Get first n elements of List java

Fastest way to get the first n elements of a List into an Array

What is the fastest way to get the first n elements of a list stored in an array?

Considering this as the scenario:

int n = 10; ArrayList in = new ArrayList[]; for[int i = 0; i < [n+10]; i++] in.add["foobar"];

Option 1:

String[] out = new String[n]; for[int i = 0; i< n; i++] out[i]=in.get[i];

Option 2:

String[] out = [String[]] [in.subList[0, n]].toArray[];

Option 3: Is there a faster way? Maybe with Java8-streams?

Option 1 Faster Than Option 2

Because Option 2 creates a new List reference, and then creates an n element array from the List [option 1 perfectly sizes the output array]. However, first you need to fix the off by one bug. Use < [not

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