Get sound from remote desktop

I am currently having issues with sound redirection while using remote desktop connecting to a Windows 10 Pro Creators update host.

I am able to connect using RDP, however the hosts sound is not transmitted to the RDP session. I can see the 'Remote Sound' icon in the tray, and it shows when audio is playing with the volume bar.

Things I have tried:

  • Rebooting
  • Checking host and client volume control
  • Verifying that RDP client has 'Play on this computer'
  • Using different RDP clients to connect [Android/Windows Default/Windows Store]
  • Disabling Firewall/AV
  • Checking sound service / Remote Desktop service are started
  • Checked group polices for RDP sound redirection
  • Checked reg value for fDisableAudioCapture
  • Safe Mode [Unable to start required services in safe mode]

I have Realtek HDA audio drivers and NVidia audio drivers installed on the host, but that shouldn't affect the remote desktop sound redirection as far as I know.


Also the drive redirection doesn't appear to be working, so it looks like an RDP issue rather than a sound issue.

I'd rather use RDP rather than other software like VNC

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