Các lĩnh vực phát triển nhanh nhất năm 2023 là gì?

Dữ liệu LinkedIn tiết lộ 25 công việc phát triển nhanh nhất và các kỹ năng quan trọng nhất cần thiết cho từng vị trí

  • Các vị trí công nghệ, đặc biệt là kỹ sư dữ liệu và kỹ sư độ tin cậy của trang web, là một trong những công việc phát triển nhanh nhất trên toàn cầu
  • Các nhà quản lý tiếp thị tăng trưởng, những người chịu trách nhiệm về các hoạt động làm tăng doanh thu kinh doanh, đang có nhu cầu cao ở một số quốc gia
  • Vai trò an ninh mạng ngày càng trở nên quan trọng trong thị trường việc làm


Matt G. Phía Nam

  • Ngày 18 tháng 1 năm 2023
  • 3 phút đọc


Matt G. Phía Nam

Người viết tin cấp cao tại Search Engine Journal

sinh học


  • 169


  • 23k


LinkedIn đã xuất bản một báo cáo về các công việc phát triển nhanh nhất trên toàn thế giới, với các danh sách riêng lẻ được chia nhỏ theo quốc gia

Báo cáo phân tích dữ liệu nội bộ của LinkedIn và xác định các công việc có mức tăng trưởng cao nhất trong các bài đăng và hoạt động tuyển dụng trong 5 năm qua

Báo cáo “Việc làm đang lên” của LinkedIn tổng hợp dữ liệu từ 28 quốc gia để xác định những vị trí có mức tăng trưởng đáng kể nhất từ ​​ngày 1 tháng 1 năm 2018 đến ngày 31 tháng 7 năm 2022, trên khắp các khu vực bao gồm Châu Mỹ, Châu Á, Châu Âu, Trung Đông,

Bài viết này tóm tắt các xu hướng tăng trưởng việc làm hàng đầu trên toàn cầu, cùng với danh sách đầy đủ 25 công việc hàng đầu tại Hoa Kỳ

Xu hướng tăng trưởng việc làm trên toàn thế giới

Theo báo cáo của LinkedIn, ngay cả khi cắt giảm việc làm trong ngành công nghệ, các vị trí công nghệ vẫn nằm trong số những vị trí phát triển nhanh nhất và các chức năng kinh doanh cốt lõi vẫn được tìm kiếm nhiều

Báo cáo cho thấy công nghệ tiếp tục là lĩnh vực mở rộng nhanh nhất và ở mọi quốc gia được đưa vào báo cáo, vai trò công nghệ nằm trong số 10 vị trí phát triển nhanh nhất

Vai trò công nghệ hàng đầu được xác định trong báo cáo là kỹ sư dữ liệu, được liệt kê là một trong những nghề nghiệp phát triển nhanh nhất ở 24 trên 28 quốc gia. Ngoài ra, 16 quốc gia đã liệt kê các kỹ sư về độ tin cậy của trang web là một trong những vị trí phát triển nhanh nhất

Báo cáo cho thấy các nhà quản lý tiếp thị tăng trưởng nằm trong số những nghề nghiệp phát triển nhanh nhất ở bảy quốc gia, bao gồm Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ, Hà Lan và Ấn Độ

Các nhà quản lý tiếp thị tăng trưởng chịu trách nhiệm về các hoạt động làm tăng doanh thu kinh doanh, chẳng hạn như thu hút khách hàng mới và giữ chân họ hoặc tìm cách kết nối lại với khách hàng cũ

Các vị trí an ninh mạng, bao gồm chuyên gia an ninh mạng, kỹ sư, nhà quản lý và nhà phân tích, là một trong những công việc phát triển nhanh nhất ở 17 quốc gia

Tầm quan trọng của an ninh mạng đã tăng lên đến mức ba quốc gia Singapore, Brazil và Chile đã liệt kê hai vị trí an ninh mạng khác nhau trong số 10 nghề nghiệp phát triển nhanh nhất của họ, chiếm 20% trong số 10 nghề nghiệp hàng đầu của họ ở các quốc gia đó

Trong lĩnh vực tội phạm mạng, vai trò của chuyên gia chống rửa tiền cũng ngày càng tăng

Top 25 công việc phát triển nhanh nhất tại Hoa Kỳ

Danh sách sau đây được lấy từ báo cáo “Việc làm đang lên” năm 2023 của LinkedIn, sử dụng dữ liệu nội bộ để xác định 25 chức danh công việc có mức tăng trưởng đáng kể nhất trong 5 năm qua

LinkedIn mô tả phương pháp của nó

“Các nhà nghiên cứu của LinkedIn LinkedIn Economic Graph đã kiểm tra hàng triệu công việc do các thành viên LinkedIn bắt đầu từ ngày 1 tháng 1 năm 2018 đến ngày 31 tháng 7 năm 2022 để tính tốc độ tăng trưởng cho từng chức danh công việc. Để được xếp hạng, một chức danh công việc cần phải có sự tăng trưởng nhất quán trong cơ sở thành viên của chúng tôi, cũng như đã phát triển đến một quy mô có ý nghĩa vào năm 2022. ”

Danh sách của LinkedIn có thể hữu ích cho dù bạn hiện đang tìm kiếm việc làm hay không, vì nó khám phá các xu hướng có thể giúp định hướng lựa chọn nghề nghiệp của bạn và chuẩn bị cho bạn thị trường việc làm trong tương lai

Thị trường việc làm vẫn khác hơn bao giờ hết, đặc biệt là với các sự kiện trong vài năm qua. Cho dù bạn đang muốn tham gia lực lượng lao động lần đầu tiên hay muốn chuyển đổi nghề nghiệp, bạn có thể dễ dàng nản lòng khi tìm kiếm một công việc an toàn về tài chính và thị trường. Khi chúng ta bước sang năm 2023, hãy xem một số nghề nghiệp được trả lương cao nhất và có nhu cầu cao nhất trong năm cũng như những gì bạn cần để bắt đầu

y tá hành nghề

Các học viên y tá là những nhà cung cấp dịch vụ chăm sóc chính hoặc chuyên khoa, cung cấp các dịch vụ điều dưỡng tiên tiến cho bệnh nhân và gia đình họ. Họ đánh giá bệnh nhân, xác định cách cải thiện hoặc quản lý sức khỏe của bệnh nhân và thảo luận về các cách tích hợp các chiến lược nâng cao sức khỏe vào cuộc sống của bệnh nhân. Các học viên y tá thường chăm sóc cho một số người nhất định. Chẳng hạn, các NP có thể hoạt động trong lĩnh vực sức khỏe người lớn và lão khoa, sức khỏe trẻ em hoặc sức khỏe tâm thần và tâm thần. Trong khi các học viên y tá được dự đoán là một trong những công việc có nhu cầu cao nhất trong năm tới, toàn bộ lĩnh vực chăm sóc sức khỏe đang phát triển nhanh chóng

  • Giáo dục và kinh nghiệm. Các học viên y tá thường cần bằng thạc sĩ trong lĩnh vực điều dưỡng thực hành nâng cao. Họ phải có giấy phép điều dưỡng đã đăng ký trước khi theo học một trong những vai trò thực tế nâng cao. Làm việc trong môi trường hành chính và quản lý cũng có thể là một cách tuyệt vời để tích lũy kinh nghiệm và thăng tiến trong lĩnh vực này
  • Bộ kỹ năng mong muốn. Nền tảng giáo dục khoa học, giao tiếp, định hướng chi tiết, kỹ năng giao tiếp
  • Lương trung bình. $127, 780
  • Tốc độ tăng trưởng việc làm. 40% [cao hơn mức trung bình 8%]
  • Công việc ước tính được thêm vào từ 2021-2031. 118.600

Nhà khoa học dữ liệu

Các nhà khoa học dữ liệu chịu trách nhiệm sử dụng các công cụ phân tích, phương pháp khoa học và thuật toán để thu thập và phân tích thông tin hữu ích cho các công ty và tổ chức. Các nhà khoa học dữ liệu cũng phát triển các thuật toán [bộ hướng dẫn cho máy tính biết phải làm gì] và các mô hình để hỗ trợ các chương trình cho máy học. Họ sử dụng máy học để phân loại hoặc phân loại dữ liệu hoặc đưa ra dự đoán liên quan đến các mô hình. Các nhà khoa học cũng phải kiểm tra độ chính xác của các thuật toán và mô hình, bao gồm cả việc cập nhật dữ liệu mới được thu thập

  • Giáo dục và kinh nghiệm. Các nhà khoa học dữ liệu thường cần ít nhất bằng cử nhân về toán học, thống kê, khoa học máy tính hoặc một lĩnh vực liên quan để vào nghề. Một số nhà tuyển dụng yêu cầu kinh nghiệm hoặc giáo dục liên quan đến ngành. Ví dụ: các nhà khoa học dữ liệu tìm kiếm công việc trong một công ty quản lý tài sản có thể cần phải có kinh nghiệm trong ngành tài chính hoặc đã hoàn thành khóa học thể hiện sự hiểu biết về đầu tư, ngân hàng hoặc các chủ đề liên quan
  • Bộ kỹ năng mong muốn. Phân tích, toán học, kỹ năng máy tính, giải quyết vấn đề, kiến ​​thức chuyên ngành
  • Lương trung bình. $100, 910
  • Tốc độ tăng trưởng việc làm. 36% [cao hơn mức trung bình 8%]
  • Công việc ước tính được thêm vào từ 2021-2031. 40.500

Nhà phân tích bảo mật thông tin

Tội phạm mạng đang ở mức cao nhất mọi thời đại. Kể từ khi bắt đầu đại dịch COVID-19, tội phạm mạng đã tăng vọt 600%, tạo ra nhu cầu lớn hơn đối với người lao động trong lĩnh vực an ninh mạng. Các nhà phân tích bảo mật thông tin chịu trách nhiệm lập kế hoạch và thực hiện các biện pháp bảo mật để bảo vệ hệ thống và mạng máy tính của tổ chức. Họ làm việc để bảo trì phần mềm, giám sát mạng, hợp tác chặt chẽ với nhân viên CNTT để thực hiện các biện pháp bảo vệ tốt nhất và tham gia tích cực vào việc tạo kế hoạch khắc phục thảm họa của tổ chức, một phương pháp khôi phục dữ liệu bị mất trong trường hợp khẩn cấp về an ninh mạng

  • Giáo dục và kinh nghiệm. Các nhà phân tích bảo mật thông tin thường cần bằng cử nhân trong lĩnh vực khoa học máy tính, cùng với kinh nghiệm làm việc liên quan. Nhiều nhà phân tích có kinh nghiệm trong lĩnh vực CNTT. Ngoài ra, nhà tuyển dụng cũng thích tuyển dụng những ứng viên có chứng chỉ bảo mật thông tin
  • Bộ kỹ năng mong muốn. Kiến thức được thiết lập và phát triển về CNTT, phân tích, giải quyết vấn đề, chú ý đến chi tiết
  • Lương trung bình. $102, 600
  • Tốc độ tăng trưởng việc làm. 35% [cao hơn mức trung bình 8%]
  • Công việc ước tính được thêm vào từ 2021-2031. 56.500

Quản lý tài chính

Nếu toán học trở nên dễ dàng với bạn, lĩnh vực quản lý tài chính sẽ không sớm bị chậm lại. Các nhà quản lý tài chính chịu trách nhiệm về sức khỏe tài chính của một tổ chức hoặc cá nhân. Họ lập các báo cáo tài chính, phân tích xu hướng thị trường, các hoạt động đầu tư trực tiếp và phát triển các kế hoạch cho các mục tiêu tài chính dài hạn. Họ thường làm việc theo nhóm, đóng vai trò cố vấn cho các nhà quản lý và giám đốc điều hành về các quyết định tài chính của một công ty. Người quản lý tài chính cũng có thể có các chức danh cụ thể hơn cho các vai trò cụ thể hơn như kiểm soát viên, thủ quỹ, nhân viên tài chính, quản lý tín dụng và quản lý rủi ro

  • Giáo dục và kinh nghiệm. Người quản lý tài chính thường cần ít nhất bằng cử nhân về kinh doanh, kinh tế hoặc lĩnh vực liên quan. Những môn học này giúp sinh viên học các kỹ năng và phương pháp phân tích. Mặc dù không bắt buộc, nhưng các nhà quản lý tài chính muốn cung cấp bằng chứng rõ ràng về năng lực của mình thì nên đạt được chứng chỉ chuyên nghiệp. Có kinh nghiệm làm việc với tư cách là nhân viên cho vay, kế toán hoặc công việc liên quan cũng có thể hữu ích trong việc trở thành người quản lý tài chính
  • Bộ kỹ năng mong muốn. Toán học, tổ chức, kỹ năng giao tiếp, chú ý đến chi tiết
  • Lương trung bình. $131, 710
  • Tốc độ tăng trưởng việc làm. 17% [cao hơn mức trung bình 8%]
  • Công việc ước tính được thêm vào từ 2021-2031. 123.100

Nhà khoa học nghiên cứu máy tính và thông tin

Công nghệ đang phát triển và nhu cầu của nó tồn tại trong mọi ngành công nghiệp. Các nhà khoa học nghiên cứu máy tính và thông tin thiết kế những cách sử dụng sáng tạo cho công nghệ mới và hiện có. Họ nghiên cứu và giải quyết các vấn đề phức tạp trong điện toán cho kinh doanh, khoa học, y học và các lĩnh vực khác. Họ thiết kế và tiến hành các thí nghiệm để kiểm tra hoạt động của hệ thống phần mềm, thường sử dụng các kỹ thuật từ khoa học dữ liệu và học máy, thường có chuyên môn về lập trình và/hoặc người máy

  • Giáo dục và kinh nghiệm. Các nhà khoa học nghiên cứu máy tính và thông tin thường cần ít nhất bằng thạc sĩ về khoa học máy tính hoặc một lĩnh vực liên quan. Trong chính phủ liên bang, bằng cử nhân có thể đủ cho một số công việc
  • Bộ kỹ năng mong muốn. Toán học, tư duy logic, kinh nghiệm CNTT và AI, phân tích
  • Lương trung bình. $131,490
  • Tốc độ tăng trưởng việc làm. 21% [cao hơn mức trung bình 8%]
  • Công việc ước tính được thêm vào từ 2021-2031. 7.100

nguồn. Cục Thống kê Lao động Hoa Kỳ, Emeritus Blog, Wikipedia

Quy trình sàng lọc ứng viên của bạn có bao gồm kiểm tra phương tiện truyền thông xã hội của ứng viên không?

Tiến hành kiểm tra lý lịch nghề nghiệp nói chung là một thông lệ được thiết lập tốt; . Nhưng thực tiễn xem xét các tài khoản truyền thông xã hội của ứng viên trên các nền tảng như LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube và Facebook mới hơn nhiều. Các cuộc khảo sát gần đây cho thấy phần lớn các nhà tuyển dụng hiện sử dụng kiểm tra lý lịch trên mạng xã hội để sàng lọc các ứng viên và kết quả của họ từ đáng báo động đến ấn tượng

Một cách sử dụng thông tin truyền thông xã hội có vẻ đặc biệt chính đáng có thể là loại bỏ những ứng viên thể hiện khả năng phán đoán và hành vi kém hoặc thậm chí nguy hiểm trong cuộc sống cá nhân của họ, điều này có thể ảnh hưởng đến đồng nghiệp và nơi làm việc nếu họ được tuyển dụng

Tuy nhiên, mục đích này — và bất kỳ mục đích nào khác — để xem xét phương tiện truyền thông xã hội của ứng viên làm tăng nguy cơ chịu trách nhiệm pháp lý vì luật lao động liên bang [bao gồm Đạo luật Quyền Công dân và Đạo luật Người Mỹ Khuyết tật] cấm tuyển dụng dựa trên chủng tộc, màu da, tôn giáo, giới tính, quốc gia . Any of these characteristics would likely be visible on an individual’s social media, so searching candidates’ social media may increase the risk of discrimination, or appearing to discriminate, based on these qualities

Companies may hire an independent service to conduct social media-based background checks, rather than perform them themselves. This is intended to shield the employer from seeing information about candidates’ protected status and preserve the legality of the hiring process. However, the employer is responsible for ensuring the integrity of the independent service and may also be required to disclose this practice to applicants in advance

Some states bar employers from asking applicants for access to their social media usernames and passwords. However, employers may still conduct searches of information that is publicly available on social media. Besides legal risks, one of the primary arguments against social media background screening is implicit bias. To avoid recruiting based on stereotypes, it’s recommended that hiring processes follow the notion of “blind recruiting,” removing personal information as much as possible. Also called “anonymous
recruiting,” the concept keeps the focus on skills, work experience, education and training and other essential factors that affect how a candidate would perform on the job

“Blind recruiting” excludes consideration of other features of job candidates that would not impact their ability to perform a job, such as appearance or political affiliation. These characteristics would also likely be apparent in social media and knowing this information about a candidate could compromise the ethics of a hiring process and impact an organization’s efforts toward expanding diversity and inclusion in hiring

Source. CareerOneStop

Imposter syndrome is loosely defined as doubting your abilities and feeling like a fraud. It disproportionately affects high-achieving people, who find it difficult to accept their accomplishments. Many question whether they’re deserving of accolades

Talisa Lavarry was exhausted. She had led the charge at her corporate event management company to plan a high-profile, security-intensive event, working around the clock and through weekends for months. Barack Obama was the keynote speaker

Lavarry knew how to handle the complicated logistics required — but not the office politics. A golden opportunity to prove her expertise had turned into a living nightmare. Lavarry’s colleagues interrogated and censured her, calling her professionalism into question. Their bullying, both subtle and overt, haunted each decision she made. Lavarry wondered whether her race had something to do with the way she was treated. She was, after all, the only Black woman on her team. She began doubting whether she was qualified for the job, despite constant praise from the client

Things with her planning team became so acrimonious that Lavarry found herself demoted from lead to co-lead and was eventually unacknowledged altogether by her colleagues. Each action that chipped away at her role in her work doubly chipped away at her confidence. She became plagued by deep anxiety, self-hatred, and the feeling that she was a fraud

What had started as healthy nervousness — Will I fit in? Will my colleagues like me? Can I do good work? — became a workplace-induced trauma that had her contemplating suicide

Today, when Lavarry reflects on the imposter syndrome she fell prey to during that time, she knows it wasn’t a lack of self-confidence that held her back. It was repeatedly facing systemic racism and bias

Read the full article at HBR

By Tshiamo Mobe, Global Citizen

Climate change is an issue that affects everyone on the planet but women and girls are the ones suffering its effects the most. Why? Because women and girls have less access to quality education and later, job opportunities. These structural disadvantages keep them in poverty. In fact, women make up 70% of the world’s poor. In a nutshell, climate change impacts the poor the most and the poor are mostly women

Poverty is driven by and made worse by climate change also makes girls more susceptible to child marriage, because it drives hunger and girls getting married often means one less mouth to feed for their parents. Climate change also leads to geopolitical instability which, in turn, results in greater instances of violence — which we know disproportionately impacts women and girls

Ironically, saving the planet has been made to seem a “women’s job”. This phenomenon, dubbed the “eco gender gap”, sees the burden of climate responsibility placed squarely on women’s shoulders through “green” campaigns and products that are overwhelmingly marketed to women

There are several hypotheses for why this is. Firstly, women are the more powerful consumers [they drive 70-80% of all purchasing decisions]. Secondly, they are disproportionately responsible, still, for the domestic sphere. And finally, going green is seen as a women’s job because women’s personalities are supposedly more nurturing and socially responsible

Women should be involved in fighting the climate crisis at every level — from the kitchen to the science lab to the boardroom. Ruth Bader Ginsburg explained it best when she said. “Women belong in all places where decisions are being made. ” However, women are underrepresented in the science field [including climate science], with just 30% of research positions held by women and fewer still holding senior positions. The Reuters Hot List of 1,000 scientists features just 122 women

Click here to read the full article on Global Citizen

By Natalie Rodgers

The saying “dress for the job you want” is still crucial advice when it comes to an interview. Even if you have the desired attributes and skillsets to your employer, wearing a sloppy or inappropriate outfit can greatly decrease your chances of being hired and being taken seriously. Picking the right outfit, however, will not only show your potential employer that you care for yourself and the occasion, but will give you the confidence to proceed through the interview as your best self. Here’s what you need to know when it comes to dressing for your interview day

Do Your Research

Look into what kind of company you are interviewing with and what kind of clothing the day-to-day job would consist of. Depending on these answers, you may need to dress up or down a little more than your original outfit plans. If the workplace you’re applying to has a more relaxed environment, such as a startup company, you’ll probably be okay with dressing in something a little more business casual. However, if you’re applying to a big firm that requires a suit and tie, you might want to take on a more business formal wardrobe

If you’re ever in doubt, it’s always a better idea to dress up then to dress down. Business casual is also a safe bet for most workplaces

The Types of Dress

Before you do anything, you’ll want to know about the different kinds of professional dress, especially if a certain one has been requested by your interviewer. The types of outfits include

Casual. If you are in a rare instance where casual apparel is acceptable for the workplace, this doesn’t necessarily mean it’s acceptable to wear a graphic t-shirt and a pair of shorts to your meeting. For a professional, yet casual look, you’ll want to wear something that is comfortable, but would also be acceptable to wear at a nice restaurant. For a professional casual interview, here are some fashion pieces you can pair together

  • A button up shirt, polo or blouse free of logos, words and pictures. Patterns and design are okay, but make sure they aren’t too distracting
  • Dark jeans or pants
  • A knee length skirt or dress without patterns or designs that are too distracting
  • A plain colored cardigan
  • Clean closed-toe shoes

Business Casual. Business casual is one of the most common types of dress for an interview and a safe bet for just about any workplace interview. These outfits should be more dressed up than the “casual” outfit, but not fancy enough to wear to a wedding or formal event. Fashion items for a business causal outfit consist of

  • Dark dress pants, slacks or pencil skirts
  • Button up shirts or blouses without logo, design and very limited pattern
  • A blazer, sportscoat or cardigan
  • Fancier closed toe shoes such as loafers, heels, flats or oxfords

Business Formal. Business formal is another step up from business causal and are typically outfits that can also be worn to events or places with more prestige. Law firms and many government positions usually include this kind of dress. The attire consists of

  • Dark-colored, full suits
  • Suit pants or slim-fit, knee-length skirts
  • Blouses or button-down shirts accompanied by a jacket that preferably matches the bottom
  • Tailored dresses accompanied with a nice jacket
  • A tie
  • Fancier closed toe shoes such as loafers, heels, flats or oxfords

Hair, Makeup, Accessories

As there are many different kinds of hair and thus many different kinds of professional hairstyles, there is a wide variety for what is acceptable for a professional setting. Regardless of style, you’ll want to make sure that your hair is clean and kept

As for makeup and accessories, both are acceptable and even encouraged for interviews, but you’ll want to make sure to keep both as simple as possible. Going for a more “natural” look is best for makeup and wearing jewelry that isn’t too bulky, noisy, distracting or inhibitive of normal body movements is best. You want to make sure that your focus is on the interview and not the discomfort of your clothes or accessories

Clean it Up

Before you throw on your big interview outfit, make sure that everything is clean and looks as pristine as possible. Make sure to iron your clothes [if needed], hang them up to prevent further wrinkling, free them of tags or loose strings and, above all, eliminate any negative odors

Remember, your outfit should make you confident and compliment the experience and skillset that you know will benefit this workplace. Now go get them

Sources. Indeed, The Balance Money

Diversity is important in every field, but this can especially be true in STEM. Having a diverse team allows for a wider exchange of thought, ideas and ways to problem-solve inspired by a variety of different life experiences and trains of thought

But even with the progress that has been made to include more women and people of color in STEM, they are still vastly underrepresented, especially in the engineering field. In the most recent survey done by the Society of Women Engineers, women represented only 34 percent of all STEM workers and only 14 percent of all engineering occupations

These numbers were even lower for women of color in the field

Getting more women — particularly diverse women — in engineering is incredibly important, but don’t just take our word for it. Diversity in STEAM Magazine sat down with the 2022 Society of Women Engineers Emerging Leader and the 2022 Black Engineer of the Year, Kia Smith, to talk about her journey in engineering and why it’s important for voices like hers to be included this field

Diversity in STEAM Magazine [DISM]. When did you know that you wanted to become an engineer and why?

Kia Smith [KS]. I knew once I sat down and reviewed all the possibilities of majors that I could have for college at 15 years old. I sat down with my dad and we reviewed my top three. We ranked them on how much school I had to take versus how much money I could make. Needless to say, with my love for math and science and data from the assessment, all signs pointed to STEM

DISM. What types of challenges have you faced as a woman of color in the engineering field?

KS. I have had managers that made each day hard, people at work that acted like supporters who really used my kindness for weakness and friends [or people that I thought were my friends] turn on me for getting a career. While all hard, I realized everything is temporary and nothing is forever so I need to make decisions for me that will lead to my happiness no matter what

DISM. Tell us a bit more about your role at Boeing and what you enjoy most about it?

KS. I am a Regional Supplier Quality Manager in the California Region for Boeing Space, Defense and Security. I lead 15 people and close to 200 Supplier’s product verifications in the Southern California area and internationally. What I enjoy most is the training and development of team members. My team is great and I love to see them happy and growing

DISM. What does it mean to you to be recognized by the Society of Women Engineers, BEYA and so many more?

KS. It means the world. I wish my parents were alive to see it. For years I thought my efforts were not noticed or appreciated, which I was told many times does not matter if you are getting paid. This is far from the truth. Recognition is definitely aligned with my words of affirmation love language, so you can imagine the level of gratefulness and excitement that I am on this year

DISM. Why do you believe women are integral in engineering?

KS. Our ability to think and reactive differently has always been misunderstood but today it is celebrated more than ever. Our ability to multitask and bring a different flavor to the table makes our teams that much more amazing. I believe this makes US integral in engineering, which is a function embedded in all that we do each day — whether it is Wi-Fi from satellites that I have personally worked on, cell phones, ordering an Uber or Amazon delivery or riding on an airplane. Safety, quality and efficiency are all minimal expectations in the world we live in and it takes diversity on engineering teams for this to happen

DISM. What advice would you give another woman of color who wants to pursue a career in engineering?

KS. Go for it and let nothing get in your way. You are worthy, you are good enough and you will make a difference in this world. Never tell yourself no… let other people say it and then go around them and make it happen

Photo Credit. Courtesy of Kia Smith

Starting your new year with a job search? Use these tips to infuse your resume with energy and communicate a clear story about what you can bring to your next job

Create a personal brand to show employers your uniqueness

Personal branding is about communicating your identity and showing what sets you apart from others in your field. It combines the personal with the professional, since a brand encompasses your skills and talents, along with personality and style

When competing for a job, you need to stand out. Besides helping you identify your personal strengths, having a brand can pull your resume to the top of the pile, make you shine in interviews and leave your social media readers positively wowed

Are you ready to start thinking — or re-thinking — your personal branding strategy?

Consider several of your best work experiences and how you contributed to them. What skill or characteristic is reflected in your best work stories? How did you use it? With what result? Ask yourself. “Why do people like to work with me or employ me?” What earns you compliments or accolades? What do people depend on you for?

Here are two examples to get you started

  • Do you take unusual care to ensure details are thoroughly thought through and accurate? Your brand could be “willing to take on the precision that scares others away. ”
  • You might be an outstanding supervisor who makes operations flow and brand yourself “a problem solver who excels at developing talent. ”

Your transferable skills are a major selling point; make sure to highlight them

An important part of what makes you valuable to an employer is your skillset. There are probably some skills unique to your particular work history; take time to note these and include in your resume

Transferable skills are those that are used in many different careers and help make you an attractive job candidate. If you have a hard time coming up with a list of skills, take a skills assessment or try listing the key tasks from your previous jobs and highlight the verbs — or action words — you wrote down

Promote your accomplishments to advertise what you can achieve

The first thing an employer wants to learn from a resume is “how could this person help my organization?” Your resume should give the employer a clear answer by including your accomplishments

Think about what you did in past jobs. What problems did you solve? What solutions did you come up with? What benefits did this have for the business, customers or employees? Think in terms of the challenge you confronted, the action you took to resolve it and the end result and how it benefitted the employer

Tailor your resume to get through the initial resume review conducted by applicant tracking systems software

Many employers use applicant tracking system [ATS] software to make an initial sort of resumes; the software indicates whether or not a resume should move on to human resources staff for further review

For a given position, employers specify in the ATS the skills, education and training, years of experience and other details needed to qualify candidates for a position. As applications are received, the ATS scores each one and puts it in rank order based on how well it meets the employer’s list of criteria

But unlike a human reader, the software is likely to reject resumes because

  • Qualified candidates fail to use the employer’s chosen keywords
  • The system doesn’t recognize unusual fonts or formatting
  • Candidates lack the preferred experience, but may have qualifications that could make up for what’s missing

Be precise

While including all of the above is important, remember that no one wants to read a twenty-page resume. Be informative yet concise with your resume, keeping your qualifications within the perimeters of two pages. Think of resumes as the plot descriptor on the back of a book, they are an initial look at who you are, not a detailed explanation of every detail of the book. A good rule of thumb is to keep your resume to a maximum of two full pages

Source. CareerOneStop

As 2022 comes to a close and the New Years’ resolutions start to flow, you may have “Pursue a New Career” as one of your 2023 goals

The STEM field is growing now more than ever with jobs in every sector of science, technology, engineering, arts and design and mathematics. Here are the top jobs in the STEM field going into the new year

Bioengineers and Biomedical Engineers

Bioengineers and biomedical engineers combine engineering principles with sciences to design and create equipment, devices, computer systems and software. They are usually responsible for designing and operating medical equipment and devices such as artificial organs, prosthetic limbs and diagnostic technology. The bioengineering field is one of the highest “in-demand” jobs currently. They are currently estimated to grow at about 10 percent, a much higher rate than average

  • Education. Bioengineers and biomedical engineers typically need a bachelor’s degree in bioengineering, biomedical engineering or a related engineering field. Some positions require a graduate degree
  • Top States of Employment. California, Illinois, Massachusetts, Minnesota and Texas
  • Average Pay. $97,410 per year


Physicists study the interactions of matter and energy. Theoretical physicists and [including astronomers] may study the nature of time or the origin of the universe. They typically work on research teams to conduct research and experiments about the natural world, but they also work to design and create lasers, telescopes and other scientific equipment that will aid them in their research. Not only are jobs in this field in high demand, growing at about 8 percent, but are one of the highest paid jobs in the STEM field today

  • Education. Physicists and astronomers typically need a Ph. D. for jobs in research and academia. However, physicist jobs in the federal government typically require a bachelor’s degree in physics
  • Top States of Employment. California, Colorado, Maryland, New York and Virginia
  • Average Pay. $147,450 per year

Computer and Research Information Scientists

Computer and information research scientists design innovative uses for new and existing technology. They study and solve complex problems in computing for business, science, medicine etc. and have a profound knowledge in programming, complex algorithms and robotics. Many of their day-to-day tasks consist of research, computer work, team collaboration and experimentation. Jobs are growing at a little over four times the normal rate compared to average, with a whopping 21 percent increase

  • Education. Computer and information research scientists typically need a master’s or higher degree in computer science or a related field, such as computer engineering. For federal government jobs, a bachelor’s degree may be sufficient for certain positions
  • Top States of Employment. California, Maryland, Texas, Virginia and Washington
  • Average Pay. $131, 490 per year

Software Developers

Software developers create the computer applications that allow users to do specific tasks and the underlying systems that run the devices or control networks. They typically work with cliental to assess the company’s current programming and computer systems and work to create systems that are more efficient and helpful to their needs. They can also be responsible for the creation, development and functionality of computer programs and systems. Software development is a rapidly growing industry with a 25 percent outlook

  • Education. Software developers typically only need a bachelor’s degree to work in the field
  • Top States of Employment. California, New York, Texas, Virginia and Washington
  • Average Pay. $109, 020 per year

Nhà phân tích bảo mật thông tin

Information security analysts plan and carry out security measures to protect an organization’s computer networks and systems. They are heavily involved with creating their organization’s disaster recovery plan, maintaining software, monitoring networks and fixing potential and confirmed program threats. They must also keep up to date on the latest news and developments surrounding the tech field. IT Analysts are one of the fastest growing fields in the STEM field at 35 percent

  • Education. Information security analysts typically need a bachelor’s degree in a computer science field, along with related work experience. Employers may prefer to hire analysts who have professional certification
  • Top States of Employment. Florida, Maryland, New York, Texas and Virginia
  • Average Pay. $102, 600 per year

Sources. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education, NBC

Ready to land your dream job?  You’re in luck because recruiters and employers are looking for candidates in record numbers this year. And one tool they’re using to help them recruit is LinkedIn. Whether you already have a full LinkedIn profile, or you’ve never set one up, follow these five tips to make your profile shine

Start with the details

This might seem counter-intuitive, but getting the details down first can help you round out the more general parts of your profile, such as the headline and summary. So don’t be afraid to dive right into the “Work Experience” section

A good format to use for your experience is to start with a one or two sentence summary of each position, followed by bullet points that highlight specifics in terms of accomplishments and results. You might use a slightly edited version of your resume for this

Get the headline right

Let’s be honest. your LinkedIn headline does a lot of heavy lifting for you. So it’s important that it highlight your industry or career as well as your skills and/or what you can offer to an employer. It doesn’t need to be cute or attention grabbing. But since it’s the one piece of your profile that most people actually will read, you do want to make sure it conveys information about you. Put yourself in the mind of a recruiter for your dream job, and make sure your headline has some keywords that will identify you as a good fit for that position. For example, if you’re looking for a career in something as specific as accounting or database management, you want to make sure that’s obvious from your headline

To start brainstorming your headline, go back to your Work Experience information. You should find a story somewhere in your summary statements and your bullet points. Once you land on a headline, you might even want to tweak your Work Experience section to make sure it works well with and flows from your headline

Make the effort with a headshot

This little image is the most-viewed part of your profile—in fact, recruiters and employers see it before they even click through to look at the rest of your profile. You don’t need to hire a professional photographer for your headshot, but if you have access to one, it can make the process easier. If you don’t, have someone take a a photo of you in front of a neutral background, and crop it to show just your head and the top of your shoulders. A good rule of thumb for how to dress is to wear what you would wear to your dream job [even though only the top of your shoulders will be visible]. You want to look professional and friendly. Employers are looking for someone who will get along well with colleagues, so smiling or having an approachable look is important

List all 50 skills

LinkedIn has up to 50 slots for you to list your skills, and they use these skills like keywords to match you to recruiters’ or employers’ searches. So, the more skills or keywords you have listed, the more likely you’ll show up in someone’s search

Not sure which skills you should list? One place to get ideas is from the LinkedIn profiles of people who have jobs similar to yours, or who work in the same field. CareerOneStop’s Tools & Technology Finder is also a good place to identify the most common tools or software programs for your specific occupation; if you have experience with the tools or technologies you find listed when you look up your occupation there, you should definitely list them

Ask for recommendations

This last point can be the hardest one for many people, but having even a couple recommendations on your LinkedIn profile can make a difference in whether a recruiter pauses and takes a closer look. Recommendations can be quite short—even two to three sentences—so asking someone to write one for you does not have to be a huge burden to them

In terms of who you should ask, you can really consider almost anyone you’ve known in a professional setting. That can include people more senior than you, more junior than you, or colleagues at your own level. It can also include current or former colleagues, bosses, or employees

Source. CareerOneStop

In a world that’s constantly changing, finding a career that offers job security and steady finances in a growing market can be tremendously comforting. If you’re looking for the best field to pursue, here are some top jobs offering high salaries and exceeding the expectations of the job market. Note. The average growth percentage for any career is eight percent

Computer and Information Systems Managers

Description. Computer and information systems managers, often called information technology [IT] managers or IT project managers, plan, coordinate and direct computer-related activities in an organization. They help determine the information technology goals of an organization and are responsible for implementing computer systems to meet those goals. Typical job duties associated with this position are analyzing technology needs within companies, computer maintenance, cyber-security and keeping up to date with the latest technology trends

Education Requirements. Computer and information systems managers typically need a bachelor’s degree in computer and information technology or a related field, such as engineering technologies. Many organizations also require their computer and information systems managers to have a graduate degree. A Master of Business Administration [MBA] is common and takes two years beyond the undergraduate level to complete

Average Annual Salary. $159,010 per year

Job Growth Outlook. 11 percent

Human Resources Managers

Description. Human resources managers plan, coordinate and direct the administrative functions of an organization. They manage the recruiting, interviewing and hiring of new staff, consult with top executives on strategic planning and serve as a link between an organization’s management and its employees. Their duties can entail coordinating an organization’s workforce to best suit employees, designing and overseeing employee benefit programs and handling staffing issues, such as mediating disputes and directing disciplinary procedures

Education Requirements. Human resources managers typically need a bachelor’s degree to enter the occupation. The degree may be in human resources or another field, such as business, communications or psychology. Courses in subjects such as conflict management may be helpful

Average Annual Salary. $126,230 per year

Job Growth Outlook. 9 percent

Nurse Practitioners

Description. Nurse practitioners, also referred to as advanced practice registered nurses [APRNs], coordinate patient care and may provide primary and specialty healthcare. Their duties could also include operating and monitoring medical equipment, diagnoses, research, running tests and creating patient care plans. The scope of practice varies from state to state

Education. Nurse practitioners must have a master’s degree in their specialty. APRNs also must be licensed registered nurses in their state, pass a national certification exam and have a state APRN license

Average Annual Salary. $123,780 per year

Job Growth Outlook. 45 percent

Physician Assistant

Description. Physician assistants, also known as PAs, practice medicine in teams with physicians, surgeons and other healthcare workers. They examine, diagnose and treat patients. Physician assistants may also research new treatments, conduct health-centered outreach programs and speak on health and wellness

Education Requirement. Physician assistants typically need a master’s degree from an accredited educational program. Earning that degree usually takes at least two years of full-time postgraduate study. PA graduate school applicants usually have experience caring directly for patients. All states require physician assistants to be licensed

Average Annual Salary. $121,530 per year

Job Growth Outlook. 31 percent

Software Developers

Description. Software developers create computer applications that allow users to do specific tasks and the underlying systems that run the devices or control networks. They may also analyze clients’ design needs, have a strong understanding of ADA compliancy online, recommend software upgrades and perform software maintenance

Education Requirements. Software developers, quality assurance analysts and testers typically need a bachelor’s degree in computer and information technology or a related field. Some employers prefer to hire developers who have a master’s degree

Average Annual Salary. $110,140 per year

Job Growth Outlook. 22 percent

Sources. Bureau of Labor Statistics, The Balance Careers

By Lori Pugh

I’ve spent most of my professional career in the high-tech field, surrounded by predominantly male leadership. While I will always be appreciative of the mentorship and guidance I have received over the years, I’ve often found self-comparison leading the way for me

In the STEAM fields, you’re expected to be very innovative and forward-looking. While those around me exuded confidence and self-assurance, I have often felt like I was faking it. For the longest time, I became risk-averse for fear of looking stupid. As I climbed the corporate ladder, I was sure these feelings would leave me and was disappointed to find that they would intensify

Then, one day, many years ago, an employee reached out to me asking for advice about overcoming “imposter syndrome. ” Never having heard of this affliction, my interest was piqued. After reading more about it, I realized this term describes me. Discovering that others felt these feelings flooded me with relief. In my research, I found that this “syndrome” was felt mainly by women and people of color

Instead of being stressed, I felt challenged to learn how to conquer it. I sought coaching to help me do so, which inspired me to help others with my newfound knowledge. It has been a monumental privilege to help others learn to conquer this debilitating condition. If you can relate to these feelings, then I know you can conquer them, too. Here are three ways to do so

1. Build self-confidence. Nobody is born with confidence. That means it can be built. Self-confidence is an emotion guided by our thoughts. If we become aware of our thoughts and identify the driving factor of negative emotions, then we have the power to target and change them. We can alter beliefs about ourselves, our career, our relationships, our lives. It’s natural for fear to crop up. That’s just the primitive part of our brains trying to protect us. With practice, all of us can rise above those natural, fear-driven thoughts and create self-confidence in every area of our lives

2. Recognize that failing is a crucial part of success. We’ve all been taught in some way that failure must be avoided. However, when I was surrounded by software engineers, I learned that we all need to fail to improve. They call it “failing fast. ” When developing software, failures or “bugs” are a normal and natural part of the testing process. It helps developers improve what isn’t working in the coding. Rather than fearing failure, look at it as a sign that you’re learning and moving forward

3. Stop agonizing over what others may think. It’s natural for us to ponder what others think about us, but it’s the worrying that paralyzes us because there’s nothing we can do about it. Worried thoughts, however, are notoriously inaccurate. In the end, you cannot control others’ thoughts, feelings or expectations. While you may still face times of worry, you also face a choice in those moments to have courage and move forward despite any discomfort. And in doing so, you will continue to build confidence in yourself

The journey of creating self-confidence and conquering imposter syndrome can be a long and challenging process. But if you choose to be your authentic self and have confidence in your abilities, you’ve taken the first important step

Lori Pugh is the Chief People Officer for the nonprofit, Waterford. org. She is also a certified life coach specializing in helping women build their self-confidence and recognize their inherent brilliance. You can find more information on her website, loripugh. com, or by joining her Facebook group, “Women Walking Tall. ”

What is the best job to have in 2023?

Best jobs of 2023 .
Full stack developer
Data engineer
Cloud engineer
Psychiatric nurse
Senior product manager
Back-end developer
Site reliability engineer
Machine learning engineer

Which field will be in demand in future?

According to research, the top 10 in-demand jobs profiles of 2023 will include. Data Scientist . Data Analyst. Blockchain Engineer.

What jobs are in demand in Australia 2023?

Top 20 skilled careers in 2023 .
1 - Registered Nurse
2 - Software and Applications Programmers. .
3 - Primary School Teachers. .
4 - Advertising, Public Relations and Sales Managers. .
5 - Construction Managers. .
6 - Welfare, Recreation and Community Arts workers. .
7 - Psychologists. .
8 - Intelligence and Policy Analysts. .

Which field will be in demand in 2025?

Data Science & Cloud Computing [Cloud computing goes hand in hand with data science, and cloud computing jobs range from architects and developers to data scientists] Artificial intelligence [AI] and machine learning [ML] Big Data Science. Digital Marketing & Strategy.

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