Assassins creed revelations lỗi không thu được tiền trong bank năm 2024

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  1. Boards
  2. Assassin's Creed: Revelations
  3. Best way to get money not going through bank?

Mooogleman 12 years ago


Bank glitch 2 this time not fixing I have less than $20k I got it to fix the bank by uninstalling re installing patch got one payment now glitched again and I am just about out of funds.How else can I get money? I am constantly doing med def but that hardly seems to help or be fast enough.

js16nite 12 years ago


Here's what I did to gain money when I got the bank glitch: * Mediterranean Defense, which you are doing. * Hire thieves and make sure you've gained their special ability which lets them steal from anyone they come across. They also loot dead bodies for you as well. * Fight guards for the thieves to loot. * When your Templar awareness becomes high, assassins start coming for you. You'll know they are near when you start hearing whispers. Eagle Vision will make them visible. These assassins give between 1000-2000 each after looting them. Later in the game it wasn't unusual for 2 of them to attack me at the same time so that would give me a good chunk on change. * If you are desperate, you can sell your extra bomb ingredients to the bomb guy [can't remember name].

PSN: LightNite Xbox: Stone of Virtue

manila2k1 12 years ago


Sell all your unwanted bomb crafting materials to Piri Reis. An earlier poster [can't remember his name] also recommended replaying the 1st Sofia Memory over and over again then selling all the bomb ingredients you end up getting. It should net you about 10k-20k every ten to 15 minutes depending on whether you're playing for 100% synchronization or not. Depending on how much renovation you've done, it can be just as profitable as using the bank, maybe even more, since you're guaranteed to make money every 15 minutes, unlike the bank's timer which resets every time you make a renovation.

You are always the hero of your story, and a villain in someone else's. So, lose the ego, and be as nice as possible.

Orange_Apples 12 years ago


I got the thieves ability and went to the Bazaar. Found a narrow hallway situated the thieves in the middle so people had to walk through them and then I watched TV for a few hours. You have to be in the open. When I would go in a blend spot so I didn't have to worry about assassins the thieves just stood there, didn't bother anyone.

I don't really recall how well it worked; I think I made 500 in 10 minutes. Not the best way, but it is a lazy way. I didn't really keep track since I never had the bank glitch...

tony8669 12 years ago


js16nite posted... Here's what I did to gain money when I got the bank glitch: * If you are desperate, you can sell your extra bomb ingredients to the bomb guy [can't remember name].

Desperate? I keep my carried inventory low because you get materials faster than you'll use them, and everything caps at 25.

If you aren't regularly selling stuff, you're going to lose hundreds of thousands over the course of the game. I make TONS of money selling materials. Best thing is, you sell it for the same price you buy it at.

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  1. Boards
  2. Assassin's Creed: Revelations
  3. No money is being deposited in the bank. Any way to fix this glitch?

MultiKoopa 12 years ago


I can't believe we're on patch 1.04 and this glitch STILL hasn't been fixed. Is Ubisoft even working on this?

I only have 230k right now, I still have a bunch of books I'll have to purchase later on which will cost around 350k, and I still have about 12 landmarks left to purchase, each of which is 27-50k.

Is there ANYTHING I can do about this glitch?

-How many calculations couldn't a calculator calculate if a calculator couldn't calculate calculations?-Random Craziness, Courtesy of MultiKoopa.

tom_cat_01 12 years ago


Are you playing things out?

Playing memories, Den defence, de-syncing, travelling in the tunnels, replaying memories etc. ALL re-set the 20 min timer. I know they shouldn't...but it seems that they do.

So just, you know, hang onto a building so stalkers can't get you and leave the playstation running for a while and see if money accrues in the bank. You could also hire theives while you do this, so as you cling to a wall, they constantly steal from the people passing below you. It doesn't raise much money, but after an hour or so, it really does build up, and they can steal thousands of A~ for you.

I have a blog about Science Fiction books: //

tom_cat_01 12 years ago


Or, apparently, moving into the next memory sequence [main game] can sometimes clear the glitch.

I have a blog about Science Fiction books: //

MultiKoopa [Topic Creator]12 years ago


Which does nothing once you complete the game.

Tell me, does completing a Mediterranean Defense mission reset the timer, too?

-How many calculations couldn't a calculator calculate if a calculator couldn't calculate calculations?-Random Craziness, Courtesy of MultiKoopa.

MultiKoopa [Topic Creator]12 years ago


Also, why hanging off a building? Can't I just go into a Den, my Hideout, or Piri Reis' shop?

-How many calculations couldn't a calculator calculate if a calculator couldn't calculate calculations?-Random Craziness, Courtesy of MultiKoopa.

tom_cat_01 12 years ago


Not sure about MD.

As for hanging - you can use the thief method that way. It's time consuming, but if you leave the game running for a few hours with a gang of thieves beneath you, you really can earn tens and tens of thousands of A~.

Sorry I can't be more help. It's just one of those annnoying glitches, I guess.

I have a blog about Science Fiction books: //

CharpandaV1 12 years ago


You know, I scrounged around hard for this info, yet people still ignore it. Such is life, I suppose. There's a helpful sticky above for a reason...

Banks: The glitch here is that the income message takes longer than the standard twenty minutes to pop up. Whether that also includes delaying your income, I'm not sure, as I experienced this glitch, yet when I went to the bank to withdraw, I had accumulated savings of two bank payments, not just one.

Solution: Delete the game data, re-install it. Also, I have read that buying a bank [or anything] DURING a mission also fixes it. I would like to point out that during my second playthrough, after installing 1.02, the bank paid me normally, so there's the possibility that the update fixed the glitch. However, I also went on a shopping spree during a mission, inadvertently using one of the "solutions", so I don't know what caused the glitch to be fixed.

"...Pretty much boosting your boosting"-- DeliciousJello // l //

MultiKoopa [Topic Creator]12 years ago


I have purchased everything other than the landmarks, so I can't try that out.

Does anybody know about the Mediterranean Defense thing? Does doing MD missions reset the timer?

-How many calculations couldn't a calculator calculate if a calculator couldn't calculate calculations?-Random Craziness, Courtesy of MultiKoopa.

marekx8 12 years ago


Just a question: what patch 1.04 is this that you guys are talking about? The latest patch I have is the 1.02 and every time I turn on my game there isn't any update available so was that a typo or is there actually a new patch available?

CharpandaV1 12 years ago


TC believes there's a 1.04 patch... unless it was released in the new dlc, I doubt there's actually a 1.04....

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