có nghĩa là

Britain's major problem.

People who should be advised to commit suicide.

The only type of person I have punched.


No, lets not go into that shop, look at the crowd of rude boys that surrounds it.

Oh shit. Rude boys.

rude boi có nghĩa là

Contrary to all other definitions - which have mainly been chavs - rudes are predominately poor inner city youths wearing completely black tracksuites with flat caps and bikes. Mostly involved with low time drug dealing and gangs rudes are extremly violent. Basically any time you read about someone getting stabbed in london under the age of 20 they were a rude and were stabbed by rudes. From what i can see heavily influenced by Nigerian, sommalian and jamacan culture.


Shit bare rude boys

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