douchebaggery là gì - Nghĩa của từ douchebaggery

douchebaggery có nghĩa là

The greatest word of all time, simple yet pleasing in its onomatopoeic beauty. For one to commit douchebaggery, he/she is not limited to but may include some or perhaps all of the following behaviors:

- the wearing of flat-billed baseball caps backwards
- using an enormous amount of gel to spike the hair porcupine style
- wearing polo shirts or any other type of shirt with the collar popped, a disgusting gesture that should've died in the 1980s with parachute pants
- the sideways peace sign gesture
- overdone pursing of the lips
- too many visits to the tanning salon
- pointing at oneself, holding up beer cans, or making other obscenely immature gestures in solo or group photos
- following trends for the sake of fitting in [see "goatee"]
- adding "The" or the suffix "-ster" to one's name, as in "The Rickster"

See Guido or perhaps frat boy for more. Essentially, "douchebaggery" is one of those things as easily understood by definition as it is by one's demonstrations of it.


At least guys with mullets can cut their hair, but there seems to be no cure for the douchebaggery exhibited by frat boys overcompensating for their small members.

douchebaggery có nghĩa là

1]The philosophy held by douchebags, holding that no one other than themselves [or perhaps their close associates] matters in the least bit, and thus that other human beings can and should be treated like complete excrement for little or no reason [and often for selfish reasons]. Closely related to fascism, which has been practiced by control freaks such as Adolf Hitler.
2]The act of putting this philosophy into practice.


1]Some notable [historical and otherwise] adherents of douchebaggery: Josef Stalin, Mao Tse Tung, George W. Bush, Adolf Hitler, Andrew Jackson, George Lincoln Rockwell, Saddam Hussein, Osama bin Laden, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan
2]Examples of douchebaggery in practice, varying in scope and intensity [in the order of the above adherents]: fascism; violent political oppression; winning an election through obvious fraud and subsequently invading Iraq based on admitted lies; the Holocaust; the genocide of the Native Americans; the founding of the American Nazi Party; more violent political oppression; declaring jihad on an entire country and slaughtering 3,000 innocent cubicle workers as part of it; declaring a War on Drugs based largely on the delusion that "every one of those goddamn bastards out to legalize marijuana is a Jew" [direct quote from President Richard Nixon]; treating the Constitution and the natural environment as a set of obstacles to be overcome.

douchebaggery có nghĩa là

1. The act of behaving like a douchebag.
2. Sensless behaviour


Please refrain from discussing your BMW or IPod any further and end this douchebaggery.

douchebaggery có nghĩa là

The state of being a douchebag - committing acts that define an individual as being a douchebag, such as ripping off friends, screwing your friends over or generally just being a giant douche.


That fucker used to be my bro until he stinkfingered my girlfriend while she was passed out. That's some seriously fucked up repugnant douchebaggery right there.

douchebaggery có nghĩa là

Performing multiple acts [more than two] that would qualify one as a douchebag.


Wow, that was quite a display of douchebaggery last night by Mortimer, wasn't it?

douchebaggery có nghĩa là

one that wholly encompasses the art of being a douchebag. one that is so well versed in being a douchebag that he must not have only received formal training from a tenured douchebag, but he is fully qualified to pass on his douchebaggery to those qualified candidates such as the dude with massive crunchy hair product and a rhinestone skull buckle rolling into the club 5 guys deep trying to recruit hot chicks from the line to get in.


douchebag: "yo, check out my mystic, bra" [flexes man boobs one at a time in a rhythmic douchebag dance] non douchebag: "lose the ed hardy v-neck, find a woven, unbutton no more than two, & kill the sparkle buckle. dude your douchebaggery meter is blowin' up! take it down a notch"

douchebaggery có nghĩa là

Having the characteristics of and/or acting like a total douchbag


The level of douchebaggery here is astonishing.

douchebaggery có nghĩa là

ALL SHIRTLESS WONDERS SUFFER FROM DOUCHBAGGERY. Ironically, these shirtless wonders are the same guys ["Brah's", in their native tongue] who spend an absurd amount of $$$ on t-shirts - the term for mass possession of these sparkly, tattoo, and tribal print shirts is known as "DOUCHE-SWAGGERY". An accurate way of identifying these Brahs is to know that they abide by the exact opposite set of laws that traditional vampires do: As opposed to being unable to be exposed to sunlight, they actively seek out said sunlit environments. Because of this, you will not see a pale-skinned DB, but rather notice an brown-orange [termed "Bro-orange" by Crayola]. Also contradictory to vampire dogma, silver or a crucifix does not repel the DB's, as they do vampires. DB's will most often own and wear a silver crucifix, and in extreme cases will wear a silver crucifix overlapping a tattoo of a crucifix, whilst their arm is slung over their main bitch, stage name "Silver". Also, churches, which provide a place of protection from vampires, hasn't been proven to repel DB's yet; although a DB has never been spotted in a house of God, to date. The best safe haven to run to for protection against DB's is the lower body/legs section of your local gym - DB's are known to avoid this area AT ALL COSTS.


The level of douchebaggery witnessed here tonight by all of the meat heads at the bar caused me to coin a new term; "Juice-bag".

douchebaggery có nghĩa là

Shrewd efforts put forth by douchebags to undermine other men as a social utility.


In all of his douchebaggery, he becomes one.

douchebaggery có nghĩa là

to carry out n such a manner that is generally offensive, lude, rude, and/or of a prick


a man wakes up to the noise of his crying infant, waits to see if it will stop. finally awakens to walk right past the infants room to go smoke a ciggarette fist, then tend to infants needs.....his actions are classic douchebaggery

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