Coca-Cola holistic marketing

What is Holistic Marketing?

Holistic marketing as the name defines its about a marketing strategy that considers the whole of a business. With this, all marketing channels are considered as a system. The concept of holistic marketing involves the integration of different departments in a business. Through this, all departments collaborate in the interrelationship marketing activities. It helps to generate a positive business image.

The whole is more than the sum of its parts. Aristotle

Business is very much similar to the human body. It has different parts, but it is only able to function properly when all those parts work jointly towards the same objective. The concept executes this inter-relation and believes that a broad and amalgamated outlook is crucial to achieving the best results. Whole marketing encourages customers to purchase a businesss products or services rather than approaching a competitor.

As a small-scale business owner or you are passionate to start one. Then this particular strategy can enhance and provide growth opportunities. This strategy of marketing acknowledges that all different parts of a business need to work together to operate at its optimum. It initiates towards the positioning of your businesss processes, services, systems, and customer touchpoints.

Elements of Holistic Marketing

There are majorly four main components within a marketing model. Each of which plays a crucial in bringing together everything for business.

  • Internal Marketing

It is about the inner management of the system, the marketing department, and the alliance between the marketing departments and other departments.

  • Integrated Marketing

It includes the pricing strategy, product, placing, and promotion as well as a communication strategy.

  • Performance Marketing

This element emphasizes different business activities, such as how to sell a product, brand and customer equity, and the ethical and legal responsibilities a business and product vindicates.

  • Relationship Marketing

It is focused on the relationship you have with your customers, employees, partners, and competitors.

  • Socially Responsible Marketing

This component of the holistic marketing concept includes the broader concern of society at large. Businesses are supposed to follow certain business ethics and focus on partnerships with philanthropic and community organizations. This element of marketing encourages a positive impact on the companys stakeholders.

Importance of Holistic Marketing

  • Builds Brand

As per the studies, intangible assets constitute 84% of the S&P 500 market value in 2015 as compared to 1975 where they made up only 17% of the S&P 500 market value. The psyche or mindset of customers is changing. They show faith in buying a brand and not the product alone. Holistic marketing entitles the company to build a brand among all its stakeholders.

  • Consistency

Its very crucial to sustain in the market for long. Since the holistic marketing concept entails marketing the brand to all the stakeholders and through integrating communication strategies, consistency is maintained.

  • Efficiency

When every facet is taken care of, it becomes easier to diminish [and eliminate] repetition, to get more efficient and save the companys time and money. The productivity also can be seen in tapping opportunities and detecting potential threats.

  • Effectiveness

Holistic marketing notions, by focusing on the bigger picture creates a union that effectively reinforces the brand message, brand image and positions the brand incredibly in the minds of the customers.

Structure of Holistic Marketing

The structure of the holistic marketing approach incorporates three stages: analysis, identification, creation, and delivery.

  • Analysis and Identification

This particular stage is entirely about the analysis of new opportunities, values, and the target audience. During it, the business acquires knowledge about their customers wants, needs, and wishes.

  • Creation

At this phase, the business comes up with the strategy they are going to implement. By utilizing all the information they congregated from the previous phase, the marketing managers set themselves in the customers shoes and try to see the business perspective. By knowing the customer psyche, they learn how to appeal to them, and satisfy their wishes and needs, as well as provide good care customer care.

  • Delivery

This phase consists of customer relationship management, internal resource management, and business partner management. It is predominantly about the redemption of value to customers, which then aids build customer loyalty.

Branches of Holistic Marketing

Holistic marketing unites your companys marketing goals and ideas and allows them to reach out to all branches of your marketing strategy. Mentioned below are three of many more branches in your marketing strategy.


Making quality content is the perfect quantity for your website is what appeals to visitors, engages visitors, and keeps them returning. Content is at the centre of what you have to offer to your online customers. It is not just the big firms that can create a massive amount of content that are generating leads that way, but small firms can gain as well. You just need to be confident that you have a variety of relevant content that will bring the right kind of people to your blog: the type of individual you want to eventually become a customer.


Many people ask themselves: Why isnt social media assisting my marketing? The answer is this: you are perhaps not using it right. You should be using your content to nurture your audiences with relevant material. But be sure to boost it up with lots of pictures and interactive posts. People desire to engage on social media, not just consume vast amounts of content or purchase items. This leads to brand loyalty when your social media platforms engage correctly with your audiences. So be sure to enquire good questions and spark conversations. If you are not clear about what to ask? Your content offers you a place to start, and topics to ask about.


In what way do you go about fixing email marketing? The answer is simple: create emails people want to read. Your emails should be private and special. They should encourage the idea that the person who has received your email is an esteemed customer and is getting the first look at deals and content. Nourish that idea of exclusivity by being regular with your emails. And study to write effective email subject lines. This assists in you creating the bait that leads to a better email marketing campaign.

Benefits of Holistic Marketing:

  • Firstly, it helps to attain focus and direction.
  • Secondly, it keeps clients or customers happy and satisfied.
  • Thirdly, it impresses new business.
  • Fourthly, it helps in expert company literature.
  • Further, it builds a proficient image.
  • Moreover, it helps in distinguishing from competitors.
  • It also helps in raising awareness of your business.
  • Lastly, it generates the right environment for business.

Examples of Holistic Marketing

Open Happiness Campaign of Coca- Cola:The well-known example of holistic marketing is Coca- Cola. They had loads of slogans throughout the years, but in 2009, they used the slogan Open Happiness for the first time. It continued until 2015 and is today one of the most widespread slogans ever. Considering the concept of holistic marketing, Coca- Cola had a brilliant idea to make happiness their goal in 2009. They incorporated this word in all of their ads and had a song presented by famous musicians called open happiness.

Additionally, they labelled their trucks as Happiness Trucks, and vending machines as Happiness Machines, that delivered doses of happiness. Moreover, recent ads are all about people smiling, happy, and enjoying each others company.

We hope that you got a clear understanding of Holistic Marketing. Stay tune with Blogger Bunny for more such blogs. Meanwhile, visit our blog8 Reasons Why You Must Have A Brand Management System.

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