Dystopian short stories ideas

Masterpiece Generator

Newest Generators

  • 1. Coronavirus Activity
  • 2. Headline
  • 3. Rhyming Song
  • 4. Pirate Name
  • 5. Male Name
  • 6. Female Name
  • 7. Drake Lyrics
  • 8. Cause of Death
  • 9. Twin
  • 10. Domestic Noir Plot

Top 10 Generators

  • 1. Character Name
  • 2. Rapper Name
  • 3. Quick Name
  • 4. Nickname
  • 5. Rap Lyrics
  • 6. Band Name
  • 7. Username
  • 8. Fantasy Name
  • 9. Story
  • 10. Freestyle Song Lyrics

Plot Generator

Create a dystopian plot in seconds

Please keep your input family friendly.
Need a prompt? Go random!

A year, preferably in the future [e.g. 2099, 2101]

A location

An adjective to describe that location in the year you chose [e.g. grim, frozen]

Who now rules that place [e.g. zombies, fascists]

An adjective to describe this ruler or rulers [e.g. mean, destructive]

A landmark that has been damaged

An adjective to describe that landmark in your dystopian future [e.g. shattered, mouldy]

What event caused the world to become like this? [e.g. a meteor strike, a nuclear attack]

Your protagonist
Name [title, first name, last name]
Male Female

One adjective to describe him or her [e.g. brave, reasonable]


The name of a revolutionary organisation [e.g. The Sisterhood, The Alliance]

Two things the organsiation could use to save the world

An enemy
Name [title, first name, last name]
Male Female

One negative adjectives that could be used to describe this person [e.g. mean, destructive]


A part of the body [e.g. leg, arm]

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[Otherwise leave blank.]

And finally, what's your pen name?

Stuck? Try our pen name generator

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Dystopian Plot Generator

Quickly plot the blurb for a dystopian book or movie.
post-apocolyptic story generator / dystopian fiction writer / dystopian future novel writer

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