the low life là gì - Nghĩa của từ the low life

the low life có nghĩa là

A person who hangs out in bars, dives, or honky tonk establishments.

A person whose social life depends on booze in smoke-filled, noisy places.

Ví dụ

Sue Beth and Billy Bub are a couple of low life no-accounts who hang out in the Kawliga Pow Wow bar.

the low life có nghĩa là

Low-life is a person who has not evolved past the level of primordial ooze in the scheme of things. A low-life is an opportunist and has no guilt over doing rotten or heinous things. If they hurt the innocent or the naive of course a low-life will blame their victim for not being as low-life as they are.

Ví dụ

Sue Beth and Billy Bub are a couple of low life no-accounts who hang out in the Kawliga Pow Wow bar.

the low life có nghĩa là

Low-life is a person who has not evolved past the level of primordial ooze in the scheme of things. A low-life is an opportunist and has no guilt over doing rotten or heinous things. If they hurt the innocent or the naive of course a low-life will blame their victim for not being as low-life as they are.

Ví dụ

Sue Beth and Billy Bub are a couple of low life no-accounts who hang out in the Kawliga Pow Wow bar. Low-life is a person who has not evolved past the level of primordial ooze in the scheme of things. A low-life is an opportunist and has no guilt over doing rotten or heinous things. If they hurt the innocent or the naive of course a low-life will blame their victim for not being as low-life as they are.

the low life có nghĩa là

Antwan is a low-life for taking advantage of lonely little teenaged girls.

Ví dụ

Sue Beth and Billy Bub are a couple of low life no-accounts who hang out in the Kawliga Pow Wow bar.

the low life có nghĩa là

Low-life is a person who has not evolved past the level of primordial ooze in the scheme of things. A low-life is an opportunist and has no guilt over doing rotten or heinous things. If they hurt the innocent or the naive of course a low-life will blame their victim for not being as low-life as they are.

Ví dụ

Antwan is a low-life for taking advantage of lonely little teenaged girls.

the low life có nghĩa là

someone that has to change her kids food stamp to support her cocaine habit Evelyn Adorno is a low life.

Ví dụ

It could be people who are poor, or it could be people who live like pond scum. Or it could be people who have no values, nor standards compared to people who can afford the paper to write standards and values upon.

the low life có nghĩa là

Don't worry what that low-life thinks! look where they live, they are nothing but low-life.

Ví dụ

A person who has no values or standards. Some one who smokes greasy cigarettes, and does other drugs such as weed. A person who skips school and is going no where in life. They will probably be flipping burgers for the rest of their life while still living at their parents house when they are 30. A low life thinks their tough shit when they are actually not.

the low life có nghĩa là

That fat chick is such a low life!

Ví dụ

A person who decides to live the thug life and winds up getting in trouble with the law only to later use religion as a means to feel better about themselves and thus spread the word of god through stupid plays about gang life [Victory Outreach]and wearing shirts that say "GANG INTERVENTION SPECIALIST" on the back. All along not providing proper care of their bastard children while living in a sober home bringing down the value of homes in that neighborhood, yet manages to hold a job working at the port and drives a mercedes.

the low life có nghĩa là

Lets not forget to mention the gang affiliation tattoos and tattoo tear drops. Great example for children. That guy looks well over thirty, I cant belive hes driving that car and blasting oldies he needs to grow up, what a low life. a person who lives like trash, and doesn't care to improve themselves. one who often forgets about common priorities in life. one who resides in the south. a person who has no values or standards. someone who smokes greasy cigarettes, and does other drugs such as weed. a person who skips school and is going nowhere in life. often times a dirtbag rock'n'roller, a real goner. he is a low life and he takes shit to an extreme. he has no morals.

Ví dụ

Term used to describe the mini-bottles of Miller High Life. Nothing quenches ones thirst as ineffectively as a shot of whiskey and a Low Life. the best band to come out of DC

the low life có nghĩa là

You are low class, poor and stupid.

Ví dụ

one of the best reggae bands ever

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