Pre flight checklist drone

The Drone Trainer
Free DronePre-Flight Checklist

Step by step checklist to ensure a safe drone flight!

Getting into a good routine, and following the same steps before each and every flight is critical for a safe operation. Utilizing this free drone pre-flight checklist will get you off the ground quickly and safely.

This pre-flight checklist is specifically designed for UAVs, and can be saved as a PDF on your tablet or phone, or printed out and laminated for easy access while on site. We use this every single time we fly, and you should too!

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Drone pre-flight checklist includes

This simple to use pre-flight checklist has detailed checklists for mission planning, aircraft visual inspection, pre-flight checks, and post mission checks. Everything is laid out beautifully on two pages, so you can easily print it on a two sided sheet of paper, or save the PDF to your phone or tablet for quick reference.

This checklist is detailed and in depth, and is going to be invaluable for you to ensure safe drone flight. We recommend that you download and take a look at the checklist prior to taking it out into the field, so that you can prepare for all of the points that its going to address.

We use this drone pre-flight checklist for each and every flight, and you should too. Download the PDF now for free, and start flying your drone safely!

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