Which of these method of class String is used to remove leading and trailing whitespace

Learn to use String class’s strip[], stripLeading[] and stripTrailing[] methods to remove unwanted white spaces from a given string in Java 11.

1. Using String strip[] APIs – Java 11

Since Java 11, String class includes 3 more methods that help in removing extra white spaces. These methods use Character.isWhitespace[char] method to determine a white space character.

  • String strip[] – returns a string whose value is given string, with all leading and trailing white space removed. Please note that String.trim[] method also produces the same result.
  • String stripLeading[] – returns a string whose value is given string, with all leading white space removed.
  • String stripTrailing[] – returns a string whose value is given string, with all trailing white space removed.
String str = "  Hello World !!   ";

System.out.println[ str.strip[] ];      //"Hello World !!"

System.out.println[ str.stripLeading[] ]; //"Hello World !!   "

System.out.println[ str.stripTrailing[] ];  //"  Hello World !!"

See Also: Removing Leading Spaces and Removing Trailing Spaces from a String

2. Using Regex

If you are not using Java 11 then you can use regular expressions to trim the white spaces [including tabs] around a string.

Regular expressionDescription
^[ \t]+|[ \t]+$ Remove leading and trailing white spaces
^[ \t]+ Remove only leading white spaces
[ \t]+$ Remove only trailing white spaces
String str = "  Hello World !!   ";

System.out.println[ str.replaceAll["^[ \t]+|[ \t]+$", ""] ];  //"Hello World !!"

System.out.println[ str.replaceAll["^[ \t]+", ""] ];      //"Hello World !!   "

System.out.println[ str.replaceAll["[ \t]+$", ""] ];      //"  Hello World !!"

Drop me your questions related to how to remove white spaces and tabs from a string in Java.

Happy Learning !!

The Java String class trim[] method eliminates leading and trailing spaces. The Unicode value of space character is '\u0020'. The trim[] method in Java string checks this Unicode value before and after the string, if it exists then the method removes the spaces and returns the omitted string.

The string trim[] method doesn't omit middle spaces.


The signature or syntax of the String class trim[] method is given below:


string with omitted leading and trailing spaces

Internal implementation

Java String trim[] Method Example

FileName: StringTrimExample.java

Test it Now


hello string   javatpoint
hello stringjavatpoint   

Java String trim[] Method Example 2

The example demonstrates the use of the trim[] method. This method removes all the trailing spaces so the length of the string also reduces. Let's see an example.

FileName: StringTrimExample2.java


  hello java string   
hello java string

Java String trim[] Method Example 3

The trim[] can be used to check whether the string only contains white spaces or not. The following example shows the same.

FileName: TrimExample3.java


The string contains characters other than white spaces 

The string contains only white spaces

Java String trim[] Method Example 4

Since strings in Java are immutable; therefore, when the trim[] method manipulates the string by trimming the whitespaces, it returns a new string. If the manipulation is not done by the trim[] method, then the reference of the same string is returned. Observe the following example.

FileName: TrimExample4.java


The string contains characters other than white spaces 

The string contains only white spaces


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  1. Which of these method of class String is used to remove leading and trailing whitespaces?

    1. Trim[]
    2. doTrim[]
    3. startsWith[]
    4. trim[]
    5. None of these

Correct Option: D


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Which method is used to removes leading and trailing whitespace?

Use the Trim[] method to remove leading and trailing whitespace from a string. Let's say the following is our string with white spaces in the beginning and the end. String str = " a "; Now, use the trim[] method.

Which of these method of class string is used to remove leading and trailing Whitespaces a Startswith [] B trim [] C trim [] d do trim []?

The trim[] method removes whitespace from both sides of a string.

Which of these method of Class 10 is used to remove leading and trailing whitespace SSAS?

Explanation: trim[] method is used to remove leading and trailing whitespaces in a string.

Which string method can be used to remove the leading and trailing spaces in a string?

strip[] method has no argument, it removes any leading and/or trailing whitespace from a string.

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