Sao bệnh tật trong Phong Thủy 2023 là sao?

Conflict energies will make way for illness energies in August, which is not much better. As the No 2 Illness Star joins the No 4 Star in the CENTRE, there is a higher risk of illness, accidents and general setbacks. Please do not ignore this warning, use appropriate cures in the afflicted areas in your home and office and carry protective amulets throughout the month of August

The CENTRE, along with the other afflicted areas – EAST, NE, NORTH and NW – ought to be kept as quiet as possible. It is better not to spend too much time there this month. Patriarchs and leaders will be afflicted by the No 3 Quarrelsome Star, causing all sorts of problems at home and at work

On the other hand, good luck shines in the SE, SOUTH, SW and WEST this month and this is where you want to spend more time if you can. The matriarchs in particular will benefit from the very auspicious No 1 and No 8 Stars in the SW, while the SOUTH is blessed with heaven luck and wealth luck

The Flying Stars chart below shows nine fields, each containing two numbers. The big number on the left of each field represents the annual star [red = afflictive, black = auspicious] and the smaller number on the right represents the current monthly star. These smaller numbers change every month and therefore create new energy patterns in your home and office

If you are not yet familiar with the compass orientations of your home, then please use a reliable compass to take the directions. I recommend to take the compass readings as follows

  • Take one compass reading from your main door, looking out
  • Take another reading from the center of your living room, looking towards your balcony or picture window

These two readings should enable you to determine the compass directions and locations of your home, so you can ascertain which stars fly into which area

Please take particular note of the location of your main entrance door and your master bedroom, as the stars in those sectors will affect you the most. For those of you who work from home, the location of your home office/work station at home is obviously also important


The No 1 Victory Star flies into the SE, bringing a competitive advantage to those who are working towards a promotion or are running their own business. Winning luck will help students do well in their studies while those in writing professions will have success in their literary ventures. Those of you who are born in the Years of the Dragon or Snake or are living in SE facing homes will also benefit

You can activate your winning luck by displaying a Wind Horse Lumi Tile here and by carrying a Joyous Wind Horse Amulet. Students who are studying for exams can also benefit from the No 1 Star, but remember to keep this area calm and quiet, as excessive noise could aggravate the annual No 3 Star. Keeping some red ornaments or Red Peace Apples here is important

SOUTH [8/6]

The SOUTH enjoys fabulous luck this month, thanks to the No 6 Heaven Star flying in and pairing up with the annual Wealth Star. This is fantastic news for those of you who live in SOUTH-facing homes or have bedrooms or home office in the SOUTH. The No 6 Star brings recognition luck, new opportunities and good allies and helps attract support from the right people

To activate this type of luck, you can place the Jade Emperor Windchime in your SOUTH and carry the Nobleman Star Talisman Amulet. Mentor luck is really strong, and the Nobleman Star Talisman Amulet is particularly useful for students and [young] people who are about to enter the workforce

To activate for wealth, you can display the Rising Phoenix, and for windfall luck I recommend the Windfall Luck Activator and Ngan Chee Happy Buddha


The SW is another extremely lucky sector, promising wealth and prosperity, enhanced business growth and good chances for career advancement. Investors can enjoy improved speculative luck, likely leading to greater returns. The stars particularly favour the matriarch, people born in the Years of the Sheep or Monkey and those living in SW-facing houses, but anyone can benefit who spends a lot of time here

Boost this fabulous energy with a Pak Choy or the 3 Sheep on a Mountain placed in your SW [but not in a bedroom]. The ladies will benefit from wearing a Sky Raven Charm Bracelet or a Pak Choy Amulet to help bring new opportunities to make money

There is a slight downside because the elements of the two stars clash, which could lead to misunderstandings between family members and friends. To counter the conflict energy, you can display a Harmony Lock here. Couples with bedroom in the SW can also display a Happy Marriage Comb to keep their relationship strong and harmonious

EAST [2/9]

There is increased danger of illness, lethargy and mental stress in the EAST because the No 9 Power Star strengthens the annual Illness Star this month. Elderly people and anyone who is already suffering from ill health should avoid this sector if possible and sleep in a different bedroom if necessary. People living in EAST-facing houses and those born in the Year of the Rabbit are also at increased risk. Emotional stress could lead to relationship problems

A powerful cure is the Healing Herbs & Longevity Wu Lou placed in the EAST. You can further strengthen your health luck by displaying a Green Dragon Tassel. Carry a Healing Herbs & Longevity Amulet to protect your health and/or a Power Vibrations Mirror to boost your energy while you are out and about

Married couples can display a Happy Marriage Comb in the EAST to protect their matrimonial harmony

Avoid having bright lights in your EAST

CENTRE [4/2]

The No 2 Illness Star flies into the CENTRE and dominates the chart this month, bringing increased danger of illness and accidents for everyone

You want to avoid using excessive fire energy [e. g. bright lights] in this area and place one of the recommended cures. a Healing Herbs & Longevity Wu Lou, a metal Wu Lou or the Luo Han wit Crane

Married ladies, please be alert of predatory males. Protect yourself by carrying the Night Spot Protection Talisman. Avoid infidelity by placing a Romance Comb or a pair of Bejewelled Mandarin Ducks or Love Birds in your CENTRE area

Elderly people and those with health issues should avoid spending too much time here and carry a Healing Herbs & Longevity Amulet

Healing Herbs & Longevity Amulet . Online Shop

WEST [6/4]

The energy is very positive in the WEST this month, with the No 4 Romance & Scholastic Star joining the No 6 Heaven Star and forming the auspicious “Sum of Ten”. This attracts exciting new opportunities, removes obstacles and makes it easier to achieve your goals. If you wish to elevate your career and/or business prospects you definitely want to spend more time here and activate this sector

You can place the Trio of Wealth Gods and a Sum of Ten Amulet here [but not in a bedroom]

The No 4 Star will also boost creativity and scholastic success as well as romance vibes

You can activate creative luck with a Manjushri Wisdom Stupa and boost study luck with the Brush with View of 3 Peaks. In addition, you can carry or place on your desk the Annual Amulet with 5 Stars or a Wisdom Pagoda with Scholastic Talisman Amulet

If you wish to attract a new love into your life, display a love enhancer such as the Kurukulle Mini Plaque or a Romance Comb in your WEST this month


The NE is seriously afflicted this month, as the No 5 Misfortune Star flies in and meets the dangerous No 7 Robbery & Loss Star. This could lead to all sorts of misfortune, including health problems, obstacles, conflicts, financial loss. Anyone staying in the NE or living in NE-facing homes needs to be very careful

If your bedroom is in the NE, place an Emerald Pagoda and a metal Wu Lou on your bedside table

Placing the Magnificent Kuan Kung with 5 Flags Plaque in your NE and carrying an Armoured Rhino & Elephant Amulet will help protect you from robbery or being cheated

If you live in a NE-facing house, it would be best to delay business negotiations and important meetings or decisions until next month and make sure you protect your home with an Anti-Burglary Plaque

Counter any conflict Chi with a Red Prosperity Elephant

Keep this area quiet

NORTH [9/7]

Great danger is lurking in the NORTH this month. Here, the monthly No 7 Burglary & Loss Star is being multiplied by the annual No 9 Star, making it a very dangerous time for anyone living in a NORTH-facing house. The risk of theft, money loss or being cheated is high

For protection, the Anti-Burglary Plaque is highly recommended. Those living in NORTH-facing houses or born in the Year of the Rat should also carry an Armoured Rhino & Elephant Amulet when they are out and about. The same applies for those with bedrooms in the NORTH. A Travel Protection Amulet with 28 Hums is a good alternative to ward off negative energies. At the same time, you want to protect your wealth by carrying a Wealth Lock Amulet


The NW is another unfortunate sector this month, as the No 3 Quarrelsome Star brings misunderstandings and conflicts, which could potentially escalate to nasty fights and lawsuits. Arguments among family members are likely to be quite frequent and legal problems are possible

Avoid the NW as much as you can this month and display a Harmony Lock or a Happy Smiling Buddha to suppress the conflict energies

There is also danger of money loss, causing severe cashflow problems. You can display a Double Humped Camel to protect your cashflow and a Wealth Lock Mini Plaque or a Wealth Lock Amulet to protect your wealth

Remember that all patriarchs, leaders, and people born in the Years of the Dog or Boar should also carry an Emerald Pagoda with Om Ah Hum Amulet

What is the affliction in 2023 Feng Shui?

Year Breaker [岁破] Year Breaker, or 岁破, occupies the compass sector directly opposite Tai Sui. In 2023, it occupies the West sector and covers an area of 15 degrees from 262. 5° to 277. 5°. As opposites, the Year Breaker clashes with Tai Sui and should be treated with similar caution.

What are the cures for 2023 Feng Shui?

Cures. These include metal singing bowls, metal objects or the Metal color white or gray, as well as the traditional fengshui cure of a Wu Lou gourd, metal Buddha, Medicine Buddha, or a Kuanyin sculpture . A saltwater cure and Wu Lou protection gourd area also helpful to negate the illness star.

What is the Feng Shui forecast for 2023?

2023 sees in the Year of the Rabbit, which begins on January 22. In Chinese culture, the Rabbit is a symbol of longevity, peace and prosperity. 2023 is predicted to be a year of hope . People born in the Year of the Rabbit are believed to be vigilant, witty, quick-minded and ingenious.

What is the bad direction in 2023?

So, northwest is the most inauspicious direction in 2023 . If the direction and orientation of the door, bedroom, sofa etc. fall exactly in this position, it will cause all kinds of catastrophic events, resulting in damage to your health, which is not good for maintaining good health.

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