Which of the following is an example of “bodily-kinesthetic” intelligence?

Bodily-kinesthetic is a learning style often referred to as ‘learning with the hands’ or physical learning.

Basically, people with bodily-kinesthetic intelligence can learn more easily by doing, exploring, and discovering.

One of 9 types of learning styles that make up this theory, bodily-kinesthetic intelligence can often be observed in actors, craftspeople, athletes, inventors, dancers, and surgeons.

According to Carlton College, about 15 percent of the population is strongly aligned with a kinesthetic learning style.

How do you know if you’re a bodily-kinesthetic learner?

You might be a kinesthetic learner if:

  • You have good muscle memory.
  • You do best academically with hands-on learning such as art, science, or shop class.
  • You often tap your hands or feet in a constant rhythm when focused.
  • You get fidgety sitting in environments that are non-interactive and lecture-based.
  • You’re slower to grasp concepts explained audibly or visually.
  • You’re curious and like to explore your environment.
  • You learn best by doing.
  • You’re good with tools.
  • You can carry on a detailed conversation when performing a physical task.
  • You often grip your pen or pencil tightly and push down hard when you write.
  • You find it easier to listen and comprehend when there’s interaction.
  • You find it easy to mimic the movements and gestures of other people.
  • You usually find it easy to learn new dance or aerobic steps.

How does this inform your experience with school or work?

The intake and retention of information is key to success in today’s educational system.

As a kinesthetic learner, however, certain school situations, such as lectures, aren’t ideal environments for students who best learn kinesthetically.

Study tips focused on kinesthetic learning may help. Here are some suggestions:

  • Find the right place to study. Make it one that accommodates your need for engagement or movement.
  • Be active. Fidget, chew gum, or do whatever works for you.
  • Take breaks. Don’t force yourself to sit still for long periods of time.
  • Take notes. To stay active and engaged, personalize them with colors, symbols, or diagrams.
  • Teach. Explaining course material to a study group can keep you actively engaged with the material.

Are there other learning styles?

The theory of multiple intelligences states that every person has different intelligences and learns in different ways.

For example, some people learn well in mathematical-logic based environments while others learn well in reading and writing [linguistically-based environments].

The theory of multiple intelligences was developed by Harvard University’s Howard Gardner and challenges the educational system that assumes that everybody is capable of learning the same way and that universal testing is a valid appraisal of learning.

Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences indicates that everybody has some level of 9 intelligences, but that most people have a dominant intelligence that impacts the way they learn and interact with other people and their environment.

The 9 intelligences are:

  • Bodily-kinesthetic: The ability to physically [through hand and body movements] process information.
  • Verbal-linguistic: The ability to use language and words [sounds, meanings, and rhythms] to comprehend and express complex concepts.
  • Mathematical-logical: The capacity to discern logical or numerical patterns, primarily through inductive reasoning.
  • Musical: The ability to recognize and use rhythm, pitch, tone, and timbre.
  • Visual-spatial: The capacity to understand space and think in images and pictures, visualizing accurately and abstractly.
  • Intrapersonal: The capacity to be self-aware and conscious of your consciousness, including feelings, values, beliefs, self-reflection, and thinking processes.
  • Interpersonal: The capacity to work cooperatively in a group by detecting and responding appropriately to the motivations, moods, and desires of others.
  • Naturalist: The ability to recognize, categorize, and appreciate plants, animals, and other objects in the natural world as opposed to the human-created world.
  • Existential: Has sensitivity and capacity to focus on deep questions about humanity and human existence.

The bottom line

According to the theory of multiple intelligences, every person has different intelligences and learns in different ways.

Bodily-kinesthetic learners are hands-on learners and grasp information more easily by doing, exploring, and discovering.

The bodily kinesthetic learning style is one of eight types of learning styles defined in Howard Gardner's theory of Multiple Intelligences. Bodily kinesthetic learning style or intelligence refers to a person's ability to process information physically through hand and body movement, control, and expression. It is also known as the physical learning style or tactile-kinesthetic learning style.

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Bodily Kinesthetic Intelligence

Bodily kinesthetic learners prefer bodily information over other forms. Movement serves as an aid to their memory and they remember movement from others as well as their own. People with bodily kinesthetic intelligence may seek out touching and manipulating objects when learning about them. They enjoy creating work with their hands, may have a lot of energy and need to move, and may be talented athletes. Kinesthetic learning styled people enjoy school activities such as drawing, modeling, sculpting, drafting, shop, athletics, dance, and hands-on sciences.

How They Learn Best

People with bodily kinesthetic learning styles learn best when they are permitted to use their tactile senses and fine and gross motor movement as part of the learning process. They often prefer direct involvement with the material they are learning rather than worksheets or reading from a book. Bodily kinesthetic learning style students understand and remember material longer when they use it in an active way.

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The act of writing can also help them retain and process the information they are writing about. Writing an answer to a question before saying it out loud may be of value to them. Interacting with a computer or keyboard is also of more interest to them than reading. Projects that involve the student in creating displays and props that explain subject matter, such as shadow boxes, models, animations, or videos may be useful to them. They may like to create a game to review information.

They will enjoy taking things apart and constructing things. Acting out subjects, role-playing games, demonstrations, and experiments and lab work will be of more interest to them. Students may enjoy field trips and scavenger hunts. They often enjoy physical games, exercise, dance, drama, and sports.

Kinesthetic learners do less well when tasks are focused only on reading or listening to lecture without being able to manipulate an object or move. In such cases, a teacher might offer a sports-related example so the student can at least connect the material to physical actions.

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Career Choices

The bodily kinesthetic learning style student may be drawn to careers that involve physical interaction. In health professions, these can include surgery, nursing, physical therapy, occupational therapy, emergency medical technician, and recreation therapy. In the arts, this can include being an actor, dancer, artist [painting, sculpting], craft artist, or designer.

Physical education and sports professions include athletic coach, personal trainer, aerobics instructor, physical education teacher, and professional athlete. Trades include carpentry, woodworking, mechanic, and factory work with moving systems. Other professions include a postal carrier, firefighter, police officer, forest ranger, or the military.

What is an example of bodily kinesthetic intelligence?

Bodily kinesthetic intelligence is the capacity to manipulate objects and use a variety of physical skills. This intelligence also involves a sense of timing and the perfection of skills through mind–body union. Athletes, dancers, surgeons, and crafts people exhibit well-developed bodily kinesthetic intelligence.

What is bodily kinesthetic intelligence quizlet?

Bodily Kinesthetic Intelligence: this is the ability to control different movements of your body and with those skills solve problems or create things. be good with one's hands in a specific activity it's somenthing to which most kinesthetic people are able to do.

Which is an example of a bodily kinesthetic activity?

Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence can be stimulated in the classroom through activities that require physical movement, games, acting, dancing, sports, crafts, pantomime, painting, and exercises.

What is bodily kinesthetic intelligence activities?

Bodily-kinesthetic. What it is: The ability to use the body skillfully and to handle objects adroitly. Kinesthetic learns enjoy sports and love to be physically active. They tend to use body language, dance, act, or engage in mime.

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