soulmate là gì - Nghĩa của từ soulmate

soulmate có nghĩa là

A person with whom you have an immediate connection the moment you meet -- a connection so strong that you are drawn to them in a way you have never experienced before. As this connection develops over time, you experience a love so deep, strong and complex, that you begin to doubt that you have ever truly loved anyone prior. Your soulmate understands and connects with you in every way and on every level, which brings a sense of peace, calmness and happiness when you are around them. And when you are not around them, you are all that much more aware of the harshness of life, and how bonding with another person in this way is the most significant and satisfying thing you will experience in your lifetime. You are also all that much aware of the beauty in life, because you have been given a great gift and will always be thankful.


Finding my soulmate is the best thing that has ever happened to me; I have never felt this kind of love and understanding. We connect in so many ways, it astounds me.

soulmate có nghĩa là

Noun; Verb; The first time you glimpse at each other you are immediately drawn to each other, extremely different than ever recognizing anyone you have ever met before. You already know them, feel who they are. Then you speak and realize this is the most amazing person you have ever met and you feel unnaturally comfortable with them. Instead of wanting to know the "basics" about them it is like meeting an old friend you haven't seen in ages and it is time to catch up. This is the person you have been searching for. In that moment the longing stops but you don't realize until you are forced to be apart. This person completes you on a spiritual level and anything could happen, good or bad, one look in their eyes brings a smile to your face and peace to your heart. Suddenly everything you have worked for in your life becomes clear and the path you were unsure of following is now being lit for the both of you to follow. All your fears vanish and you no longer question your purpose in life because together the purpose evolves on its own. You find their insecurities as parts of their soul you need to heal. Mutual understanding and respect. Days filled with laughter. Even if you are sitting next to each other, touching each other, it still feels like they are miles away because that person could never be close enough yet at the same time it feels like you are melting together and your spirits are dancing.


Our eyes met for the first time and I was filled with an enormous amount of energy. I was unbelievably happy yet confused. Without looking away we both smiled and then began to laugh as if we finally understood the joke. We both started walking through the crowded room as if in a dream and then we met. "Hello my name is Kirsten" /smile "Hello my name is Juan"... the rest was a blur. This is what happens when you meet your soulmate.

soulmate có nghĩa là

A soul mate is someone you meet and the instant your eyes meet you feel these incredible feelings that you never knew existed.  They are so hard to explain but you feel them and you know they are unique and they feel the same way.  There is so many things that you feel but can't describe because you have never felt like this before and if you think if you ever tried to explain these feelings to a friend you know they wouldn't understand.  You can look into your soul mates  eyes and see into their soul.  You can say I love you without even speaking a word.  When you hold their hand it is like your hands are one and you don't know where one hand starts and the other begins.  A soul mate is someone who lights up your insides and gives you more than just a butterfly feeling by just hearing their voice, by reading a note, by just seeing them across the room.  And when you don't get to talk or see them, your body feels like there is such a void that you don't know what you would ever do without them.  You say the same things at the same time.  You laugh and cry at the same things.  They are the love of your life and your best friend.  You know you can say whatever is on your mind to them and they will listen.   Your soul mate completes you and you love them with every breathe you take.  There is so much more but it is so hard to put into words because how your soul mate makes you feel is magical and unique.


Love is hope and I can't wait to be with my soulmate.

soulmate có nghĩa là

A soulmate is someone you are immediately attracted to. It is the most beautiful and amazing moment of your life when you look into their eyes. Nothing will ever compare to the feeling you get when you look into their eyes. They will always be in your heart and on your mind. When you can not be with them it hurts. You will never forget them. You will know without a doubt that they are the one for you. Love


Love soulmate

soulmate có nghĩa là

A person with whom your soul connects with on a level so deep that it is completely unexplainable, until experienced. And people might think you are freaks of nature, but they will never understand your love and connection.


Charlie and Heather are Soulmates because they have their own language that Airey doesn't understand.

soulmate có nghĩa là

The one true connection between two people[souls] that transcends all other relationships. It is the meeting of minds, bodies and souls; in the physical realm the two become one unable to differentiate between one body and another, words are not necessary to communicate thoughts, love is expressed on such a deep level that it lies between the past, present and future, "for I will hold you in my soul forever, death shall never separate us". Finding your soulmate is very rare, holding onto it is phenomenal. I found my soulmate 36 years ago, traveled a path with a different man who financially might have been more suited to my younger future...talked to my soulmate every day for 36 years . Now at 56 as a widow I am living my life with the man that has always been my destiny [who waited 26 years for me], the one that makes me feel life is a rollercoaster....I fear not death, he will be with my soul for all eternity. Everyday is HEAVEN when you live it with your he says...not many people ever get to experience the kind of love we share. Agreed, God has kissed us with his very soul!


to know a soulmate

soulmate có nghĩa là

Your other half. Your best friend. You go together like milk and cereal, capegirl and capeboy, kaila and max.The person that when you find them makes you feel whole and complete. The person you've been waiting your entire life to find. The person that once you find them you could not even imagine being without.


Zaney: I think I found my soulmate.
Franny: Could you imagine being without her?
Zaney: no, I never want to be without her.
Franny: Then I think you found her.

soulmate có nghĩa là

a soulmate is someone you share an intense and unexplainable connection with. your soulmate will understand you better than anyone else in the world can, because you share the same mind heart and soul hence the term soulmate. you trust each other immensely and make it feel like all prior loves were irrelevant. when you aren't together you feel like a part of you is missing and when you're together you connect on every level.


when i met my soulmate i knew that there was one person in the world who completely understood me.

soulmate có nghĩa là

Our soulmate is the confidence to challenge our insecurity, the solution to our problems, the bravery to match our fear & the offering of love to sooth our hate. We all have an empty place in our hearts, one thats reserved for your other half, the one who knows you inside out, who understands you by just glancing into your eyes. Like all great, wonderful, truely amazing things, your soulmate isn't easy to find, but we all have one. When people hear "soulmate", they usually think of "lover", but thats not nessicarily true. Your soulmate doesnt have to be of the opposite sex, & there doesnt have to be any sexual attraction between you, but more often than not there is. When you find your soulmate, there's no question if its them or not, you'll just know, because you'll recognize them as they'll recognize you. After all, how can you not know your other half when you see them? Many soulmates take eons, lifetimes to find, but one day you will find them. So, good luck & may the odds be ever in your favour.


Person 1: it feels like there's something missing inside me!
Person 2: don't worry, once you find your soulmate, you'll feel better [y]

soulmate có nghĩa là

Someone that makes you feel special,will love you to the moon and back your meant to be together


Guy:the only other girl rant I will love is our daughter. Girl:Aww,your my soulmate!!

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