What are network diagrams used for?

You may wonder, what is a project network diagram? Project management is all about planning hot a path taking into consideration your budget, your resources, your objective and your team.

However, what about projects that are complex by nature and include many different and interdependent activities? Network diagram project management working help to calculate project duration and create a visual map of your project from start to finish for you. In this article, you will learn about the network diagrams, their use, their benefits and how you can use them through Sinnaps, the project management network diagram software.


  • What is a Network Diagram?
  • What is a network diagram used for?
  • What is an activity network diagram?
  • Benefits of network diagram in Project Management?
  • How to draw project network diagram layouts with Sinnaps

What is a Network Diagram?

Network diagrams serve as visual representations of a project. Network diagrams are complemented by

Network diagrams are useful in project management in many ways. Some of the benefits of using network diagrams include:

Network Diagrams help validate the time estimation for your project: Networkdiagrams paint a clear picture of how varying tasks fit in to a project and their specific interdependencies. This allows for useful duration estimation. Through the development of a critical path and the activities that lie on it, a rather accurate project duration is produced and can be used to communicate to stakeholders.

Network Diagrams aid in planning, organizing and controlling: Due to the sequential visualisation of all project tasks and activities and all their dependencies, planning the project is an easier feat whilst being able to take into consideration the criticality of each task. The snapshot of activities aids in how a PM organises the project. Cloud-based project management apps such as Sinnaps further aid in this area with a feature called Test-mode which allows PMs to produce various network diagrams before choosing the one that suits best.

Task interdependencies are clearly defined: With the help of visual representation of project tasks, their dependencies, criticality and duration are all clearly defined. This allows for a more effective project workflow as team members receive a more in-depth understanding of the individual tasks and how to perform each one in order to reach the project’s objective and goal.

Activity workflow is defined: A project’s workflow is important to have planned and understood. What activities are dependent on each other and what their sequence is is all represented by network diagrams. Network diagrams such as those created on Sinnaps show which activities in the workflow have been completed and when, which are in process and which are left to be done. A PM in this way, can judge the effectiveness and status of a project’s workflow.

Network diagrams identify opportunities to compress the schedule: Some activities or the project in general may need to be shortened in duration. This may need to be done for a number of reasons. Since a network diagrams lays out everything clearly, it is easier to see which activities, depending on their criticality, can be shortened or even omitted.

Project progress is constantly identified: Since a network diagram visual represents everything to do with a project, progress it visible clearly and PMs can judge how could or bad they and their team are performing.

Overall, network diagrams help a great deal with time management of projects. Whether it is knowing specific task durations, seeing and understanding ask interdependencies and how they affect the project as a whole or having the project’s workflow defined, network diagrams are invaluable. A project team is more likely to identify potential opportunities within the project since a network diagrams serves as a visual representation of the project which helps to paint a clearer picture and give a more in-depth understanding of the project.

How to draw project network diagram layouts with Sinnaps

If you are wondering about how to draw a project network diagram in project management apps, look no further! Network diagrams are immensely useful in today’s world of often complex project management. Now that you understand more about what they are you need to know what platform to use them on. Sinnaps presents you with the option of creating a clear, effective and concise Gantt-flow’. Creating your project’s Gantt-flow could not be easier and more effective.

Using your free trial, you can see for yourself! Create your Gantt-flow network diagram and see clearly your project’s critical path, optimised workflow and all task dependencies portrayed to you visibly.

Using CPM and PERT methods, Sinnaps, the project management network diagram software, has created a user-friendly, interactive, cloud-based and modern platform for effective and efficient project management. Whether you are a project team member or project manager, now that you understand more about how to construct a network diagram in project management, try it out and see for yourself! Get started now

Being able tounderstand how to make a network diagram is a useful skill, and a collaboration diagram example with explanation can helpful for learning how to do this.

Projects can be complex by nature and their planning can seem even more complex, especially when there are many activities and interrelations involved. When looking at a Gantt-char or Sinnaps Gantt-flow, it may be difficult to understand how the project’s duration and critical path has been calculated at first glance, but after reading this article, we hope you now see how Sinnaps does what it does for you and your projects! 😊

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