What sort of pollution is responsible for global warming quizlet?

Terms in this set [20]

Odorless, colorless gas that interferes with the delivery of oxygen in the blood to the rest of the body. It is produced as a result of incomplete burning of carbon-containing fuels including coal, wood, charcoal, natural gas, and fuel oil. Depending on the amount inhaled, this gas can impede coordination, worsen cardiovascular conditions, and produce fatigue, headache, weakness, confusion, disorientation, nausea, and dizziness. Very high levels can cause death.

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Terms in this set [101]

What is climate Change?

A change in global or regional climate patterns

What are the major types of physical evidence for climate change?

Changes in weather patterns, rainfall,
and a slight increase of more severe heat waves

What is the greenhouse effect?

The greenhouse effect is the exchange of incoming and out coming radiation that warms the earth

Could we survive on Earth without the greenhouse effect? Explain

No we would not be able to survive because without these gases, the Earth would be too cold for humans, plants and other creatures to live.

What is global warming?

The gradual heating of earths atmosphere and surface

What are the two largest greenhouse gases? Where does each come from?

The two largest greenhouse gases are Co2 and methane which comes from fossil fuels ,coal ,oil, and other gases. Great amounts also come from deforestation and decomposition.

Explain the environmental impacts potentially faced from global warming.

It will cause extreme severe weather

Based on the information gathered in the above sections, are global warming and climate
change the same thing? Explain.

Climate change is like winds and weather patterns, global warming is the temperature

Where in the world did the human population appear to start?


What was the world population in 1985?

5 billion

What is the expected world population in 2020?

8 billion

Describe the factors that affect population growth.

Birth rate, death rate, Immigration rate, and Emigration rate

What is the formula for human population change?

Births+ immigration- Deaths- Emigration= Change of population

What are the characteristics of a population that is growing quickly?

High birth rates, low infant mortality rates, adequate healthcare, and industrialization

What are the three major, interconnected elements to human societies impact on the environment?

Population size, affluence or consumption, and technology

What are the two major forms of impact on the environment?

We consume resources such as land, food, water, soils, and services from healthy ecosystems such as water filtration through wetlands. Second we emit wastes as a product of our consumption activities, including air and water pollutants, toxic materials, greenhouse gases, and excess nutrients.

What are some countries doing to try to reduce the rate of population growth?

Limiting the amount of children families are allowed to have.

What is a nonnative species?

An organism that is removed from its native habitat and placed into an environment outside its native range

Why are nonnative species dangerous to ecosystems?

Nonnative species do not have as many predators in the new area, this means that the species could then overpopulate the ecosystem

How were Zebra mussels introduced in the United States?

They were brought to North America on the underside of boats that traveled From Russian waters to the Great Lakes, soon they began growing out of control.

What impacts have the rapid growth of Zebra mussels had?

They out-competed native species and began to damage boats, docks, and water treatment machinery

What is acid rain?

Rain of any other form of precipitation [snow, hail, and sleet] that is acidic.

What are the main gases that cause acid rain?

Emissions of carbon dioxide, Sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen oxides in factory smoke, coal-burning fires, and car exhaust fumes.

How can acid rain affect plants and trees?

It destroys them, the leaves and bark begin to fall off. Forest begin to look like graveyards.

How can acid rain affect organisms that live in the water?

It can wash into rivers, streams, and ponds, and soaks into the soil, it can kill many forms of marine life.

How can acid rain affect buildings?

The acid rains causes things to ware away, by eating or dissolving away the stone, etc.

What is ozone?

A natural gas that is found in two different layers of the atmosphere.

Why is the ozone layer important to life on Earth?

It helps protect life on earth by absorbing some of the suns UV rays.

What is the difference between "bad" and "good" ozone?

Bad ozone dirties the air and helps create smog, good ozone protects life on earth and helps absorb some of the suns UV rays.

What is ozone depletion?

The gradual destruction of the ozone layer caused mainly by the release of CFCs into the atmosphere

What causes ozone depletion?

Chlorine contained in CFCs are destroying Ozone molecules, happens when they are released into the atmosphere

What causes the ozone hole?

CFCs are a type of gas that damages the ozone layer and causes a hole

How does ozone depletion impact human health?

The ozone layer is like sunscreen, and a thinning of it would mean that more ultra-violent rays would be reaching us. The more UV rays cause more sunburns and sunburns can cause skin cancer, this would increase deaths. The UV rays are also so dangerous to our eyes that people would become blind.

What impact does ozone depletion have on plant and animal life?

UV rays can go through water and can kill small water animals or plants. Large amounts of UV rays can also cause damage to green plants and the plankton that whales eat which then increase their death rates.

What is deforestation?

Cutting down and clearing, and removal or rainforest or related ecosystems into less biodiverse ecosystems such as a pasture, cropland, or plantation.

List the causes of deforestation.

-Oil and gas extraction
-Cattle ranching
-Agriculture: cash crops

Outline the global statistics on deforestation.

2.4 acres= two US football fields
144 acres- per minute
214,000 acres- per day
78 million acres- per year

What are the environmental consequences associated with deforestation? What are the social impacts of deforestation?

Consequences: Extinctions, habitat fragmentation, soil erosion, changes in watershed, desertification, climate change, and pollution.
Social impacts: Loss of culture, displacement of people, Social conflicts and struggle over land and natural resources, poisoning from oil and mining waste, etc.

List 5 ways you can help reduce deforestation.

-Always use both side of paper when writing, drawing, etc.
- Use pencils until they are stubs
- recycle paper, cans, glass, and plastic
- buy paper products made from recycled paper
- Encourage people to buy furniture made from wood that is certified

List several affects oil has on animals

Can destroy habitats because they are a major pollutant

When was the Exxon Valdez oil spill?

March, 24 1989

How did the Exxon Valdez spill occur?

The supertanker ran aground on Bligh reef, ruptured and spilled

How much oil spilled from the Valdez?

11 million gallons

Explain the economic impact related to the clean up

The cleanup of all of the oil that was spilled was very expensive and costly

Had all organisms recovered 10 years after the spill?

No it is still having lasting effects sea otters are back, killer whale populations have not recovered, etc.

When will all oil tankers have to be double hulled?

They will have to be double hulled in 2014.

Why wasn't the Valdez double hulled?

Because the law stated that you need a double hulled by 2015.

How is oil cleaned from beaches?

Oil is cleaned up off of beaches by shovel.

How is oil cleaned from animals?

They clean animals from oil by bathing them and cleaning the oil off of their skin.

What is strip mining?

Removal of soil and rock above a layer or seam, followed by the removel of exposed mineral

What are the steps of strip mining?

Clearing, Blasting, Digging, Dumping waste, processing, reclamation

How is strip mining harmful to the environment?

Damages and pollutes ecosystems

What does it mean to reclaim the strip mined land?

Process of restoring land that has been mined to a natural or economically unstable state

Point source pollution:

defined by the US environmental protection agency as any single identifiable source of pollution from which pollutants are discharged

Nonpoint source:

does not come from a specific source, instead it originates from many places, or from a widespread area.


Summary: The invisible gaseous surrounding the earth

Environmental issues: air pollution causes damage to crops, animals, forests, and bodies of water


Summary: A colorless, transparent, odorless, tasteless liquid

Environmental issues: Water pollution, oil leaks, etc. Causes marine life death, etc.


Summary: The upper layer of earth in which plants grow, a black or dark brown material typically consisting of mixture of organic remains

Environmental issues:substance surrounding


Summary: Any garbage, or type of waste

Environmental issues: Soil erosion, causes lost of fertile land, etc.


Summary: Waste with properties that make it potentially dangerous or harmful to human health or the environment

Environmental issues: contains chemicals, heavy radiation, etc. Which can cause cancer, illnesses, deaths, etc.


Summary: Harmful or annoying levels of noise, as in airplanes, industry, etc.

Environmental issues: Affecting a range of animals across multiple habitats

Describe the general trend of human population growth over time.

The size of the human population tends to increase with time.

Why do populations in different countries grow at different rates?

Birthrates, death rates, and the age structure of a population

What are the three basic ways man impacts the environment?

Global warming, environmental degradation, mass extinction

What is the study of human populations?

Their size, composition, and distribution across space.

What are three ways in which the agriculture and forestry industries can improve the sustainability of soil?

Three ways that agriculture and forestry industries can improve the sustainability of soil is by alternating the shape of land, contour plowing, leaving stems and doors of the previous' years crop in the soil. For forestry, they can take down more mature trees rather than young/new trees

What are some pollutants more harmful to organisms at higher trophic levels?

Biological magnification shows us that some pollutants are more harmful to organisms at higher trophic levels because when I DDT or a blue it is past due the trophic levels at magnetizes or multiplies by ten precent each level.

Describe the process of Acid rain formation:

Acid rain is caused by a chemical reaction that begins when compounds like sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides are released into the air. These substances can rise very high into the atmosphere, where they mix and react with water, oxygen, and other chemicals to form more acidic pollutants, known as acid rain

What chemicals cause acid rain?

The main chemicals in air pollution that cause acid rain are sulfur dioxide [SO2] and nitrogen [NOx]

What do chemicals that cause acid rain come from?

Chemicals that cause acid rain come from plants that burn fossil fuels, burning of fossil fuels in cars because exhaust contains acid forming chemicals.

Define biodiversity:

Biodiversity is the variety of life in the world or in a particular habitat or ecosystem.

How might more productive agricultural practices affect a developing nations population? Its environmental health?

The population would increase

What is substantial development? How can it help minimize the negative impacts of human activity?

No long-term harm to soil, water, or climate

Explain why energy from the sun is a renewable resource but energy from oil is a nonrenewable resource?

Energy from the sun is renewable because the sun will keep putting out energy, while energy from oil is nonrenewable because natural processes can't replace it in a reasonable amount of time`

How have industrialization and technological advancement impacted the environment?

New types of machinery have been made etc, but there is a lot more pollution, radiation, etc. going into the atmosphere.

What causes the greenhouse effect?

Green house gases such as carbon dioxide, methane, and oxides of nitrogen tend to absorb some of the reflected infrared radiation and re-reflect it back towards the earth

What is global warming? Is it cased only by mans activities? What activities contribute to it?

is the observed
century-scale rise in the average temperature of the Earth's climate system, and its related effects, it is caused by many different things. Such as: Pollution, changing in the temperature, damage to the ozone layer, etc.

What is green revolution?

a large increase in crop production in developing countries achieved by the use of fertilizers, pesticides, and high-yield crop varieties.

Monoculture benefits:

- increase in productivity of farmland - allows more than one crop per year - machinery can be used
- reduces labour costs

Define renewable resources and give examples:

is a resource which can be used repeatedly and replaced naturally

solar energy, wind energy, hydropower, geothermal energy, and biomass energy

Define nonrenewable resources and give examples:

is a resource of economic value that cannot be readily replaced by natural means on a level equal to its consumption.
Examples: fossil fuels, such as oil, natural gas and coal

Which factors increase unhealthy air conditions?

The factors that create unhealthy air conditions are Cars, Population increase, Emissions from industries, etc

What is overfishing?

Overfishing is when there is deplete stock of fish in [a body of water] by too much fishing.

Why is overfishing such a complex environmental issue?

Overfishing is such an environmental issue because the stock of large predatory fish are already gone. We are also loosing species as well as entire ecosystems.

What steps are being taken to counter the effects of overfishing?

Certain laws have been set in certain areas to prevent overfishing from happening.

What is biodiversity?

Biodiversity is the variety of life in the world or in a particular habitat or ecosystem.

How does biodiversity benefit human health?

Biodiversity benefits our health because it boots ecosystem productivity where each species, no matter how small, all have an important role to play.

What other ways does biodiversity help humans? What is our economical relationship with biodiversity?

Biodiversity is also important because it they are

healthy they can help offer many natural services such as, food, wood products, etc.

identify the 10 most surprising threats to biodiversity.

1. Building better roads
2. having a baby
3. Owning a car
4. buying an exotic pet
5. Introducing non-native species
6. Buying from large corporations
7. Not taking care of your health
8. Eating meat
9. Not recycling
10. Killing insects

What are the major threats to biodiversity?

Some major threats to biodiversity are population growth, resource consumption, climate change, global warming, etc.

What methods are being used to preserve biodiversity?

Methods that are being used to preserve biodiversity are be good to our climate, Don't buy bad souvenirs, save the forests by buying "good" wood, and buying sustainable seafood.

What is population density?

how many animals live in a certain area

Geographic distribution/ range:

the area inhabited by a population

[can have tiny or large]

Population growth rate:

A populations growth rate determines whether the size of the population increases, decreases, or stays the same

[can be positive or negative]

What are the factors that increase population size?


If the birth rate is equal to the death rate and immigration and emigration are equal, how is the population size affected?

0 %

If the death rate is greater than the birth rate and emigration and immigration are equal, how is the population size affected?

population decreases

What is the term that means individuals move out of an area?


What is the term that means individuals move into an area?


Populations must have what in order to grow?


To be able to grow, what must populations be protected from?


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What sort of pollution is responsible for global warming?

Global warming is primarily caused by emissions of too much carbon dioxide [CO2] and other heat-trapping gases into the atmosphere when we burn fossil fuels to generate electricity, drive our cars, and power our lives.

What is the biggest contributor to global warming quizlet?

The gas responsible for the most warming is carbon dioxide, also called CO2.

How does pollution contribute to global warming quizlet?

- Some pollutants, like chlorofluorocarbons, increase global warming by trapping sunlight near Earth's surface. - Some pollutants affect global warming by reflecting sunlight back into space or by causing raindrops to form.

Is global warming caused by water vapor quizlet?

GREENHOUSE EFFECT- greenhouse gases O3, H2O and CO2 & [water vapor] cause heat from the sun to become trapped in the earth's atmosphere and produce a warming effect.

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