Windows 11 installation error code 0xc0000005

Microsoft has been an established producer of the re-known operating systems across the globe. it has made tremendous progress in solutions for enhancing the user interface and reliable

As a Windows user, you might be encounter quite a few errors on a regular basis. Understanding these error code is not easy for the novice user. However, with proper guidance, one can delete, troubleshoot these Windows errors. In this article, you will be learning about one such common error in Windows - error code 0xc0000005.

What is Error code 0xc0000005?

ScenariosFix Error Code 0xc0000005
Error occurred due to Access Errors If you encounter this error "Unexpected error when installing Windows. Make sure the installation source can be accessed and restart the installation. Error code: 0xC0000005." Click here to know how to fix
Error occurred while Starting applications If you encounter this error "The application could not be started correctly [0xc0000005]. Click on “OK” to close the application.”Click here to know how to fix
Error occurred due to Starting Windows  If you encounter this error“0xC0000005: Access violation when reading position"Click here to know how to fix

Fix Access Errors with the Error Code “0xc0000005”

Access violation errors [also known as protection violation errors] always occur when an executed program attempts to access a certain resource [particularly storage space] that’s protected from being accessed. follow the below-mentioned method to fix it.

Fix using Run System Restore

  • Right-click on This PC or My Computer and select Properties.
  • When inside properties windows, select Advanced system settings in the middle left corner.
  • In the advanced settings, window select the tab System Protection and then click on System Restore
  • Hit next and check the box Show more restore points.
  • From there select one restore point [probably select the restore point which is 20-30 days before the current date].
  • A confirmation dialogue box will appear. Finally, click on Finish.

Check if this method has fixed the error code 0xc0000005, then follow the below methods

Deactivate Data Execution Prevention [DEP] for the Program

Windows offers an integrated feature for protecting working memory – called Data Execution Prevention [DEP] – which may accidentally cause access problems like 0xc0000005. This is because some programs are incompatible with this security feature, meaning when you try to open the application you might encounter this error. In order to deactivate the DEP, follow the below steps.

  • Start the Run dialog via the Start menu or using the key combination Windows + R.
  • Enter sysdm.cpl and press the [Enter] key to open the System Settings.
  • Switch to the Advanced tab and click on the Settings button in the Performance section.
  • Go to the Data Execution Prevention tab and select the point Activate Data Execution Prevention for all programs and services except for those selected.
  • Click on Add and search for the .exe file of the problematic program.
  • Save the change by clicking Apply and then OK.

After following the above-mentioned method, you will successfully able to solve the error code 0xc0000005. Even after deactivating the DEP, if you still cannot solve the issue then follow the steps mentioned below.

Deactivate the AppInit_DLLs Mechanism in the Windows Registry

  • Open the Run dialogue via the button with the same name in the Start menu or using the key combination Windows + R.
  • Type in regedit and press Enter.
  • After you’ve opened the Registry Editor, look for the following key:
  • Here, you’ll find the entry LoadAppInit_DLLs, which you should double-click to change the assigned value to 0:
  • Click on OK to confirm the change.
    After restarting the system, you can then attempt to start the problematic software again.

Disable antivirus and Defective RAM

Antivirus programs can affect the executable files of a number of programs. So, in order to fix this problem, you are required to disable the third-party antivirus program to verify if the anti-virus is causing the error or not. Please note that disabling antivirus programs can result in some serious threats to your computer when connected to the internet.

If the access problem with the error code “0xc0000005” persists despite following these solutions, you’ll have to check whether there is a hardware defect – specifically in the form of damaged RAM storage. In this case, the solution is to replace the defective working memory with a new one. In most of the cases, with the help of all the above-mentioned solution you will be able to repair the error code 0xc0000005

Resolve the 0xc0000005 Error when Starting Applications?

Another scenario when the error code 0xc0000005 encountered is while opening the application. The attempt is usually aborted with the text The application could not be started correctly.

Update Device Drivers

  • Go to the Control panel and click on the Device manager option on the left-hand side.
  • The menu displayed. Click on Display adapter
  • Right-click on the graphic card option and choose Update driver.
  • Post updating try to play the video file. If the issue is with updating the graphic card, this should fix the error

Note - if you are wondering how to fix video freezing issue, click here

Repair the BCD File

Another possible cause of the application launch issue with the error code “0xc0000005” is erroneous boot configuration data

Tip - You can check the current boot loader paths at any time via the command prompt by running the command line as administrator and entering the command “bcdedit”.

  • Click on Next in the language settings and then on Computer Repair Options.
  • In this order, press the buttons Troubleshooter, Advanced Options, and Command Prompt [in Windows 10 and 8] or Use Recovery Tools, Next, and Command Prompt [in Windows 7].
    Now enter the following commands in the command line – you can change the drive letter: D [Windows installation drive]: D

[Windows installation drive]: D
Next, restart your PC and enter your Windows key or digital license [Windows 10] if you’re prompted to reactivate Window

Fix Error 0xc0000005 Installing Windows

This error is usually encountered while installing the Windows Operating System. So if you are one of the user who has faced error code 0xc0000005 during installation, follow the methods mentioned

  • Select the partition intended for Windows [type: “Primary”], click on Delete, and confirm this step.
  • Repeat this process for the partition with the description System reserved as well as for all other partitions belonging to older Windows installations.
  • As soon as you’ve deleted all partitions, the installation assistant will show the entry Non-allocated storage space on drive 0 in the list. Select this entry and press New.
  • The setup will automatically calculate the maximum storage space. Confirm this change via the Apply button. At least two new partitions will be created as a result.
  • Ignore the partition with the attribute System reserved and instead click on the alternative partition [with far more storage space] to define it as the installation drive for Windows.
  • Begin the installation by clicking on the Next button.

The above-mentioned methods like System Restore or formatting the partition leads to data loss. In order to recover your lost or deleted from your operating system, you will need a reliable data recovery tool like Remo Recover.

Remo Recover is pretty useful and capable of recovering deleted or lost files, folders, and partitions. If you are in need of recovering data or if you just want to be on the safe side while dealing with the worst possible situations, then do give Remo Data Recovery software a try.


The article summarizes on how on effective methods on how to fix the error 0xc0000005. If you have any further queries regarding the article make use of the comment section.

Tony Landry is a Web Content Editor at Remo Software. He loves to write, edit, and manage content for users trying to troubleshoot and fix problems on Windows, Outlook, storage drives and Cloud storage networks.

He has published more than 200 articles in Remo Software blog. He actively engages in research and problem-solving techniques to consistently generate great web content. Fixing various hardware problems on computer and storage devices along with a great knack for fixing Outlook errors, Tony is also the fun-time IT guy for all his work friends. He lives in the San Francisco Bay Area and enjoys cycling.

Articles: 190

How do I fix Windows installation error 0xc0000005?

0xc0000005 as Windows installation error. This error can be caused due to your RAM or your hard drive being defective. You can use the chkdsk utility to fix the error and delete all partitions already existing on the hard drive.

What does error code 0xc0000005 mean?

Application Error 0xc0000005 [Access Violation] error is usually caused by your computer not being able to correctly process the files and settings required to run a particular program or installation.

How do I fix the Application was unable to start correctly 0xc00005 Click OK to close the Application?

The most common cause of “Application was unable start correctly” error on a Windows computer is due to third-party Antivirus programs preventing the program from starting. To confirm, temporarily disable the third-party Antivirus program installed on your computer and see if this helps in fixing the problem.

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