Sửa lỗi the number must be between 1 and 1638 năm 2024

Em nói ngắn gọn thế này :Em tạo mục lục tự động, có các heading,nhưng không hiểu sao heading 2 hôm nay lại bị lỗi,nó không hiển thị ra số nữa [ ví dụ 2.1 ; 3.1 ] chỉ hiện nội dung.Em đã cố chỉnh bằng mọi cách nhưng không được.Tìm google thấy trên diễn dàn có một bạn bị y chang,nhưng chưa thấy trả lời,nên e muốn hỏi lại.

Em có đính kèm nội dung để mọi người xem.

Chân thành cảm ơn mọi người.

p/s Lần đọc viết bài,có gì sai sót mong mod chỉnh sửa và bỏ qua giúp em.

  • DANM 2.docx 61.8 KB · Đọc: 48

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Cái heading 2 của bạn bị lỗi. Xóa numbering hoặc chọn loại numbering khác, lưu lại, sau đó chọn lại numbering cũ là được.

  • DANM 2.rar 79.4 KB · Đọc: 24
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    Cái heading 2 của bạn bị lỗi. Xóa numbering hoặc chọn loại numbering khác, lưu lại, sau đó chọn lại numbering cũ là được.

Cảm ơn a nhiều ạ.Mà chọn numbering cũ là làm sao đơn giản nhỉ,hay là phải định dạng lại như tạo cái numbering đó.

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Up cái coi có bác nào xử lý triệt để dc cái này ko

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Tình hình là sau khi search trên mấy trang nước ngoài thì được hướng dẫn như thế này, rất hiệu quả

This is definitely a bug. I succeeded in fixing it as follows: 1. Put your cursor on the heading just right of the black box 2. Use the left arrow key on your keyboard to move left until the black box turns grey 3. Use the keyboard combination ctrl+shift+s, the dialog "Apply Styles" should appear 4. In this box, click "reapply"

This fixed the issue for me. Good luck.

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Tình hình là sau khi search trên mấy trang nước ngoài thì được hướng dẫn như thế này, rất hiệu quả

I thought I'd finally mastered outline numbering, but today I hit another snag. This is weird. I've applied outline numbering, and I noticed that Heading 4 has the wrong font for the numbers. The numbering scheme is as follows:

Level 1 [Heading 1] = 1 [font: Arial] Level 2 [Heading 2] = a [font: Arial] Level 3 [Heading 3] = [1] [font: Arial] Level 4 [Heading 4] = [a] [font: Times New Roman]

I right-clicked on a Level 4 number and clicked "Adjust list indents..." from the context menu. The Define new Multilevel list dialog box opened. Then I clicked the Font... button, and here's the weird part. Instead of the Font dialog, I get a little "Microsoft Office Word" box that says, "The number must be between 1 and 600."

So I click "OK" and the Font dialog box opens. I change the font to Arial, click OK, and that same message box pops up again. This time it says, "The number must be between 1 and 1638"! I click OK, but I'm back to the Font dialog box. Which means I can't change the font!


HansV Administrator Posts: 77802 Joined: 16 Jan 2010, 00:14 Status: Microsoft MVP Location: Wageningen, The Netherlands

by HansV » 10 Dec 2010, 19:35

This is a problem with some documents / templates converted from older versions. Apparently the character scaling setting sometimes becomes corrupt.

In the Font dialog, activate the Character Scaling tab, and enter 100% in the Scale box, then click OK.

If word won't let you change the setting, try this: - Select the number with the wrong font - Activate the Visual Basic Editor. - Press Ctrl+G to activate the Immediate window. - Type the following, then press Enter:

Selection.Font.Scaling = 100

Best wishes, Hans

Caesar3 Lounger Posts: 44 Joined: 30 Mar 2010, 19:07 Location: Virginia, USA

by Caesar3 » 10 Dec 2010, 20:29

Hm-m-m.... I followed the steps you suggested. So far, nothing has changed. FWIW, in the Font dialog, character scaling already said 100%. I tried the VB editor approach, too, but it does not appear to have made a difference.

You mentioned "documents / templates converted from older versions." This document has been a Word 2007 document from the start, to my knowledge. I did not write it myself. I did import the numbering scheme from one of my own templates, however. That numbering scheme used Times New Roman 12 pt for the font. The author had written the document in Arial, so I changed the font for the numbering scheme after I imported it into the document.

I'm about to leave work for the day, so I probably won't get to return to this project till Monday. Any idea what the message box is referring to? That is, what is the "number" that must be between 1 and 600 or whatever? This seems like something totally out of the blue, you know?

HansV Administrator Posts: 77802 Joined: 16 Jan 2010, 00:14 Status: Microsoft MVP Location: Wageningen, The Netherlands

by HansV » 10 Dec 2010, 20:37

The number that must be between 1 and 600 is the character scaling. The other one, "The number must be between 1 and 1638", refers to the font size.

I fear that the numbering scheme has become corrupt. I don't know if it can be repaired.

Best wishes, Hans

IanE NewLounger Posts: 1 Joined: 04 Sep 2012, 15:37

by IanE » 04 Sep 2012, 16:00

It does seem that editing MultiLevel List Styles can result in this corruption.

You may be able to fix the problem by using VB to overwrite the Font structure for the affected list levels.

In my case the formatting for the first [Level 1] was OK so my VB code makes all the others like that one


For Each templ In ActiveDocument.ListTemplates
    a = 1
    For Each lev In templ.ListLevels
        If a = 1 Then
            Set lvlfont = lev.Font
            a = 2
        End If
        lev.Font = lvlfont
    Next lev
Next templ

Depending on which of your Fonts are causing the “Number between 1 and 600” problem you may need to vary the details.

HansV Administrator Posts: 77802 Joined: 16 Jan 2010, 00:14 Status: Microsoft MVP Location: Wageningen, The Netherlands

by HansV » 04 Sep 2012, 16:09

Welcome to Eileen's Lounge!

Thanks for your suggestion, I hope it'll help others suffering from this problem.

Best wishes, Hans

Guessed 2StarLounger Posts: 102 Joined: 04 Feb 2010, 22:44 Location: Melbourne Australia Contact:

by Guessed » 05 Sep 2012, 03:48

If you wanted to reset all list numbering to match the font of the paragraph the following code would do it. This is a very large stick for your specific problem but IMHO worth doing anyway.

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