Splunk failed login attempts per user

You are right I want top 10 over the span of the entire search.

What I am trying to achieve is getting a list of the 10 ten users who had the most failed attempts over the entire search period. Then put that list into a line or area chart that shows the number of failures each day for each user over the selected time period. In our case it will probably be 3-6 months.

We are looking for users who have large number of failed login attempts over a long period of time but want to break it down into chunks like per day so we can see if all the failures for a given user was all in a single day or if it happens in smaller chunks consistently over each month or even each day. This would help tell us if the account was under attack or if the user uses sites like mint.com to login to login to our site to check account balances automatically.

If they sign into a system like mint.com put in their credentials then change their credentials later on our site and forget to change them in mint.com we would expect to see consistent failed traffic each day from that account.

A good place to start.

This is the one I use for failed login events.

|fillnull value=NULL
| eval Account_Name = mvindex[Account_Name,1] 
| eval Security_ID = mvindex[Security_ID,1] 
| eval LoginType=case[Logon_Type=3,"RPC [not RDP]",Logon_Type=4,"Batch",Logon_Type=5,"Service",Logon_Type=7,"Screen Unlock/Session Resume",Logon_Type=10,"Remote Desktop",Logon_Type=11,"Cached",Logon_Type=9,"New Credentials"]
|stats count[Security_ID] as "Login Events" by Security_ID, Account_Name, LoginType,host,_time  |sort + Security_ID

In case you want it, here is successful login events.

|fillnull value=NULL
| eval Account_Name = mvindex[Account_Name,1] 
| eval Security_ID = mvindex[Security_ID,1] 
| eval LoginType=case[Logon_Type=3,"RPC [not RDP]",Logon_Type=4,"Batch",Logon_Type=5,"Service",Logon_Type=7,"Screen Unlock/Session Resume",Logon_Type=10,"Remote Desktop",Logon_Type=11,"Cached",Logon_Type=9,"New Credentials"]
|stats count[Security_ID] as "Login Events" by Security_ID, Account_Name, LoginType,host,_time  |sort + Security_ID

  • audittrail
  • CattyWampus
  • 1 Comment
  • 3 7

This will return a list of users who attempted to login to the splunk searchhead. It will list both successful attempts and failed attempts.


index=_audit tag=authentication|stats count by user,info|sort-info

Tagged: audittrailInternal LoginInternal Logonsplunk on splunk

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  1. chris October 14, 2022 at 4:29 pm

    index=_audit tag=authentication | dedup user | stats count by user, info timestamp | sort – info


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  • _internal
  • SplunkNinja
  • 4 2

The following Splunk Search Query will return all users who have failed to logon to the Splunk Web console. This query will also include an average [from eventstats].

index=_audit action="login attempt"info=failed|timechart count[user]asFailed_Attempts|eventstats avg[Failed_Attempts]asAverage

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  1. JayhawkATL January 30, 2016 at 11:52 am

    I get zero events over All Time when I search for:

    index=_audit action=”login attempt”

    Logging parameter not set correct???

    1. SplunkNinja February 1, 2016 at 8:06 am

      I’ve made a revision. Looks like either I had a custom defined field, or the splunk search language has changed [most likely the former].

      Thanks for pointing this out :]

      1. Jay September 4, 2019 at 9:45 am

        Where is the revised version?

        1. SplunkNinja September 5, 2019 at 2:30 pm

          It’s been….~6 months. I’m going to assume I updated the original here :]

  2. Pogoista June 23, 2021 at 5:16 am

    index=_internal source=”/opt/splunk/var/log/splunk/splunkd.log” ERROR UiAuth

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In which index can you find information about failed login attempts to Splunk Web?

How to search for failed login attempts?.

How do I search for Splunk errors?

You can search by typing keywords in the search bar, like Error, Login, Logout, Failed, etc. After Logging in into your Splunk instance, you can see the Search & Reporting app on the left side. Click on the Search & Reporting app to get into the app. You can see Search bar with time range picker.

Which of the following searches will return results containing the words fail failure or failed in Splunk?

The asterisk [ * ] character is used as a wildcard character to match fail , failure , failed , failing , and so forth.

What determines the timestamp in Splunk?

It uses the source type of the event, which includes TIME_FORMAT information, to try to find the timestamp. If an event has a time and date, but not a year, Splunk software determines the year and builds the timestamp from that date.

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