What is the deadline for fall 2023 in USA?

Many students dream of studying in the United States. Universities receive thousands of applications from across the world each year, but only a handful are accepted. Therefore, as a student, you should familiarize yourself with the admissions process. 


Intakes in the USA

There are two intake periods in the United States: the fall intake, which begins in late August and early September, and the spring intake, which begins in January. Most study abroad students prefer the fall intake, which is the most common intake period. The spring intake period begins in late July and early December.

The process of accepting students at US colleges and universities occurs during two periods: fall and spring. However, summer admissions are limited, and only a few institutions offer programs. 

Here is a quick look at how these intakes compare:

The primary/major intake period is from late August or early September to January; the secondary intake period is from January to May. The spring intake period is from May to August.

Intakes Starts Duration
Fall [Primary intake] Late August or September September-December/early January
[Secondary intake]
January January-May
Summer Intake May May- August

What is the Fall Intake in the USA?

International students seeking to study in the USA after 12th grade prefer the September intake, which begins in late August or early September. This intake has the most number of courses and the greatest funding, both of which are contributing factors.

The benefits of fall intake in the United States

  • During the fall, students are most likely to apply to colleges and universities as the academic year begins.
  • The fall intake offers a wide selection of university courses and programs.
  • Scholarships and financial aid opportunities are more plentiful in the fall.
  • Students in the Fall have an easier time finding internships and jobs in the USA.
  • For students interested in networking and other on-campus activities, the fall season is also the best time to do so.

Universities Offering Fall Intake in USA

The majority of the best colleges in the US offer fall intake. The following list includes some of these American institutions with fall admissions:

  • Harvard University
  • University of Minnesota
  • Stanford University
  • Texas A & M University
  • California Institute of Technology
  • Ohio State University
  • North Carolina State University
  • Virginia Tech
  • University of Colorado Boulder
  • University of California Berkeley
  • Carnegie Mellon University
  • Yale University
  • Cornell University
  • Boston University
  • Arizona State University
  • University of Pittsburgh
  • Columbia University
  • New York University
  • University of Notre Dame
  • Michigan State University
  • Princeton University

The US Fall Deadline and Timeline.

You should start preparing for your study abroad course in Fall 2023 as soon as the fall intake begins an entire year in advance. If you want to begin your course in Fall 2023, you should begin preparing in 2022 right away. You may need the whole year of 2021 to prepare as you have a lot to accomplish.

The process of applying to an USA MS program can be smooth if you follow the steps and the timeline for the fall intake!

  • Choose one of the most desirable universities in the United States.
  • You must take a few Standardized Admission Exams before applying abroad.
  • There are three English proficiency tests: TOEFL, IELTS, and PTE. These tests are required to study at the United States. Generally, you require a TOEFL score of 100+ or an IELTS score of 6.5+.

Want to study in top universtiy abroad?


What & when are the documents required for Fall intake?

When applying for the USA fall intake, you must provide your academic records. These include your semester-by-semester grade sheets, degree certificates [or provisional degrees if your degree has not yet been awarded] and transcripts.

Academic records.

Universities must create and seal your transcripts for you. You should have a copy for reference, which has been scanned and sealed by the registrar.

Universities may have specific criteria for transcript uploading or submission, which you can find on the institution's website. For MS admittance, some US institutions require WES evaluation of your documents or marksheets.

It's best to apply for your transcripts [or WES evaluations] in July, since the WES Evaluation takes about a month to complete and must be submitted to the university via WES.

Many applicants still have one year of studies to complete when they begin applying. In this situation, you should state that you will provide transcripts for the first two [or three] years of study, and that you will submit final year grade sheets when you attend the institution the following year.


You should list 2-3 recommenders in your application. These people can be your professors, managers, or colleagues whom you've worked with in the past. For students without work experience, all of the recommenders can be professors or managers they worked with during internships.

Prior to beginning Fall admissions in late August, make sure you have your recommendation letters ready. It may take some time to gather recommendation letters, therefore seek the recommendation of your manager or team lead.

Other documents required

Your resume and other documents may be required for the course. The required documents are listed on the university website. Look through the list of required documents and keep them ready by the end of July.

What are the deadlines for Fall admission in the United States?

On the university website, you can find information on all application forms and portals. You should be very careful when filling out the application form and make sure you don't make any mistakes.

The following are the deadlines for the fall intake in the US:

Type of Application Application Deadline Admission Decision
Early Action November 2022 December 2022
Early Decision November 2022 December 2022
Regular Decision January/February 2023 March/April 2023
Rolling Admission Varies Usually within 4-6 weeks

Tips To apply for Fall Intake in USA

Once you make the decision to apply to the US in the fall, follow these steps and begin your application process.

  • Prepare well before applying. 
  • Have your documents ready and in order. 
  • Be sure you have your money in order and have your tuition paid for in advance. 
  • Have an idea of what classes you wish to take. 
  • Take care of any personal issues before coming to school. 
  • Plan ahead for what you want to accomplish during the semester.

Getting into a foreign university can be a long and tedious process. However, you must keep your patience and proceed cautiously through every phase of the application process. 

Do you still have questions about how to apply to US universities for the September 2023 intake in the United States? Edmissions can assist you with Fall 2023 US admissions at edmissions.com.

For a quick overview related to study abroad, click here 

When should I start applying for fall 2023 USA?

When should I start applying for fall 2023 US? You should start applying for fall 2023 US from November 2022. You can keep applying till July 2023.

What is the application deadline for fall 2023?

Application Deadlines in US Fall Intake 2023-24.

What is the deadline for college applications 2023?

Deadline: January 1, 2023 for Regular Admission* About 900 colleges and universities accept the Common App, so it will save you time during the application process. The form typically opens in August, so you can get a head start in filling it out before regular admission is due.

When should I start preparing for fall 2023?

Fall Intake in US Deadlines and Timeline This means that if you want to start your course in Fall 2023, you should start preparing in 2022 itself. Now, you may need the entire year of 2021 to prepare as you have to get a lot done.

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