Which of the following is true regarding the coping method of selective optimization and compensation quizlet?

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Which of the following statement is TRUE regarding divorce in later adulthood?

it can weaken kinship ties, especially in the case of older men

In the social _______ model of social relations, individuals go through life embedded in a personal network of individuals to who they give and from him they receive social support


________ has been linked to increased longevity


The majority of older divorced adults are women, due to their ______

greater longevity

In an analysis of many cultures, which of the following factors were found to be important to living the "good life" as an older adult? check all that apply




Match the following personal life investments at each developmental stage

25 to 34 years of age= invest in work and friendship is more important than family

35-65 years of age= family becomes more important than friends

85-105= health becomes most important

70 to 84 years of age= very little change occurs in personal investments

People in which of the following age groups said they personally invested more time in work, friends, family, and independence, in that order?

25-34 years of age

Older adults are the fastest growing segment of internet users. what are they particularly interested in using the internet for? check all that apply


getting health information

staying in touch with relatives

Older adults use the internet on a regular basis to _____ check all that apply

research health questions
communicate with family
write personal emails

_________ refers to older adults having a reduced capacity and loss of functioning, which require a reduction in performance in most life domains


According to the selective optimization with compensation theory,______ suggests that it is possible to maintain performance in some areas through continued practice and the use of new technologies


In selective optimization with compensation theory, _______ becomes relevant when life tasks require more capacity than an older adult currently exhibits


Which theory explains why older adults spend more time with close friends and family members?

socioemotional selectivity theory

states that adults become more selective about their social networks as they grow older. Because they place a high value on emotional satisfaction, older adults spend more time with familiar individuals with whom they have had rewarding relationships.

developed by Laura carstensen

older adults are motivated to spend more time pursuing _____ satisfaction


What individuals might become, what they would like to become, and what they are afraid of becoming are called ______ selves


Acceptance of ideal and future selves decreases and acceptance of past selves increases in older adults

Regardless of age-related losses, the majority of adults in their sixties and seventies reported being _____ their lives

in control of

What is it called when older adults are discriminated against because of their age?


which is prejudice against others because of their age, especially prejudice against older adults

Which of the following are ways older adults are often perceived? check all that apply

incapable of thinking clearly

incapable of learning new things

incapable of enjoying sex

______ involves looking after the physical and emotional well-being of older members of the family


whether that care involves day-to-day physical assistance or responsibility for arranging and overseeing such care. An important issue involving eldercare is how it can best be provided

Almost ____ of older adults live alone


Almost two-thirds of older adults live with family members—their spouse, a child, or a sibling, for example—and almost one-third live alone.

The older people become, the greater their likelihood of living alone. Half of older women Page 58175 years and older live alone. The majority of older adults living alone are widowed, encompassing three times as many women as men

Life review involves which of the following behaviors? check all that apply

evaluating : life experiences

What is it called when an individual discusses past activities and experiences with another individual or group?

reminiscence therapy

The therapy may include the use of photographs, familiar items, and video/audio recordings. Researchers have found that reminiscence therapy improves the mood of older adults, including those with dementia.

A recent study with older adults who had dementia found that reminiscence therapy reduced their depressive symptoms and improved their self-acceptance and positive relations with others

What does the activity theory state?

states that the more active and involved older adults are, the more likely they are to be satisfied with their lives.

Researchers have found strong support for activity theory, beginning in the 1960s and continuing into the twenty-first century

What are some of the reasons older adults cohabit? check all that apply

to provide care for each other

to maintain separate assets

for companionship

a longitudinal suited of adults 75 years of age and older revealed that individuals who were _______ [single or married] were less likely to die during a seven-year time span


______ strategies that can help older adults include searching for other ways to achieve what one wants, being willing to let others help, and trying new ways to achieve similar results


What is the eighth stage of Erikson's life spans theory, which takes place during late adulthood called?

integrity vs despair

This stage involves reflecting on the past and either piecing together a positive review or concluding that one's life has not been well spent.

Through many different routes, the older adult may have developed a positive outlook in each of the preceding periods.

Selective _______ with compensation theory states that older adults can produce new resources and allocate them effectively to tasks they want to master


selection is based on the concept that older adults have a reduced capacity and loss of functioning, which require a reduction in performance in most life domains.

Optimization suggests that it is possible to maintain performance in some areas through continued practice and the use of new technologies.

Compensation becomes relevant when life tasks require a level of capacity beyond the current level of the older adult's performance potential.

Which of the following statements best describe the findings of research into the role of friendship in the lives of older adults? check all that apply

older individuals with close ties to friends had increased longevity

friendships were more important than family relationships in predicting mental health

Which of the following are policy issues affecting the united states as the population ages? check all that apply

access to health care

generational inequity

the status of the economy

Karen is sixty years of age and has recently lost her spouse. her children are concerned with her being _____


The most consistent factor that predicted loneliness in older adults at 70, 78, and 85 years of age was not being married

For 60- to 80-year-olds, the partner's death was a stronger indicator of loneliness for men than for women

Increased use of the Internet by older adults was associated with making it easier to meet new people, feeling less isolated, and feeling more connected with friends and family

_________ _______ is the view that our aging society is being unfair to its younger member because older adults pile up advantages by receiving a large allocation of resources

generational inequity

Strategies that include focusing on the most important goal at a particular time, committing to one or two major goals, and reaching a particular goal while abandoning others are known as ________

selection strategies

What percentage of older adults cohabit?


From 2000 to 2010, cohabitation in adults 50 years and older increased from 1.2 million to 2.5 million

It is expected that the number of cohabiting older adults will increase further as the large cohort of baby boomers become 65 years of age and older and bring their historically more nontraditional values about love, sex, and relationships to late adulthood.

Research of ethnic minority older adults living in poverty is of major concern for which population? check all that apply

african american


Keep working on what you have planned until you are successful is an example of a/an ______ strategy for older adults


Selective narrowing of _______ interactions maximizes positive emotional experiences and minimizes emotional risks as individuals become older


The self-esteem of males and females seems to _______ in the seventies and eighties


Self-esteem increased in the twenties, leveled off in the thirties and forties, rose considerably in the fifties and sixties, and then dropped significantly in the seventies and eighties

Throughout most of the adult years, the self-esteem of males was higher than the self-esteem of females. However, in the seventies and eighties, the self-esteem of males and females converged.

Research suggest married older adults are less likely to need which of the following formal social supports? check all that apply

home nursing care

home-delivered meals

adult day care

The benefits of social support include which of the following? check all that apply

an improved ability to meet ones own health care needs

a reduction in symptoms of diseases

improved mental health

Adult children are an important part of an older adults _______ network


Which term refers to perceived control over the environment and the ability to produce positive outcomes?


Which of the following factors are important for successful aging? check all that apply

being socially active

having an active lifestyle

having cognitive stimulation

Ethnic minority older women face the triple jeopardy of _______, ________, and racism


Older women in ethnic minority groups have faced considerable stress in their lives. In dealing with this stress, they have shown remarkable adaptability, resilience, responsibility, and coping skills.

As they grow older, people tend to choose ______ friends over ______ friends

close; new

census research suggests that the overall number of older adults living in poverty has _____ since the 1960s


Which of the following outcomes have researchers linked to poverty in late adulthood? check all that apply

increased risk of earlier death

lower levels of physical and cognitive fitness

increase in physical and mental health problems

High levels of conscientiousness in older adults are linked to_______

lower risk or early death

According to research, self-esteem ________ in adults in their 70s and 80s

dropped significantly

according to socioemotional selectivity theory, what are the two important classes of goals?

knowledge-related and emotional

This theory emphasizes that the trajectory of motivation for knowledge-related goals starts relatively high in the early years of life, peaks in adolescence and early adulthood, and then declines during middle and late adulthood

The emotional trajectory is high during infancy and early childhood, declines from middle childhood through early adulthood, and increases in middle and late adulthood.

When thinking of life reviews, which of the following sociocultural dimensions are included? check all that apply


Life reviews also can include interpersonal, relationship dimensions, including sharing and intimacy with family members or friends

And life reviews can include personal dimensions, which might involve the creation and discovery of meaning and coherence.

These personal dimensions might unfold in such a way that the pieces do or don't make sense to the older adult.

The life review might result in increased meaning in life and mastery, but it also might revive bitterness and negative thoughts

according to research, adult daughters are _______ adult sons to give parents assistance with daily living activities

three times more likely than

resolving regrets in older adults has been related to _______

greater life satisfaction

Which of the following factors are likely to predict whether a culture accords a position of high status to older adults? check all that apply

the extended family is a common family arrangement in the culture

older persons control key family resources

older persons are permitted to engage in useful functions as long as possible

Which of the following people is LEAST likely to live in more poverty than the others?

robert, a 70 year old while male

Poverty rates among older adults who belong to ethnic minorities are much higher than the rate for non-Latino Whites.

In 2013, 20 percent of Latino White older adults and 18 percent of African American older adults lived in poverty, compared with 7 percent of non-Latino Whites

Combining gender and ethnicity, 41 percent of older Latinas and 31 percent of African American women lived in poverty in 2010

Also, the oldest-old are the age subgroup of older adults most likely to be living in poverty

Researchers have found that older adults with children ________

have more contact with their families

compared with younger adults, older adults experience ______

fewer emotional highs and lows

Which theorist is most associated with selective optimization with compensation theory?

Paul B. Baltes was born in Saarlouis, Germany. He is credited with developing theories about lifespan and wisdom, the selective optimization with compensation theory, and theories about successful aging and developing. He received his doctorate from the University of Saarbrücken [Saarland, Germany] in 1967.

At what age should a person begin selective optimization quizlet?

Selective optimization is useful in every aspect of life and at all ages. However, one should begin in early adulthood, as older adults are less motivated to put forth their best effort when the task at hand is not particularly engaging.

Which of the following factors are important for successful aging?

Rowe and Kahn stated that successful aging involved three main factors: [1] being free of disability or disease, [2] having high cognitive and physical abilities, and [3] interacting with others in meaningful ways.

Which of the following is true of the researched U shaped pattern of well being quizlet?

Which of the following is true of the researched U-shaped pattern of well-being? It is true for older adults but only in wealthy, English-speaking areas.

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