cant share itunes playlist

Well, making a specific playlist has always been a tedious task. It involves the thorough steps of finding the necessary and needed songs, collecting them one by one and most importantly organizing them in a specific order for a specific requirement during the hour of need. After going through all the hardship successfully to get some awesome playlists, you would definitely love to share them with your friends, family and loved ones so that they dont have to go through the same hardship and could enjoy the fruits of your labor with full satisfaction. But there comes the biggest problem. iTunes does not let you share your playlists with anyone. But dont be disappointed, your hard work wont go wasted as there are several convenient ways to share iTunes playlists which are absolutely free of cost. Lets see how and which is the most reliable way to do it.

PS: here, you will learn more about Merge Two iTunes Librariesand also get to know how to fixiTunes Cannot Locate the CD Configuration Folder.

1. Using A Mac to Share iTunes Playlist

This is one of the easiest ways to transfer an iTunes playlist from one Mac to the other without any hassle provided the steps mentioned below are followed in the exact same order.

Step 1. Click on the Playlists icon present on the iTunes sidebar. Select the desired playlist to begin the process.

Step 2. Go to the File menu option and hover your mouse pointer over Library option. A list of options will appear.

Step 3. From those options, click on Export Playlist . The desired playlist that was selected in Step 1 will now be saved as an XML file.

Step 4. In the Save As textbox, give a filename of your desired choice. Make sure you dont change the given extension of the file i.e, .xml. Click on Save button.

Step 5. To share the playlist in XML format, the person with whom you want to share the playlist should follow Step 2 first.

Step 6. The recipient then has to click on Import Playlist to get the shared playlist with ease.

2. Using CD Burning Software to Share iTunes Playlist

It is another way of transferring your iTunes playlists but we dont recommend it as it involves the entire process of creating a new playlist and burning a CD Disc and sending it to the person with whom you want to share the playlist and that person has to import it. Here are the steps in details.

Step 1. Open iTunes on your MAC.

Step 2. Go to File menu option and select New option and then click on Playlist.

Step 3. A new playlist with the name Untitled Playlist will appear on the left side under Playlists where all existing playlists are present.

Step 4. Add the songs from your existing playlists by drag and drop. You can see how many minutes of playlist you have created and the size of that on the status bar.

Step 5. Insert a blank CD and keep the new playlist open. Go to File menu and click on Burn Playlist To Disc and then a new window will appear, Click on Burn.

Step 6. Once the burning process gets over, iTunes will notify you. Check the content of the CD once and you are ready to send it to your loved ones.

But the above-mentioned ways are not the most widely used ways because there is a more reliable and convenient way to share iTunes playlist which we recommend you to go for.

3. Using iMusic The Easiest Way To Share Your iTunes Playlist with iOS or Android Devices Everywhere

Be it iPhone, iPad, iPod, Mac or even Android Devices, iMusic lets you share your playlist in the most effective, reliable and easiest way so that you never worry about sharing your iTunes playlist again.

iMusic is a product of Aimersoft who are popular at designing user-friendly and innovative software to solve daily life problems. iMusic not only helps in sharing playlists, it is also an expert in downloading, discovering and managing music on iTunes.

Why Should I Use iMusic?

  • It is fully compatible with iOS 14 and iTunes 12. It is available for Windows as well.
  • You can transfer any media file such as music, playlist, movie, podcasts, TV shows from iTunes without any limit.
  • You can transfer media files between iTunes and iOS devices or Android devices or PC/Mac and vice versa. Furthermore, you can transfer media files between iOS devices/Android devices and PC/Mac and vice versa.
  • It helps you discover the perfect playlist according to your prevailing mood and special occasions.
  • It has a one-click feature to analyze and clean up junks from your music library. You can change cover art of a file, delete duplicate media files and even tag your music.
  • Some people worry about their music library while upgrading iTunes. iMusic takes care of that too as it has a feature to take a backup of your music library to any PC. When needed, it provides a window to restore.
  • It helps to fix any broken and inaccurate media file in your library.

Follow the following steps in order to share your iTunes playlist in a splash.

Step 1. Download iMusic below and install. Once done, double click on the icon from the desktop.

Download iMusic

Step 2. On the main window of iMusic, please click on iTunes Library option and then select that music library you wish to share.

Step 3. After finished selecting your iTunes music files, you should click the option of Export and then Export to My Computer.

Step 4. Now you will be asked to select the location on your computer to save these iTunes music files.

Step 5. After clicking the OK button, all those iTunes music will be transferred to your computer in a few minutes. Now you can easily share iTunes music with anyone you want without any limitation. You are also allowed to share the iTunes playlist to any other device, such as your Android phone or others iPhone.

Thus, we have found that iMusic offers so many useful options to share your iTunes playlist and media files with anyone having any platform. Besides, it helps you to discover, download and manage your library the way you want to. In simple words, it is a complete solution for your iTunes music management.

Besides, here, you will learn more about GTunes.

Get iMusic

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