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Gács Gsee Schuler D Gács I see Policzer M Gad A: A histochemical study of human alimentary tract mucosubstances in health and disease. I. Normal and tumours. Brit J Cancer 23:52-63, Mar 69

Cit. no. 4066100
Gad A: A histochemical study of human alimentary tract mucosubstances in health and di ease. II. Inflammatory conditions. Brit J Cancer 23:64-8, Mar 69

Cit. no. 4066101 Gad A, Sylvén B: On the nature of the high iron diamine method for sulfomucins. | Histochem Cytochem 17:156-60, Mar 69

Cit. no. 4106232 Gad AM, Kamel OM: Susceptibility of the fllaria vector mosquito culex pipiens to Insecticides in Egypt, U.A.R. J Egypt Public Health Ass 43:1-12, 1968

Cit. no. 4127420 Gad AM, Kamel OM: Further note on Anopheles stephenst in Egypt, U.A.R.

1 Egypt Public Health Ass 42:249-52, 1967

Cit. no. 3541647 Gad AM see Kamel OM Gad AM see Osman F Gad C: A case of haemorrhage in labour from a placental vessel causing foetal death. Acta Obstet Gynec Scand 47:342-4, 1968

Cit. no. 3465756 Gad P: Subcutaneous rupture of the trachea. Acta Chir Scand 134:607-12, 1968

Cit. no. 4077574 Gad V see Stein KP Gadacz I see Murray RK Gadacz Tsee Menguy R Gadacz TR see Auburn RP Gadaire C: Sex education: five viewpoints. Success of sex education in schools depends on informed

community. Hosp Top 47:75-7, Feb 69

Cit. no. 3512773
Gadaleta G see Binda G
Gadaleta G see Distante S Gadaleta MN, Saccone c, Quagliariello E: Sintesi di RNA in mitocondri di fegato di ratto. I. Natura dell'RNA sintetizzato in presenza di mitocondri con alterata permeabilità della membrana. Boll Soc Ital Biol Sper 44:1570-3, 15 Oct 68 [Ita]

Cit. no. 4060633 Gadalina ID, Kaznina NI, Kuznetsova GM, et al: Guglenicheskala otsenka poliéfirnykh plastikov, prednaznachennykb alla pokrytii polov. Ghe Sanit 34:22-6, Apr 69

[Rus] Cit. no. 4250632 Gadalla FR: Factors involved in the attendance to buharzia treatment. 1 Egypt Public Health Ass 40:425-38, 1965

Cit. no. 3437637 Gadalla FR, el-Ghoroury AA: Epidemiology of Staphylococcus aureus nasal carriage in a nursery school

. J Egypt Public Health Ass 42:141-53, 1967

Cit. no. 4127411 Gadalla RA: Study of duties and responsibilities of physicians in maternal child health centres, in U.A.R. 1 Erypt Public Health Ass 41:183-201, 1966

Cit. no. 3455346

Mschr Kinderheilk 116:481-5, Aug 68 [Ger] Veterinarila 44:75-6, Jul 67 Cit. no. 4036223

[Rus] Gädeke R, Döring B: Morphologische Untersuchungen

Cit. no. 4363626

Gadzhiev MR see über den Einfluss eines Blutextraktes auf des

Askerzhanov RP

Gadzhiev NN see Krylov VS Verhalten von Leber, Lungen und

Gadzhiev RG, Listengarten AM: K voprosu Nebennierenrinden bei mit Grippevirus infizierten gematidroze [krova vyi pot] Albinomäusen.

Vestn Derm Vener 41:86-8, Mar 67 Arzneimittelforschung 19:591-603, Apr 69

[Rus] [Ger]

Cit. no. 3371054 Cit. no. 4136437

Gadzhiev SA, Boronov AA, Vasil'ev VN, et al: 0 Gädeke R, Döring B, Keller F, et al: Der Geräuschpegel klinicheskoi diagnostike izolirovannogo stenoza im Kinderkrankenhaus und die Wecklärmschwelle legochnoi arterii. Pediatrila 45:16-22, Dec 16 [Rus] von Säuglingen.

Cit. no. 3503771 Mschr Kinderheilk 116:374-5, Jun 68 [Ger] Gadzhiev SA, Glantsber NA: O nekotorykh storonakh

Cit. no. 4011164 Gädeke R see Döring B

patogeneza i terapii bronkhoéktazii

khirurgiia [Moskva] 43:16-21, Sep 67 Gadermann E: Die Extrasystolie.


Cit. no. 3545363
Internist [Berlin] 9:305-13, Jul 68 [77 ref.] [Ger] Gadzhiev SA, Glantsberg NA: Kompleksnoe lechenie Cit. no. 3363302

bronkhoéktazii u podrostkov. Gadermann E, Jung K: Zur Objektivierung der Sovet Med 30:63-6, May 67 Leistungsfhigkeit durch maximale Arbeit am


Cit. no. 4032734 Fahrradergometer im Liegen.

Gadzhiev SA, Glantsberg NA, Sokolov RV: Otdalennye Med Welt 40:2147-54, 5 Oct 68

[Ger] rezul'taty khirurgicheskogo lecheniia bronkhoéktazii Cit. no. 4205152

u podrostkov. Grudn Khir 9:72-6, Jan-Feb 67 [Rus] Gadermann E see Donat K

Cit. no. 3217617 Gadermann E

see Metzner A

Gadzhiev SA, Sheiko VZ: Opyt klinicheskogo Gadgil BA, Collins WE, Buch NC: Effects of intrauterine spirals on reproduction in goats.

primenenila si mamitsina [preimushchestvenno v

khirurgil legkikh, serdtsal pishchevoda] Indian J Exp Biol 6:138-40, Jul 68

Vestn Khir Grekov 98:60-4, Feb 67 [Rus] Cit. no. 4012613

Cit. no. 4005451 Gadgil BA, Janakiraman K, Zala PM, et al: Chloral Gadzhiev SA, Vanevskii VL, Tsukerman Ila, et al: K

hydrate and magnesium sulphate as general diagnostike dykhatel'noi nedostatochnosti u bol'nykh anaesthetic for goats. Indian Vet J 46:231-3, Mar 69 s khirurgicheskoi legochnoi patologiei Cit. no. 4167373

Vestn Khir Grekov 100:6-10, Jun 68 [Rus] Gadgil BA, Zala PM, Shukla KP, et al: Effect of

Cit, no. 3233202 intrauterine spirals on reproduction in goats. Gadzhiev SA, Vasil'ev VN: Sovremennye predstavleniia Indlan J Exp Biol 7:82-3, Apr 69

o diagnostike 1 khirurgicheskom lechenii Cit. no. 4243335

atelektaticheskogo legkogo. Gadgil RK Joshi VV

Grudn Khir 10:91-5, May-Jun 68

[Rus] Gadgil RK see Kshirsagar VH

Cit. no. 3226565
Gadhok RS see Einhorn J

Gadzhiev SA see Kolesov AP
Gadjanski G, Dimitrievitch M: Changements de la Gadzhieva AD: Sravnitel'nala otsenka degidrogenaznoi

structure antigénique de W.agni var. paludis C lors de aktivnosti patogennykh i nepatogennykh sa transformation en anatoxine.

stafülkikkov. Zh Mikrobiol 46:101-4, May 69 [Rus] Bull Office Int Epizoot 67:1227-9, Sep-Oct 67 [Fre]

Cit. no. 4251753 Cit. no. 3507072

Gadzhieva GR, Sultanov ZZ: K kolichestvennomu
Gadkari SK see Bhalerao BB

opredelenliu tsinka i kobal'ta v bakteriologicheskikh Gadó , Savchenko G, Horváth I: Induction and pitatel'nykh sredakh. Lab Delo 9:568-9, 1967 [Rus] multiplication of lambda-phage. II. The effect of

Cit. no. 4272157 valine and leucine.

Gadzhieva ZM: Raspredelenie fosfolipodov v slizistoi Acta Microbiol Acad Sci Hung 15:103-9, 1968 obolchke tonkoi kishki laboratornykh zhivotnykh 1 Cit. no. 3224321

cheloveka. Arkh Anat 51:58-62, Oct 66 [Rus] Gadois D see Rybak B

Cit. no. 3254567
Gadolini G see Peccatori G

Gadzhieva ZM see Savoshchenko IS Gadomska B: Dziecięca postać pląsawicy Huntingtona. Gadzhimirzaev GA see Derzhavin VM Neurol Neurochir Pol 3:351-4, May-Jun 69 [Pol] Gadzikiewicz I, Dominiczak K: Badania histologiczne Cit, no. 4274273

niektórych narządów mląższowych świnek morskich Gadomska B see Dymecki J

eksponowanych na dzialanie dymów spawalniczych Gadomska H: Ocena sprawności zgłaszania zachorowań przy zastosowaniu elektrod typu EP47-28P. na nowotwory złośliew przez placówki sluzby zdrowia Roczn Pom Akad Med Swierczewski 14:171-5, 1968 m st. Warszasy. Przegl Epidem 22:329-32, 1968 [Pol]

[Pol] Cit. no. 3442001

Cit. no. 4270622 Gadomska H: Badania nad zglaszalnością i

Gaebelein H, Regenberg F, Stark H: Neuere Ergebnisse zaawansowaniem przypadków raka szyjki macicy. der rationellen, physiologischen und technisch Ginek Pol 39:903-6, Aug 68

[Pol] sicheren Arbeitsgestaltung. 3. Staub, Beleuchtung Cit. no. 3333611

und Klima. Z Ges Hyg 13:801-8, Nov 67 [53 ref.] [Ger] Gadomska H, Koszarowski T, Drożdżewska Z:

Cit. no. 4316243 Incidence of malignant neoplasms of the stomach in Gaebler OH, Choitz HC: Comparative utilization of Poland and the city of Warsaw--mortality from glycine-N15 administered orally or parenterally. neoplasms in Poland in the years 1962--1964. Metabolism 18:416-21, May 69 Acta Med Pol 9:359-63, 1968

Cit. no. 4057616 Cit. no. 3371274

Gaede K see Apitz-Castro R Gadomska H see Koszarowski T

Gaedt C see Grüsser OJ Gadomski M

see Heinrich R

Gaensler EA, Addington WW: Asbestos or ferruginous Gadot P see Gaillard J

bodies. New Eng J Med 280:488-92, 27 Feb 69 [27 ref.] Gadot P see Vuillard P

Cit. no.

Gadrat J, Bazex A: Amylose cutanée et linguale. Gaensler EA see Addington WW Bull Soc Franc Derm Syph 75:331-2, 1968 [Fre] Gaensler EA see Ferguson A Cit. no. 3333373

Gaensler EA see Gott AM
Gadrat J, Lasserre J, Laporte J, et al: Sur une forme Gaerny A: Der abnehmbare

exceptionnelle de splénomégalie chez une ancienne Interdentalraum-Verschluss. tuberculeuse. Phlébite chronique hypertrophique et Deutsch Zahnaerztl Z 24:122-3, Feb 69 [Ger] calciflante de la rate et de la veine splénique.

Cit. no. 4002427 Marsellle Med 104:649-56, 1967

[Fre] Gaertner E see Scheit KH Cit. no. 3517274

Gaertner FH, DeMoss JA: Purification and Gadre KC see

Bhargava KB

characterization of a multienzyme complex in the Gadre SV, Mazumdar L, Modi Vv, et al: Interspecific tryptophan pathway of Neurospora crassa. transformation in Rhizobium.

J Biol Chem 244:2716-25, 25 May 69 Arch Mikrobiol 57:388-91, 6 Jul 67

Cit. no. 4100625 Cit. no. 3502736

Gaertner H: Spektrofotometria krzepnącego osocza. Gadret M see Colleter JC

Folia Med Cracov 10:397-410, 1968

[Pol] Gadsby B, Leeming MR, Greenspan G, et al: Totally

Cit. no. 4010502 synthetic steroid hormones. XIX.

Gaertner H Motyka J, Wójtowicz S: Wielokomorowy [plus-minus]-18-Methyl-19-norpregn-4-ene-3,11,20- ropień pluca leczony antybiotykami i trione,

[plus-minus]-21-acetoxy-11-beta, 17-dihydroxy-18- Wlad Lek 22:757-60, 15 Apr 69


Cit. no. 4160653 methyl-19-norpregn-4-ene-3,20-dione, and related compounds. J Chem Soc [Org] 21:2647-56, 1968 Gaertner H, Pazdro Z: Zależność międy stężeniek

krwinek czerwonych lub hemoglobiny a wartoscią Cit. no. 3273241


hematokrytową oznaczana wirówce Gadzaly D: Zur Chirurgie der verbrannten Hand. Mschr Unfallheilk_7:159-69, Apr 68

[Ger] mlkhohematokrytowej Janetzkiego. Wlad Lek 22:1225-31, 1 Jul 69

[Pol] Cit. no. 4026671

Cit. no. 4332601 Gadzaly D: Einzeitige bilaterale Handverletzungen. Chirurg 39:428-31, 9 Sep 68

[Ger] Gaertner H see Piękoś B cit. no. 3251164

Gaertner H see Szmigiel Z Gadzaly D: Fehler und Gefahren bei der Versorgung Gaeta FS, Cursio NM: Thermogravitational effect in von Weichtellverletzungen der

macromolecular solutions. Vorderarmbeugeseite.

J Polymer Sci [Al] 7:1697-716, Jul 69 [Ger]

cit, no. 4357235 Mschr Unfallheilk 70:218-24, May 67

Gaeta Jsee Nemoto T Cit. no. 3221616

Gaeta M see Fiorentini M Gadzhaev MI see Betsenko AD Gadzhei EF

Gaetani B see Porta E see Markar'iants LA

Gaetani E see Vitali T Gadzhibalaev AA, Goriaev MI, Dakhno ov, et al:

Issledovanle sravnitel'noi toksichnosti nekotorykh Gaetani G, Pannacciulli I, Tizianello A, et al: Effetti

dell'adrenalina sul sequestro eritrocitario splenico. artlalkilfenolov i Ikh chetvertichnykh ammonlevykh

Haematologica 53:593-607, 1968

[Ita] solel Gig Tr Prof Zabol 12:44-7, Dec 68 [Rus]

Cit. no. 3526302 Cit, no. 4210147 Gadzhiev AA see Ignatova MS

Gaetani G, Pastorini C, Tizianello A, et al: Effetti

dell'adrenalina sulla massa eritrocitarla in soggetti Gadzhiev GE see Malinovskii NN

normali e splenomegalici. Gadzhiev GM, Kuliev GD: Dostizheniia veterinarnoi nauki i izuchenii nezaraznykh boleznei


Gadamska T see Gębala A Gadamski R see Lakomy_M Gadano N see Penhos EE Gadaskina ID, Andreeva NB: Nekotorye biokhimicheskie sdvigi

v organizme pri otravlenii Serouglerodom [svobodnye SH-gruppy !

tsinka] Iseruloplazmin krovi; obmen medl

[Rus] GLE TH Prof Zabol 13:28-32, Apr 69

Cit. no. 4227100 Gadbois RE: The mesiodens in the Alaskan eskimo. 1 Dent Child 36:187-8, May-Jun 69

Cit. no. 4127375 Gadboys HL see Lipton B Gadboys HL see Litwak RS

Gadboys HL see Spritzer RC

Gadd GN see Brown AC
Gadd K: Narkomanvårdskliniken vid Ulleråker 2. Rehabilitering av narkomaner. Lakartidningen 66:673-6, 12 Feb 69

[Swe] Cit. no. 4071005 Gadd RE see Henderson JF Gadda & see Thurner J Gaddes WHL, McKenzie A, Barnsley R: Psychometric stelligence and spatlal Imagery in two Northwest Indian and two white groups of children. 1 Soc Psychol 75:35-42, Jun 68

Cit. no. 4074463 Gaddis AM see Kimoto WI Gaddum P: Sperm maturation in the male reproductive tract: development of motility. Anat Rec 161:471-82, Aug 68

Cit. no. 3274560 Gadebusch

HH: Anticryptoccal serum factors in experimental liver disease. Z Naturforsch [B] 23:1091-5, Aug 68

Cit. no. 3431411 Gadebusch HH see Basch H Gadebusch HH see Chan JC Gadecki W, Majewski J: Nowe spotrzeżenia dotyczące leczenia psychoz spiączkami atropinowymi. Psychiat Pol 3:31-3, Jan-Feb 69

Cit. no. 4172241 Gadebolt H: A screening test for pyurla. Brit J Urol 41:51-3, Feb 69

Cit. no. 3533722 Gadebolt H: The cellular content in non-timed specimens of urine. Acta Med Scand 184:323-31, Oct 68

Cit. no. 3465734 Gadekar NG see Malhotra KK Gadeke R: Programmatische Gesichtspunkte zur Bekämpfung von Kinderunfällen. Mache Kinder bellk 116:556-8, Oct 68

Cit. no. 4072723 Gideke R: Die Unfallgefährdung der Kinder und Jagendlichen im Strassenverkehr.

Page 3

Gajwani BW, Patel BC, Mehta AS, et al: Anaemlas of Galán Navarro JL: Evolución de las hepatopatías Galasso GJ: Quantitative studies on the quality, effects

crónicas difusas sometidas a una terapeútica con pregnancy. J Indian Med Ass 52:420-3, 1 May 69

of aggregation and thermal inactivation of vesicular Cit. no. 4245260

fosfolipidos esenciales de colina. Control clinico, stomatitis virus. Arch Ges Virusforsch 21:437-46, 1967 Gajwani BW, Verma BS, Marwaha RK, et al: analítico y a través de la exploración con isotopos

Cit. no. 3235052 Simultaneous infection with M. tuberculosis and M. radiactivos.

Galasso GJ see Dunlai RC leprae. J Ass Physicians India 16:563-4, Aug 68 Rev Esp Enferm Apar Dig 26:460-90, Apr 67 [Spa] Galasso GJ

Heine JW Cit. no. 3317011 Cit. no. 3312523

Galasso U see Savarese V Gal AE: Separation and identification of

Galanakos-Tharouniati M see Nicolopoulos D Gålåtanu E see Mardare T monosaccharides fror biological materials by Galand Csee Boivin P

Gălățanu M Mardare T thin-layer chromatography. Galand P: Comparaison de deux méthodes

Galati G see Buzzoni P Anal Biochem 24:452-61, Sep 68

autoradiographiques basées sur l'emploi de thymidine Galati G see Massi GB Cit. no. 3327251

tritiée, pour la mesure de la durée de la phase Š [phase Galati G see Monti M Gal AE see Yamamoto T

de synthèse d'acide désoxyribonucléique] et de Galati P, Damiano S, Zacchi A: Tests allergici e false Gál EM, Millard SA: The relevancy of changes in l'interphase des cellules de différents tissus de la reazioni nella profilassi della tubercolosi bovina. cerebral 5-hydroxytryptamine to reserpine-produced souris. Arch Biol [Liege] 78:167-91, 1967 [Fre] Acta Med Vet [Napoli] 13:425-33, Sep-Dec 67 [Ita] sedation. Biochem Pharmacol 17:2193-203, Oct 68 Cit. no. 4054644

Cit. no. 4207422 Cit. no. 3300363

Galanda V: Poznámky k podávaniu acylpyrinu. Galati P see Damiano S
Gál EM see Millard SA Cesk Pediat 24:659-60, Jul 69

[Slo] Galatîr N see Chiricuţa I Gal G see Setnikar I

Cit. no. 4310511

Galatir S see Chiricuţă I Gal G see Setnikar I

Galanda V, Zawarská L, Neuwirth A: Využitie Galatulas I see Ardizzone F Gál I see Liszka G

sledovania acidobázického metabolizmu pri liečbe Galazka A: Wartość R wlasna metoda określania typu Gál I see Nagy S dojčenských toxických stavov.

opadania krwinek czerwonyhc. Gal P see Fisher S Cesk Pediat 24:481-7, Jun 69 [Slo] Wiad Lek 21:2107-11, 1 Dec 68

[Pol] Gál Z see Réthy I Cit. no. 4202474

Cit. no. 3456053 Gala 1: Rola wieku i charakteru wykonywanej pracy w Galanda

V see Buchanec J

Galazka A: Zasady laboratoryjnego badania surowic i patogenezie zawału mięśnia sercowego. Galanda V see Péč J

szczepionek. Pol Tyg Lek 23:1575-9, 7 Oct 68 [Pol] Przegl Lek 25:421-2, 1969 [Pol] Galandina TI: Vlilanie peristaltiki na puti

Cit. no. 3402277 Cit. no. 4210673 metastazirovaniia raka zheludka.

Galązka A, Doktorczyk H, Ujec M: Przebieg ciąży w Gala d, Pasiarski J: Przyczynek do rozpoznawania ropni Eksp Khir Anest 12:30-4, Nov-Dec 67 [Rus] rzekomej niedoczynności przytarczyc. mózgu u dzieci. Przegl Lek 24:713-5, 1968 [Pol] Cit. no. 4262147

Przegl Lek 25:602-3, 1969

[Pol] Cit. no. 3273660 Galang au V, Tuzet 0: Les mitochondries pendant la

Cit. no. 4336340 Gal Serena A see Piedrafita Ramon N

spermatogenèse d'Octopus vulgaris L.: recherches au Galazka A, Kayzer 2, Plamieniak Z, et al: Galabova R see Petkov P microscopie électronique.

Hiperlipoproteinemia pierwotna. Galabova R see Petkov PE

CR Acad Sci [D] [Paris] 267:1735-7, 18 Nov 68 [Fre] Przegl Lek 25:430-2, 1969 Galachiants OP, Leonova AG: 0 gialuronidaze

[Pol] Cit. no. 3411364

Cit. no. 4210700 umerennogo streptokokkovogo faga.

Galangau V, Tuzet 0: L'acrosome d'Octopus vulgaris L. Galazka A, Kukiz T, Adamus J: Krytyczna ocena Zb Mikrobiol 44:114-7, Oct 67 [Rus] Observations au microscope électronique.

zapobiegania tężcowi za Cit. no. 4251712

pomocą antyoksyny CR Acad Sci [D] [Paris] 267:1462-4, 28 Oct 68 [Fre] Galade PR, Hirschhorn K, Douglas SD: Herpes-like

tężcowej. Pol Przeg! Chir 40:794-805, Jul 68 [Pol] Cit. no. 3347146

Cit. no. 3216237 virus. Lancet 1:1049-50, 24 May 69 Galanin BP see Abramovich BM

Galazka A, Stępień M: Odczyn Biernackiego w Cit. no. 4065210

[Galanin NF]: Pamiati professora N. F. Galanina. niedoczynności tarczycy. Galaev luV, Finn GR: Dekarboksnlazy aminokislot u Gig Sanit 34:122-3, Jun 69

[Rus] Pol Tyg Lek 24:403-5, 17 Mar 69 vriushnotifoznykh bakterli, chuvstvitel'nykh I

[Pol] Cit. no. 4344753

Cit. no. 4063477 ustoichivykh k antiviotikam.

[Galanin NF]: Pamiati Nikola ia Fedorovicha Gala nina. Antibiotiki 14:20-5, Jan 69

Galazka A, Stępień M, Doktorczyk H: Częstoćć [Rus] Gig Tr Prof Zabol 13:64, Jun 69

[Rus] występowania zwapnień zastawkowych w zwężeniu Cit. no. 4070043

Cit. no. 4250713 Galaev luV, Kharats KS: Izuchenie aktivnosti

mitralnym. Kardiol Pol 12:63-6, 1969 [Pol] Galankin NK see Vishnevskii AA

Cit. no. 4047555 L-Asparaginazy u kishechnoï palochki razlichnykh Galankin VN see Klemenova ES

Galazka A tipov. Zh Mikrobiol 46:127-31, Mar 69

see Doktorczyk H [Rus] Galano A see Silva G

Galazkowa Z see Szczeklik A Cit. no. 4132266

Galanos C, Lüderitz 0, Westphal 0: A new method for Galbenu P Eskenasy A Galaev luV, Kharats KS: Dekarboksilazy aminokislot u the extraction of R lipopolysaccharides.

Galbenu P

see Stoica Escherichia coli.

E 69 Europ J Biochem 9:245-9, Jun

Galbis Vop Med Khim 12:177-82, Mar-Apr 66

R: Pot and booze. [Rus] Cit. no. 4303105

New Eng J Med 280:1077, 8 May 69 Cit, no. 3236110 Galaev luV see Chuplygina EG Galanos C, Lüderitz 0, Himmelspach K: The partial acid

Cit. no. 4021250 Galaev luV see Loktionov AM hydrolysis of polysaccharides: a new method for Gal'braikh RB: Nekotorye pokazateli porfirinovobo

obmena Galaiko GM: Oslozhneniia pri limfografli iodolipolom. obtaining oligosaccharides in high yield.

u zdorovykh liudei Vestn Khir Grekov 102:66-73, Jan 69

Europ , Lab Delo 1:37-8, 1967

[Rus] [Rus] Cit. no. 4141550 Cit. no. 4273601

Cit. no. 4243551 Galaiko RA see Zelengurov VM

Galanos DS, Kapoulas VM, Voudouris EC: Detection of Galbraith DB: Cell mass, hair type and expression of Galak DM: Funktsional'noe sostolanie pecheni u deteis

adulteration of olive oil by argentation thin layer the agouti gene. glistnoi invaziei. Pediatriia 48:81-2, Jan 69 [Rus] chromatography:

Nature [London] 222:288-90, 19 Apr 69 Cit. no. 4321510 J Amer Oil Chem Soc 45:825-9, Dec 68

Cit. no. 4021215 Cit. no. 3333666

Galbraith FD Jr see Trites DK Galak bova VN: Vplyv spoluk tsynku na vmist zhyru v pechintsi tvaryn, otruienykh chotyrykhlorystym Galanov VI see Tsinger Glu

Galbraith GG: The Mosher sex-guilt scale and the vuhletsem. Ukr Biokhim 2h 39:208-10, 1967 [Ukr] Galanova Pla see Solov'ev VN

Thorne sex inventory: intercorrelations. Cit. no. 3312744 Galantay E, Hoffman C, Paolella N, et al:

J Clin Psychol 25:292-4, Jul 69 Galakmionova GV see Masmriukova VM Dibenzíc,d,h Jazulenes. II. “Bridged" amitriptyline

Cit. no. 4275366 Galaktinov LG: Organizatsiia Khirurgicheskoi analogs. J Med Chem 12:444-9, May 69

Galbraith GG, Kaplan BE, Higgins DJ, et al: Subscale pomoshchi na podovodnykh lodkakh [obzor Cit. no. 4155573

intercorrelations of the sex inventory: males and literatury] Voennomed Žn 3:74-6, Mar 69 [Rus]

Galantay E Weber HP: Synthese von [plus or females. J Clin Psychol 24:451-3, Oct 68 minus]-B-Homoöstron.

Cit. no. 4357143 Galaktionov VG, Brantova SS, Ushakov AS: Nekotorye

Experientia 25:571-2, 15 Jun 69

[Ger] Galbraith GG, Kaplan BE, Higgins JD, et al: Subscale pokazateli antitelogeneza u krys, soderzhavshikhsia Cit. no. 4254667

intercorrelations of the sex inventory: males and Galante E see Lanzani GA

females. J Clin Psychol 24:Suppl:451-3, Oct 68
Galante L see Byfield PG

Cit. no. 3253445 [Rus] Galanter DR, Bradford S: Case report. Hyperkeratosis Galbraith GG, Mosher DL: Associative sexual palmoplantaris and periodontosis: The

responses in relation to sexual arousal, guilt, and Galambos d: New methods in the field of Papillon-Lefevre Syndrome.

external approval contingencies.
J Periodont 40:40-7, Jan 69

J Personality. Soc Psychol 10:142-7, Oct 68
Cit. no. 3522667

Cit. no. 3345521
Galanti B, Giusti G: Ricerche sull'attività

Galbraith HJ: Cephaloridine in the hospital
adenosina-aminoidrolasi del siero in diverse

management of bacterial infections. Amer J Dig Dis 14:477-90, Jul 69 [111 ref.] condizioni di patologia umana.

S Afr Med J 42:832-6, 17 Aug 68 Minerva Med 59:5867-74, 29 Dec 68


Cit. no. 3225750
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García-Blázquez_M see Ortiz-González JM Rev Argent Urol 37:110-4, Jan-Jul 68 [Spa] Garcia JA, Lippmann HL: Características do crime Garcia-Bunuel R see Misenhimer HR Cit. no. 4230316

esquizofrénico. [Caso de vigorosa patoplastia García Carrizosa R: El problema de la úlcera péptica en García AE, González Martín G, Torrenti H, et al: semiofilática]

el Hospital Central Militar. Liposarcoma del cordón espermático. Rev Brasil Med 24:541-4 contd, Jul 67 [Por] Cir Cir 36:331-81, Jul-Aug 68

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Garcia JA, Silva JR, Lopes PF: Uma nova técnica de García Castañeda M: Reparación quirúrgica de las
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Linfangioma dermoepidérmico del glande.

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Garcia JB, Aylwin JA, Hepburn F: Surgical treatment García Castañeda M: Perforaciones del septum nasal. García AE, Muzio A, Marzio F, et al: Tratamento das of Stokes-Adams syndrome: experience and clinical Periostioplastia [Reporte preliminar] infecções geniturinárias com um novo antibiótico. results with an Inductively coupled pacemaker. Cir Cir 35:65-77, Jan-Feb 67

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García Castañeda M: Ozena. Tratamiento quirúrgico. Garcia AF Jr see Suson EB

Garcia JB, Barankay A, Grimshaw VA, et al: Pulmonary Gac Med Mex 97:44-5, Jan 67 Garcia AG:Congenital toxoplasmosis in two successive embolectomy using heart-lung by-pass. Report of

Cit. no. 3503177 sibs. Arch Dis Child 43:705-10, Dec 68 successful case.

García-castañeda M, Antúnez 0: Estructura histológica Cit. no. 3401154

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en diferentes edades. Cit. no. 4152351

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[Spa] leukocytes and related cells of mammals. VII. The fast Garcia JB see Mashhour YA

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Garcia JH see Jabbour JT J Histochem Cytochem 17:475-81, Jul 69 Garcia JH see

García Civera_R see López Merino V Sundt TM Jr

García-Conde Brú J see Aznar J Cit. no. 4250762 Garcia JP see Battershell D

Garcia-Conde J see Aznar J
Garcia AM: Studies on deoxyribonucleic acid in Garcia L: El periodonto normal y patológico en el niño. leukocytes and related cells of mammals. VI. The ADM 25:407-11, Sep-Oct 68

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García Cornejo M see

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García Dadoni LR See Araya E

on operado.

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Iwao S Garcia C: Oral contraception: foreword. Garcia MS

Garcia Dadoni LR see Podestá HA

see Pierini DO Clin Obstet Gynec 11:626-31, Sep 68 Garcia NE see Aggio MC

García de Guadiana see Hergueta G Cit, no. 3236634 Garcia 0: Pre y postoperatorio en pediatría quirúrgica.

García de la Peña E see Alférez VWalobos CJ Garcia C see Nair PP

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intervenciones quirúrgicas con circulación

casos de

Cit. no. 4221543 Garcia CR, David A: Long-term effects of oral

extracorpórea en el hombre. IV. Acondicionamiento

Garcia-Donas Abril A see Garcia-Donas Bono A contraceptives on the ovary and pituitary.

de la sangre y reposición de la volemla en

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el Therapie der Anal-Fissuren. Cit. no. 3366042

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[Spa] Bull Soc Int Chir 27:437-41, Sep-Oct 68 [Ger] Garcia CR see Czernobilsky B Garcia R: Reaction of the winter tick, Dermacentor

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albipictus [Packard], to CO2.

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J Med Entom 6:286, Aug 69

García-Ferrero G see González-Bernáldez F. Garcia DA, Barr JH, Hochberg DM: X-ray spectra from

Cit. no. 4355412

Garcia Filho

A: O ensino da anestesiologia. dental x-ray generators. 3. Secondary radiation. Garcia R, Arciniegas E:Pacemaker induced ventricular

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García Galindo G: Integración en docencia e Garcia DA, Yendt ER: Temporary remission of

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Rev Venez Sanid Asist Soc 32:211-7, Jul-Dec 67 [Spa] corticosteroids. Canad Med Ass J 99:1047-50, 30 Nov 68 Garcia R, Jeffery, J, Rudnick A: Culiseta Marchettel, a

Cit. no. 4253470 Cit. no. 3320152 new species of the subgenus Climacura Howard, Dyar,

García García B

Amat Muñoz P Garcia E, Michenfelder JD, Theye RA: Right atrial

and Knab from Malaysia, with notes on its biology

García García B see Rodríguez Adrados F oxygen levels during anaesthesia and surgery.

[Diptera: Culicidae]. J Med Entom 6:251-6, Aug 69

García García G: La castración en el tratamiento del Canad Anaesth Soc J 15:593-602, Nov 68

Cit. no. 4355402

cáncer mamario. VII. Castración profilactica y Cit. no. 3353062 Garcia R, Jeffery J, Rudnick A: A first report of the

castración terapéutica. García F see Blanch J genus Cullseta Felt in Malaysia [Diptera: Culicidae].

Gac Med Mex® 97:1120-4, Sep 67 Garcia FG see Hunt RD Med J Malaya 23:29-31, Sep 68

Cit, no. 4026245 García FG see Meléndez LV

Cit, no. 3521025

García-Garduño J

see Brust-Carmona H Garcia FG see Trey C Garcia R see Beilin LJ

Garcia-Giralt E, Macieira-Coelho A: Inhibition de la Garcia FN see Ferreira AA

Marchette NJ Garcia FN see Freitas JA de

synthèse d'ADN de cellules W1-38 par des surnageants

Perez-Olea J Garcia FP

de cultures en phase stationnaire. see Bover GF

Vukusic A

CR Acad Sci Di Paris] 268:2316-8, 5 May 69 [Fre]

Cit. no. 4335174

Page 6

J Biol Chem 244:2870-82, 10 Jun 69 Tratamiento.

Salud Publica Mex 11:217-21, Mar-Apr 69 [Spa] Cit. no. 4115616

Prensa Garrett SA: The Salmon Teaching Division. DOHSS's

Med Argent 55:1808-9, 8 Nov 68 [Spa]

Cit. no. 4270650

Cit. no. 4124453 views [Department of Health and Social Security].

Garrocho Sandoval C, Córdova Martínez H: Isosporosis Nurs Times 65:272-4, 27 Feb 69 Garriz RA, Almanza JM, Salvidea JC: Lesión quirúrgica humana en san Luis Potosí

Comunicación de un caso. de vías biliares. Operación de Couinaud-Hepp. Rev Invest Salud Publica 27:195-200, Jul-Sep 67 [Spa] Cit. no. 3500601 Radiocinematografia.

Cit. no. 3325037 Garrett TR see Reiter S

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Cit. no. 3436455

Garrod DR: The cellular basis of movement of the interpretation of ultrasonic echograms in abdominal Gárriz RA, Martin JA, Salvidea JC, et al: Carcinoma migrating grex of the slime mould Dictyostelium pregnancy.

cloacogénico anorrectal. Aust New Zeal J Obstet Gynaec 9:26-8, Feb 69

discoideum. J Cell Sci 4:781-98, May 69 Prensa Med Argent 55:1790-1, 8 Nov 68 [Spa]

Cit. no. 4304751 Cit. no. 4103755

Cit. no. 4124445

Garrod DR see Gingell D Garrett WJ

Kossoff G

Gárriz RA, Martin JA, Fernandez Valoni A: Hemorragia Garrod LP: The chemotherapy of enterobacterial Garrett WJ see Robinson DE masiva baja por cuerpo extraño.

infections. Garrett WN see Hintz HF

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Cit. no. 4124451

Cit. no. 4163562 Garrett-Jones C, Shidrawi GR: Malaria vectorial Garriz RA, Milesi E, Martin JA, et al: Recidiva alejada Garrod LP: Penicilline semi-sintetiche e cefalosporine. capacity of a population of Anopheles gambiae: an del cáncer anal. Tratamiento.

Recent Progr Med [Roma] 45:578-98, Dec 68 [Ita] exercise in epidemiological entomology. Prensa Med Argent 55:1832-3, 15 Nov 68 [Spa]

Cit. no. 4036506 Bull WHO 40:531-45, Apr 69

Cit. no. 4257171

Garrod LP: Prevenzione e terapia della endocardite Cit. no. 4314756

Gárriz RA, Milesi E, Fernandez Valoni A, et al: Asa batterica. Garretts M see Birkett DA

ciega residual gigante. Tratamiento quirúrgico. Recent Progr Med [Roma] 42:233-53, Mar 67 [Ita] Garrettson LK, Perel JM, Dayton PG: Methylphenidate Prensa Med Argent 55:1794-5, 8 Nov 68 [Spa]

Cit. no. 3404365 interaction with both anticonvulsants and ethyl

Cit, no. 4124447

Garrod LP: Effects of pre-medication on bacteremia biscoumacetate. JAMA 207:2053-6, 17 Mar 69 Garriz RA, Rodriguez Martin JA, Almanza JM: following dental extraction. J Clin Path 20:304, May 67 Cit. no. 3505675 Estrechez de ano. Operación de Martin.

Cit. no. 3302105 Garrettson LK see Curley A

Prensa Med Argent 55:1167-70, 9 Aug 68 [Spa] Garrod LP see Darrell JH Garrey MM see Jackson IM

Cit. no. 3436453

Garron DC, Vander Stoep LR: Personality and Garrick MD, Huisman TH: Gene duplication of the Garriz RA, Rodriguez Martin JA, Luchetti ES: Abscesos intelligence in Turner's syndrome. A critical review. alpha chain of goat hemoglobin: evidence from a peria nales. Tratamiento radical.

Arch Gen Psychiat [Chicago] 21:339-46, Sep 69 [58 homozygous mutant.

Prensa Med Argent 55:1463-8, 20 Sep 68 [Spa] ref.] Biochim Biophys Acta 168:585-7, 3 Dec 68

Cit. no. 3447704

Cit, no. 4312555 Cit. no. 3375507 Garriz RA, Salvidea JC, Rodriguez Martin J: Quiste Garrotto LJ see Rinker CT

"C Garrido C, Malbran E, Stefani C: Distrofia reticular de dermotideo sacrocoxígeo. Criterio terapéutico. Garrow DH: Linking of cardiac and respiratory rhythms a la córnea. Una forma de amiloidosis heredofamiliar. Prensa Med Argent 55:1830-1, 15 Nov 68 [Spa] in newborn babies. Arch Oftal B Air 43:139-45, Jun 68 [Spa]

Cit. no. 4257170

J Physiol [London] 203:86P-87P, Jul 69 Cit. no. 4121247 Gárriz RA, Salvidea JC, Fernandez Valoni A, et al:

Cit. no. 4363265 Garrido CM, Cueva F0: Patologia de la amiloidosis. Estrechez postoperatoria de anastomosis

Garrow JS: Treatment of malnutrition. Arch Fund Roux Ocefa 2:135-60, 1968 [168 ref.] [Spa] término-terminal. Tratamiento quirúrgico.

Lancet 2:324-5, 9 Aug 69 Cit. no. 3401226 Prensa Med Argent 55:1802-3, 8 Nov 68 [Spa]

Cit. no. 4253012 Garrido H see Lucea C

Cit. no. 4226154

Garrow JS: Biochemical assessment of protein-calorie Garrido M, Aguirre C, Damiano A, et al: Arteritis difusa Garriz RA, Salvidea JC, Almanza JM: Colangiografía malnutrition. Lancet 1:530, 8 Mar 69 con arteritis de la temporal. transparietohepática. Criterio de utilización.

Cit. no. 3471015 Rev Clin Esp 112:93-4, 15 Jan 69

[Spa] Prensa Med Argent 55:1171-3, 9 Aug 68 [Spa] Garrow JS, Douglas CP: A rapid method for assessin, Cit. no. 3510200

Cit. no. 3436454

intrauterine growth by radioactive selenomethionine Garrido M, Damiano A, López A, et al: Síndrome Garriz RA, Santangelo H, Fernandez Valoni A: Grandes uptake. J Obstet Gynaec Brit Comm 75:1034-9, Oct 68 talasemico intermedio. hernias hiatales. Consideraciones clínicas y

Cit. no. 3250043 Rev Clin Esp 111:547-8, 15 Dec 68 [Spa] terapéuticas.

Garrow JS see Waterlow JC Cit. no. 4245744

Prensa Med Argent 55:2077-83, 20 Dec 68 [Spa] Garry R see Abouna GM Garrido M, Damiano A, Aguirre C, et al: Quiste

Cit. no. 4255476

Garshin KA: Primenenie khirurgicheskogo pericardico_supurado.

Garriz RA, Santangelo H, Fernandez Valoni A: élektrootsosa pri gastrobiopsiiakh. Rev Clin Esp 112:205-6, 31 Jan 69 [Spa] Coledocolduodenostomía. Táctica y técnica.

Klin Khir [Kiev] 8:80, Aug 68

[Rus] Cit. no. 4071261 Prensa Med Argent 55:1816-9, 15 Nov 68 [Spa]

Cit. no. 3257600 Garrido MC see Franca ZM

Cit. no. 4257164

Garsia S see Remotti G Garrido 0 see Macko JK

Garriz RA, Santangelo H, Fernandez Valoni A, et al: Garsia SA, Neglia v, Cerutti F: Comportamento di Garrido Achoy M see Ruiz Velasco V

Cáncer de colon transverso invasor. Cirugía ampliada. Garrido-Lestache J: El síntoma vómito en la edad Prensa Med Argent 55:1813-5, 15 Nov 68 [Spa]

alcuni tassi enzimatici dopo DTC cervicale. Ann Ostet Ginec 90:733-42, Oct 68

[Ita] infantil.

Cit. no. 4257163

Cit, no. 4016072 An Acad Nac Med [Madrid] 84:103-26, 1967 [Spa] Garriz RA, Santangelo H, Milesi E, et al: Poliposis Garside RF see Fahy TJ Cit. no. 3254502

familiar generalizada. Tratamiento quirúrgico Garside RF see Kay DW Garriga Barbera P see Pi-Figueras J Jr

conservando el recto. Curación.

Garska W: Rhinosporidiosis. Rzadki przypadek Garrigues JC see Boivinet P

Prensa Med Argent 55:1824-6, 15 Nov 68 [Spa] grzybicy nosa. Pat Pol 19:447-50, Sep-Oct 68 [Pol] Garrigus US see Sokolowski JH

Cit. no. 4257166

Cit. no. 3457760 Garrington G see Jimenez M

Gárriz RA, Santángelo H, Fernandez Valoni A: Fluxión Garriott JC, Forney RB, Hughes FW, et al: hemorroidaria aguda. Conducta terapéutica. Técnica.

Garska W, Rylski J, Sikora 2: W sprawie nabłonkowych

nowotworów wątroby u dzieci. Pharmacologic properties of some cannabis related Prensa Med Argent 55:1777-9, 8 Nov 68 [Spa] Pat Pol 19:493-7, Sep Oct 68

[Pol] compounds. Arch Int Pharmacodyn 171:425-34, Feb 68

Cit. no. 4226153

Cit. no. 3457766 Cit, no. 3256420

Gárriz RA, Santangelo H, Fernandez Valoni A: Hernias Garske JP see Fletcher HJ Garriott JC, Lane CE: Some autonomic effects of

parietales y eventraciones gigantes. Neumoperitoneo. Garson Physalia toxin. Toxicon 6:281-6, May 69 Prensa Med Argent 55:1785-9, 8 Nov 68

CH: The function of photography.

[Spa] J Biol Photogr Ass 37:62-6, Jan 69 Cit. no. 4306022 Cit. no. 4124444

Cit. no. 3426521 Garrison Co, Dines DE, Harrison EG Jr, et al: The Gárriz RA, Santangelo H, Fernandez Valoni A, et al: alveolar pattern of pulmonary lymphoma. Cáncer de ano y recto invasor. Cirugia ampliada.

Garson LR, Quintana RP: Esters of undecanoic acid Mayo Clin Proc 44:260-71, Apr 69

with potential long-lasting insect.repellent activity. Prensa Med Argent 55:1796-9, 8 Nov 68 [Spa] J Med Chem 12:538-40, May 69 Cit. no. 4042216 Cit. no. 4124450

Cit, no. 4155627 Garrison DR, May M, Ridley HF, et al: Studies on the Gárriz RA, Santangelo H, Fernandez Valoni A: cholinergic receptor. II. Monosubstituted and bicyclic Esfinteroplastica transduodenal. Táctica y técnica.

Garson LR, Winnike ME: Relationships between insect derivatives of Prensa Med Argent 55:1804-7, 8 Nov 68 [Spa]

repellency and chemical and physical parameters--a

review. cis-2-methyl-4-dimethylaminomethyl-1,3-dioxolane Cit. no. 4124452

j Med Entom 5:339-52, 1 Aug 68

Cit. no. 3270133 methiodide. J Med Chem 12:130-4, Jan 69 Garriz RA, Santangelo H, Rodriguez Martin JA: Hernias Cit. no. 3423063 diafragmáticas traumáticas. Consideractiones clinicas

Garson OM, Baikie AG, Ferguson J, et al: Double Garrison GE: Epidemiology of coronary heart disease. y técnicas de reparación.

autosomal trisomy and mosaicism for three cell lines J Med Ass Georgia 58:331-2, Jul 69 Prensa Med Argent 55:1474-8, 20 Sep 68 [Spa]

in man: coexisting trisomy 13-15, trisomy 17-18, and a Cit. no. 4252675

Cit. no. 3527212

minority cell line trisomic for a chromosome of both " Garrison GE: Avoiding pitfalls in implementing a low Garriz RA, Santangelo H, Rodriguez Martin JA:

groups. J Med Genet 6:209-15, Jun 69 sodium diet. J Med Ass Georgia 58:58-9, Feb 69 Megacolon. Biopsia rectal.

Cit. no. 4264431 Cit. no. 4237416 Prensa Med Argent 55:1162-4, 9 Aug 68 [Spa]

Garson OM, Robson MK: Studies in a patient with acute Garrison GE: Epidemiology of cardiovascular diseases.

Cit. no. 3436451

leukaemia after lysergide treatment.

Brit Med J Med Ass Georgia 58:137-8, Mar 69 Garriz RA, Santangelo H, Fernandez Valoni

J 2:800-2, 28 Jun 69

Cit. no. 4132577 Cit. no. 4131246

Hidatidosis hepatopulmonar. Táctica quirúrgica. Garson

Prensa Med Argent 55:1165-6, 9 Aug 68 [Spa] Garrison GE: The rationale for treatment of

OM see Baikie AG

Garson Cit. no. 3436452

OM hypertension. J Med Ass Georgia 58:173-4, Apr 69

see Burgess MA Garson

OM Cit. no. 4165732 Gárriz RA, Santángelo H, Fernández Valoni A: Fistula

see Doery JC Garrison J see Cunningham P

rectoureteral. Fistula ureteroperineal por operación

Garson OM see Jelinek VM Garrison JB, Grant DG, Guier WH, et al: Three de Miles. Prensa Med Argent 54:290-2, 7 Apr 67 [Spa]

Gart JJ: The mathematical analysis of an epidemic with dimensional roentgenography.

Cit. no. 3336200

two kinds of susceptibles. Biometrics 24:557-66, Sep 68 AmerJ Roentgen 105:903-8, Apr 69 Gárriz RA, Santángelo HD, Almanza

Cit. no. 3260572

Garten JM, et al:

CD Cit. no. 4276700 Prolapsos gigantes de colostomias. Tratamiento

see Leutritz S Garrison JB, Grant DG, Guier WH, et al: Three


Garten JL: Let the tonsil go with the adenoid. dimensional roentgenography. Prensa Med Argent 55:1792-3, 8 Nov 68 [Spa]

Minn Med 51:1751-3, Dec 68 Amer J Roentgen 105:903-8, Apr 69

Cit. no. 4124446

Cit. no. 3326436 Cit. no. 4035044 Garriz RA, Santangelo HD, Almanza JM: Papilectomía.

Gartenmann c: Choc anaphylactique et protéases. Garrison MM see Bates RW Técnica.

Absence d'activité anti-anaphylactique des Garrison RC: The four-pole backplate: a special Prensa Med Argent 55:1469-73, 20 Sep 68 [Spa]

antifibrinolytiques de synthèse chez le lapin. electrocardiographic pickup.

Cit. no. 3447705

Rev Franc Allerg 8:15-28, Jan-Mar 68 Anesth Analg. [Cleveland] 48:375-80, May-Jun 69 Gárriz RA, Stescobich D, Donadio RJ: Leiomioma del

Cit. no. 4022734 Cit. no. 4147601 divertículo de Meckel.

Garthe ED: Planificación del alcantarillado. Garrison RG see Lockwood GF

Prensa Med Argent 54:123-6, 17 Mar 67

Bol Ofic sanit Panamer 63:245-9, Sep 67 [Spa] Garrison RJ, Anderson VE, Reed SC: Assortative

Cit. no. 3355772


Cit. no. 3311454 marriage. Eugen Quart 15:113-27, Jun 68 Garriz RA Baldas M

Garti I, Salinger H: Arterial hypertension and position Cit, no. 3401562 Garriz RA see Salvidea JC

of the kidneys. Brit J Radiol42:21-3, Jan 69 Garrison RJ see Havlik RJ Gárriz RA see Santangelo H

Cit. no. 3362514

1 Garrison WM see Holian J Garriz RA

Atkins JH

Gartler SM see

see Santangelo H Garrison WM see Peterson DB Gárriz RA see Stescobich D

Gartler SM see Gandini E Garrity FL, Detrick B, Kennedy ER: Deoxyribonucleic Garrocho C: Rapid diagnosis of urinary infections.

Gartmann H: Walter Schönfeld zum 80. Geburtsta; acid base composition in the taxonomy of J Urol 101:107-8, Jan 69

Hautarzt 19:238-9, May 68 Staphylococcus. J Bact 97:557-60, Feb 69

Cit, no. 3366217

Cit. no. 3255207 Cit. no. 3516765 Garrocho C, Núñez ML, Rodriguez FA: Prevalencia de

Gartmann H: Psychologische und psychiatrische Gárriz RA, Almanza JM, Fernandez Valoni A, et al: las parasitosis intestinales. Estudio de un grupo de

Aufgaben in der zivilen Flugmedizin. Cáncer de recto y colon. Recidivas postoperatorias. niños en una comunidad rural del altiplano de México.

Schweiz Med Wschr 98:1335-8, 31 Aug 68 [Ger]

Cit. no. 3236005

Page 7

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Cit. no. 4014503

Cit. no. 3450031
Gasca G see Fornari U

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[Rus] Gaske OD see Airikian EA Gascar P: Putting technology in its place.

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vnutriarterial'noi khimioterapii zlokachestvennykh Cit. no. 3271373

Cit. no. 4103174

novoobrazovanii molochnoi zhelezy. Gascard E: L'insuffisance respiratoire des obèses. Gaskell KH: Oesophageal abnormalities in children. Khirurgila [Moskva] 42:97-100, Dec 66 Syndrome de Pickwick.

[Rus] Brit

J Radiol 42:73, Jan 69 Marseille Med 104:531-6, 1967

Cit. no. 3405755 [Fre] Cit. no. 3362540

Gasparian SA, Samburskii VI, Rykov VD: Cit. no. 4061360

Gaskell P, Long KL: The effect of repeated cold Raspredelenie novokaina i vliianie ego na kapilliarnoe Gascard E, Daniel F, Cherif AA, et al: Leptospirose exposure of the hand on the reactivity of digital ruslo pri vnutrivennoi i vnutriarterial'noi infuzii v méningée à Leptospira canicola.

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Gasparini v see Vaghi A Brit J Pharmacol 35:187-96, Jan 69

Cit. no. 4016025

Gasparini Filho S; Gastrectomia total de necessidade Cit. no, 3375560 Gasnault JP see Linquette M

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clinico statistico] schizofrenii dziecięcej.

[k 100-letiiu

Minerva Ortop 18:96-102, Feb 67

so dnia rozhdeniia] Psychiat Pol 3:97-102, Jan-Feb 69 [21 ref.] [Pol] Urol Nefrol [Moskva] 34:3-7, Jan-Feb 69 [Rus]

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Gasperini E see Parmeggiani G. dziecięcej schizofrenii.

Funktsiia pochki, ostavsheisia posle nefrektomii po

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Gasperovich NV: Raspredelenie mechennogo J-131 Pol Tyg Lek 24:535-7, Apr 69 [14 ref.] [Pol] vozraste,

fibrinogena v organakh intkaniakh myshei s cit. no. 4156316 Probl Endokr [Moskva] 13:59, May-Jun 67 [Rus]

perevívnymi. Gasiorowski w see Sawicki Z

Cit. no. 4324513

Med Radiol [Moskva] 11:58-9, Dec 66 Gasiuk AP: Gistologicheskie i gistokhimicheskie Gasparian MO see

Cit. no. 3351474

Guseva LN izmeneniia miokarda pri fibrozo-kavernoznom Gasparian SA, Alimov

Gaspio NB see

Orio OA

AT: Tolerantnost' stenki

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Hämophilie durch AMCHA. Gazarian KG see Sakharova Nou

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Gazzi A Gazarian VS: Leptospiroznyi antigen dlia reaktsii

[Ger] see Suppa G

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Cit. no. 3226404 im Kohlenhydrat- und Proteinstoffwechsel.

cellules issues de l'épiderme de cobaye adulte. 3. Essai Gebauer H see Gebauer E Z Ges Inn Med 23:708-11, 15 Nov 68 [Ger] de caractérisation ultrastructurale.

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[Fre] verschiedenen Formulierungen von Menichlopholand Gazave JM see Parrot JL

Cit. no. 4172020

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pressure evoked by nicotine in the cat. sklerodermil. Opis przypadku.

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[Pol] positive afterpotential. units in the tectum of the frog following regeneration

Cit. no. 4272562

Int J Neuropharmacol 7:195-205, May 68 of the optic nerve.

Gd see Abbott

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Gebbia N see Arena E Cit. no. 3451351 Gdanietz K see Georgi P

Gebbink TB: Some remarks on the ansa lenticularis in Gaze RM, Sharma SC: Axial differences in the Gdanietz K see Rothmaler G

man. Psychiat Neurol Neurochir 72:37-43, Jan-Feb 69 reinnervation of the optic tectum by regenerating Gdynia R see Wilhelmi G

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Classification and treatment of chronic active liver rentgenomanometrii zhelchnykh putei, Gazengel J, Pourpre H: lodoventriculographie fortuite disease. Gastroenterology 55:724-9, Dec 68

bakteriologicheskom analize zhelchi i biopsii pecheni par voie artérielle.

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[Rus] Cit. no. 3476720 difference--a neglected parameter of gut integrity

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and function? Gut 10:418-21, Jun 69 [43 ref.] Gebel' Gla, Turkov AN, Shumakova NM, et al: Gazes PC: False-positive exercise test in the presence

Cit. no. 4142621

Potreblenie kisloroda, deiatel'nost' serdtsa i of the Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome.

Gear EV Jr: Dobbins WO 3d,+DOBBINS WO III: Rectal legochnaia tsirkuliatsiia pri vvodnom narkoze. Amer Heart J 78:13-5, Jul 69

biopsy. A review of its diagnostic usefulness. Vestn Khir Grekov 99:107-11, Jul 67 Cit. no. 4217161

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Gear EV Jr, Dobbins WO 3d: The histologic spectrum of Gebel PP see Ruskin J Cit. no. 4236660 Gazet JC see Phillips B proximal duodenal biopsy in adult males.

Geber M: Le médecin, l'enfant et la mort. 2. L'angoisse Amer J Med Sci 257:90-3, Feb 69

de mort au Gazetov BM, Balabolkin MI: Lechenie ginekomastii pri

cours de psychothérapies d'enfants. Cit. no. 3454457 zabolevaniiakh pecheni.

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[Fre] Vestn Khir Grekov 98:125-6, Feb 67

[Rus] Gear JH see Whitcutt JM

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hamster. Life Sci 8:525-31, 1 May 69 see

Gearing FW Jr Canter NM Jr vizvannuíu gistaminom sekretsiiu zheludochnogo

Cit. no. 4177300 Geary CG, Amos HE, Maclver JE: Benign familial Geber WF: Comparative teratogenicity of

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isoproterenol and trypan blue in the fetal hamster. Cit. no. 4121616 Cit. no. 3277235

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Geber WF, Schramm LC: Effect of marihuana extract Gaziano D see Zugibe FT

Cit. no. 4137413

on fetal hamsters and rabbits. Gazibar L, Tunaru C: Antibiograma in tub a bacteriilor Geary PJ see Dagley S

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Amer J Obstet Gynec 104:687-92, 1 Jul 69 Gazier MN: Vliianie preparata IEM-366 na obratnoe

Cit. no. 4155131

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vitro-Bedingungen. flow-volume curves in obstructive lung disease. Geating JA see Kaplan HI


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see Gebert G

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Trisomia chromosomów z grupy Ew

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[Ger] morfologiczny jąder granulocytów

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Cleveland Health Museum.

[Pol] Pol Tyg Lek 24:867-70, 9 Jun 69 Siebt pulmonary venous drainage into the inferior

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Museum to the Cleveland Health Museum. O in rheumatic fever in children.

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Cit. no. 3227101 Cit. no. 3426115

Gebhard RL, Buchwald H: Cholesterol absorption after Gębala A, Kwiatkowski M, Iwanowski H: Badania nad

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W chorobie

intestine. Surg Forum 19:304-5, 1968 distreptaza i streptolizyną “O”

Cit. no. 4013333 reumatycznej u dzieci.

Gebhardt [Pol]


Cowden RB

see Pol Tyg Lek 23:1877-80, 2 Dec 68

Gebhardt BM see Cowden RR Cit. no. 3414043

Gebhardt DO: The effects of starvation or of treatment Gębala A, Kwiatowski M, Gadamska T: Badania nad

with cytotoxic agents on pregnancy in mice. patogeneza spostrzeganych przypadków zespołu

J Reprod Fertil 19:519-26, `Aug 69 Louis-Bar. Pol Tyg Lek 24:750-3, 19 May 69 [Pol]

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Gebhardt DO, Logten MJ van: The chick embryo test as Gębala A, Skorzynska M, Puczylowska-Malinowska A:

used in the study of the toxicity of certain W sprawie rozpoznawania i przyczyn rzekomego

dithiocarbamates. obojnactwa męskiego u niemowląt.


Toxic Appl Pharmacol 13:316-24, Nov 68 Pol Tyg Lek 23:1696-7, Oct 68

Cit. no. 3352032 Cit. no. 3374511

Int 2 Vitaminforsch 38:459-65, 1968

Cit. no. 4317032
Gazsó L see Toro I
Gazzaniga AB, MacArthur JD: Blood volume, cardiac output, and renal function changes after plication of

vena cava and left atrium. Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 57:251-4, Feb 69

Cit. no. 34 47240 Gazzaniga AB, Stewart DR: Possible quinidine-induced hemorrhage in a patient on warfarin sodium. New Eng J Med 280:711-2, 27 Mar 69

Cit. no. 3475303
Gazzaniga G see Mille T
Gazzaniga L see Giannelli A
Gazzaniga M, Aulisa B, Maconi F: L'impiego dell'i

[puldrossifenil]-2-fenil-3-idrossi-4-n-butil-5.. pirazolinonato di 2-beta-idrossirenetilaminopiridina

vasculopatie venose ed arteriose. Minerva Cardioangiol15:343-52, Mar 67

Cit. no. 3372132 Gazzaniga M see Paolini FA Cazzaniga MS: Cross-cuing mechanisms and ipsilateral eye-nand control in split-brain monkeys.

Page 9

Report of a case. Oral Surg 28:26-31, Jul 69

Cit, no. 4166416 Gelfman WE, Cheris LJ, Williams AC: Self-attempted endodontics--a case report. J Dent Child 36:283-4, Jul-Aug 69

Cit. no. 4212350 Gelfman WE, Williams A: Spindle-cell carcinoma of the tongue. Report of a case. Oral Surg 27:659-63, May 69

Cit. no, 4075033 Gelfman WE see Eidelman DL Gelfman WF see Halperin S Gel'fon IA, Senkevich NA: O diagnosticheskom

znachenii opredeleniia belkovykh fraktsii krovi pri silikoze. Gig Tr Prof Zabol 13:44-6, Mar 69 [Rus]

Cit. no. 4345024 Gel'fond MB see Khodzhamirova VS Gel'fond MB see Smolenskii VS Gelford GJ, Cromwell DK: Methysergide, retroperitoneal fibrosis and rectosigmoid stricture. Amer J Roentgen 104:566-70, Nov 68

Cit. no. 3271037 Gelhar K see Lumio JS

Gelin A see Nemry C

Gelin LE: Reologiczne aspekty wstrazasu. Pol Tyg Lek 24:1037-40, 7 Jul 69

[Pol] Cit. no. 4311607 Gelin LE: Zastosowanie kliniczne dekstranów. Pol Tyg Lek 24:1041-4, 7 Jul 69

[Pol] Cit. no. 4311610 Gelin LE, Bergentz SE, Brunius U, et al: Fifty uremic patients treated with renal homotransplantation. Scand J Urol Nephrol 2:1-13, 1968

Cit. no. 4205334 Gelin LE see Olander R Gelinas M see Gialloreto 0

Gelinov C see Michailov G

Gelinsky P see Missmahl HP Gelis SS, Feingold M, Boder E, et al: Ataxia-telangiectasia. Amer J Dis Child 117:317-8, Mar 69

Cit. no. 3466050 Gelissen HJ, Persijn N: Fistules oesophago-trachéo-bronchiques. Bronches 18:180-95, May-Jun 68

[Fre] Cit. no. 3254762 Gell PG see Catty D Gell PG see Sell S Gella EV, Makarova GV, Borisiuk luG: Flavonoidy m’iaty pertsevoi. Farm Zh [Kiev] 22:80-5, 1967 [Ukr]

Cit. no. 3221100
Gellé P, Crépin G: Coma hépatique, complication d'un

ictère de la grossesse associé à un placenta praevia. Bull Fed Gynec Obstet Franc 20:23, Jan-Mar 68 [Fre]

Cit. no. 3252743
Gellé P, Crépin G, Leroy PY, et al: L'utilisation du F. 70
en obstétrique. Lille Med 13:Suppl:522-6, Apr 68 [Fre]

Cit. no. 3242625 Gellé P, Decocq J, Besème B: A propos d'une anomalie vasculaire du cordon ombilical. Bull Fed Gynec Obstet Franc 19:106-7, Apr-May 67

[Fre] Cit, no. 4360744 Gellé P, Duthoit F, Lescut JC: Utilisation, dans la pratique gynécologique et obstétricale, d'une association d'enzymes protéolytiques et de chlorhydrate de tétracycline. Bull Fed Gynec Obstet Franc 19:107-8, Apr-May 67

[Fre] Cit. no. 4360745 Gelle P, Duthoit F, Lescut JC: Utilisation, dans la pratique gynécologique et obstétricale, d'une association d'enzymes protéolytiques et de chlorhydrate de tétracycline. Lille Med 12:Suppl:262-4, Mar 67

[Fre] Cit. no. 3400251 Gellé P, Duthoit F, Schaeffer P, et al: Action du métoclopramide dans les vomissements graves de la grossesse. Bull Fed Gynec Obstet Franc 19:35, Jan-Mar 67 [Fre]

Cit. no. 3267457 Gelle P, Vitse M, Duthoit F, et al: La thérapeutique séquentielle en gynécologie. A propos de 40 observations, Lille Med 13:Suppl:511-4, Apr 18 [Fre]

Cit. no. 3242622 Gellei B see Gruszkiewicz J Gellei B see Haim S Gellei B

Scharf Y
Gellén J see Kineses L Gellén J see Kobyletzki D von Gellén J see

Sas M Gellene R see Cotzias GC Geller A see Robustelli F Geller AC see Mascarenhas BR Geller AJ see Master AM Geller AN see Shargorodskaia AM Geller BD, Speirs RS: The effect of actinomycin-Don the haemopoietic and immune response to tetanus toxoid. Immunology 15:707-16, Nov 68

Cit. no. 3300722 Geller BS: Osobennosti klinicheskogo techeniia i

lechenie tuberkulexa legkikh u bol'nykh saakharnym diabetom. Probl Tuberk 45:55-9, 1967 [Rus]

Cit. no. 3421345 Geller BS, Shtil'man ME: O razvitii raka legkogo v stenke_tuberkuleznoi kaverny, Probl Tuberk 46:45-9, 1968

[Rus] Cit. no. 3510134 Geller DM: The effects of phenazine dyes and

N,N,N’,N'-tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine upon light-induced absorbance changes and photophosphorylation in Rhodospirillum rubrum extracts. J Biol Chem 244:971-80, 10 Feb 69

Cit. no. 4072534 Geller E, Yuwiler A, Schapiro S: Tyrosine aminotransferase: activation or repression by a stress. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 130:458-61, Feb 69

Cit. no. 3467457 Geller E see Berk JE Geller E see Yuwiler A Geller Ilu: Dlitel'nost' techeniia ekhinokokkoza u

cheloveka i chastota ego retsidivov.

Geller LI, Svetacheva EA:0 teste keia v raspoznavanii Vrach Delo 11:102-4, Nov 66

[Rus] narushenii sekretornoi deiatel'nosti zheludka. Cit. no. 3504315

Lab Delo 12:717-9, 1968 Geller J: The role of sex hormones in problems of the


Cit, no. 4311156 mature years and beyond.

Geller LI see Bulatova FD J Amer Geriat Soc 17:861-73, Sep 69

Geller M, Weber OW, Senkowski BZ: Automated Cit. no. 4307321

determination of ascorbic acid in multivitamin Geller J: Oxandrolone effect on growth and bone age in preparations. J Pharm Sci 58:477-80, Apr 69 idiopathic growth failure.

Cit, no. 4150633
Acta Endocr [Kobenhavn] 59:307-16, Oct 68 Geller RC see Nevin TA Cit. no. 3317471

Geller RG, Kendrick JE: Flow responses to angiotensin
Geller J, Van Damme 0, Garabieta G, et al: Effect of in innervated and denervated kidneys.

cyproterone acetate on 3H-testosterone uptake and Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 129:727-30, Dec 68 enzyme synthesis by the ventral prostate of the rat.

Cit. no. 3340460 Endocrinology 84:13330-5, Jun 69

Geller SA: Acute appendicitis presenting as multiple, Cit, no. 4046076

extra-abdominal abcesses. Geller J see Darr K

J Mount Sinai Hosp NY 36:308-16, Jul-Aug 69 Geller JJ: Die Verwendung der

Cit. no. 4212442 Gruppenpsychotherapie für analytische

Geller SA, Toker C: Pulmonary adenomatosis and Langzeitbehandlung.

peripheral adenocarcinoma of the lung. An 2 Psychosom Med 15:44-51, Jan-Mar 69 [Ger] ultrastructural demonstration of common Cit. no. 4103517

morphologic features. Geller LI: K voprosu o rezistentnosti k adiurekrinu pri Arch Path [Chicago] 88:148-54, Aug 69 nesa kharnom diabete.

Cit. no. 4213513 Probl Endokr [Moskva] 13:55-6, May-Jun 67 [Rus] Gellert M, Little JW, Oshinsky CK, et al: Joining of DNA Cit. no. 4324511

strands by DNA

of E. coli. Geller LI: Aktivnost i obmen katekholaminov pri Sympos Quant Biol 33:21-6, 1968

gipertireoze [obzor literatrury]

Cit. no. 4147415 Probl Endokr [Moskva] 15:108-11, Mar-Apr 69 [115 Gellert R: Haltevorrichtung für Katzen. ref.]

[Rus] Deutsch Tieraerztl Wschr 70:131-4, 1 Mar 63 [Ger] Cit. no. 4317451

Cit. no. 4062602 Geller LI: Stepen' vliianiia gliukozurii pri opredelenii Gelles R see Summers DN mochevoi ekskretsii 17-oksikortikosteroidov.

Gellhorn A

De Bellis RH Lab Delo 1:58, 1969

[Rus] Gellhorn E: Further studies on the physiology and Cit. no. 4324103

pathophysiology of the tuning of the central nervous Geller LI: Opredelenie sekretsii zheludkom

system. vnutrennego faktora kasla v fiziologicheskikh Psychosomatics 10:94-104, Mar-Apr 69 [66 ref.] usloviiakh i pri nekotorykh zabolevaniiakh [obzor

Cit. no. 4130077 literatury] Lab Delo 2:95-7, 1969 [21 ref.] [Rus] Gellhorn E: Neurophysiological basis of homeostasis. Cit. no. 4301454

Confin Neurol 30:217-38, 1968 Geller LI: Megalohlasticheskii eritropoéz pri

Cit. no. 3424170 priobretennoi anemii.

Gellhorn E: Conditioning, sensations, and the Probl Gemat 12:41-2, Dec 67

[Rus] ergotropic-trophotropic balance. Cit. no. 4230156

Cond Reflex 3:34-44, Jan-Mar 68 Geller LI: O roli gistamina v patogeneze ia zvennopi

Cit. no. 3377410
bolezni. Klin Med [Moskva] 47:18-26, Jan 69 [Rus] Gelli G: Intossicazione da piombo nel bambino. Cit. no. 4106373

Minerva Pediat 19:1570-3, 18 Aug 67 [Ita] Geller LI: Klinicheskoe primenenie metoda rascheta

Cit. no. 4044403
absoliutnoi velichiny sekretsii obkladochnykh kletok Gelli G, Panichi S: Su di un caso di aneurisma calcifico slizistoi obolochki zheludka.

della parete del ventricolo sinistro. Lab Delo 4:212-4, 1967 [Rus] Cuore Circ 53:1-12, Feb 69

[Ita] Cit. no. 4024651

Cit, no. 4051000
Geller LI: O partsial’noi kisloi sekretsii zheludka pri Gelli M, Kovacs V, Zaniboni G: Caratteristiche ia zvennoi bolezni [po povodu_stat'i F. F. Kostiuka] istochimiche e biochimiche della parodontite apicale

Klin Med [Moskva] 46:146-7, Oct 68 [Rus] cronica granulomatoide. II. Considerazioni sulla

Cit. no. 4003321 Geller LI: Porazheniia zheludka pod vliianiem

natura delle proteine solubili esaminate mediante

elettroforesi su acetato di cellulosa, salitsilatov, pirazolonovykh proizvodnykh rezerpina Mondo Odontostomat 10:459-62, Jul-Aug 68 [Ita] [obzor zarubezhnoi literatury].

Cit. no. 3257761
Klin Med [Moskva] 45:20-5, Aug 67 [Rus] Gelli M, Zaniboni G, Cuppini A: Valutazione qualitativa

Cit. no. 3545427 Geller LI: Povyshennom soderzhanii belka

e quantitativa della componente lipidica nelle

ghiandole salivari maggiori di Bos taurus adulto. zheludochnom soke u bol'nykh rakom zheludka. Mondo Odontostomat 10:700-2, Nov-Dec 68 [Ita] Vop Onkol 14:103-4, 1968


Cit. no. 4067065 Cit. no. 3336572

Gelli M see Martani F Geller LI: O geneze ginekomastii. Probl Endokr Gormonoter 12:59, Nov-Dec 66 [Rus]

Gelli MG, Enhörning G, Hultman E, et al: Glucose

infusion in the pregnant rabbit and its effect on Cit. no. 3322703 Geller LI: O klinicheskom primenenii metoda

glycogen content and activity of foetal heart under

anoxia. Acta Paediat Scand 57:209-14, May 68 opredeleniia osmoticheskoi stoikosti leikotsitov po

Cit. no. 3427571 Storti. Lab Delo 3:140-2, 1968

[Rus] Gelli MG, Ericsson JL, Enhörning G: ECG compared Cit. no. 3223407 Geller LI, Kozlova ZP: Sutochnyi ritm ékskretsii

with myocardial ultrastructure in anoxic foetuses of 17-oksikortikosmeroidov pri nekotorykh

normal and hyperglycaemic rabbits.

Acta Paediat Scand 57:330-8, Jul 68 za bolevaniiakh. Lab Delo 6:377-8, 1969 [Rus]

Cit. no. 3427613 Cit. no. 4343660 Geller LI, Kozlova ZP: Obmen gistaminu u bol'nykh

Gellin GA: Is a dermatitis-free cutting oil possible?

J Occup Med 11:128-31, Mar 69 sa kharnym dia betom.

Cit. no. 4165764 Probl Endokr [Moskva] 15:22-6, May-Jun 69 [Rus] Cit, no. 4311666

Gellin GA, Kopf AW, Garfinkel L: Malignant melanoma. Geller LI, Kozlova ZP, Glinskaia TP, et al:

A controlled study of possibly associated factors.

Arch Derm [Chicago] 99:43-8, Jan 69 Soposta vlenie pokazatelei metabolicheskikh funktsii

Cit, no. 3367515 pecheni i reog epatog rammy.

Gellin GA see Rose VE Vrach Delo 10:113-4, Oct 67

[Rus] Gellin GA see Schall EL Cit. no. 4336540 Geller LI, Kozlova ZP, Svetacheva

Gellin ME: Indications and contraindications for the

EA: Vliianie gistamina na

removal of primary teeth. soderzhanie v zheludochnom soke Dent Clin N Amer 13:899-911, Oct 69 mukoproteidov., Lab Delo 4:239-40, 1969 [Rus]

Cit. no. 4341127 Cit. no. 4301504 Geller LI, Kozlova ZP, Meshchenko RG, et al: Otsenka

Gellis SS, Feingold M, Moyer F: Picture of the month. nekotorykh pokazatelei funktsional'nogo sostoianiia

Potter's syndrome. Amer J Dis Child 118:585-6, Oct 69

Cit. no. 4354531 kory nadpochechnikov pri narushenii funktsii Gellis pecheni. Lab Delo 8:456-7, 1968

ss, Feingold M: Cri du chat syndrome.

[Rus] Amer J' Dis Child 117:699-700, Jun 69 Cit. no. 4251145

Cit. no. 4107321 Geller LI, Kozlova ZP, Glinskaia TP: Sravnitel'nyi analiz otdalennykh posledstvii bolezni botkina,

Gellis ss, Feingold M: Sjögren-Larsson syndrome

[Congenital ichthyosis with spastic paralysis and lechennoi i ne lechennoi prednizolonom. Ter Arkh 39:28-32, Aug 67

oligophrenia]. Amer Dis Child 116:553-4, Dec 68 [Rus]

Cit. no. 3301466 Cit. no. 4122626 Geller LI, Kozlova ZP, Glinskaia TP: Aktual'nye i

Gellis SS, Feingold M: Picture of the month. spornye voprosy kortikosteroidnoi terapii bolezni

Diastrophic dwarfism.

Amer Botkina. Vrach Delo 4:112-3, Apr 67

Dis Child 116:525-6, Nov 68 [Rus]

Cit. no. 326 7006 Cit, no. 4031133 Geller LI, Kozlova ZP, Svetacheva EA: Klinicheskoe

Gellis ss, Feingold M: Caudal dysplasia syndrome

[caudal regression syndrome]. znachenie razlichnykh probs gistaminom dlia otsenki

Amer J Dis Child 116:407-8, Oct 68 funktsional'nogo sostoianita zheludka.

Cit. no. 3305345 Vrach Delo 2:39-42, Feb 69

[Rus] Gellis SS see Feingold M Cit. no. 4033063 Geller LI, Ostrovskaia RS, Braginskaja LL:

Gellissen K: Der i. v. Tolbutamidtest im Kindesalter, Sootnoshenie pokazatelei soderzhanila askorbinovoi

Arch Kinderheilk Suppl 58:100+, 1968

Cit. no. 3215206 kisloty v plazme krovi i milligramm-chasovogo

Gellissen K, Gullotta F: Uber die vydeleniia ee s mochoi. Vop Pitan 26:87-9, May-Jun 67

Wernicke-Enzephalopathie im Kindesalter. [Rus]

Arch Kinderheilk 178:185-97, Jan 69 Cit. no. 4015547

Cit. no. 425 7765 Geller LI, Smyshliaeva AP, Svetacheva EA: Dinamika Gellissen K see

Brodehl J belkovoi formuly syvorotki krovi i sekretsii kislogo

K komponenta zheludochnogo soka u bol'nykh

Gellman dd: treatment of the nephrotic syndrome. neoslozhnennoi ia zvennoi bolezn'iu. Ter Arkh 39:86-9, Nov 67

Appl Ther 11:143-6, Mar 69 [Rus]

Cit, no. 4023536 Cit. no. 4023146

Gellman E, Kissane J, Frech R, et al: Cyclophosphamide

Page 10

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Georgiev L see Pawlov Z

Ergebn Inn Med Kinderheilk 20:258-83, 1963 [Ger] Georgescu V, Niculescu J, Mihaly M, et al: Boală Georgiev L see Schischmanov N

Cit, no. 4076 263
Waldenström asociată cu sindrom Raynaud. Georgiev M: Chestota i prichini za nedonosenostta sred Georgii A, Prechtel K, Zobl H: Sarkombildunn durch Med Intern [Bucur] 20:1519-22, Dec 68 [Rum] maitsinstvenoto naselenie V khaskovo.

Polyoma-Virus in der Niere Akush Ginek [Sofila] 6:54-5, 1967

von Ratten. Cit. no. 4232071

[Bul] 2 Krebsforsch 72:1-11, 1969 Georghiou GP, Calman JR: Results of fenitrothion Cit. no. 3260312


Cit, no. 4230654 selection of Culex pipiens fatigans Wied. and Georgiev M: Reptura na slezkata, smetnata za Georgii A, Prechtel K, Ludwig B: Die unterschiedliche Anopheles albimanus Wied. Bull WHO 40:97-101, 1969 razstroena izvunmatochna bremennost.

replikative und transformative Wirkung von Cii, no. 4240675 Akush Ginek [Sofija] 5:318, 1966

[Bul] Polyoma-Virus bei Mäusen, Hamstern und Ratten. Georghiou GP, Calman JR, Mulla MS: Aliphatic amines

Cit. no. 3222426

Zbl Veterinaermed [B] 15:56-64, Feb 68 against insecticide-susceptible and resistant strains Georgiev N, Mikhailov M: Sluchai fibroza


Cit. no. 3254432 of Culex pipiens quinquefasciatus and Anopheles éndomiokarda.

Georgii HW: The effects of air pollution on urban albimanus. J Econ Entom 62:171-3, Feb 69

Klin Med [Moskva] 45:128-9, Oct 67 [Rus] climates. Bull WHO 40:624-35, Apr 69 Cit, no. 3426525 Cit. no. 3540203

Cit. no. 4314767 Georgi C: Ergebnisse der orthopädischen Georgiev P see Kohli RN

Georgijew A, Kalczak M, Węgiel J: Some obserations on Reihenuntersuchungen von 1500 Neugeborenen. Georgiev V: Leading the bioelectrical activity of the the effect of CC14 on normal and regenerating liver. Beitr Orthop Trauma 15:112-3, Feb 68 [Ger] spinal cord under conditions of chronic experiment. Pol Med J 7:1430-7, 1968 Cit. no. 3537360 Dokl Bolg Akad Nauk 20:609-12, 1967

Cit. no. 4021407 Georgi CE see Card GL

Cit. no. 3253107

Georgijewski AS, Shurkowitsch KJ: Die Organisatoren Georgi CE see Sieckmann DG

Georgiev VP: The influence of meta-tolylcarbamide on des Gesundheitsschutzes und die Kybernetik. Georgi JR, De Lahunta A, Percy DH: Cerebral spontaneous and evoked cerebral bioelectrical Z Aerztl Fortbild [Jena] 62:500-3, 1 May 68 [Ger] coenurosis in a cat. Report of a case. activities. Izv Inst Fiziol [Sofia] 11:151-62, 1968

Cit. no. 3301402 Cornell Vet 59:127-34, Jan 69

Cit. no. 3247671

Georgopoulos BS: The general hospital as Cit. no. 3377416 Georgiev Z see Anatkov A

organization: a social-psychological viewpoint. Georgi M: Standardisierung von Apothekenmöbeln. Georgieva L see Glavanakova V

Univ Mich Med Cent Pharm Prax 1:13-5, 1968

J 35:94-7, Apr-Jun 69 [Ger] Georgieva M: Profilaktika i lechenie na urologichnite

Cit. no. 4240167 Cit. no. 4216312

smushteniia pri ginekologichni za bolia vanila. Georgopoulos CP: Suppressor system in Bacillus Georgi M, Kärcher KH, Keiser D von, et al: Akush Ginek [Sofiia] 5:192-7, 1966

[Bul] subtilis 168. J Bact 97:1397-402, Mar 69 Arteriographie bei Tumoren im Veckenbereich. Cit. no. 3222373

Cit. no. 4002720 Radiologe 8:185-90, Jun 68

[Ger] Georgieva M, Baltadzhieva D: K diagnostike Georgopoulos CP see Revel HR Cit. no. 3357644

khronicheskogo pielonefrita u beremennykh. Georgi P, Altenbrunn HJ, Gütz HJ: Untersuchungen

Georgoulis B: Pain caused by anal fissure. Akush Ginek [Moskva] 43:45-7, Nov 67 [Rus] Proc Roy Soc Med 62:260, 3 Mar 69 uber die Dünndarmpassage von Radiogoldkolloid. Cit. no. 4060401

Cit. no. 4065554 Radiol Diagn [Berlín] 8:285-9, 1967

[Ger] Georgieva M, Bobchev T: Sluchai na endotservikalen Georgoulis B see Christeas N Cit. no. 3323002

kartsinom. Akush Ginek [Sofia] 6:65-7, 1967 [Bul] Georgsson G, Wessel W, Thomas C: Zur Feinstruktur Georgi P, Gdanietz K, Altenbrunn HJ:

Cit. no. 3260314

experimenteller Nerventumoren. Nierenuntersuchungen mit der Szintillationskamera Georgieva R: Luminescent determination of histons in Z Krebsforsch 72:12-23, 1969 bei Säuglingen und Kleinkindern.

[Ger] nuclei of covering epithelial cells of the jejunum

Cit. no. 4230653 Radiobiol Radiother [Berlin] 9:695-702, 1968 [Ger] during differentiation.

Georgsson G Wessel W Cit, no. 4226247

Dokl Bolg Akad Nauk 22:345-7, 1969 Georgi P, Lisewski G, Altenbrunn HJ: Exsudative

Georgy HU, Hillger H: Gallensteiner brechen, ein Cit. no. 4220021

Beitrag zum Gallensteinileus. Enteropathie und Nachewisverfahren.

Georgieva R see Kiliovska M Z Ges Inn Med 23:Suppl:151-4, 15 May 68 [Ger]

Med Welt 32:1723-5, 10 Aug 68

[Ger] Georgieva SA: Aktivnost' kholinesterazy

Cit, no. 4014373 Cit. no. 3373122 Georgi Psee Altenbrunn HJ

spinnomozgovoi zhidkosti u bolnykh s posledstvilami Georis M see Winand J Georgi P see Devaux S cherepno-mozgovoi travmy.

Geormăneanu M, Ráiciulescu M, Dinescu D: Studii de Georgi Psee Wangermann G

Vop Neirokhir 32:13-6, Jul-Aug 68

[Rus] citogenetică parentals in trisomille autozomice.

Cit. no. 3346330 Georgiade N see Royer J

Pediatria [Bucur] 18:1-21, Jan-Feb 69 [Rum] Georgiade NG, Mladick RA, Thorne FL: A new protable Georgieva Y, Hadjiiski P, Wegmann R: Etudes dur

Cit. no. 4152751 l'histoenzymologie de l'ovaire de la ratte blanche Geormaneanu M see burn tub. Plast Reconstr Surg 44:404-5, Oct 69

Priscu R Cit. no. 4332231 durant l'ontogénèse et le cycle oestral.

Gepner-Woźniewska M: Przypadek nabytej, samoistnej Ann Histochim 12:335-46, Jul-Sep 67 Georgiade NG, Mladick RA, Thorne FL: The nasolabial

[Fre] niedokrwistości syderoblastycznej. Cit. no. 3550637

Pol Tyg Lek 24:850-1, 2 Jun 69 tunnel flap. Plast Reconstr Surg 43:463-6, May 69

[Pol] Cit. no. 4054132 Georgievskaia LM, Iakovleva AM, Rozina NN, et al: K

Cit. no. 4270445 Georgiade NG See Mladick RA differentisial'noí diagnostike preoblada niia

Gepner-Woźniewska M: Grasica a bia laczka limfatyczna Georgiade NG See Thorne FL

mitral'nogo stenoza i nedostatochnosti mitral'nogo a myszy. Georgiade NG see Wald HI

klapana. Ter Arkh 39:83-8, Jan 67

[Rus] Nowotwory 18:313-9, Oct-Dec 68 [18 ref.] [Pol] Cit. no. 4044745

Cit. no. 3453626 Georgiades E, Kraus U: Vibramycin in der Gynäkologie. Munchen Med Wschr 111:997-1000, 25 Apr 69 [Ger] Georgievski P see Andreevski A

Gepner-Woźniewska M, Konopka L: Lagodny Suz Cit. no. 4112356

Georgievskii AS: Razvitie organizatsionnykh osnov grasicy z aplazja ukladu erytroblastyczne o. Georgiadi GA see Cheshik SG khirurgicheskoi pomoshi ranenym v Sovetskoi armii

69 Pol Tyg Lek 24:141-2, 27 Jan

[Pol] Georgiadis NJ: Total colectomy and ileorectal za 50 let. Vestn Khir Grekov 99:3-11, Sep 67 [Rus]

Cit. no. 4005036 anastomosis for ulcerative colitis.

Cit. no. 4261371

Geppert J see Müller W Proc Roy Soc Med 62:262, 3 Mar 69

[Georgievskii AS]: Anatolii Sergeevich Georgievskii [k Gepts W: Les granulomes mycotiques de l'intestin. Cit. no. 4065557 shestidesiatiletiiu so dnia rozhdeniia]

Acta Gastroent Belg 30:140-2, Feb 67 [Fre] Georgiev B: Gnoen metastatichen meningo-entsefalit s

Voennomed Zh 12:82, Dec 68


Cit. no. 3216743 letalen kraj u razhdashta, preboleduvala ot

Cit. no. 3440500

Gepts W: Les granulomes vermineux de l'intestin. belodrobna tuberkuloza.

Georgievskii AS: Sovetskoi voennoi meditsine 50 let. Acta Gastroent Belg 30:149-57, Feb 67 [Fre] Akush Ginek [Sofiia] 5:150-2, 1966

Gig Sanit 33:3-7, Mar 68


Cit. no. 3216746 Cit. no. 3222360

[Bul] Cit. no. 3223303

Gepts w: Les granulomes pyogéniques.
Georgier B see Khubenova Zh Georgievskii AS, Grigor'ev AN: Entuziast

Acta Gastroent Belg 30:129-31, Feb 67 [Fre] Georgiev G, Bakalivanov D: Luminescent study of voenno-meditsinkoi podgotovki.

Cit. no. 3216741 Aspergillus flavus link strains which release

Voennomed Zh 8:90-2, Aug 67

[Rus] Ger BA: O roli kholinergicheskoi mediatsii beta-índolylacetic acid.

Cit. no. 3412571

dykhatel'nom tsentre. Dokl Bolg Akad Nauk 21:813-6, 1968

Georgievskii AS, Ivanov NG, Lobastov OS: K voprosu o Fiziol Zh SSSR Sechenov 53:54-61, Jan 67 [Rus] Cit. no. 3345070 razvitii nauchnykh issled vanii i prepoda vanila

Cit. no. 3503144 Georgiev G, Chipev Kh, Khadzhiivanov V: Niakoi

organizatsii i taktiki meditsinskoi sluzhby vo VMOLA Ger R, Condrea H, Steichen 1: Traumatic trapelvic suvremenni skhvashtanlia vurkhu etiopatogenezata i imeni S. M. Kirova.

retroperitoneal hemorrhage. An experimental study. diagnozata na intrauterinnoto uvrezhdane na plode.

Voennomed Zh 2:46-50, Feb 68

[Rus] J Surg Res 9:31-4, Jan 69 Akush Ginek [Sofija] 7:312-22, 1968 Cit. no. 3456002

Cit. no. 3413373 Cit. no. 4215334

[Bul] Georgievskii AS, Zhurkovich Kla, Poliakov LE: Geraci E, Serio G, Barone G: Trasformazione in Georgiev G, Lalowa M: Hysterosalpingographie mit Sovetskoe zdravookhranenie i kibernetika.

fibrillazione atriale di tachisistolie atriali ectopiche Vrach Delo 3:100-6, Mar 67

[Rus] con shock elettrico di bassa energia. Folia Med [Plovdiv] 10:35-7, 1968

Cit. no. 4112743

Boll Soc Ital Biol Sper 44:1791-4, 15 Nov 68 [Ita] [Ger] Georgievskii AS see

Cit. no. 4260140 Ar'ev Tla

u kur. Georgievskii VI: Operatsiia timéktomii

Geraci G, LI TK: Circular dichroism of isolated and
Fiziol Zh SSSR Sechenov 52:313-6, Mar 66 [Rus] recombined hemoglobin chains. Cit. no. 4026134

Biochemistry. [Wash] 8:1848-54, May 69

Cit. no. 4136521 Georgievs'kii VP, Dziuba NP: Kyslotno-osnovne tytruvannia farmatsevtichnykh preparativ u Geraci G, Parkhurst LJ, Gibson QH: Preparation and bezvodnykh rozchynny kakh.

properties of alpha- and beta-chains from human Farm Zh [Kiev] 23:79-90, 1968 [228 ref.] [Ukr] hemoglobin. J Biol Chem 244:4664-7, 10 Sep 69 [Ger] Cit. no. 4225116

Cit. no. 4330111

Geraci G see Froede HC
Georgiev I, Mateeva G: Survival and growth of kidney Georgievskii VP, Salatova VI: Kil’kisne vyznachennia

Geraci G see Gibson QH nipahinu ta 2-khlor-m-5-ksylenolu metodom potentsiometrychnoho tytruvannia v seredovyshchi Geraci JE, Hanson KC, Giuliani ER: Endocarditis dymetilformamidu.

caused by coagulase-negative staphylococci. Farm Zh [Kiev] 23:49-52, 1968

[Ukr] Mayo Clin Proc 43:420-34, Jun 68

Cit. no. 3476541 Cit. no. 4056751

Geraci JE see Jones HR Jr Georgievskii VP, Tsarenko Nia, Dziuba NP: Razdel noe

Geraghty M see Ewy GA opredelenie osnovnykh alkaloidov rau vol'fii.



Geraghty M Farmatsiia 16:50-3, Jan-Feb 67

Lotz M Cit. no. 4026075

Geraghty MJ see Martin CM

Gerald AB see Szabó G Georgievskii VS, Fat'ianova LI: Izmenenila pokazatelei

Gerald B see Beaty WR gemodinamiki u zdorovykh liudei vo vremia i posle

Gerald B see Gill JA vypolneniia fizicheskoi raboty srednei tiazhesti. Kardiologila 8:134-7, Nov 68

[Rus] Gerald B see Smith PL Cit. no. 4277722

Gerald MC, Maickel RP: Evidence for peripheral

cholinergic components in thrist-induced water Georgievskii VS, Kakurin Li, Mikhailov VM: Reaktsiia serdechno--sosudistoi sistemy zdorovogo cheloveka consumption. Int J Neuropharmacol 8:337-46, Jul 69

Cit. no. 4354171 na ortostaticheskoe vozde ist vie.

[Rus] Gerald PS see Bloom GE Kardiologija 7:95-9, Jun 67

Gerald PS see Neaves WB Cit. no. 3404110

Gerald PS see Walzer S Georgiewa R, Schiwatschewa T: Aufbau der Tunica

Geraldes A: Malignant transformation of hamster cells [Ger] propria mucosa e des Verdauungsapparates, bei

by cell-free extracts of bovine papillomas [in vitro]. Schafem bryonen und neugeborenen Lämmern.

[Ger] Nature [London] 222:1283-4, 28 Jun 69 Anat Anz 124:504-12, 1969

Cit. no. 4166347 Cit. no. 4320327

Gerali G, Ius A, Parini C, et al: Ricerche sugli steroidi. Georgiewa Y see Hadjiisky P

13. Comportamento alla riduzione di alcuni enolesteri [Ger] Georgii A, Eymer KP: Uber die alveolare

del Lungenproteinose.

direkter Vergrösserungstechnik.

Cit. no. 3253122
Georgiev G see Khubenova Zh Georgiev GP see liyin YV Georgiev 1, Golakov H: Versuche einer Gewebezüchtung in vivo zum Studium der Wiederherstellungsfähigkeit der Milz nach Strahleneinwirkung: Folia Med [Plovdiv] 9:71-8, 1967

Cit. no. 3267753
tissues in cultures in vivo after freezing and preservation at low temperatures. Dokl Bolg Akad Nauk 20:621-4, 1967

Cit. no. 3274751 Georgiev Iv see Uzunov G Georgier IN: Deistvie toksicheskikh 1 predel’no dopustimykh kolichest v sevina na sekretornuiu funktsitlu kishechnika. Gig Sanit 32:42-6, Aug 67 [Rus]

Cit. no. 4206472 Georgiev IN: Izmenenie fermentovydelitel'noi funktsii kishechnika pod vliianiem uvodimykh s pishchei toksicheskikh i predel'no dopustimykh kolichesty khlorofosa. Vop Pitan 26:27-34, May-Jun 67 [Rus]

Cit. no. 4015532 Georgiev K see Kemileva Z

Georgiev K see Serafimoy K

Georgiev L: Anwendung der
Farbstoff verdünnungsmethode bei der Untersuchung des Kammerseptumdefekts. Dokl Bolg Åkad Nauk

21:1145-8, 1968
Cit. no. 3522250
Georgier L, Schischmanov N: Die hämodynamischen
Bedingungen der Stummen Mitralinsuffizienz bei hochgradiger Mitralstenose. Med Well 19:1220-1, 13 May 67

Cit, no. 4205143

Page 11

Amer J Ment Defic 73:791-7, Mar 69

Cit. no. 4037055 Gerke HE: Die Dünnschichtehromatographie und einige ihrer Anwendungsmöglichkeiten im medizinischen Laboratorium.

[Ger] Med Lab [Stuttgart] 20:270-6, Nov 67

Cit. no. 3402200 Gerke HE: Die Dünnschichtchromatographie und einige ihrer Anwendungsmöglichkeiten im medizinischen Laboratorium.

[Ger] Med Lab [Stuttgart] 20:229-40, Oct 67

Cit. no. 3221517 Gerke : Epithetisch-prothetische Versorgungen von Gesichts-Kieferdefekten.

Aesthet Med [Berlin] 17:157-64, 1968 [Ger]

Cit. no. 4073515 Gerke W: Menocil, adipositas und Gewichtsreduktion. Landarzt 44:4-13, 20 Sep 68 [11 ref.] [Ger]

Cit. no. 3404154 Gerken H, Doose H, Völzke E: Elektrencephalographische Untersuchungen zur Genetik kindlicher Epilepsien [Zusammenfassung] Mschr Kinder heilk 116:381, Jun 68

[Ger] Cit. no. 4011170 Gerken I see Doose H Gerkens JF, McCulloch MW: Mechanism of the antagonism between guanethidine and dexamphetamine. Brit J Pharmacol 35:563-72, Mar 69

Cit. no. 4335160 Gerkowicz K: Zastosowanie szczypczyków kontaktowo-sygnalizacyjnych do usunięcia magnetycznego ciala obcego wewnątrzgałkowego. Klin Oczna 39:71-4, 1969

[Pol] Cit. no. 4171611 Gerkowicz T, Karska M, Lewicka-Urbańska B: Rondomycyna w leczeniu zapaleń płuc u niemowląt. Pol Tyg Lek 24:688-9, 5 May 69

[Pol] Cit. no. 4266472 Gerl D, Bonow A: Uber den Einsluss verschiederer Antifibrinolytika auf die Blutgerinnung. Med Klin 64:374-8, 28 Feb 69

[Ger] Cit, no. 4122072 Gerl D, Nöschel H: Geburtsverlauf beim intrauterinen Fruchttod mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des partalen Blutverlustes. Zol Gynaek 90:1463-6, 26 Oct 68

[Ger] Cit. no. 3535303 Gerlach A, Zwieten PA van: Mechanical performance and calcium metabolism in rat isolated heart muscle after adrenalectomy. Pflueger Arch 311:96-108, 1969

Cit. no. 4311566 Gerlach D; A rapid safranin-crystal violet-light green staining sequence_for paraffin sections of plant materials. Stain Techn 44:210-1, Jul 69

Cit. no. 4232545 Gerlach E: Die Bedeutung des Catapresan bei der antihypertensiven Behandlung der Sätgestosen. Med Mschr 22:461-6, Oct 68

[Ger] Cit. no. 4065305 Gerlach E: Die Beeinflussung des varikösen Symptomenkomplexes durch Venoruton injectabile und Kompression unter Berücksichtigung von Kapillarresistenz und Kapillarpermeabilität. Med Mschr 22:414-20, Sep 68

[Ger] Cit. no. 3404222 Gerlach E see Duhm J Gerlach H: Surgical conditions in wild and pet birds. Vet Rec 84:342, 29 Mar 69

Cit. no. 4221007 Gerlach H: Die hintere Gehörgangswand bei der Tympanoplastik.

2 Laryng Rhinol Otol 48:214-8, Mar 69 [Ger]

Cit. no. 4134265 Gerlach_H: Bruthygiene beim Geflügel.

Wien Tieraerztl Mschr 56:120-6, Mar 69 [Ger]

Cit. no. 4105421 Gerlach H: Funktionspläne im Apothekenwesen. Cit. no. 4106650

[Ger] Gerlach H: Kongenitales Nabelarterienaneurysma. Zol Allg Path 111:420-3, 1968 Cit. no. 3456104

[Ger] Gerlach H: Die Vermeidung von Fehlern und Gefahren 2 Laryng Rhinol Otol 48:10-9, Jan 69

[Ger] Gerlach H: Probleme bei der Therapie der Gallisepticum-Mycoplasmose des Geflügels. Berlin Munchen Tieraerztl Wschr 81:448-52, 15 Nov 68

[Ger] Gerlach H, Adler HE, Rosenwald AS: Research note: observations on immune factors associated with arizona group infections in turkeys. Avian Dís 12:681-6, Nov 68

Cit. no. 3315202 Gerlach HL, Gylstorff 1: Untersuchungen über biochemische Eigenschaften, Pathogenität und Resistanzspektrum gegen Antibiotika bei Vibrio Berlin Munchen Tieraerztl Wschr 80:161-4, 1 May 67


Behandlung basaler Schädel-Hirnverletzungen. Arch Klin Exp Ohr Nas Kehlkopfheilk 191:419-28, 1968

German A, Galli A, Maison C, et al: Dosage

colorimetrique de la phosphohexose isomérase par la

[Ger] reaction à l'acide thiobarbiturique. Cit. no. 3544563

Clin Chim Acta 22:551-61, Dec 68 Gerlach ML see Martin JL

[Fre] Gerlach U: Zur Pathophysiologie der Therapie mit

Cit. no. 3322064

German A, Panouse-Perrin J, Ardouin AC: Etude de Cytostatika bei primär chronischer Polyarthritis. Verh Deutsch Ges Inn Med 74:1098-102, 1968 [Ger]

l'action mutagène de l'acide nalidixique sur le phage

Twort du staphylocique. Cit. no. 4116475 Gerlach U: Pathophysiologische Anmerkung zur

CR Acad Sci [D] [Paris] 268:1827-9, 31 Mar 69 [Fre]

Cit. no. 4144034 Therapie mit Antimetaboliten bei primär-chronischer German A, Panouse-Perrin J, Zekam J, et al: Utilisation Polyarthritis und Hepatitis. Med Welt 49:2982-5, 9

du phénomène des lyses alternées de Staphylococcus Dec 67

[Ger] Cit, no. 4101052

pyogenes aures [Twort]

pour l'étude des substances Gerlach U, Manitz G, Themann H:

antivirales. Ann Pharm Franc 25:783-96, Dec 67 [Fre]

Cit. no. 4010156
Feinstrukturuntersuchungen bei aktiver chronischer German A, Panouse-Perrin J, Painvin PM: Etude Hepatitis unter besondeerer Berücksichtigung des Mesenchyms.

cinétique de la bactériolyse de Staphylococcus aureus

Twort' par son phage homologue. Acta Hepatosplen [Stuttgart] 16:90-105, Mar-Apr 69 CR Acad Sci [D] [Paris] 267:1333-6, 14 Oct 68 [Fre]


Cit. no. 3342577 Cit. no. 4222471

German A, Panouse-Perrin J, Quero AM: Dosage Gerlach U see Hauss WH

colorimétrique de l'ozone. Gerlants AI: K klinikorentgenologicheskoi diagnostike Ann Pharm Franc 25:115-20, Feb 67 ia zvennoi bolezni u detei doshkol'nogo i shkol'nogo


Cit. no. 3227631 vozrasta. Pediatriia 46:65-6, Oct 67

[Rus] German AK see Dziak VN Cit. no. 4014731

German D see Terris W Gerle B: Butyrofenonerna i kliniken.

German DG: Kliniko-morfologicheskie i Nord Psykiat T 22:100-6, 1968

[Swe] gistokhimicheskie paralleli pri ischemicheskikh Cit. no. 3417236 Gerle B: Ett år med landstinget.

rasstroist vakh spinal'nogo krovoobrashcheniia

vtorichnogo kharaktera. La kartidningen 65:662-6, 14 Feb 68

[Swe] Zh Nevropat Psikhiat Korsakov 68:1310-7, 1968 [Rus] Cit. no. 3330321

Cit. no. 336 7170
Gerlei F see Palásthy G

German GA: "Madness and its myths" an inaugural
Gerlei F see Vigh G

lecture delivered at Makerere University College on Gerletti E see Celli L

1st February, 1968. E Afr Med J 46:157-65, Mar 69 Gerling PE see Adler E

Cit. no. 4 256501
Gerlinger P, Kallmeyer MA, Beck G, et al: Mise au point German GA: Depression-some aspects.

d'un système acellulaire d'oviducte de poule en ponte. E Afr Med J45:570-6, Aug 68 CR Soc Biol [Paris] 162:2295-8, 1968 [Fre]

Cit, no. 3432125 Cit. no. 4342740

German GP see Chernokhvostova EV Gerlings ED, Gilmore JP: Studies on the mechanism of German J: Bloom's syndrome. I. Genetical and clinical induced changes in the potassium balance of the observations in the first twenty-seven patients. heart. Acta Physiol Pharmacol Neerl 15:263-81, Jun 69 Amer J Hum Genet 21:196-227, Mar 69 Cit. no. 4246351

Cit. no. 4101643 Gerlings ED, Miller DT, Gilmore JP: Oxygen German J, Walker ME, Stiefel FH, et al: MN availability: a determinant of myocardial potassium blood-group locus: data concerning the possible balance. Amer J Physiol 216:559-62, Mar 69 chromosomal location. Science 162:1014-5, 29 Nov 68 Cit. no. 3472117

Cit. no. 3311004 Gerlings ED see Bouman LN


Emerit I Gerlings ED see Gilmore JP

German J see Lima-De-Faria A Gerlings PG: Stralentrauma van pharynx en larynx German JL, Walker ME, Stiefel FH, et al:

[stralencarcinoom en laryngitis radiotherapeutica] Autoradiographic studies of human chromosomes. II. Nederl T Geneesk 113:1045-50, 14 Jun 69 [Dut] Data concerning, the position of the MN locus. Cit. no. 4122411

Vox Sang 16:130-45, Feb 69 Gerlings PG: Laryngeal carcinoma--some

Cit. no. 3506441 considerations with reference to the illness of German MD, Fel' Vla: Triptofanpirrolaza--odin iz Emperor Frederick 3d.

organospetsificheskikh antigenov pecheni. Eye Ear Nose Throat Monthly 47:566-71, Nov 68 Vop Med Khim 15:53-6, Jan-Feb 69 [Rus] Cit. no. 3335417

Cit. no. 4363674 Gerlis LM: Aortic hypoplasia. Lancet 1:985, 10 May 69 German RH see Adams JT Cit. no. 4032355

German WJ see Roberts M
Gerlóczy F: Az emberi E-vitamin hiányról és az Germanà G see Barbera S E-vitamin hatásmechanizmusáról.

Germana J: Effects on behavioral responding on skin Orv Hetil 109:897-907, 28 Apr 68 [86 ref.] [Hun]

conductance level. Psychol Rep 24:599-605, Apr 69 Cit. no. 3351610

Cit. no. 4332305 Gerlóczy F, Gerendás M, Láncos F: Wirkung von Germana J: Central efferent processes and Alpha-Tocopherol auf die Gerinnungsstörung bei autonomic-behavioral integration. håmophilen Kindern.

Psychophysiology 6:78-90, Jul 69 [54 ref.] Acta Paediat Acad Sci Hung 9:1-10, 1968 [Ger] Cit. no. 4365004 Cit. no. 3311210

Germana J: Response characteristics and the orienting
Gerlóczy F, Molnár M, Bizsik G, et al: Zur Frage der reflex. J Exp Psychol 78:610-6, Dec 68
Familiarität des Hypoparathyreoidismus.

Cit. no. 3426557
Acta Paediat Acad Sci Hung 8:83-111, 1966 [Ger] Germana J, Chernault G: Patterns of galvanic skin Cit. no. 3231421

responses to signal and non-signal stimuli. Gerlóczy F, Schuler D: Hemihypertrophy: incidence Psychophysiology 5:284-92, Nov 68 and chromosomal examinations.

Cit. no. 3346136 Acta Paediat Acad Sci Hung 9:323-8, 1968

Germane SK, Kimenis AA: Rezultaty Cit. no. 4126466

farmakologicheskogo issledovanila Gerlóczy F, Schuler D: A hemihypertrophiáról metora na--preparata neirolepticheskogo de ist viia. [gyakoriság, chromosoma vizsgálatok]

Zh Nevropat Psikhiat Korsakov 68:1390-4, 1968 [Rus] Orv Hetil 109:2421-3, 3 Nov 68


Cit. no. 3367206 Cit. no. 4011310

Germaniuk AP: Kliniko-morfologicheskala [Gerlóczy Zs], Regöly-Mérei Gy: Gerlóczy Zsigmond kharakteristika éritromieloza. hatasa a fertöző betegségek magyarországi

Lab Delo 9:573, 1968

[Rus] klinikumának kialakitására,

Cit. no. 4301554 Orv Hetil 110:678-9, 23 Mar 69

[Hun] Germaniuk AP, Predtechenskaia GA: Cit. no. 4061554

Zhelezodefitsitnye anemii pernitsiozopodobnogo
Gerlowin E, Kritschewskaja I, Archangelska ja G: kharaktera. Lab Delo 11:665-6, 1967 [Rus]
Zytochemische und zytophotometrische Analyse der

Cit. no. 4072625 Differenzierung der Unterkieferdrüsenzellen im Germaniuk IV see Stepankovskaia LD Laufe der Embryogenese und bei der Regerneation. Germann TD see Briggs JN Verh Anat

[Ger] Ges 62:145-53, Mar 67

Germann W see



Germann W see Scheublein M Cit. no. 3316415


Germanò D Granata A Germain CP: Nursing role variations in coronary care. Hospitals 43:147-51, 1 Sep 69

Germano G, Brennan K: Von den Werten der Blutgase Cit. no. 4333416

und des pH zur gezielten Therapie. Germain CP see Goldberg TH

Med Welt 6:295-9, 8 Feb 69

[Ger] Germain D, Monnet P, Roux JF, et al: Les

Cit. no. 4040021

Germano M see Minicucci E
leucoblastoses transitoires de la trisomie 21. [A propos d'une observation]

[Germano Buzzi F], Fiandesio D: Francesco Germano Ann Pediat [Paris] 14:504-10, Jun-Jul 67 [Fre] Buzzi [1908-1967] Cit. no. 4304457

Radiol Med [Torino] 53:1338-9, Dec 67 [Ita] Germain D

Cit, no. 4050071 see François R Germain D

Germanov AB, Sokolov MI: Fenotipicheskoe see Helfre M Germain D

proia vlenie nekotorykh geneticheskikh priznakov see Jeune M Germain G, Gascon J: L'indométhacine. Etude clinique virusa obychnogo gerpeska v zavisimosti ot uslovii

kul'tivirovaniia. Vop Virus 13:611-8, Sep Oct 68 [Rus] et biologique practiquée chez 73 patients. Un Med Canada 96:837-40, Jul 67


Cit. no. 3454214
Cit. no. 3463607

Germanov AB, Sokolov MI: Vydelenie
Germain G

termorezistentnykh mutatov virusa obychnogo
see Abaza A Germain JP

gerpesa metodum bliashek. Robichon J see Vop Virus 12:182-6, Mar-Apr 67

[Rus] Germain LD: Needed: changes in hospitals to utilize the

Cit. no. 3274272 new practitioner in nursing.

Germanov AB see Sokolov MI J Nurs Educ 8:25-9, Aug 69

Germanov AI, Guliaev EA, Slirina PV: Cit. no. 4275537

Negemoglobinnoe zhelezo sy vorotki krovi kak Germain M, Jezequel c, Coutel Y: Les péritonites néo-natales. A propos de 15 observations.

pokazatel aktivnosti revmaticheskogo protsessa. [Fre] Lab Delo 11:643-4, 1968

[Rus] Ann Pediat [Paris] 15:725-38, 2 Nov 68

Cit. no. 4324117 Cit. no. 4056523

Germanov AI, Guseva NI, Preis EM: Opyt raboty Germaine FW see Wilson ST

Cit, no. 3267276 Gerlach I see Keller-Schierlein W Gerlach HG: Asymmetrien im Kiefer-Gesichtsbereich, Fortschr Kieferorthop 29:436-532, 1968

Cit, no. 3532046 Gerlach :: Individualtod --Partialtod -- Vita reducta. probleme der Definition und Diagnosi des Todes in der Medizin von heute. Munchen Med Wschr 110:980-3, 19 Apr 68 [Ger]

Cit. no. 4225722 Gerlach J: Syndrome des Sterbens und der Vita Munchen Med Wschr 111:169-76, 24 Jan 69 [Ger]

Cit. no. 4011255 Gerlach ]: Gehirntod und totaler Tod. Munchen Med Wschr 111:732-6, 28 Mar 69 [Ger]

Cit. no. 4044411 Gerlach d: Die neurochirurgische Beurteilung und

Page 12

blocking properties, of cyclopentamine.
Giacomazzi G see Marazzini L

dell'attività bioelettrica spontanea ed evocata J Pharm Scí 58:882-4, Júl 69

Giacomello G see Alhaique F Cit. no. 4337631 Giacometti C, Rebora A: Terapia della tinea corporis e

dell'ippocampo dorsale nel corso dell'ipoglicemia, nel3:31,

coniglio con elettrodi a permanenza. Ghouri MS, Haley TJ: Alpha-adrenergic delle grandi pieghe.

Arch Fisiol 65:219-37, Dec 67 receptor-blocking properties of six phenethylamine Minerva Derm 42:312-4, Jul 67


Cit. no. 4035104 derivatives in vitro. J Pharm Sci 58:760-1, Jun 69

Cit. no. 4105121

Giammanco S, La Grutta V: Effetti immediati e a Cit. no. 4252741

Giacometti L: The healing of skin wounds in primates, distanza della stimolazione dell'Ippocampo dorsale sul 3 Ghouri MS, Haley TJ: Structure-activity relationships 3. Behavior of the cells of Langerhans.

comportamento alimentare del coniglio. in the adrenergic-blocking agents,

J Invest Derm 53:151-4, Aug 69 J Pharm Sci 58:511-38, May 69 [411 ref.]

Arch Fisiol 65:188-218, Dec 67
Cit, no. 4303335

Cit, no. 4035103 Cit. no. 4227666

Giacometti L See Allegra F

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Gilvarg C see Payne JW électronique. Arch Franc Pediat 25:1073-81, Nov 68 [Fre]

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prof zabolevanii] Gig Sanit 31:55-7, Dec 66 [Rus] ge krafikon à des vapeurs d'eau oxygénée. Gilmore DP, McDonald PG: The induction of prolonged

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traumático. Comentario sobre 34 casos. pyrazol dans quelques troubles de la circulation Gilmore EB see Gross SR

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in vitro with a platelet-rich medium. histology. Experientia 24:940-1, 15 Sep 68

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INZESE Cit, no. 3455103 Gilmore JP, Gerlings ED: Influence of interstimulus

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antiplasminica sintética en el eczema. Arch Intern Med [Chicago] 123:626-31, Jun 69 Gilmore JP see Gerlings ED

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Cit. no. 3342205 Gills JP Jr see Berkow JW Gilmore RA see Mortimer RK

Gimenez Camarasa JM see Ocaña Sierra J Gills JP Jr see Buckley CE 3d

Gilmore RW: Epidemiology and heredity of accessory Giménez Ibáñez JA see Tapella PA Gills JP Jr see Short MJ

occlusal ridges on the buccal cusps of human premolar Gimenez Miranda JM: Resultados en el tratamiento de la Gillum DI see Levis RE teeth. Arch Oral Biol 13:1035-46, Sep 68

la tuberculosis genital femenina. Gilly G see Scholz W

Cit. no. 3510746

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Cit. no. 3411632 Gilly R: La rubéole congénitale. Bilan des acquisitions Gilmore SA: Alterations in blood vessels in x-irradiated Gimenez Miranda M, Schulz Contreras M: Endometrios actuelles. Rev Lyon Med 17:47-53, 1968 [Fre] spinal cords of young rats. Anat Rec 163:89-99, Jan 69 progestagenal. Alteraciones histológicas en 20 Cit, no. 3546141

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progestagenos. Gilmour DG, Allison AC: Inheritance of susceptibility Ginec Obstet Mex 22:137-40, Mar-Apr 67 [Spa] des parathyroides sur son élimination. of chicken erythrocytes to haemagglutination by

Cit, no. 3411614 Pediatrie 22:411-21, Jun 67 [Fre] poxviruses and phospholipids.

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Gimeno A, Chinchilla M, Lopez F, et al: Angioma lang sa chirurgie thoracique dans la mucoviscidose de Gilmour J see Kling A

sa cular cerebral del sistema venoso profundo. l'enfant. Gilmour JR see Emery GM

J Neurol Sci 7:71-81, Jul-Aug 68 JFranc Med Chir Thorac 21:685-701, Sep-Oct 67 [Fre] Gilmour LP see O'Brien RD

Cit. no. 3275233 Cit. no. 4313333

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with absence of IgĠ. J Neurol Sci 8:545-54, May-Jun 69 hypogammaglobulinémies chez l'enfant.

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Regulación metabólica de la contractilidad studies on the rapid reaction of ferrous cytochromec miocárdica. propos de 2 cas de comas par hyperosmolarité. oxidase with molecular oxygen under conditions of Marseille Med 105:371-9, 1968

Acta Physiol Lat Amer 16:153-69, 1966 [Fre] complete and partial oxygenation. Cit, no. 3225460

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Cit. no. 3430013 Gilly R see Brun J Gilmour NJ: The detection of antibodies to M. Johnei

monosaccharides, acetate, butyrate, lactate, and Gilly R see Hermier M by immunofluorescence.

pyruvate on the developed tension of isolated rat [Gil'man AG]: A.G. Gil'man [k 70-letilu So dnia Proc US Livestock Sanit Ass 72:173-7, 1968

atria. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 130:1033-41, Apr 69 rozhdenlia] Eksp Khir Anest 12:94-5, Jul-Aug 67 [Rus]

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Gimeno EJ: Informe sobre el caso de fiebre aftosa of young adult sheep to vaccination and infection with 3',5'-phosphate in mediating effects of myxovirus parainfluenza 3.

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de 1966. Bull Office Int Epizoot 68:555-64, May 67 [Spa] metabolism of bovine thyroid slices.

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la brucelosis en la República Argentina. Factores Gilman AG, Rall TW: Factors influencing adenosine infections in cattle. J Comp Path 79:71-7, Jan 69

determinantes para la realización de compañas 3',5'-phosphate accumulation in bovine thyroid slices.

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Moutschen-Dahmen J khirurgicheskogo lechenila bol'nykh Gilotra SK, Bhattacharya NC: Mosquito vectors of

control de Salmonellas en carnes de exportación de la resprostranennym fibrozo-ka vernoznym dengue--chikungunya viruses in a rural area near

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aftosa en la República Argentina. Factores Gilman JP see Basrur PK calves. 3. Pathology of the central nervous system in

determinantes para la realización de campañas Gilm M: Traumatic vitreal air bubbles. naturally occurring and experimental cases

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Cit. no. 3252371

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Gimeno ML see Raichs A hemosiderosis in the absence of clinical or radiologic Gilsing H see

see Zayed I

Gimeno Alava A Staak WJ van

see Martínez-Lage JM evidence of pulmonary disease.

de Gilsing HM see Staak WJ

Gimeno-Alava A

see Rodríguez Arias B J Pediat 75:118-21, Jul 69

van Gilson EQ, Baddeley AD: Tactile short-term memory.


Gimeno Alava A see Rojas Hidalgo E Cit. no. 4171465 Quart J Exp Psychol 21:180-4, May 69

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Cit. no. 4153032

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Cit. no. 4060551 Apr 69

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Orv Heti 110:721-3, 30 Mar 69 Brain Res 14:218-21, Jun 69 Gilson SB: Anticoagulants in renal fallure.

Cit. no. 4067252 Cit. no. 4123221 Lancet 1:314, 8 Feb 69

Gimes B: Die Strahlenpneumonitis als Komplikation Gilman S: A mechanism underlying cerebellar

Cit. no. 3436274 hypotonia. Trans , Amer Neurol Ass 93:213-5, 1968

der. Strahlenbehandlung des Mammakarzinoms. Gilson TD, Myers GE: Clinical studies of dental

Fortschr Roentgenstr Ș108:638-43, May 68 Cit. no. 3501110 cements. II. Further investigation of two zinc

Cit, no. 3300652 Gil'mar IS, Kravets VM, Puzhallo VI: Ob izuchenii

oxide-eugenol cements for temporary restorations.

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J Dent Res 48:366-7, May-Jun 69

Gimes R: Condenser U7 in cytodiagnosis. Vrach Delo 8:84-7, Aug 67


Cit, no. 4144440 Cit. no. 4040554

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prognostic aid in the treatment of schizophrenia.

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sexe Ginsburger-Vogel T: Détermination du

et Cit. no. 4111066

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[Rus] Cesk Fysiol 17:423-36, 1968 [101 ref.] [Slo]

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Ginter E, Babala J, Bobek P, et al: Model of techeniia nespetsificheskogo lazvennogo kolita. Cit. no. 3513310 experimental hypercholesterolaemia and

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Cit. no. 3430154

oksigenoteraplia uozhogovykh bol'nykh. Ginsberg F: If you have the right system, these 14 steps Ginter E, Bobek P, Babala J, et al: The effect of ascorbic Khirurgila [Moskva] 43:104-7, Oct 67 [Rus] will make any O.R. safe. Mod Hosp 110:130, Jun 68 acid on the lipid metabolism of guinea-pigs fed an

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Ginzburg RL, Voitsekhovskii PP: Osobennosti Ginsberg F see Christie JE

Cit. no. 4167124

reanimatsii pri ozhogovom shoke. Ginsberg H, Freinkel A: Anaesthetic problems Ginter E, Bobek P, Kopec Z, et al: Metabolic disorders Ortop Travm Protez 12:8-12, Dec 67 [Rus] associated with stab injuries of the neck. in guinea-pigs with chronic vitamin C hyposaturation.

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Cit. no. 3404663

Ginzburg SE: O roll narushenii ritma serdtsa v Ginsberg H, Gerber JA: Ketamine hydrochloride: a Ginter E, Bobek P, Babala J: Effetto

patogeneze ishemicheskikh insul’tov [po dannym clinical investigation in 60 children.

dell'ipercolesterolemia sperimentale sul fegsto di reoéntsefalografii] S Afr Med J 43:627-8, 24 May 69 differenti animali di laboratorios.

zh Nevropat Psikhlat Korsakov 68:997-1002, 1968 Cit. no. 4141476

Epatologia 12:23-35, Jan-Feb 66 [Ita]

[Rus] Ginsberg H, Gerber JA: CI-581: a clinical report on 100

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Cit, no. 3276273 patients. S Afr Med J 42:1177-9, 9 Nov 68 Ginter E, Bobek P, Ovečka M: Model of chronic Ginzburg SE, Markov DA, Zlotnik EI: O nekotorykh Cit. no. 3354245 hypovitaminosis C in guinea-pigs.

osobennostiakh simptomatologu i diagnostiki Ginsberg HS see Bello LJ Int 2 Vitaminforsch 38:104-13, 1968

okkliuzit proksimal’noi chasti perednei mozgovoi Ginsberg HS see Levine AJ

Cit. no. 3351166

arterii [kliniko-elektrofiziologicheskii analiz] Ginsberg HS Velicer LF

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Cit. no. 4143614 stapedectomy. A comparison of two techniques. C. Biologia [Bratisl] 23:721-7, 1968

[Slo] Ginzburg SL see Kramchaninov NF Arch Otolaryng [Chicago] 88:481-90, Nov 68

Cit. no. 3235155

Ginzburg SO, Bukhny AF: Raskhodlashchlesia vyvíkhi i Cit. no. 3250606 Ginter E see Cerven J

perelomy-vyvikhl predplech'la v loktevom sustave u Ginsberg JM, Eyring EJ, Curtiss PH Jr: Continuous Ginter E see Simko V

detei Ortop Travm Protez 28:33-7, Aug 67 [Rus] compression of rabbit articular cartilage producing Ginther OJ: Utero-ovarian relationships in cattle:

Cit. no. 3432553 loss of hydroxyproline before loss of hexosamine. J Bone Joint Surg [Amer] 51:467-74, Apr 69 physiologise aspects.

Ginzburg So see Bukhny AF

Amer Vet Med Ass 153:1656-64, 15 Dec 68 Ginzburg TS see Drabkina RO Cit. no. 4020542

Cit. no. 3345315

Ginzburg VG, Stol'tser SM: Negatoskopy novoi Ginsberg MD: Spontaneous group B streptococcal Ginther OJ: Utero-ovarian relationships in cattle: konstruktsii. bacteremia complicating hepatic cirrhosis. Report of applied veterinary aspects.

Vestn Rentgen Radiol 12:89-91, Jan-Feb 67 [Rus] two cases. Amer J Dig Dis 13:1065-71, Dec 68 J Amer Vet Med Ass 153:1665-71, 15 Dec 68

Cit. no. 4216644 Cit. no. 3323442

Cit, no. 3345316 Ginsberg NJ, Dauer M, Slotta KH: Melittin used as a Gintsburg EI see

Ginzburg VV: 50 let antropology v Sovetskom Soluze. Lebedeva NE Arkh Anat 52:3-21, Feb 67

[Rus] protective agent against x-irradiation. Ginzberg E: Facts and fancies about medical care.

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Ginzburg-Gusakova FL: Eksperimental’nyi ditizonovyi Cit. no. 3374251

Cit. no. 4062241

diabet u adrenaléktomirovannykh krollkov. Ginsberg R:

Number and color responses in the young Ginzberg E, Azanjac R, Debijadi H, et al: Pulmektomija Pat Fiziol Eksp Ter 11:51-4, May-Jun 67 [Rus] child. J Exp Child Psychol 7:265-73, Apr 69 u plućnoj tuberkulozi. Indikacije i rezultati na 205

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slučajeva. Vojnosanit Pregl 25:635-9, Dec 68 [Cro] Ginzburg-Kaminskaia MN see Barvenko LA Ginsberg T, David FF: The biosynthesis of

no. 4040511

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montedzha u detei Cit. no. 3330066

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Ginzburg BKh, Kondramenko TM: Kontsentratsiia Ginzel KH: The influence of anesthesia on baroreceptor Ginsborg S see Clyne MB

penitsillina v syvorotke krovi posle vvedenija reflexes. Proc West Pharmacol Soc 11:31-5, 1968 Ginsburg A: Conformational changes in glutamine bitsillina-5. Antibiotiki 13:1100-2, Dec 68 [Rus]

Cit. no. 4336265 synthetase from Escherichia coli. II. Some

Cit. no. 4045262

Ginzel KH: Action of nicotine on autonomic and somatic characteristics of the equilibrium binding of feedback Ginzburg BZ see Ben-Amotz A

reflexes. Proc West Pharmacol Soc 11:35-7, 1968 inhibitors to the enzyme. Ginzburg D, Padan E, Shilo M: Effect of cyanophage

Cit. no. 4336266 Biochemistry [Wash] 8:1726-40, Apr 69

infection on CO2 photoassimilation in Plectonema Ginzel KH, Eldred E: Relief of decerebrate rigidity by Cit. no. 4306642 boryanum. J Virol 2:695-701, Jul 68

viscero-somatic reflex action. Ginsburg A see Denton MD

Cit. no. 3330241

Proc West Pharmacol Soc 12:41-4, 1969 Ginsburg Asee Stadtman ER Ginzburg DA, Losev AA: K

Cit. no. 4353473 Ginsburg AD, Aster RH: Kinetic studies with diggerentsiatsiltastenicheskogo sindroma razlichnoi Gioacchini B, Tommasi A: Risultati clinici in campo 51.chromium-labeled platelet cohorts in rats. étiologii.

urologico con l'uso di un antinfiammatorio non J Lab Clin Med 74:138-44, Jul 69

Zh Nevropat Psikhiat Korsakov 68:987-92, 1968 [Rus] steroideo [Benzidamina] Cit. no. 4165703

Cit, no. 3276270

Minerva Urol 19:71-5, Mar-Apr 67 Ginsburg CM, Bartone FM, Angle CR: Urinary Ginzburg EA, Plotnikova LM, Zal'munin PA, et al:

Cit. no. 3475271 abnormalities in the institutionalized retarded. Issledovanlia chuvstvitel'nosti k glstoplazminu i Gioanni T see Baran R Nebraska Med J 54:509-15, Aug 69

koktsidioidinu V srednei polose Rossii. Cit. no. 4243721 Vestn Derm Vener 41:29-31, Aug 67

Gioannini P, Marcolongo R, Boggiano CA, et al: Su di un

[Rus] Ginsburg GP: Symptoms of large-intestine cancer.

caso di varicella con associazione di polmonite ed Cit. no. 4251531

epatite micronodulare. Lancet 2:1078-9, 16 Nov 68 Ginzburg EA, Zhukova MP:Chuvstvitel'nost k vysokim


G Mal Infett 20:817-24, Sep 68 Cit. no. 3270234

kontsentratsilam tuberkulina. Ginsburg H see Berke G

Cit. no. 3476242 Vrach Delo 10:143-4, Oct 67

[Rus] Ginsburg J: Gynaecomastia.

Cit. no. 4336566

Gioannini P, Scalise G, Pippi L, et al: Osservazioni sul Practitioner 203:166-70, Aug 69 Ginzburg EA, Zhukova MP, Plotnikova LM, et al:

comportamento di alcuni metaboliti dell'acido Cit. no. 4300213 Eksperimental’nala obhibka pri

piruvico nel sangue di pazienti con epatite virale e

cirrosi epatica e Ginsburg J: Breakdown in maternal protection: drugs. tuberkulinodiagnostike.

in coma epatico.

[Ita] Proc Roy Soc Med 61:Suppl:1244+, Nov 68 [20 ret.] Probl Tuberk 44:32-6, 1966

Minerva Med 60:524-36, 10 Feb 69 [Rus]

Cit. no. 3524747 Cit. no. 3350235

Cit. no. 3477134 Ginsburg J, Duncan S: Direct and indirect blood Ginzburg EA, Zhukova MP, Plotnikova LM:

Giobbi A: La vaccinazione con BCG e la sua applicazione

fase attua pressure measurement in pregnancy. Optimal'noe vremia otsenki tuberkulinovoi proby.

dell'endemia tubercolare in Italia. 76:705-10, Aug 69 Klin Med [Moskva] 44:55-9, Dec 66

G Ital Mal Torace Suppl 1:12-30, Jan-Feb 69 [Ita]

[Rus] Cit, no. 3351420

Cit. no. 4220254 Cit. no. 4301260

Ginsburg J see Duncan SL Ginzburg EM: Rentgenologicheskoe opredelenie

A: L'attività dell'Istituto Vaccinogeno
Kreel L

Antitubercolare "A. Ascoli” nel 1966. Ginsburg J see

srashchenji zheludka s podzheludochnoi zhelezoi pri Ginsburg JM, Heggeness FW: Adaptation in jazvennoi bolezni.

Lotta Tuberc 37:Suppl:58-60, Jan-Mar 67

Cit, no. 4022274 monosaccharide absorption in infant and adult rats. Vestn Rentgen Radiol 12:94-6, Jan-Feb 67 [Rus] J Nutr 96:494-8, Dec 68

Cit. no. 4216650

Giobbi A: La vaccinazione nell'ambito dei C.P.A. in Cit. no. 3315666 Ginzburg EM see Bogolepov NK

rapporto alla situazione epidemiologica attuale della Ginsburg M, Thomas PJ: The molecular dimensions of Ginzburg EM see Golovinchits VA

tubercolosi. Lotta Tuberc 38:108-10, Jan-Mar 68 [Ita]

Cit. no. 4036112 porcine neurophysin and some thermodynamic Ginzburg luB: Odnomomentnaia peresadka shirokoi parameters of the reaction with lysine vasopressin. myshtsy spiny i obshchego razgibatelia spiny na bedro

Giocoli G, Digesů A, Casella C: L'esperienza di un J Physiol [London] 201:181-99, Mar 69 pri paraliche iagodichnykh myshts posle poliomielita.

semestre nella clinica Ostetrica e Ginecologica Cit. no. 3524454 Eksp Khir Anest 12:55-9, Mar-Apr 67

dell'Università di Bari sulla frequenza e terapia del Ginsburg M see Brown P

[Rus] Cit. no. 4265737

Trichomonas vaginalis [su 3313

pazienti esaminate

Minerva Ginsburg N: Extra version and adaptation to Ginzburg luB: Paraliticheskii vyvikh bedra_1_ego

Ginec 19:740-5, 31 Jul 67

Cit. no. 3465161 Intermittent light.

lechenie. Ortop. Travm Protez 28:20-4, Sep 67 [Rus] Giocoli G see

Cit. no. 3416041 Percept Motor Skills 28:195-201, Feb 69

Cavina G Cit. no. 4017202

Ginzburg IE see Shabanov AN

Gioffrè l, Franceschini R: La urografia per infusione Ginsburg NN, Cherkasskii BL: Ocherednye zadachi

Ginzburg L see Friedman IH nauchnykh issledovanii v oblasti épidemiologii Ginzburg, LI: Rentgenodiagnostika fibroza pri

Ann Ital 43:139-56, sibirskoi lazvy. Zh Mikrobiol 45:32-6, 1968 [Rus] tuberkuleze legkikh.

Cit. no. 4070007 Cit. no. 4222442 Probl Tuberk 45:49-52, 1967

Gioffre L, Mammucari R: Indagine linfografica delle Ginsburg S see Katzman R

Cit. no. 3455577


stazioni inguino-pel viche nei tumori dell'asta. Ginsburg S see Kitz RJ Ginzburg M: The unusual membrane permeability of

Correlazioni linfografico-istologiche in rapporto alla Ginsburg S see Ryan JF two halophilic unicellular organisms.

terapia chirurgica. Ann Ital Chir 43:273-91, 1967 [Ita] Ginsburg V, Neufeld ÉF: Complex heterosaccharides of Biochim Biophys Acta 173:370-6, Apr 69

Cit. no. 4070021 Cit. no. 4076003

Gioffre L see Campana FP
Gioffrè L see Cancrini A

Page 16

lymphoma. Cancer 23:1290-5, Jun 69 Gjessing LR see Lindemann R

Med Parazit [Moskva] 38:193-7, Mar-Apr 69 [Rus]
Cit. no. 4105560 Gjessing LR see Maeda M

Cit. no. 4141162
Givner ML, Schilling G, Dvornik D: Aromatization of Gjessing LR see Vellan EJ

Gladkikh VF see Malkina Ala delta-7-C19-steroids to delta-7-estrogens by human Gjivan B see Stulhofer M

Gladkov IM: O zabolevanil brutsellezom v rezultate placenta in vitro. Endocrinology 83:984-91, Nov 68 Gjone E: Cytostatisk behandling av autoimmune sluchaînoi inoektsil cheloveku zhivoi brutselleznoi Cit. no. 3255170

sykdommer Givol D see

vaktsiny iz shtamma 19. Jaton JC

T Norsk Laegeforen 89:387-90, 15 Mar 69 [Nor] Zh Mikrobiol 45:136, Aug 68 Givol D see Segal S

[Rus] Cit. no. 4201502

Cit. no. 4217103 Givol D see Weinstein Y

Gjone E: Fosfolipase A og akutt pankreatitt. Gladkova AI: Znachenie fizicheskoi nagruzki dlla Givone S, Guglielmo B: Sull'impiego

Nord Med 81:373-4, 20 Mar 69

[Nor] predotvrashchenila narushenii serdechnoi dell'uridindifosfoglucosio in un caso di Ittero non

Cit. no. 4171777

deiatel'nosti. emolitico. Minerva Nipiol 17:69-71, Mar-Apr 67 [Ita] Gjone E, Bergaust B: Corneal opacity in familial plasma Pat Fiziol Eksp. Ter 10:76-7, Nov-Dec 66 [Rus] Cit, no, 3471133 cholesterol ester deficiency.

Cit. no. 3265344 Givone S, Guglielmo B: Rilievi clinico-statistici su 37 Acta Ophthal [Kobenhavn] 47:222-7, 1969

Gladkova EV, Rogovaia TZ: Sanitarno-gigienicheskala casi di tetano ricoverati all'Ospedalino Koelliker nel

Cit. no. 4263511

kharakteristika uslovli truda i sostolanie zdorovla periodo 1957-1966.

Gjone e, Norum KR: Familiaer plasma cholesterol rabochikh v proizvodstve_butllakrilata i émul’sil na Minerva Nipiol 17:71-3, Mar-Apr 67

[Ita] ester mangel. En ny “inborn error of metabolism". ego osnove. Gig Tr Prof Zabol 12:12-5, Jul 68 [Rus] Cit. no. 3471134

Nord Med 80:878-83, 4 Jul 68


Cit. no. 4210105 Givone s, Guglielmo B: Rilievi clinico-statistici sul

Cit. no. 3255422

Gladkova LL see Tikhonravov VA trattamento con l'uridindifosfoglucosio nelle epatiti Gjone E, Torsvik H, Norum KR: Familial plasma Gladkova NE, Uteshev BS, Pinegin BV, et al: Ob virali dell'infanzia,

cholesterol ester deficiency. A study of the immunodepressivnom deistvil metotreksa ta. Minerva Nipiol 17:65-9, Mar-Apr 67 [Ita] erythrocytes. Scand J Clin Lab Invest 21:327-32, 1968 Farmakol Toksik 32:191-3, Mar-Apr 69 [Rus]

w Brid Cit. no. 3471132 Cit. no. 3417550

Cit, no. 4113535 Giza JS, Morasiewicz W: 0 wartościach opieki Gjone E see Hamnström B

Gladkova NE see Merkulov MF socjalno-prawnej nad pacjentami otwartego Gjone E see Norum KR

Gladkova NE see Uteshev BS lecznictwa psychiatrycznego. Gjonnaess H: Thiazide treatment in pregnancy with Gladkovskaia AA see Tkachev PG

3 K: Psychiat Pol 3:173-7, 1969

[Pol] special reference to maternal and foetal electrolytes. Gladkowska E see Szczekot J Cit. no. 4270516 Acta Obstet Gynec Scand 47:404-19, 1968

Gladney JH see Smith KR Jr Giza T: Miocardosis por déficit de calcio; influencia de

Cit, no. 4123051

Gladstone GP see Gershon A la hipocalcemia experimental sobre el miocardio del Gjonnaess HA: Trombose--embollfare ved sengeleie. Gladstone RM: Protein synthesis: the Incorporation of conejo. Folia Clin Int [Barc] 19:105-12, Feb 69 [Spa] Ť Norsk Laegeforen 89:476-8, 1 Apr 69 [Nor] L-leucine-1-C1400H into bovine retina. 3. Cit. no. 4273651

Cit. no. 4216470

Canad J Ophthal 4:293-5, Jul 69 Giza T: The importance of decalcification in the Gjöres JE, Thulesius 0: Ultraljud. registrering av

Cit. no. 4323476

Cuadra modern treatment of tuberculosis. artärblodflöde.

Gladstone RM: Development and significance of Pol Med J 8:400-3, 1969

Lakartidningen 66:1103-9, 12 Mar 69 [Swe] heterochromia of the iris. Cit. no. 4120616

Cit. no. 4065150

Arch Neurol [Chicago] 21:184-91, Aug 69 Giza T, Hanicka M, Jelonek A, et al: Choroby Gjorup L see Carlsen L

Cit. no. 4235205 cywilizacyjne--nercyca. Chorobotwórczy wpływ Glad BW, Spikes JD, Kumagai LF: The inhibition of the Gladstone RM: Protein synthesis: the incorporation of radioaktywnego chromu na nerkę szczura.

dye-sensitized photoinactivation of trypsin using L-leucine-1-C1400H into bovine retina. II. Pol Tyg Lek 24:1146-9, 28 Jul 69 [Pol] tyrosine and thyronine analogues.

Canad J Ophthal 4:199-215, Apr 69 Cit. no. 4313750 Experientia 24:1002-3, 15 Oct 68

Cit. no. 4072007 Giza T, Popczyńska-Markowa M, Marek Z, et al:

Cit. no. 3511270

Gladstone RM: Aspergillus keratomycosis. Miokardoza z niedoboru wapnia. Wpływ Glad DD see O'Hearne JJ

Eye Ear Nose Throat Monthly 48:225-8, Apr 69 doświadczalnej hipokalecemii na mięsień serca Gladden MH: Muscle spindle innervation in the

Cit. no. 3551234 królika. Pol Tyg Lek 24:1149-52, 28 Jul 69 [Pol] intertransverse caudal muscles of the rat.

Gladstone RM: Protein synthesis: the incorporation of Cit. no. 4313751 Experientia 25:604-6, 15 Jun 69

L-leucine-1-C1400H into bovine retina. I. Giza YH see Ressler C

Cit. no. 4254720

Canad J Ophthal 4:80-8, Jan 69 Gizatullina AA see Karimullina NK Gladden MH, Kidd GL: A technique for mapping

Cit. no. 3500213 Gizbullin NG, Solov'eva E: Vplyv heritsydiv alipuru, intramuscular innervation.

Gladstone RM see Steele JC murbetolu ta dalaponu na hruntovu mikrofloru. J Appl Physiol. 26:507-9, Apr 69

Gladtke E: _Neugeborene diabetischer Mütter. Mikrobiol Zh [Kiev] 30:354-7, Jul-Aug 68 [Ukr]

Cit. no. 3541620

Geburtsh Frauenheilk 29:409-20, May 69 [Ger] Cit. no. 426 4625 Glade PR, Hirshaut Y, Stites DP, et al: Infectious

Cit. no. 4117727 Gizis EJ, Arkun SN, Miller IF, et al: Plasma clearance of

mononucleosis: in vitro evidence for limited Gladtke E:Pharmacokinetic studies on phenylbutazone transcobalamin l. and transcobalamin Il-bound Co57 lymphoproliferation. Blood 33:292-9, Feb 69

in children. Farmaco [Scl] 23:897-906, Oct 68 vitamin B 12. J Lab Clin Med 74:574-80, Oct 69

Cit. no. 3511137

Cit. no. 4066476 Cit. no. 4361172

Glade PR, Hirshaut Y, Douglas SD, et al: Lymphoid Gladtke E: Die Bilirubinbestimmung nach Ferro und Gizis F see Rothenberg SP

suspension cultures from patients with viral hepatitis. Ham im Serum. Z Klin Chem 5:63-4, Mar 67 [Ger] Giżycka 1: Późne zeszycie oderwanego oskrzela Lancet 2:1273-5, 14 Dec 68

Cit. no. 3431343 głównego u dziecka.

Cit. no. 3320725

Gladtke E: Die systematische beeinflussung der Wiad Lek 21:2067-9, 15 Nov 68 [Pol] Glade PR, Paltrowitz IM, Hirschhorn K:

elimination durch verschiedene faktoren. Cit. no. 3463750

Lymphoproliferative potential in infectious diseases. Int Z Klin Pharmakol Ther Toxik 1:428-30, Jul 68 [Ger] Giżycka I: Doświadczenie własne leczeniu

Bull NY Acad Med 45:647-56, Jul 69

Cit. no. 3366113 zniekształceń klatki piersiowej u dzieci.

Cit, no. 4235341

Gladtke E, Dost FH, Hattingberg M von, et al: Glucose Wlad Lek 21:2011-4, 15 Nov 68 [Pol] Glade PR see Blume RS

metabolism in the newborn. Cit. no. 3463734 Glade PR see Douglas SD

German Med Monthly 13:436-8, Sep 68 Giżycka 1, Kaliciński Z, Kansy J, et al: Całkowite, Glade PR see Moses HL

Cit. no. 3324207 nieprawidłowe ujście żył płucnych do żyły głownej Glade PR see Turk A

Gladtke E, Schmalz C: Elimination, enterale Absrption, górnej u 5-letniego chłopca.

Gladenko EF


Diatlovitskaia FG Bol Przegi Chir 41:424-8, 1969 [Pol]

Vertellung und Dosierung von Gladenko IN, Ostrenskii ES: O toksichnosti

2-Sulfanilamido-5-aethylpyrimidin beim Kind. Cit. no. 4137471 polikhlorpinena dlia zhivotnykh.

Arzneimittelforschung 17:498-500, Apr 67

[Ger] Giżycka I see Kana bus 1

Veterinariia 44:87-9, May 67


Cit. no. 3254657 Giżycka Z see Mycielski R

Cit. no. 4346143

Gladtke E see Doctor S Gjaldbaek JC see Fjalland I Gladtelter JH see Terrell RK

Gladtke E see Dost FH Gjebin R: Setting priorities in health planning in Gladieux GV see Ousterhout DK

Gladtke E see Kirschner P developing countries.

Gladkaia Vi, Ustinenko AN: Khimicheskii sostav tseloi Gladtke E see Rind H Ann Soc Belg Med Trop 48:303-14, 1968 kletki, kletochnykh stenok i protoplazmy

Gladtke E see Rommel K Cit. no. 3227655 kokliushnykh i parakokloushnykh mikrobov.

Gladtke E see Wichmann HM Gjellerod H see Klausen K

Zh Mikrobiol 44:79-83, Dec 67

[Rus] Gladun MI: Revmaticheskii protsess u bol'nykh, Gjerde RM see Edoo BB

Cit, no. 4224354
Gjersoe E see Kristiansen A

Gladkii FM see Kreknin AF

Delo 3:27-30, Mar 67
Gjertsen KT, Sodal G: Trombektomi ved venøse Gladkij I: Práce obvodních lékařů očima přednostů

Cit. no. 4113010 iliofemorale tromboser.

oddelení Cesk Zdrav 17:135-41, Mar 69 [Cze] T Norsk Laegeforen 89:237-40, 15 Feb 69 [Nor]

Cit. no. 3545024

Gladych JM, Hunt JH, Jack D, et al: Inhibition of Cit. no. 4216461 Gladkiji: Obvodnílékaří o své práci. II. Spokojenost s

rhinovirus by Isatin 'thiosemicar bazone analogues.

Nature [London] 221:286-7, 18 Jan 69 Gjeruldsen ST, Myren J, Fretheim B: Alterations of praci a identifikace s rolí

Cit. no. 3423351 gastric mucosa following a graded partial gastrectomy Cesk Zdrav 16:523-30, Oct 68

[Cze] for duodenal ulcer. Scand J Gastroent 3:465-70, 1968

Cit. no. 3307671

Gladyshev IuM: O pazushnom rassasyvanil kostnoi Cit. no. 3433026 Gladkiji: Obvodnílékaři o své práci. I. Obvodnílékaři a

tkani i formirovanii vtorichnykh gaversovykh sistem,

Arkh Pat 29:52-7, 1967 Gjesdal K: Medisinerundervisningen.

pracovní podmínky. Ť Norsk Laegeforen 89:1096-8, 1 Jul 69 [Nor]

Cit. no. 3354644 Cesk zdrav 16:461-5 contd, 1968

[Cze] Cit. no. 4253562

Cit. no. 3244134

Gladyshev [UM: O perestroike osteonov, obshchikh Gjessing J: The use of dextran as a dialysing fluid in Gladkij 1: Obvodní lékaři

plastinok i formirovanii novykh elementov o posuzování dočasné pracovní neschopnosti.

mikroskopicheskikh konstruktsii kostnoi tkani. peritoneal dialysis. Acta Med Scand 185:237-9, Mar 69

Arkh Cit. no. 4344232 Cesk Zdrav 16:428-9, Jul-Aug 68

Anat 52:99-109, Feb 67

[Cze] Cit. no. 3224650

Cit. no. 3262712 Gjessing J: Undersøgelse og behandling af enuresis nocturna i Fredericia laegekreds. Gladkiji, Neklan J, Smýkalová J: Příspěvek k výzkumu

Gladyshev PL, Uralova AI: O differentistrovannoi Ugeskr Laeg 130:2053-6, 28 Nov 68 [Dan] motivacií čestného dárcovství krve.

élektrokardiograficheskoi diagnostike diliatatsil Cit. no. 3444302 Cesk Zdrav 17:199-206, Apr 69

gipertrofi miokarda pri revmaticheskikh porokah

[Cze] Cit. no. 4064550

serdtsa. Ter Arkh 39:88-93, Jan 67 Gjessing J: Ketamine [C1-581] in clinical anaesthesia.

Cit. no. 4044746 Acta Anaesth Scand 12:15-21, Apr 68

Gladkikh AP: 0 kompleksnom lechenil bol'nykh Glaesel HU Cit. no. 3416444 gipertonicheskoi bolezn'iu v

see Dengler K usloviiakh

Glaeser DH see Behrer MR Gjessing J, Dencker H: Abdominal paracentesis with a

podmoskovnogo sanatorila. dialysis catheter and peritoneal lavage--a diagnostic

Voennomed Zh 1:76-7, Jan 69

Glaeser RM, Thomas G: Application of electron


Cit. no. 3477343 test in acute abdominal conditions.

diffraction to biological electron microscopy. Acta Chir Scand 134:351-2, 1968 Gladkikh AS see Gubanov IA

Biophys J 9:1073-99, Sep 69 Cit, no. 4215221 Gladkikh PF: Vodosnabzhenie blokirovannogo

Cit. no. 4320645

Glaeser RM see Leningrada. Gig Sanit 32:125-6, Nov 67

Adams LR Gjessing J, Harley N: Sciatic and femoral nerve block


Cit. no. 4237145 with mepivacaine for surgery on the lower limb.

Glagoleva IM see Bloch ZL Anaesthesia 24:213-8, Apr 69 Gladkikh PF: Okhra na detstva

Glagoleva NA, Shubina AV: Izmenenie

v blokirovannom Cit. no. 3535452 Leningrade. Pediatriia 47:56-9, Apr 68

sverty valushcheilantisvertyvaiushchei sistemy krov Cit, no. 416 4532

[Rus] Gjessing LR: Biochemistry of functional neural crest

u bol'nykh koronarokardiosklerozom s lavleniiami tumors. Advances Clin Chem 11:81-131, 1968 [203 ref.] Gladkikh VF, Lebedeva MN, Sazonova EV:

stenokardi pri lechenli elektroforezom geparina, Cit. no. 3501321 Farmakologicheskoe izuchenie kombinatsil bitionola

Ter Arkh 39:88-93, Sep 67 S fena salom.

Cit. no. 4023062 Gjessing LR: Epifysens biokjemi. * Norsk Laegeforen 88:1733-7, 1 Oct 68 [Nor] Med Parazit [Moskva] 37:675-7, Nov-Dec 68 [Rus]

Glagoleva vv, Chechulin lus: Regeneratstia Cit. no. 3366707

Cit, no. 4232142

vnutrikletochnykh organel miokarda posle Gjessing LR, Foss OP: Serieundersøkelser av Gladkikh VF, Lychko ND, Sazonova EV, et al: Izuchenie

povrezhdennia. Arkh Anat 53:60-4, Aug 67 [Rus] thyroeoidea-funksjonen. Verdien av fotomotografi. perenosimosti preparata G-610 i ego kombinatsli s

Cit. no. 3365533 fenasalom, T Norsk Laegeforen 89:1021-3, 15 Jun 69 [Nor]

Glagov S, Ozoa AK: Significance of the relatively low Cit. no. 4253543

incidence of atherosclerosis in the pulmonary, renal, and mesenteric arteries.

Page 17

Coenzyme l-bound dehydrogenases and succinate
dehydrogenase. Folia Histochem Cytochem [Krakow] 7:15-27, 1969

Cit. no. 4165614 Gluszek J see Wierzchowiecki M Gluzbarg BE see Bondarenko BA Gluzman AM: Endometrioz posleoperatsionnogo rubtsa. Klin Khir [Klev] 10:88-9, Oct 67 [Rus]

Cit. no. 4251120 Glazman AM: Endometrioz posleoperatsionnogo rubtsa. Klin Khir [Klev] 10:88-9, Oct 67 [Rus]

Cit. no. 4032301 Gluzman AM: Opyt primenenila fibrinogena v bol'nitsakh Krivbassa. Vrach Delo 11:123, Nov 66

[Rus] Cit. no. 3504327 Gluzman AM: 0 glomusnoi opukholi falang pal'tsev kisti. Klin Khir [Kiev] 9:93-4, Sep 66 [Rus]

Cit. no. 3242574 Gluzman DF see Bezvershenko IA Gluzman MK], Bashura GS, Sharova NS, et al: K voprosy stabilizatsil émulsii sintomitsina i streptotsida. Med Promyshl SSSR 20:31-3, Sep 66 [Rus]

Cit. no. 3430555 Gluzman MKh see Bashura GS Gluzman MKh see Gashura GS Gluzman MKh see Levits'ka IB Gluzman MKb see Sharova NS Glyda J see Orlowski T Glyda M see Tylus J Glynn AA: The complement lysozyme sequence in immune bacteriolysis. Immunology 16:463-71, Apr 69

Cit. no. 4102510 Glynn AA: Humoral and cellular responses to gram-negative infections. Proc Roy Soc Med 62:285-9, 3 Mar 69 [50 ref.]

Cit. no. 4065575 Glynn AA see Medhurst FA Glynn IM, Lew VL: Potassium efflux associated with partial or complete reversal of the sodium pump in Intact human red cells. J Physiol [London] 202:89P-90P, Jun 69

Cit. no. 4131377 Glynn JP, Halpern BL, Fefer A: An immunochemotherapeutic system for the treatment of a transplanted Moloney virus-induced lymphoma in mice. Cancer Res 29:515-20, Mar 69

Cit. no. 3530234 Glynn KP: Isolated subcutaneous abscesses caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Amer Rev Resp. Dis 99:86-8, Jan 69

Cit. no. 3377112 Glynn KP, Penner JA, Smith JR, et al: Familial erythrocytosis. A description of three families, one with hemoglobin Ypsilanti. Ann Intern Med 69:769-76, Oct 68

Cit. no. 326 7076 Glynn LE: Experimental model of rheumatoid arthritis. Belg Rhum Med Phys 22:201-3, Jul-Aug 67

Cit. no. 4345154 Glynn LE see Brown PC Glynn LE see Kirrane JA Glynn MF see Hirsh J Glynn MF see Packham MA [Glynn R], Rook A: Robert Glynn [1719-1800], physician at Cambridge. Med Hist" 13:251-9, Jul69

Cit. no. 4212731 Gmaz-Nikulin E, Plamenac P: Poremećaj perfuzije zida aorte kod tumorske infutiracije njene adventicije. Srpski Arh Celok Lek 96:905-13, 1968 Cit. no. 4345775

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Gnädinger MC see Itoi M

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[Ger] Gnägi HR see

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Gobbato F, Galzigna L, Bobbio G: Sulla capacita' della

Fontaine G: Le réflexogramme achilléen chez l'enfant.

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Cit. no. 3322557 Cit. no. 4327532

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[Ita] [Rus]

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Gobbel WG Jr


Scott HW Vestn Khir Grekov 98:13-6, Jan 67

[Rus] Gobbel WG Jr see

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[Ger] Cit. no. 4057003

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und deren Umgehungskreisläufe unte besonderer ékeltroentsefalogrammy pri zakrytoi

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[Rus] Göbbeler T, Magnus L: Lymphatischer Block der Cit. no. 4142132

unteren Extremitaten und es Beckens nach Gnidets' IR: Doslidzhennia steryl'nykh rozchyniv retroperitonealer Lymphknotentu berkulose. skladnykh efiriv, pokhidnykh dyfenilotstovoi kysloty. Fortschr Roentgenstr '108:681-3, May 68 [Ger] Farm Zh [Kiev] 23:51-5, 1968


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Göbbeler T, Merguet P: Lymphographischer Nachweis Gnidets IR; Doslidzhennia steril'nykh rozchyniv einer Chylurie bei Infektion mit Filariasis bancrofti. skladnykh efiriv.-pokhidnykh difenilotstovoil

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zur Lokalisation von Metastasen maligner neprokhodimosti s pomoshch'iu kortikosteroidov i Hodentumoren. Urologe 7:316-20, Nov-Dec 68 [Ger] antikoaguliantov.

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[Rus] dell'emofilia. Clin Ter 46:55-72, 15 Jul 68 [52 ref.] [Ita] Cit. no. 3264073

Cit. no. 3411551 Gnirss F see Battegay R

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Gnit'ko RV, Izakov Vla, Markhasin VS, et al: Ustroistvo Gobbi G see Quaglia C dlla programmirovannogo reastiazheniia myshtsy s Gobbi U, De Carolis GC: Distrofia toracica asfissiante in registratsiei reaktsii poluprovodnikovym

neonata condrodistrofica. tenzometricheskom usilitelem.

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Cit. no. 3545546 Cit. no. 3532031

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valvotomy in patients with mitral stenosis. Gnoj J see Hardy WE

Circulation 39:317-25, Mar 69 Gnoni GV see Landriscina C

Cit. no. 3505275
Gnüchtel U see Zeschke G

Gobel FL, Medina JR, Guenter CA, et al: Immediate
Gnudi A see Coscelli C

hemodynamic response of patients with Gnudi A see Valenti G

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transvenous pacing. Circulation 39:64-71, Jan 69 Go IH see Leusen R van

Cit. no. 3363013 Go KG, Lakke JP, Beks JW: A harmless method for the Gobel FL see Amplatz K assessment of the patency of ventriculoatrial shunts Göbel P: Der adrenale Hirsugismus in hydrocephalus.

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Urin. 3. Zur Go KG, Melchior HJ, Lakke JP: A thermosensitive 17-Ketosteroidfraktion im device for the evaluation of the patency of Differentialdiagnose des adrenalen Hirsutismus [M. ventriculo-atrial shunts in hydrocephalus.

Cushing, angeborenes adrenogenitales Syndrom] Acta Neurochir [Wien] 19:209-16, 1968

Endokrinologie 52:289-314, Feb 68

[Ger] Cit, no. 4261502

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asthmoiden Bronchitis mit Asthma-Bisolvon.

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[Ger] 2 Allgemeinmed 45:316-7, 10 Mar 69

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[Ger] Biochim

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Cit. no. 3405241 Cit. no. 4320570

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Göbel U, Brüster H: Uber die Wirkung verschiedener biosynthesis: observations on the biosynthesis of

Lipoldfraktionen aus menschlichen Erythrocyten bei fucosterol in the marine brown alga Fucus spiralis.

der Blutgerinnung in vitro. II. Europ J Biochem 7:502-8, Feb 69

Z Kinderheilk 106:281-7, 1969

[Ger] Cit. no. 4041427

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a Meckel's Göber B, Engelhardt G: Zur Reaktion von Goard KE, Kerby MH: Calculi in

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[Ger] Cit. no. 4300060

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cit, no. 3512425 Cit. no. 3233553

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Cit. no. 4212215 Gmünder U see Bircher J Gmür J see Müller PH Gmyrek D. Hecht A: Dle perkutane Leber biopsie beim Kind. 2. Ergebnisse. Kinderaerztl Prax 36:193-215, May 68

Cit. no. 3547603 Gmyrek D, Kranz D, Klemm P, et al: Quantitative Beziehungen zgischen serochemischen und histollgischen Befunden bei Hepatitis infectiosa. Deutsch Med Wschr94:432-8, 28 Feb 69 [Ger]

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Cit. no. 3532346 Gmyrek D, Wohlgemuth B, Welland R: Bloptsche und klinische Untersuchungen zum eberschaden bei Rh-Inkompatibilität. 2 Kinderheilk 103:307-24, 1968

Cit. no. 3274352
Gmyrek D see Gudowski G
Gnabasik FJ see Fisher MW Gnädinger M, Willome J: Zur Frage der Wirkung von Askorbinsäure auf den normalen Intraokularen Druck bei lokaler Anwendung. Klin Mbl Augenheilk 153:352-6, 1968

Cit. no. 3334075 Gradinger MC, Itoi M, Slansky HH, et al: The role of collagenase in the alkali-burned cornea. Amer J Ophthal 68:478-83, Sep 69

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Cit, no. 4111765 Gokhblit II, Orbachevskaia GN: Elektrofiziologicheskli analiz sostolanli sna i bodrstvovanila u krolíkov v razlichnye vozrastnye periody. Fiziol Zh SSSR Sechenov 53:657-64, Jun 67 [Rus]

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[Tur] Cit. no. 4261337 Göksel see Tartaroglu Göksel F see Demiroglu C Göksel MF see_Demiroglu C Göksel V see Büyükyazgan T Göksel V see Tartaroğlu N Gökşen Y see Cilingiroğlu K Gokulanathan KS: Nutrition clinics and child-care programs. Conceptual and organizational aspects. Clin Pediat [Phila] 8:502-3, Sep 69

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Cit. no. 3367317 Golann SE: Emerging areas of ethical concern. Amer Psychol 24:454-9, Apr 69

Cit. no. 4016065 Golanov VS: Funktsila serdechno-sosudistoi sistemy u bol'nykh tuberkulezom legikh pri vnutrivennom vvedenil streptomitsina, tubazida 1 PASK. Vrach Delo 6:62-6, Jun 69

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Cit. no. 3432177 Golaski WM see Wesolowski SA Golaszewski T see Rytel M Golber LM, Anan'eva KA, Kandror VI, et al: Znachenie magnila v preduprezhdenii metabolicheskikh rasstroisty V miokarde pri tireotoksikoze. Blull Eksp Biol Med 67:23-6, Mar 69 [Rus]

Cit. no. 4360700 Gol'ber LM, Gaidina GA, Ignatkov Vla: Vlilanie

itreoidnykh gormonov na reaktivnost' adrenergicheskikh 1 kholinergicheskikh obrazovanii nervnoi sistemy.

Probl Endokr [Moskva] 15:77-83, Mar-Apr 69 [Rus]

Cit. no. 4317476 Golber LM, Kandror VI: Functional cardiac reserve in

thyrotoxicosis and its plastic ensurance. Cor Vasa 11:35-47, 1969

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Cit. no. 4326533 Gol'ber LM see Tishenina RS

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Gold HE, Boxerbaum B, Leslie HJ Jr: Mumps arthritis. Gol'bert EV, Parliian NP: Morfologicheskie izmenenila Amer J Dis Chud 116:547-8, Nov 68 melanoblastom posle luchevogo lechenila.

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tissue slices. J Theor Biol 23:455-62, Jun 69 Golbert TM: Treatment of gastrointestinal and food

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Gold J: Proposed treatment of cancer by inhibition of Cit. no. 3507747

gluconeogenesis. Oncology 22:185-207, 1968 Golbert TM, Patterson R, Pruzansky JJ: Systemic

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Gold JA: Arthritis after rubella vaccination of women. Cit. no. 4262352

New Eng J Med 281:109, 10 Jul 69 Gol'bert ZV, Agamova KA, Badmaeva VV, et al: Opyt

Cit. no. 4133610 opredelenila polovogo khromatina v tkani

Gold JA, Prinzie A, McKee J: Adult women vaccinated patologicheskogo ochage pri mastopatil i

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Forensic Sci 14:294-301, Jul 69 Golby M, Codling BW: Coincidental carcinoma of

Cit. no. 4274076 oesophagus and stomach. Brit J Surg 56:601-3, Aug 69 Gold LH, Kieffer SA, Peterson HO: Intracranial Cit. no. 4236644

meningiomas. A retrospective analysis of the Golby M see Tamaki A

diagnostic value of plain skull films. Golby MG, Hinchliffe A, Johnson MG, et al: Storage of Neurology [Minneap] 19:873-8, Sep 69 livers for transplantation.

Cit. no. 4276112 J Physiol [London] 203:38P, Jul 69

Gold LH, Loken MK: Retrospective evaluation of Cit. no. 4363207

Isotope images of the brain in 852 patients.
Golczyk-Wojnar A see Blaim A

Radiology 92:1473-6, Jun 69 Gold AH see Duftus JE

Cit. no. 4253325 Gold AJ, Lieberman E, Wright HT Jr: Bacteriologic Gol'd LI see Saratikov AS

relapse during ampicillin treatment of Hemophilus Gold LM, Roth JS:Preparation of a deoxynucleoprotein
influenzae meningitis. J Pediat 74:779-81, May 69 fraction with high priming activity from chick Cit. no. 4024512

embryonic tissue by use of sodium deoxycholate. Gold AJ, Zornitzer A, Samueloft S: Influence of season Arch Biochem 126:922-32, 10 Sep 68 and heat on energy expenditure during rest and

Cit. no. 3262604 exercise. J Appl Physiol 27:9-12, Jul 69

Gold LM, Schweiger M: Synthesis of phage-specifics Cit. no. 4146511

alpha- and beta-glucosyl transferases directed by Gold AM, Perlman RD: Congenital clasped thumb T-even DNA in vitro. deformity. Case report.

Proc Nat Acad Sci USA 62:892-8, Mar 69 Bull Hosp Joint Dis 29:255-8, Oct 68

Cit. no. 4253243 Cit. no. 4062440

Gold M: Triglyceride sub-classes of dog plasma and Gold AP see De Capoa A

organs. Lipids 4:288-92, Jul 69
Gold AP see Solomon GE

Cit. no. 4300012
Gold B, Rabiner L: Parallel processing techniques for Gold MI: Impedance in anesthesiology.
estimating pitch periods of speech in the time domain. Anesthesiology 30:663-5, Jun 69
J Acoust Soc Amer 46:442-8, Aug 69

Cit. no. 4147635 Cit. no. 4301153

Gold MI: Postanesthetic vomiting in the recovery Gold BH see Ecanow B

room. Brit J Anaesth 41:143-9, Feb 69 Gold BK see Shapiro R

Cit, no. 3533674
Gold C: Asbestos levels in human lungs. J Clin Path 22:507, Jul 69

Gold MI, Reichenberg, S, Freeman E: Respiratory

depression in the sedated bronchitic patient rapid Cit. no. 4243427

version of the CO2 response curve. Gold D, Poth EJ: Peptic ulceration. Influence of duodenal acidification. Amer J Surg 116:750-4, Nov 68

Anesthesiology. 30:492-9, May 69

Cit. no. 4017745 Cit. no. 3256351

Gold MS, Williams JC, Spivack M, et al: Sickle cell Gold D see Poth EJ

anemia and hyperuricemia. Gold E: Clumping and sedimentation patterns: JAMA 206:1572-3, 11 Nov 68 manifestations of haemagglutination.

Cit. no. 3257522 Vox Sang 15:222-31, 1968

Gold NI see Crigler JF Jr Cit. no. 3243354

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Gold PH, Gee MV, Strehler BL: Effect of age on

oxidative phosphorylation in the rat. Cit. no. 3475523

J Geront 23:509-12, Oct 68 Gold E

Oliner L

Cit. no. 3330126 Gold E

Starr J Gold E see Starr JG

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hemodynamics, and blood volume in acute anemia. meditsinskoi parazitologli v pabotakh L.V.

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antigen in hamsters infected with Schistosoma Gold Elu: Novye materialy o delatel'nosti L. V.

mansoni. Detection of antigen in serum and urine, and Gromashevskogo v pervoe desiatlletle sovetskoi

correlation between antigenic concentration and vlasti. Zh Mikrobiol 45:7-12, Jun 68


burden. Amer j Trop Med 18:545-52, Jul 69 Cit. no. 4073455


Cit, no. 4222510 Gol'd Elu

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Gold RG: Planning a patient monitoring Installation J Amer Diet Ass 55:27-30, Jul 69

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Oncology 23:159-63, 1969 screening test for ABO haemolytic disease.

Cit. no. 4152741 Int Arch Allerg 35:345-52, 1969

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silicosis on the antibacterial defense mechanisms of Dis Chest 54:523-6, Dec 68 Goldspink G see Rowe RW

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the small intestine. Clinical, bacteriologic, and Goldsmith HS see Castillo JL

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23 DE Cit. no. 4174774

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and foetal rat pancreas during pregnancy. Goller WL see Kleck R

J rastushchikh belykh_krys. Gölles J see Kronberger L

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See Nechiporenko Zlu kal'tsiia i fosfora v kostiakh belykh krys v sazisimosti

Golod IS: Vyia vlenie protivoserdetsnykh antitel pr!

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infarkte miokarda s pomoshch'lu antiglobulinnovoi Ukr Biokhim Zh 40:183-8, 1968 [Ukr] région de plus de 1 500 000 habitants.

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passivnoi gemmaggliutinatsil


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sur la fréquence de la pleurésie dans les antécédents

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silosovannom korme. Golikov Vla, Bakulina LA: Opyt izuchenila

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see Pickering RJ Gonzalez Toledo EC see Delamonica EA

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Stutman 0 experiencia en el uso de nuevos materiales para Good RA

to medical problems. Proc Roy Soc Med 61:1043, Oct 68

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Cit. no. 3476402 S: Uso del forceps Tucker McLane en el H.G.O. No i

Cit. no. 4243433

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Med Clin N Amer 53:625-32, May 69 Gonze J see Tyler DD Biochem Pharmacol 18:295-302, Feb 69

Cit. no. 4042234 Gooch Asee Schneider W

Cit, no, 4020055

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lower punch pulldown force and its significance. Cit. no. 4021271 Science 156:1307-8, 9 Jun 67

J Pharm Sci 58:248-51, Feb 69 Gooch AS, Evans JM: Extended applications of

Cit. no. 3536651

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revmatizme. Klin Med [Moskva] 45:63-6, Sep 67 [Rus] Cit. no. 3520744

okisi etilena i bromistogo metila. Gorbacheva KM see Svetlakov MI

Voennomed Zh 12:61-2, Dec 68


Cit. no. 3440470 Gorbacheva LN, Kertsman VI, Zairat'iants VB: O gormonal'noaktivnykh opukhliakh kory

Gorbunov VI: Opredelenie v rodakh predolagaemogo nadpochechnika, ektopirovannykh v laichnik.

vesa ploda. Pediatrila 46:80-2, Jul 67

Akush Ginek [Moskva] 43:71-3, Mar 67 [Rus]


Cit. no. 4025417 Cit. no. 3533057 Gorbachkova EA see Zeimlenok NA

Gorbunov VI: Zavisimost' vesa ploda ot stepeni

ozhirenlia rozhenits.
Gorbadei NK, Danilin AA, Kozyrina ZN: Sluchai sindroma Shikhana, protekavshego s temperaturnymi

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krizami. Klin Med [Moskva] 46:142-4, Aug 68 [Rus] Gorbunova AS, Fedorova GI, Molibog EV, et al: Deistvie

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tripsina na Mel'nikova EA

virus grippa A2.

Vop Virus 13:276-7, May-Jun 68 Gorban' AI: O retinal'nykh refleksakh 1 ikh

[Rus] diagnosticheskom znachenil.

cit. no. 3352253

Gorbunova AS, Pysina TV: A ge distribution of Vestn Oftal 80:11-9, Jul-Aug 67

[Rus] antibodies to animal influenza A viruses in human Cit. no. 4112707

sera. Bull WHO 39:271-5, 1968
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virusnogo 1 khozlainnogo antigenov, Cit, no. 4075301

soderzhashchikhsla v alantoisnoi kulture virusa Gorban' MT see Tsybulevskaia VI Gorban' NI: Veterinarno-sanitarnye mery--osnova

grippa, s pomoshch'lu rpga.

Vop Virus 11:318-22, May-Jun 66 profilaktiki lashchura.


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see Molibog EV

Gorbunova AS rabotalushchikh s radioaktivnymi Izotopani v

see Pysina TV

Gorbunova AS nauchno-issledovatel'skikh uchrezhdenilakh.

see Sokovykh LI

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Gorbunova EV see Korobov VI Gorbarenko NI see Sobolev IA

Gorbunova II: Usloviia truda metallotkachei na Gorbashko AI, Rogozov LI, Fedotkin DV:

Krasnokamskom zavode metallicheskikh setok i puti Prakticheskoe znachenle nekotorykh variantov ikh ozdorovlenila. stroenlia levoi zheludochnoi arteril.

Gig Tr Prof Zabol 12:59-60, Sep 68 Klin Khir [Kiev] 11:31-4, Nov 66

[Rus] [Rus]

Cit. no. 4223312 Cit. no. 3503315

Gorbunova MM: Kishechnala forma sibirskoi lazvy, Gorbatenko AG: Sochetanie bronkhial'noi astmy s zakonchivshalasia vyzdorovleniem. gipertonicheskoi bolezn’iu.

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[Rus] [Rus]

Cit, no. 4073431 Cit. no. 4317726

Gorbunova MP: Elektronnomikroskopicheskoe Gorbatenko VP, Chechulin AS, Men'shikov VV, et al: issledovanie osobennostei sekretornogo protsessa Opredelenle soderzhanlla biogennykh aminov pri tireoidnogo épitelila. portal'noi gipertenzil v klinike i eksperimente. Tsitologiia 10:422-30, Apr 68

[Rus] Ter Arkh 39:66-72, Jan 67


Cit. no. 3452275 Cit. no. 4044741

Gorbunova NA: O gemoliticheskikh svořstvakh Gorbatova BM see Grigorenko FI

syvorotki u sobak posle krovopoteri. Gorbatow 0

see Jussila J

Pat Fiziol Eksp Ter 10:59-63, Nov-Dec 66 [Rus] Gorbatsevich LI: Villanie blokady retikuliarnoi

Cit. no. 3265335 formatsli stvolovogo otdela mozga aminazinom na Gorbunova NA, Moskaleva GP: Vlilanie reaktivnost tsentrov teploregullatsil.

kratkovremennoi gipoksicheskoi gipoksil na Fiziol Zh SSSR Sechenov 52:582-7, May 66 [Rus] pokazateli perifericheskoi krobi i prodolzhitel'nost' Cit. no. 4037521

zhizni eritrotsitov u sobak. Gorbatykh PI, Grunin II: Flotskie mediki sorevnulutsia Fiziol Zh SSSR Sechenov 55:200-6, Feb 69 [Rus] za dostoịnulu vstrechu 50-letlia Soverskoi vlasti.

Cit. no. 4267367 Voennomed Zh 3:3-5, Mar 67

[Rus] Gorbunova NP see Dobrovol'skii KA Cit. no. 3400700

Gorbunova TI see Shumkina OB Gorbenko EV see Shcherbakova AK

Gorbunova VI: O mekhanizme deistviia vitamina A na Gorbenko FP, Vashun' ZM:

farotsitoz. Zh Mikrobiol 43:148, Oct 66 [Rus] Ekstraktsionno-kompleksonometricheskoe

Cit. no. 4027255 opredelenie kal’tsila v moloke s ispol’zovaniem Gorbunova VI see Matsko SN reagenta zo-azoksi BN.

Gorburov GF: Nekotorye voprosy khirurgicheskoi Vop

Pitan 26:73-7, Jul-Aug 67

[Rus] pomoshchi detiam. Cit. no. 4031107

klin Khir [Kiev] 2:77-9, Feb 67

[Rus] Gorbenko [UA: Vidovoi sostav i svoistva morskikh

Cit. no. 4326 175 perifitonnykh bakterii, vydelennykh s

Gorchakov LG: Organizatslia statsionarnoi protivoobrastaiushchikh krasok.

spetsializirovannoi pomoshchi detiam v Saratove. Mikrobiologila 35:899-905, Sep-Oct 66 [Rus] Pediatrila 47:77-80, May 68

[Rus] Cit. no. 3453526

Cit. no. 4075164 Gorbman A see Hahn WE

Gorchakova NA: Rolstrofantina v belkovom obmene Gorbman A see Nakai Y

miokarda. Vrach Delo 12:23-5, Dec 66 [Rus] Gorbman A see Oshima K

Cit. no. 3436702
Gorbman A see Peter RE

Gorchein A see Gajdos A Gorbon B, Kanatli , Celikkiran H: Phyto-bezoar'lar Gorda M see Pigassou R hakkinda. Turk Tip Cem Mec 33:553-65, Sep 67 [Tur] Gordadze GN see Maruashvili GM Cit. no. 3224146

Gordan GS, Roof BS: Laboratory tests fro Gorbon BR, Kahraman K:Cekumda solite plasmositom. hyperparathyroidism. JAMA 206:2729-31, 16 Dec 68

Turk Tip Cem Mec 33:621-8, Oct 67 [Tur]

Cit. no. 3302547 Cit. no. 3252251

Gordee RS, Matthews TR: Systemic antifungal activity Gorbov VA see Gabovich RD

of pyrrolnitrin. Appl Microbiol 17:690-4, May 69 Gorbovitskii EB, Ravich DG, Mochalova TP:

Cit. no. 4142200 Primenenie peritoneal'nogo dializa pri lechenii Gordee RS, Matthews TR: Rellable technique for tuberkuleza mocheopolovi sistemy.

plating pathogenic fungi from organ homogenates. Probl Tuberk 45:69-70, 1967

[Rus] Appl Microbiol 16:1610, Oct 68 Cit. no. 3447756

Cit. no. 3247145 Gorbovitskii SE, Khaimovskii GD: Uspekhi sovetskikh Gordee RS see Elander RP uchenykh v izuchenil problemy piodermitov. Gordeev VI: Sravnitel'nala otsenka otdalennykh Vestn Derm Vener 41:14-9, Aug 67 [Rus] rezul'tatov rezektsii zheludka po Bu'rot I 1 Bu'rot II Cit. no. 4251527

pri lazvennoi bolezni zheludka i dvenadtsatiperstnoi Gorbuleva TN see Balagin VM

kishki. Khirurgila [Moskva] 43:42-7, Dec 67 [Rus] Gorbuleva TN see, Klimkovich IG

Cit. no. 4051545 Gorbulin AE: Infu'trativno-pnevmonicheskie formy Gordeev VV see Neshkov NS koniotuberkuleza.

Gordeeva AF see Gorikov NG Klin Med [Moskva] 46:141-5, Jul 68 [Rus] Gordeeva GF, Turkov IuA, Chismova LV: Novye Cit. no. 3523020

fermentativnye pokazateli v syvorotke krovi u detei Gorbulin AE: O diagnostike opukholevidnykh form prl khromicheskikh_zabolevanilakh pecheni. komio-tuberkuleza shahkterov-ugol'shchskov

Pediatrila 47:34-7, Feb 68

[Rus] Donbassa. Probl Tuberk 45:23-7, 1967 [Rus]

Cit. no. 4164462

Gordeeva IP see Cit. no. 3447742

Gavriushov VV Gorbunoff MJ: Exposure of tyrosine residues in Gordeeva LI: K voprosu o sostolanii limfaticheskogo proteins. 3. The reaction of cyanuric fluoride and rusla molochnoi zhelezy i matki pri nekotorykh N-acetylimidazole with ovalbumin,

patologicheskikh izmenenilakh étikh organov.

Akusho Ginek [Moskva] 43:54-6, Feb 67 [Rus] chymotrypsinogen, and trypsinogen.

Cit. no. 4060317 Biochemistry [Wash] 8:2591-8, Jun 69

Gordeeva LM: Izmenenie Entamoeba histolytica iz Cit, no. 4246626 Gorbunov FE: Elektromiograficheskoe issledovanie kul'tury pod deíctviem émetina 1 fumagilina. zamedlennosti aktivnykh dvizhenli u bol'nykh s Med Parazit [Moskva] 36:209-15, Mar-Apr 67 [Rus]

Cit. no. 4330424 porazheniem ekstrapiramidnoi sistemy.

Gordeeva LM: K voprosu O mekhanizme Zh Nevropat Psikhlat Korsakov 68:1184-8, 1968 [Rus] Cit. no. 3367142

protivoamebnogo deistviia monomitsina. Gorbunov JW see Nogaller AM

Med Parazit [Moskva] 36:705-12, Nov-Dec 67 [Rus] Gorbunov MA

Cit. no. 4014330 see Dodonov VN

Gordeeva LM: K voprosu o kul’tivirovanil éntameb na Gorbunov MA see Vishniakov SV Gorbunov VF: Sukhoi aérozol'nyi metod dezinfektsit gipotonicheskoi srede.

Med Parazit [Moskva] 35:111-3, Jan-Feb 66 [Rus] obuvi pri épidermofitii.

[Rus] Voennomed Zh 1:63-5, Jan 69

Cit, no. 3503501

Gordeeva LM, Jusupova RI: Eksperimental'nala Cit. no. 3477336

khimioterapila Amebiaza. 1. Opredelenie in vitro i in Gorbunov VF: Beskamernyi metod obezzarazhivanila

vivo protivoamebnoi aktivnosti flagila i monomitsina obuvi, infitsirovannoi épidermofitonami, smes'lu

Cit. no. 4070757 Goranov I see Griglio S

et al: Goransky LG, Gurtman Al, Arrillaga F, Sobrecarga endovenosa de glucosa y cálculo del espacio de glucosa.

[Spa] Rev Iber Endocr 16:10-21, Jan-Feb 69

Cit. no. 4003455 Göransson K see Heijer A Gorb GD: Kompleksnoe lechenie bol'nykh gipertonicheskoi bolezn'lu. Vrach Delo 1:133, Jan 67

Cit. no. 4251624 Gorbach AC: Diazepam for eclampsia. Amer J Obstet Gynec102:611-2, 15 Oct 68

Cit, no. 3231466
Gorbach G, Henke J: Gelchromatographische trennung
der nucleinsäurebausteine an sephadex G-25 fine,
G-15 und G-10. J Chromatogr 37:225-33, 8 Oct 68 [Ger]

Cit, no. 3333710
Gorbach G, Henke J. Hekal 1: Zur
mikrochromatographischen Bestimmung des Vitamin-C-Gehaltes. Mikrochim Acta 4:886-93, 1968

Cit, no. 3261513 Gorbach SL, Mitra R, Jacobs B, et al: Bacterial contamination of the upper small bowel in tropical sprue. Lancet 1:74-7, 11 Jan 69

Cit. no. 3355525 Gorbach SL see Banwell JG Gorbach SL see Chatterjee BD Gorbach SL see Pierce NF Gorbachenko LA: K ovprosu o miksomakh serdtsa. Klin Khir [Klev] 10:72-4, Oct 67

Cit. no. 4251103 Gorbachenko LA: K voprosu o miksomakh serdtsa. Klin Khir [Klev] 10.72-4, Oct 67

Cit. no. 4032264 Gorbachenkov AA see Lukomskii PE Gorbachev BF see Al'bekova RG Gorbacheva FE, Vinogradskala EM: O patogeneze marushenli mozgovogo krovoobrashchenila pri

Page 23

Gottfries CG, Gottfries L, Roos BE: The investigation of Proc Nat Acad Sci USA 61:168-75, Sep 68 neuropathy: nerve blopsy studies in rats and in man. homovanillic acid in the human brain and its

Cit. no. 3306515

Neurology [Minneap] 18:875-82, Sep 68 correlation to senile dementia. Gottlieb SF see Longmuir IS

Cit. no. 3260063 Brit J Psychiat 115:563-74, May 69 Gottlieb SH see DeHaan RL

Gottschall CA, Rigatto M, Cardozo AS: Valor das provas Cit. no. 4316556

Gottlieb SK: Chromosomal abnormalities in certain de função pulmonar no diagnóstico differencial entre Gottfries I see Gottfries CG human malignancies. A review.

asma brônquica, bronquite crônica e enfisema Gottheil E, Backup CE, Cornelison FS Jr: Denial and JAMA 209:1063-6, 18 Aug 69 [18 ref.]

pulmonar. Rev Ass Med Brasil 15:117-24, Mar 69 [Por] self-image confrontation in a case of anorexia nervosa.

Cit. no. 4247412

Cit, no. 4253355 J Nerv Ment Dis 148:238-50, Mar 69

Gottlob ME _see Roenigk HH Jr

Gottschewski G: Teratogenes Risiko bei der Cit. no. 4070635

Gottlob R, Blümel G: Der Einfluss der vier Anwendung von Medikamenten. Folgerungen für den Gottheil E, Lauterbach CG: Leader and squad Thrombenalter auf die Lysierbarkeit mit

praktischen Arzt. attributes contributing to mutual esteem among Streptokinase. Med Welt 48:2627-43, 30 Nov 68 [Ger] Ther Gegenw 107:1142 passim, Sep 68 [Ger] squad members. J Soc Psychol 77:69-78, Feb 69

Cit. no. 4177306

Cit. no. 3552342 Cit. no. 4013000

Gottlob R, Blümel G, Piza F, et al: Studies on Gottschewski GH: Experimente für den und an dem Gottheil E, Paredes A, Exline RV: Parental schemata in thrombolysis with streptokinase. II. The influence of Menschen-Möglichkeiten und Gefahren. emotionally disturbed women. changes due to age in thrombi and whole blood clots. DDZ 23:52-7, Feb 69

[Ger] J Abnorm Psychol 73:416-9, Oct 68 Thromb Diath Haemorrh 19:516-25, 31 Jul 68

Cit. no. 3505307 Cit. no. 3322164

Cit. no. 3473523

Göttsching C: Bericht über Reihntestungen bel Gottheil E, Thornton CC, Conly SS Jr, et al: Stress, Gottlob R, Blümel G, Piza F, et al: Die Lysierbarkeit Schulkindern mit Hamburger-forte-Salbe und

satisfaction, and performance: transition from operativ gewonnener menschlicher Thromben Tuberkulin-salbe-“S”. university to medical college. verschiedenen Alters in Streptokinase.

Prax Pneumol 23:92-100, Feb 69

[Ger] J Med Educ 44:270-7, Apr 69 Wien Med Wschr 118:222-4, 2 Mar 68 [Ger]

Cit. no. 4261040 Cit. no. 4016626

Cit. no. 3344157

Göttsching C: Die Tuberkulose als ärztliches und Gottheil E see Paredes A

Gottlob R, Blümel G: Anastomoses of small arteries and soziologisches Problem. Gotti D: Attuali aspetti clinici della infezione da veins by means of bushings and adhesive.

Deutsch Med J 20:81-90 contd, Feb 69 [Ger] Pseudomonas aeruginosa. J Cardiovasc Surg [Torino] 9:337-41, Jul-Aug 68

Cit. no. 4021751
G Mal Infett 20:708-14, Aug 68

Cit. no. 3261254

Göttsching C: Die Tuberkulose als ärztliches und Cit. no. 4100402

Gottlob R, Blümel G: Weitere Untersuchungen zur soziologisches Problem. Gotti D, Monari E, Chiodo F: Contributo allo studio del Thrombolyse mit Streptokinase: Einfluss der Deutsch Med J 20:109-13 concl, 20 Feb 69 [Ger] quadro sieroproteico elettroforetico Streptokinase auf Plasmininhibitoren,

Cit. no. 4021755 Immunoglobulinico in corso di vaccinazione Altersveränderungen in Thromben.

Gottsdanker R see Way TC antipoliomielitica.

Klin Med [Wien] 22:233-4, 1967

[Ger] Gottsegen R: And gladly wolde he lerne, and gladly Clin Pediat [Bologna] 50:853-9, Dec 68 [Ita]

Cit. no. 3221374

teche, Science 164:373, 25 Apr 69 Cit. no. 4250435

Gottlob R Brücke P

Cit. no. 4007667
Gotti E see Carreras L Gottlob R see Hoft HF

Gottshalk SK see Beard EL Göttinger E: Die Endozervikoskopie in der Praxis.

Gottlob R see Lassmann G

Gottshall RY, Anderson GR, Nelson EA, et al: Mouse Wien Med Wschr 118:568-9, 22 Jun 68 [Ger] Gotto AM: Beta-apoprotein sufficiency and function. toxicity of triple vaccine [DTP] mixed with Cit. no. 3373064 New Eng J Med 280:1297-8, 5 Jun 69

poliomyelitis vaccine. Mich Med 68:131-4, Feb 69 Göttinger E, Hagmüller K, Hellauer H, et al: Uber die

Cit. no. 4101133

Cit. no. 3430640 Wirksamkeit des Süssstoffes Zyklamat auf Gotto AM, Belkhode ML, Touster 0: Stimulatory Gottshall RY see Kendrick PL Leberparenchym, korrespondierende Fermente und effects of inosine and deoxyinosine on the

Gottshall SC see Smith RM Jr Gerinnungsfaktoren des Blutes.

incorporation of uracil-2-14-C, 5-fluorouracil-2-14-C, Gottstein U, Held K: Effekt der Hämodilution nach Wien Klin Wschr 80:328-31, 26 Apr 68 [Ger] and 5-bromouracil-2-14-C into nucleic acids by Ehrlich intravenöser Infusion von niedermolekularen Cit, no. 3236165 ascites tumor cells in vitro.

Dextranen auf die Hirnzirkulation des Menschen. Göttinger H see Blaha H Cancer Res 29:807-11, Apr 69

Deutsch Med Wschr 94:522-6, 14 Mar 69 [Ger] Göttlicher S

see Blechschmidt E Cit. no. 3546651

Cit. no. 3476135 Gottlieb A see Fisher S

Gotto AM, Levy RI, Birnbaumer ME, et al: Human Gottstein U, Sedlmeyer I, Schöttler M: Das Verhalten Gottlieb AA: Macrophage ribonucleoprotein: nature of serum beta lipoprotein and , beta apoprotein.

der Extremitätendurchblutung vor und nach the antigenic fragment. Science 165:592-4, 8 Aug 69 Nature [London] 223:835-7, 23 Aug 69

operativer Beseitigung von Verschlüssen der Arteria Cit. no. 4215021

Cit. no. 4245502

iliaca externa und Arteria femoralis sowie unter dem Gottlieb AA: Studies on the binding of soluble antigens Gotto AM, Levy RI, Lindgren FT, et al: Partial Einfluss vasodilatierender Pharmaka. to a unique ribonucleoprotein fraction of macrophage delipidation of human serum beta-lipoprotein by Verh Deutsch Ges Inn Med 74:666-70, 1968 [Ger] cells. Biochemistry [Wash] 8:2111-6, May 69 sodium decyl sulfate.

Cit. no. 4117014 Cit. no. 4136566

Biochim Biophys Acta 176:667-9, 29 Apr 69 Gottstein U, Sedlmeyer I, Schöttler M: Quantitative Gottlieb AA, Straus DS: Physical studies on the light

Cit. no. 4254464 density ribonucleoprotein complex of macrophage Gotto T: [Our method of torticollis management]

Messungen der Unterschenkeldurchblutung von

Gesunden und von Kranken mit peripheren cells. J Biol Chem 244:3324-9, 25 Jun 69

Orthop. Surg [Tokyo] 20:113-6, Jan 69 [Jap] Zirkulationsstörungen. Die Bedeutung der Grösse von Cit, no. 4204652

Cit. no. 4120467

Ruhedurchblutung und reaktiver Hyperämie als Gottlieb АJ see Delivoria-Papadopoulos M

[Gottron HA], Gottwald W: Zur Geschichte der Gottlieb

Kriterien für den Schweregrad der Ischämie. AJ see Hoffman HA Universitätshautklinik in Breslau. [II]

Z Kreislaufforsch 58:332-44, Mar 69 [Ger] Gottlieb АJ see Oski FA

Med Welt 6:403-12, 10 Feb 68


Cit. no. 4113102 Gottlieb B: Zollinger-Ellison syndrome.

Cit. no. 4106526

Gottstein U see Held K Proc Roy Soc Med 61:960, Oct 68

Gotts EE: A note on cross-cultural by age-group Gottwald A see Droh R Cit. no. 3237465

comparisons of anxiety scores. Gottlieb D, Molitoris HP, Van Etten JL: Changes in Child Develop 39:945-7, Sep 68

Gottwald W: Uber Klinik, Histologie und Genese der fungi with age. 3. Incorporation of amino acids into

Makrulie und Hydantoinen. Cit, no. 3266235

[Ger] cells of Rhizoctonia solani and Sclerotium bataticola.

Zahnaerztl Welt 78:24-9, 10 Jan 69 Gottschalch W: Die Rolle der Jugend in unserer

Cit. no, 4140004 Arch Mikrobiol 61:394-8, 1968 Gesellschaft,

Gottwald W: Zur Geschichte der
Cit. no. 3527755

Prax Kinderpsychol 16:256-61, Oct 67 Gottlieb D, Nicolas G: Mode of action of lomofungin.

[Ger] Universitätshautklinik in Breslau. [II] Cit. no. 3444030

Med Welt 6:403-12, 10 Feb 68

[Ger] Appl Microbiol 18:35-40, Jul 69 Gottschalk A: Technetium-99m in clinical nuclear

Cit. no. 4106526 Cit. no. 4277073

medicine. Ann Rev_Med 20:131-40, 1969 [67 ref.] Gottlieb D see Huber FM

Gottwald W: Transitorisches Abheilen von Cit. no. 4205657

Psoriasiseffloreszenzen während
Gottlieb D see Nicolas G

Gottschalk A: Biosynthesis of glycoproteins and its Gottlieb D Schlösser E relationship to heterogeneity.

Hydantoinvergiftung mit seltener zentralnervöser
Gottlieb D see Shier WT Nature [London], 222:452-4, 3 May 69

Symptomatik. Derm Wschr 154:241-51, 16 Mar 68 [Ger] Gottlieb F see Ford CV

Cit. no, 3311705 Cit. no. 4067117

Gottwaldová M see Kmínková M Gottschalk

Gottlieb F see Ritvo ER

А see Polcyn RE

Gottwik M see
Gottlieb G, Carlsen 0, Krogh-Poulsen W:
Gottschalk B see Berger G

Blume KG "Kaebe-dysfunktions-dyndromet” i ny belysning. Gottschalk C: Bisherige Untersuchungen zur

Gotvald RN: Izuchenie naprlazhennosti immuniteta Tandlaegebladet 72:1078-84, Nov 68 [Dan] Bedeutung des Wildes für Fasziolose und

protiv difteril v nazy vaevskom rajone Omskoi oblasti.

[Rus] Cit. no. 3546272 Dikrozoliose der Haustiere in Ostthüringen,

zh Mikrobiol 43:136, Feb 66 Gottlieb G, Simner ML: Auditory versus visual flicker Wlad Parazyt 14:509-12, 1968

Cit. no. 4246232

[Ger] Cit. no. 4063676

see in directing the approach response of domestic

Gotway CA Arkins JA chicks. J Comp Physiol Psychol 67:58-63, Jan 69 Gottschalk CW, Leyssac PP: Proximal tubular function

Götz F, Kelemen Z, Váry L, et al: A vese Cit. no. 4152377 in rats with low inulin clearance.

húgysavköveinek gyors oldása [elözetes közlemény] Gottlieb G, Vandenbergh JG: Ontogeny of vocalization Acta Physiol Scand 74:453-64, Nov 68

Orv Hetil 109:2813, 22 Dec 68 in duck and chick embryos.

Cit. no. 3450312

Cit, no. 4004725 J Exp Zool 168:307-25, Jul 68 Gottschalk CW

Götz F, Pintér J, Kisbenedek L: A Dormia-kosár

see Baines AD Cit. no. 3217670 Gottschalk E, Ansorg P: Zur Genese und Klinik

alkalmazása ureterkövek esetén.

[Hun] Gottlieb J: El médico a la cabecera del enfermo. Una geschlossener Trachealverletzungen.

Orv Hetil 109:1703-5, 4 Aug 68 mirada retrospectiva hacia la época del barroco. Zbl Сhir 93:1697-701, 7 Dec 68

Cit. no. 3477014 Clin Int [Barc] 19:23-8, Jan 69 Folia [Spa]

[Ger] Cit. no. 4132253

Götz F, Wölfer E, Váry L: Drinking water and renal Cit. no. 4273644 Gottschalk E, Stoltze D: Zur Operationsindikation bei

calculus formation. Gottlieb JA see Leadbetter ER jugendlichen Strumen.

Acta Med Acad Sci Hung 24:123-7, 1967 Gottlieb JS, Frohman CE, Beckett PG: A theory of

Zbl Сhir 93:1225-31, 7 Sep 68

Cit. no. 3227520 neuronal malfunction in schizophrenia.

Cit. no. 4067615

[Ger] Götz F see Török B Amer J Psychiat 126:149-56, Aug 69 Gottschalk E see Stoltze D

Götz H: Suggestivbehandlung von Nagelmykosen? Cit. no. 4304342 Gottschalk EM

Deutsch Med see Parmeggiani A

Wschr 94:1136, 23 May 69 [Ger] Gottlieb LS see Feldman RG Gottschalk G: Partial purification and some properties

Cit. no. 4072151 Gottlieb LS see Keeley AF

of the [R]-citrate synthase from Clostridium

Götz H: Der "In-vitro"-Lymphozytentest bel Gottlieb MH: The rates of interchange of fons across acidi-urici. Europ J Biochem 7:301-6, Jan 69

Puzinfektionen. Untersuchungen über seine fixed charge membranes in bi-ionic systems.

Cit, no. 3472474

Zuverlässigkeit zum Nachweis einer Biophys J 8:1413-25, Dec 68

Gottschalk G: The stereospecificity of the citrate

Dermatophyteninfektion. Cit. no. 4077755

synthase in sulfate-reducing and photosynthetic

Munchen Med Wschr 110:2553-8, 1 Nov 68 [Ger] Gottlieb MH, Sollner K: Failure of the Nernst-Einstein bacteria. Europ J Biochem 5:346-51, Aug 68

Cit, no. 4055727 equation to correlate electrical resistances and rates

Cit. no. 3226452

Götz I, Goldenberg DM: Antigenic characterization of a of ionic self-exchange across certain fixed charge Gottschalk G see Dittbrenner S

heterotransplanted human tumour, GW-127. membranes. Biophys J 8:515-35, May 68 Gottschalk LA: Some applications of the

Experientia 24:957-8, 15 Sep 68 Cit. no. 33152 12 psychoanalytic concept of object relatedness:

Cit. no. 3455111 Gottlieb MS, Root HF: Diabetes mellitus in twins.

preliminary studies on a human relations content

Götz &, Grottke M, Scheiffarth F: Vergleichende Diabetes 17:693-704, Nov 68 analysis scale applicable to verbal samples,

biochemische Untersuchungen an unterschiedlich Cit. no. 3266264 Compr Psychiat 9:608-20, Nov 68

aufbereiteten Gehirnextrakten. Gottlieb N: Synovianalysis. An aid to diagnosis of

Cit. no. 3407342

Clin Chim Acta 23:39-46, Jan 69 Gottschalk LA see Stone WN rheumatic diseases. J Florida Med Ass 56:323-8, May 69

Cit. no. 3377336 Cit. no. 4241320 Gottschalk M: Zur Atiologie, Klinik und Therapie der

Götz H, Klüken N: Uber den Einfluss von Gottlieb PD, Cunningham BA, Waxdal MJ, et al:

Lymphangiome. Bruns Beitr Klin Chir 216:673-86, Dec 68 [Ger]

Luftverunreinigungen auf die Haut. Untersuchungen Variable regions of heavy and light polypeptide chains

mit Immissionsstoffen im Industriegebiet. same gammaG-immunoglobulin molecule.

Cit. no. 4130572 of the

Munchen Med Wschr 111:1021-7, 2 May 69 [Ger] Gottschalk PG, Dyck PJ, Kiely JM: Vinca alkaloid

Cit. no. 4141254

Götz H, Moussazadeh M, Reichel H: Papier- und

Page 24

Gould KL, Gooch JM, Oda A, et al: Suspected rabies in New Zeal Vet J 16:131-40, Aug-Sep 68

animale. Schweiz Arch Tierhetk 110:52-9, Jan 68 [Fre] retrospect, Oahu, Hawall.

Cit. no. 3427246

Cit. no. 3423600 Hawail Med J 28:277-82, Mar-Apr 69 Goulden ML see Shotwell OL

Gounelle JC, Raoul Y: Effets de la vitamine D sur la
Cit. no. 4117743 Goulden R see Coulson A

répartition intracellulaire hépatique du calclum et du Gould L: Appraisal and reappraisal of cardiac therapy. Goulden SA, Chattaway FW: Lysine control of magnésium chez le rat. Edited by Arthur C. DeGraff, Alan F. Lyon, and Julian alpha-aminoadipate and penicillin synthesis in J Physiol [Paris] 59:Suppl:419-20, 1967

[Fre] Frieden. Phentolamine. Amer Heart J 78:276-8, Aug 69 Penicillium chrysogenum.

Cit. no. 4076621
Cit. no. 4234742 Biochem J 110:55P-56P, Dec 68

Gounelle JC, Raoul Y: Effets de la vitamine D sur la Gould L: Phentolamine--rediscovery of an old drug. Cit. no. 3420422

répartition intracellulaire hépatique du calcium et du Geriatrics 24:113-6, Jul 69

Goulding A, Malthus RS: Effect of dietary magnesium magnésium chez le rat. Cit, no. 4167366 on the development of nephrocalcinosis in rats. J Physiol [Paris] 59:419-20, 1967

[Fre] Gould L: Left atrial "a" waves in primary myocardial J Nutr 97:353-8, Mar 69

Cit. no. 3466765 disease, constrictive pericarditis, and arteriosclerotic

Cit, no, 352 2634

Gounelle JC see Raoul Y heart disease. Amer Heart J 77:430-1, Mar 69 Goulding D see Cumming GR

Gounelle de Pontanel H: Sur l'Aromatisation et la Cit, no. 3504707

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JK see Demisch K Cit. no. 3271066 glucose tolerance tests.

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a function of programmed conditioning.

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serotype antigens in monovalent and trivalent ekzostozami. Vop Onkol 12:108-9, 1966

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aspartokinase in Bacillus licheniformis.

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Cit. no. 4115323 Gravel JA, Richard M: Bronchiectasies dues à vaccines. Proc US Livestock Sanit Ass 71:396-403, 1967 Gray CA, Seeger CD: Professional offices. l'aspiration de têtes d'herbe [herbe timothée]

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J Amer Optom Ass 39:940-1, Oct 68 [Fre] Graves JH see Callis JJ

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17-oxosteroids and total 17-oxogenic steroids. A Cit. no. 3333670 Graves V see Gauvain S

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Gravgaard E: A study of the vagus nerves at the lower enzyme in mitochondria of rat and mouse spleen. Gravell M see Moss LH 3d

end of the esophagus, with special reference to Biochem J 111:23P-24P, Feb 69 Gravelle IH, Marsden RT: Radiological assessment of duodenal ulcer and acute gastro-duodenal ulcerations.

Cit. no. 3511101 hypolactasia in ulcerative colitis. Scand J Gastroent 3:327-33, 1968

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Gray CH see Waterfield MD Cit. no. 4342557

Gravina E, Baggio P, Sanviale G: Comportamento del Gray CP, Biorn CL:Internal urethrotomy: Its use in the Gravelle IH see Forrest AP

fibrinogeno nella fibrinolisi in vitro: risultati ottenuti treatment of urethral strictures of the male patient. Gravelle IH see Stewart HJ

con l'immunodiffusione radiale semplice.

J Urol 100:653-5, Nov 68 Grarelle RA see Purdie JW

Boll Soc Ital Biol Sper 43:1819-23, 31 Dec 67 [Ita]

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Cit. no. 3263101 Gravendeel Psee Hoogendam IJ

Gray CW see Hopper BR Gravina E, Gravina-Sanvitale G: Effect of carnitine on Gray DE see Lal Mc Gravenein JS: The use of potent analgesics in the blood acetoacetate in fasting children.

Gray DH, Hitchcock GC: Benign cystic teratoma of the surgical patient.

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Fallopian tube. Brit J Surg 56:475-6, Jun 69 Cit. no. 3462636

Cit, no. 4140176 Cit. no. 3451041 Gravina E see Baggio P

Gray DJ, Gardner E: The prenatal development of the Gravenhorst JB, Wiesenhaan PF: Hydramnios treated Gravina E see Sala 0

human humerus. Amer J Anat 124:431-45, Apr 69 by intra-amniotic administration of antidiuretic Gravina-Sanvitale G hormone. J Obstet Gynaec Brit Comm 75:1072-4, Oct 68

see Gravina E

Cit. no. 3535325 Gravitz LA see Cohen MB Cit. no. 3250055

Gray DM, Rubenstein I: Ultraviolet dichroic ratio of Gravitz MA: Adult norms at several age levels for DNA from T2 and T5 bacteriophages. Gravens CK see Gravens DL

Hovey's MMPI scale of CNS disorder. Gravens DL, Margraf HW, Gravens CK, et al: Silver and

Biopolymers 6:1605-31, 1968 J Clin Psychol 25:427-8, Oct 69

Cit, no. 3311443 intestinal flora: Roles in bacterial colonization of burn

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Gray EB: Evaluation and treatment of shock, wounds. Arch Surg [Chicago] 99:454-8, Oct 69 Cit. no. 4327262

Gravitz MA: Direction of psychosexual interest and respiratory failure. Hosp Top 47:95-8, Mar 69 Gravens DL see Butcher HR Jr figure drawing choice. J Clin Psychol 25:311, Jul 69

Cit. no. 4100515 Cit. no. 4275374

Gray ED Gravenstein JS: The belladonna drugs.

see Cost HB Int Anesth Clin 6:33-40, Spring 68

Gravitz MA: Figure drawing size as an index of Gray EG see Diamond J
depression and MMPI depression and MMPI


EW see Cit. no. 3415522

Smith W depression scores in normal adults. Gravenstein JS, Ariet M, Thornby J: Atropine on the

Gray FV see Pilgrim AF
J Clin Psychol 25:77-9, Jan 69 electrocardiogram.

Gray FV see Weller RA Cit. no. 4057206


G Clin Pharmacol Ther 10:660-6, Sep-Oct 69

see CI

PA Cit. no. 4327737

Gravitz MA:Marital status and figure drawing choice in Gray G_Jr see Ramsey HE Gravenstein JS, Thornby JI: Scopolamine on heart rates normal older Americans.

Gray GD, Crim JA, Mickelson MM: The in man. Clin Pharmacol Ther 10:395-400, May-Jun 69 J Soc Psychol 77:143-4, Feb 69

immunosuppressive activity of ara-cytidine. II. Cit. no. 4224722 Cit. no. 4012774

Effects on the graft-versus-host reaction. Gravenstein JS see De Padua CB

Gravitz MA: Masculinity-femininity orientation on the Transplantation 6:818-25, Oct 68 Gravenstein JS see Kottmeier CA MMPI and marital status. Psychol Rep 23:1330, Dec 68

Cit. no. 3336413 Gravenstein JS see Perkins HM

Cit, no. 4001667

Gray GD, Mickelson MM, Crim JA: The Gravenstein JS see Schiebler GL

Gravitz MA: Hypnotic-like experiences in a large immunosuppressive activity of ara-cytidine. I. Effects Graver HJ see Jarrett RJ

general population related to personality inventory on antibody-forming cells and humoral antibody. Graves CL: Massive transfusion.

responses. Amer J Clin Hypn 11:171-4, Jan 69 Transplantation 6:805-17, Oct 68 int Anesth Clin 5:925-67, Winter 67 Cit. no. 3456302

Cit. no. 3336412 Cit, no. 3417010 Gravlee JF see Newberne PM

Gray GD, Perper RJ, Mickelson MM, et al: The Graves CL, Klein RL: Central venous pressure

Gravlee LC: Clinical evaluation of oral contraceptives immunosuppressive activity of ara-cytidine monitoring during routine spinal anesthesia.

in respect to weight change and body measurements. [cytara bine]. 3. Effects of canine renal allograft Arch Surg [Chicago] 97:843-7, Nov 68 J Med Ass Alabama 38:620-1, Jan 69

rejection and hemagglutinin formation. Cit. no. 3250657 Cit. no. 3407740

Transplantation, 7:183-7, Mar 69 Gravlee LC Jr: Jet-irrigation method for the diagnosis

Cit. no. 4030643 of endometrial adenocarcinoma. Its principle and Gray GD see Smith CG accuracy. Obstet Gynec 34:168-72, Aug 69

Gray GD see Zeleznick LD Cit. no. 4242025

Gray GM: Dietary control of disaccharidases.
Gravlin L see Sanders HD

Gastroenterology 56:638-9, Mar 69
Graw RG Jr, Skeel RT, Carbone PP: Priapism in a child

Cit. no. 3507247 with chronic granulocytic leukemia.

Gray GM, Santiago NA: Intestinal beta-galactosidases. J Pediat 74:788-90, May 69

I. Separation and characterization of three enzymes in Cit. no. 4024515

normal human intestine. Graw RG Jr see Buckner D

J Clin Invest 48:716-28, Apr 69 [Gray A], Ganz 0: In memoriam: Sir Archibald Gray.

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[Ger] Gray GM, Santiago NA, Colver EH, et al: Intestinal Cit. no. 3345207

beta-galactosidases. II. Biochemical alteration in

human lactase deficiency. Gray A, Doniach 1: Morphology of the nuclei of papillary carcinoma of the thyroid.

J Clin Invest 48:729-35, Apr 69

Cit. no. 3530502 Brit J Cancer 23:49-51, Mar 69 Cit. no. 4066077

Gray GM see Adams EP Gray AJ see Cowling DC

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Gray GR, Wilson PA, Douglas AS: The effect on Gray AM: Addison's disease and diffuse cerebral dipyridamole on platelet aggregation and

adhesiveness. Scot Med J 13:409-15, Dec 68 sclerosis.

Cit. no. 3416303 J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiat 32:344-7, Aug 69 Cit. no. 4323715

Gray GW see Fensom AH

Gray GW see Newman HA
Gray AP, Anthony HD: Outbreak of malignant catarrhal fever in kansas.

Gray HW, Murphy AV, Logan RW, et al: Investigation

of Nithsdale goitre. Scot Med J 14:48-50, Feb 69 Proc US Livestock Sanit Ass 72:456-64, 1968

Cit. no. 3513471 Cit. no. 4300307

Gray J see Alpert S Gray AS: Dental birthday cards for three year old

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10-year study. Scot Med J 14:234-42, Jul 69 Cit. no. 3373554

Cit. no. 4322735 Gray AS, Gunther DM, Jordan II: Group dynamics in a

Gray JA see Emond RT dental public health program.

see J Canad Dent

Gray JA

Francis MD Ass 35:407-10, Aug 69


JA see Fuller DR Cit. no. 4303313

Gray JA see Munro HN Gray AS, Gunther DM, Jordan II: The Okanagan dental

Gray JA see Ormonde NW I.Q. quiz. Canad J Public Health 60:223-4, May 69

Gray JC: Adventure in education. Cit. no. 4211741

Nurs Times 64:1567-8, 15 Nov 68 Gray AS, Hawk DR, Jordan II: Pilot dental program for

Cit. no. 3272350 Penticton school children.

Gray JC, Kekwick RG: Mevalonate kinase from
DNA with synthetic and natural polysaccharides. Gray B see Dymock IW J Canad Dent Ass 35:316-9, Jun 69

etiolated cotyledons of French beans. Cit. no. 4127334

Biochem J 113:37P, Jul 69

Cit. no. 4320616
Gray BB, Fygetakis L: Medlated language acquisition

Gray JD, Sim AK, Baillie HW: The effectiveness of a
for dysphasic children.

slow-release pentaerythritol tetranitrate preparation Behav Řes Ther 6:263-80, Aug 68

[“Pentral 80”] in sustaining blood nitrate levels. Cit. no. 4337052

Graves CL see Klein RL Graves CN, Dziuk PJ: Control of ovulation in dairy cattle with human chorionic gonadotrophin after treatment with 6 alpha-methyl-17 alpha-acetoxy-progesterone. J Reprod Fertil 17:169-72, Oct 68

Cit. no. 3302435
Graves DJ, Mann SA, Philip G, et al: A probe into the
catalytic activity and subunit assembly of glycogen phosphorylase. Desensitization of allosteric control by limited tryptic digestion. J Biol Chem 243:6090-8, 10 Dec 68

Cit. no. 3330033 Graves DJ see Chao J Graves DJ see Merrill EW Graves FT: The arterial anatomy of the congenitally abnormal kidney. Brit J Surg 56:533-41, Jul 69

Cit. no. 4217716
Graves G Jr see Stevens PM Graves GO, Evans LR, Ingersoll RW, et al: Need for a multiple-track system in medical education. J Med Educ 44:344-8, May 69

Cit. no. 4127506 Graves IL: Utilization of radioactive carbon from ribonucleic acid, polyglucose, and protein in vaccinia virus infected Hela cells. Amer J Vet Res 30:647-53, Apr 69

Cit. no. 3523671 Graves IL: Evidence for a change in certain properties of vaccinia virus following trypsinization: Improved Firus quality and decreased adsorption. Amer J Vet Res 30:461-9, Mar 69

Cit. no. 3504755 Graves IL: Incorporation of radioactivity from 14C-sugars into macromolecules in pollovirus-infected or guanidine-treated Hela cells. Gen Virol 4:101-9, Jan 69

Cit. no. 3547334 Graves IL: Interaction of heat-denatured HeLa cell Biopolymers 6:1573-8, 1968

Cit. no. 3311441 Graves IC: The bulk reproduction of tapes and slides.

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