harvard university là gì - Nghĩa của từ harvard university

harvard university có nghĩa là

A university for the smart? No entirely wrong. A university for white people who have a lot of money and a lot of connections. OR a university for native americans. If you're a native american, come on in. we need to fill our quota.


Harvard University is a haven for Native Americans,rich crackers, elitist bastards,and minorities.

harvard university có nghĩa là

Harvard is perhaps the most prestigious University in the USA. The University was founded in 1636 in Cambridge Massachusetts, way before the USA became independent from Britain. The name came after John Harvard, a young minister, a graduate of Cambridge, England, who upon his death left library and estate to support the early time of University.

Before 20th century, European countries dominated the world. The finest Universities such as Cambridge and Oxford were found in Europe.
However, because of World War I and II, European countries lost the world dominated power. The world leading power in politics and economy shifted to the USA. The shifts gave opportunity for American Universities to set the highest standards.

Harvard is like a huge cooperation or enterprise that invests in stocks, lands, not only in educations. Harvard's strong power is based on its prestigious name and enormous financial power that make it possible to recruit the established best star scholars in the world to be Harvard professors. The presence of several, but not all, star professors at Harvard is making Harvard almost incomparable unique University.
In addition, Harvard-MIT, both located in Boston, perhaps two top Universities, have exchange programs that add more opportunities.
Learning from top professors naturally gives opportunities to students to be able to stand in the front positions in their fields.


You know, most of the star professors at Harvard University are not necessarily graduates of these major Universities. Real good ones can grow from anywhere.

harvard university có nghĩa là

A cesspool of arrogant snobs who will one day own a disproportionate amount of America's wealth.


Fuck going to an Ivy League school such as Harvard University. If you are intellectually curious, you should be able to acquire just as much knowledge for free at your local library.

harvard university có nghĩa là

the school that gets their ass whooped by Cornell University's ice hockey team


Students who don't attend Harvard University:
Person1: Cornell's hockey team is so badass, they don't even need an example.
Person2: Woah. That's badass.

harvard university có nghĩa là

A school in which the graduates will be your future bosses. Everyone hates them out of sheer jealousy, even though people say they hate it, if offered a spot theyd be total assholes and accept like a true hypocrite.


My boss went to Harvard University. I hate Harvard.

harvard university có nghĩa là

Harvard University is one of the world's most prestigious institutions of higher learning. Harvard has prestigious undergraduate, [bachelor's degree], graduate [MBA, MPH, MPA degree etc], professional [MD degree] and postgraduate education. The college, business school, public health school, medical school, dental school, kennedy school have students of incredible educational caliber and many average folk are jealous of them because they couldn't enter any of the aforementioned Harvard schools while only a select few can. Most end up being successful too, adding more jealousy in the eyes of the average man.


Average folk: Man, I wish I can enter the Harvard School of Public Health or the Harvard Medical School. It is my dream. To be honest, I wouldn't mind entering any school at Harvard University, but I'm hoping to be a doctor one day! A Harvard graduate doctor! boo-yah! Average folk #2: Doubt you can enter bro. You are just average. You'll never get a Harvard degree, even if your life depends on it. They won't even consider your application. Harvard alumni in a ferrari: You unprivileged human beings can't enter Harvard. Haha!

harvard university có nghĩa là

The Vanderbilt of the North Harvard University is famous for being known as the Vanderbilt of the north


A: "You didn't get into Vandy?? "
B: "Nah man, but I got into Harvard University, so I guess I'll be fine. They don't call it the Vanderbilt of the north for nothing!"

harvard university có nghĩa là

A school that was once prestigious but is now burdened with scandals and intense competition from regional as well as international universities. For example, Northeastern University has co-op and its students are now infiltrating investment banking, research, public accounting, and consulting. While the school has money and is well known, its downfall is coming.


Man I love Harvard University and my degree is great, but not as useful and powerful as the kid from Northeastern University or Tufts University.

harvard university có nghĩa là

The Washington University of the North East. But, no tempurpedic mattresses, Jason Derulo concerts, or arches.


Emily: Damn Girl, I heard you got into Harvard University. Savannah: I know its practically the WashU of the north east. Emily: Sorry about your mattresses

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