Tiếng anh 10 unit 7 getting started

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1 Read the conversation in GETTING STARTED again. Match the words / phrases with their definitions.

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2 Circle the correct words in brackets to complete the sentences.


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2 Listen to the sentences and practise saying them correctly. Pay attention to the stress pattern of the underlined words.

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1 Do you agree with the following statements?

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2 Write five sentences comparing the two weddings in the table below. Use the comparative form of the adjectives in the box and than.

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3 Choose the correct answers.

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1 Are the following statements true for you?

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2 Read the text and answer the following questions by circling the best option A, B, C, or D.

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3 Discuss the following with a partner.

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1 Do the quiz. Then read the information in 2 and check your answers.

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2 Work in groups. Each group reads about one country, either the UK or Russia, noting down the most interesting things about that country. Share the information with other members of your group.

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3 Work with a partner from a different group. Share with each other what you have learnt about traditions and customs of either the UK or Russia.

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4 Work in groups. Each group makes a list of popular foods and drinks, popular sports, and festivals in Viet Nam. Rank them in the order of popularity and present them to the whole class.

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1 You are going to listen to a talk about the wedding traditions of the Amish community living in Pennsylvania, the USA. Make your own predictions about them by deciding whether the following statements are true [T] or false [F].

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2 Listen to the talk and check your answers below.

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3 Listen to the talk again and complete the missing information, using no more than three words.

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4 Work in pairs. Name three things you have learnt about the Amish wedding customs. Did you find anything unusual or interesting? Tell your partner.

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1 The following jumbled-up paragraphs are from a text about typical American characteristics. Put them in order to make a meaningful text.

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2 Read the text again and complete the outline for it.

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3 Work in groups. Think of three typical characteristics of the Vietnamese people and examples to support each of them. Then write a short text of 150-180 words about these characteristics, using the outline in 2.

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1 Read some information about gift-giving in the UK. Read about each occasion and talk to a partner if you have a similar or different custom in Viet Nam.

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