Utility software helps maintain, repair, and protect a computer.

Utility software helps to manage, maintain and control computer resources. Operating systems typically contain the necessary tools for this, but separate utility programs can provide improved functionality. Utility software is often somewhat technical and targeted at users with a solid knowledge of computers. If you use a computer mostly for e-mail, some Internet browsing and typing up a report, you may not have much need for these utilities. However, if you are an avid computer user, these utilities can help make sure your computer stays in tip-top shape.

Examples of utility programs are antivirus software, backup software and disk tools. Let’s look at each of these in a bit more detail.

Antivirus software, as the name suggests, helps to protect a computer system from viruses and other harmful programs. A computer virus is a computer program that can cause damage to a computer’s software, hardware or data. It is referred to as a virus because it has the capability to replicate itself and hide inside other computer files.

One of the most common ways to get a virus is to download a file from the Internet. Antivirus software scans your online activity to make sure you are not downloading infected files. New viruses are coming out all the time, so antivirus software needs to be updated very frequently.

Backup software helps in the creation of a backup of the files on your computer. Most computer systems use a hard disk drive for storage. While these are generally very robust, they can fail or crash, resulting in costly data loss. Backup software helps you copy the most important files to another storage device, such as an external hard disk. You can also make an exact copy of your hard disk.

Increasingly, backup software uses cloud storage to create backups. This typically means you pay a fee to use the storage space of a third party and use their backup software to manage which files are going to be backed up.

Disk tools include a range of different tools to manage hard disk drives and other storage devices. This includes utilities to scan the hard disks for any potential problems, disk cleaners to remove any unnecessary files, and disk defragmenters to re-organize file fragments on a hard disk drive to increase performance. Disk tools are important because a failure of a hard disk drive can have disastrous consequences. Keeping disks running efficiently is an important part of overall computer maintenance.

To run any software and work on different programs, on a computer system, one needs the operating system to work smoothly. Utility programs, as the name suggests not only help in executing various crucial tasks for the operating system but also help in overall maintenance of the system.

Table of Contents

  • What is a Utility Program?
  • What are the Functions of Utility Programs?
  • Advantages of Utility Software
  • Common Tasks Performed by Utility Programs

What is a Utility Program?

Utility program is a system application that executes a specific task, generally pertaining to optimal maintenance or operation of the system resources. Operating systems such as Windows, macOS and Linux come with their own set of utility programs to maintain and execute different utility functions such as formatting, compressing, scanning, exploring and much more.

In other words Utility-program definition means, Utility programs also assists with the management of computer functions, resources and files. You can ensure complete password protection and keep your systems virus free using different utility programs.

What are the Functions of Utility Programs?

  • System Utilities
  • File Management Utilities
  • Storage Device Management Utilities
  • Miscellaneous Utilities

Various functions are executed by a utility program to make the system’s operations smoother and more efficient. Overall, utility programs can be broadly categorized into four parts:

  • System Utilities

Some of the system utility programs are memory manager, antivirus and firewall, registry checker and cleaner, package installer and explorer. Also, with the help of such system utility program in computer, users can execute functions that are crucial for smooth running of an operating system.

  • File Management Utilities

File management utilities include tools such as data archivers, software backup tools, file compression tools and managers. With the help of these, users can manage their data in the form of files and folders. These utilities help users to sort out, store and categorise files according to the requirement.

  • Storage Device Management Utilities

Storage device management utility programs provide solutions for enhancing disk capacity, such as disk clean-up, partition management, formatting, disk space allocation, defragmentation, etc. With the help of this system utility software, users can compartmentalize systems and external drives for efficient management of programs and files that are stored within.

  • Miscellaneous Utilities

Apart from these three utility program categories, there are various other programs that help in managing business operations. Some of these programs include data generators, HTML checkers and hex editors, to name a few.

Advantages of Utility Software

Let’s check out the different advantages of utility software that can be beneficial for its users.

  • Efficiently manage your data and files with proper storage
  • Remove unnecessary files to ensure that you always have storage space for new applications and programs
  • Enhance your system’s security by protecting it from malicious virus threats and attacks
  • Easily and quickly locate and access your files and folders in the system with the interface customization feature of utility software
  • Find your lost files and folders with file recovery software and recover any data loss
  • Enhance your system’s performance by creating space and efficiently managing system storage

Common Tasks Performed by Utility Programs

  • Disk Defragmentation
  • Disk Clean-up
  • File Management
  • Compression
  • Disk Management
  • Antivirus and Firewall

As discussed earlier, utility applications help in executing some of the most basic yet important functions in the operating system. Some of these basic yet crucial programs are:

  • Disk Defragmentation

Defragmentation is a process which helps reduce the amount of fragmentation in file systems. Utility programs function by organizing the disk content and storing the pieces of each file together. It also helps create large amount of free space using compaction to impede the return of fragmentation. This happens when any operating system is unable to allocate space for storage as single unit.

  • Disk Clean-up

With the help of utility program in computer, users can remove the unnecessary files that are taking up the space in their system. The program assists users to choose the drives, folders or files that need to be scanned and cleaned-up. By removing unused files, the system will be able to increase the storage space and optimise the overall speed of the system. 

  • File Management

With the help of file management program, users can perform various functions related to the files saved in the system, such as searching, renaming, opening, renaming deleting and grouping. These functions can be executed with the help of file management program such as Windows Explorer. In addition, Widows also help in keeping a track of the root and the path of a file.

  • Compression

One of the biggest concerns of any computer system is its storage space. With time, the limited storage space in the hard disk starts getting smaller. Therefore, with the help of compression program such as WinZip and WinRAR, important yet unused files can be compressed, stored and easily extracted when required.

  • Disk Management

Disk Management is one of the most vital programs that an operating system like Windows provides. With the help of the system utility software and program, users can seamlessly manage various drives such as hard drives, optical drives, flash drives, etc. It helps users in partitioning drives, allocating spaces, format drives, and much more.

  • Antivirus and Firewall

Antivirus and firewall programs such as Windows Defender help users protect their computers by getting infected with viruses, adware and malware. Firewalls prevent harmful programs and files from entering the system via internet or any external hardware. On the other hand, antivirus helps in removing malicious programs and files that have infected the system.

FAQs on Utility Program

  1. What is utility program and example?

    A utility program is an application that performs tasks related to computer management such as virus protection, password management, file compression, etc. Antivirus software, compression tools, file management systems, etc., are some common examples of utility programs.

  2. What is a utility program on a computer?

    A utility program on a computer is a software that helps maintain a computer device. Users can optimize, configure, and analyze their computer functions with a utility program.

  3. Is utility program a system software?

    Utility software is one of the types of system software. Utility software focuses on how the hardware, software, operating system in a computer works.

  4. What is the difference between utility software and system software?

    Utility software helps your computers and systems to perform better. On the other hand, system software is a general-purpose system that provides a path for your application to run.


Most of the utility program in computer come as a part of the operating system’s package, however, users can download third-party software solutions for specific functions. Utility software programs such as disk cleaners and antiviruses are available with extra features are sold separately. For purchasing these utility programs, visit our products section.

Which software helps maintain repair and protect the computer?


What is utility software used for?

Utility software includes all systems and programs on a computer system that maintain its functionality. A computer's utility software includes components that assist the operating system to optimize, maintain, organize and manage how it functions in all situations.

Why is utility software important in a computer system?

Utility software helps users configure, analyse, optimise and maintain a computer. This software normally consists of small programs which are thought of as part of the operating system [OS] as they often come built in with the OS.

What are examples of utility software?

Several types of utility software are as follows:.
File Management System..
Disk Management tools..
Compression tools..
Disk cleanup tool..
File Management System..
Disk Defragmenter..
Backup utility..

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