Herobrine dịch là gì

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Lịch sử của HerobrineHerobrine lần đầu tiên xuất hiện trong một hình ảnh chi tiết về một cuộc gặp gỡ. Nó được đăng trên 4chan và nhận được rất ít sự chú ý. Nó cho biết Herobrine đã xuất hiện như thế nào trong trò chơi một người chơi, rải rác bản đồ với nhiều kim tự tháp và đường hầm khác nhau. Đây là phương tiện truyền thông đầu tiên đặt tên anh ta là Herobrine.Chỉ sau đó, Herobrine mới trở nên nổi tiếng, khi streamer Brocraft Copeland đã photoshop Herobrine thành một số ảnh chụp màn hình để hiển thị cho cuộc trò chuyện của anh ta. Gần đây anh ấy rất thích câu chuyện này, và muốn trở thành một phần của nó. Sau khi nhận được phần lớn phản ứng tốt, anh quyết định thực hiện một trò lừa bịp. Anh cũng đã giải thích chính xác làm thế nào điều đó diễn ra trong một email.Copeland đã chơi qua world đó như một người chơi bình thường, cố tình tránh phòng làm việc đang tiến hành mà anh ta đã thiết lập cho trò lừa bịp. Herobrine được giới thiệu vào lúc 20 phút 45 giây. Anh đã xác nhận đó là một bức tranh được vẽ lại. Copeland sau đó hét lên và chạy ra khỏi phòng, nhanh chóng kết thúc live.

Copeland giả vờ run rẩy trong cuộc trò chuyện, và sau đó đăng một tin nhắn lên các diễn đàn, liên kết với video để lan truyền nó xung quanh, với hy vọng nhận được phản ứng tương tự.Sau một thời gian, Copeland đã loại bỏ bức tranh và trở lại kết cấu bình thường. Anh tiến lên stream xa hơn, giả vờ sợ hãi. Anh ta tuyên bố sẽ xóa thế giới để không bao giờ gặp Herobrine nữa.Sau đó, Patimuss đã thực hiện một video cho thấy Herobrine trong một vùng dung nham do người chơi tạo ra. Herobrine này là độc lập, không giống như video trước đó. Do đó, có khả năng anh ta là một cánh cửa được vẽ lại kết cấu. Đoạn livestream kết thúc sau khi Patimuss bỏ chạy và lưu trò chơi của anh ta, chỉ để tiếp tục mười phút sau, nơi Herobrine đã biến mất.Sau đó, trong luồng thứ hai, Patimuss có thể được nghe nói chuyện với vợ anh ta, nói rằng anh ta đang bị troll. Điều này tràn ngập cuộc trò chuyện livestream với sự phẫn nộ. Sau đó, anh ta giả mạo một vụ crash game. Copeland không thích Patimuss đã nói Herobrine là giả.Không biết chính xác khi nào nó xảy ra liên quan đến video của Patimuss, nhưng Copeland sau đó đã đăng các liên kết trong trò chuyện, dẫn đến //ghostinthestream.net/him.html . Đây có thể là nơi biệt danh Him [hắn] bắt nguồn . Trang này có khuôn mặt của Steve, nhưng với đôi mắt thực sự, điên cuồng ở vị trí của đôi mắt khối, được sửa đổi thành màu đen hoàn toàn.

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Truyền Thuyết Về Herobrine Minecraft Là Gì, Lịch Sử Của Herobrine [Minecraft] 2

Bên dưới khuôn mặt, có một đống ký tự và chữ cái. Sau khi xóa tất cả các ký tự không phải là bảng chữ cái, tin nhắn sau sẽ được tiết lộ:
It has been reported that some victims of torture, during the act, would retreat into a fantasy world from which they could not WAKE UP. In this catatonic state, the victim lived in a world just like their normal one, except they werent being tortured. The only way that they realized they needed to WAKE UP was a note they found in their fantasy world. It would tell them about their condition, and tell them to WAKE UP. Even then, it would often take months until they were ready to discard their fantasy world and PLEASE WAKE UP.
Thông điệp tiếp tục bảo người xem thức dậy, ý nói rằng họ đang sống trong một thế giới giả tưởng và văn bản này ẩn trong trang là ghi chú của họ. Văn bản trên là từ một creepypasta khác, có tên Wake UpLuồng live sau đó không thấy Herobrine nữa. Copeland tiếp tục tuyên bố Herobrine là có thật trong khoảng một năm trở. Wiki đã hỏi Copeland một số câu hỏi liên quan đến sự kiện này.

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1 How did you decide to stage this hoax?I came across the original Herobrine creepypasta on /v/ and immediately liked it. The first thing I did was photoshop Herobrine into one of myscreenshots and I posted it in the streams chat. It got a pretty big reaction from everybody, ranging from laughs to people asking me throughPM if it was real because they were scared. It was pretty great, so I knew the next step would be to include Herobrine into one of my streams.I spent a little while brainstorming different ideas, and testing out different things in game. Initially I wanted to do it on SMP [SMP havingcome out about 3 weeks prior] but SMP was very glitchy at the time, and too much could have went wrong. Retexturing blocks was out of thequestion since the wall Herobrine was on was an outside wall, and could be seen easily. I ended up retexturing a painting since there werenone in my world at the time and it looked pretty good at a glance. My world had both wood and iron doors at the time of the hoax, so thosewouldnt have worked.I started the stream like normal and just played Minecraft like normal, except avoided going near the room the Herobrine painting was in. About2 hours into the stream I went into the room pretending like I was going to furnish it but he was right in front of the door, just as planned. Iscreamed and jerked the camera away so nobody could get a good look at it. I thought it was pretty darn believable!2 How many people were in on it?Nobody. I was originally going to ask somebody to be Herobrine over SMP, which would have involved somebody else, but since that wasnt needed Ididnt see any reason to tell anybody. I didnt admit he was real to anybody even my closest friends until almost an entire year after theincident.People often assume that Patimuss and I conspired together for our two different sightings, but thats not true. I actually wasnt even aroundwhen he did his stream, and didnt even know he did until I came on the site afterwards.3 You had a lot of choice for your hoax. It could have easily been Slenderman, or a more notable meme. Why herobrine?Like I mentioned earlier, I liked the original creepypasta originally. Unlike Slenderman or anything else, it was Minecraft specific. I thinkthats what it had going for it, really. It just wouldnt be the same if it was just an old meme thrown into the Minecraft world. Nobody wouldcare about a Slenderman sighting in Minecraft.4 How did you think the community would have reacted to your stream?I thought a couple hundred people would enjoy it and itd be forgotten about by the next week. I really didnt expect a whole lot to happen withhim if I had, Id of put a little more effort into my first post and advertised the stream more in it ;>.But, seriously, I did not expect it at all. Then again, Minecraft was a lot less popular back then and I didnt expect the game to explodeinto the popularity it has now, either.5 How did you react when the community started to really get into the video?Yeah surprised mostly. The whole thing just kept growing and growing. I loved reading all the posts people made in the original thread butthen people started making their own threads, and then their own fake sightings, and then videos. It quickly went from me enjoying the few postsit got to it getting too many mentions for me to possibly ever read. It was pretty weird watching it grow like that.6 Did this change anything with the stream, in regard to content, audience etc?Yeah, most definitely. For the first day or so you really couldnt go back 10 lines without somebody saying something about Herobrine. Then itstarted to die down on the second and third days, since all of the regulars in the stream had gotten bored with him, but then all these newpeople started coming by and talking about Herobrine again. We got a lot of new people into the stream after the hoax, but most didnt stay verylong. We ran a pretty adult-rated stream, and I feel like a lot of the Minecraft Forum users were younger. I was unwilling to change my contentfor the new audience, so most ended up leaving pretty fast. Still, with the large number of new people checking it out a small percentagestayed, and our audience grew pretty signifigantly.7 When Herobrines popularity exploded, was there any form of spam? any backlash?Tons of it. We had lots of new guys coming into the chat and saying stuff like Wheres Herobrine?, Is he real?, So you did Herobrine?. Alot of the older viewers werent too happy with that. I Wasnt, either, to be honest, but there wasnt a whole lot I could do our chat programwas pretty limited. I also had a lot of people who blamed me for Herobrines popularity, and got upset at me because they were tired of hearingabout him everywhere. I understand that, but, the blame was definitely missplaced there. I couldnt stop it at that point, nor was I the oneposting about him any more.8 This hoax propelled your stream for a while, being a very popular source of mystery for a brief while. Did any of this newfound popularity stick?Haha, not really. After a few months with the video gone and the original post buried, seeing people asking about him only happened a few timesa day. We did gain a small number of loyal viewers, though, and they stuck around. Then I had broke off with my partner on Brocraft and starteda new stream, and while a lot of people migrated over and we kept the same chat and Livestream channel, we no longer have the old Brocraft URLor name so after the move the number of people asking about him fell to almost none.9 When you created this hoax, what did you see Herobrine as being? vengeful? or just creepy?I always kind of viewed him as being pretty scary, but not dangerous. I never thought of him as something that could hurt the player or evendestroy their projects. To me he will always be off in the distance, watching the player from afar and leaving little clues about his presence,but never directly interacting with you. 10 Why do you think the community latched on to your stream so much?Honestly, I think the stream was pretty convincing. I had plenty of people who genuinely asked me if he was real or not. I even had people whoknew me for a while saying things like Copeland never screams like that, it sounded like he was genuinely terrified. Even the video seemedpretty convincing so long as you didnt pause it. And since it was all done live, and the first 2 hours of the stream didnt even hint at whatI was going to do, it all just seemed like it could have maybe been real. And I like to think that little bit of doubt people have is whathelped make the video so popular.11 Do you feel partly responsible for herobrines popularity?Not really. Sure, Im happy with how the stream went and I think it was pretty convincing, and I think that without the stream Herobrine wouldhave probably stayed an obscure creepypasta but it was the community that made it popular. After the initial stream and subsequent forum postI was done. I didnt do anything else at all to help Herobrines popularity. I guess I sparked the popularity, instead of helped it. Maybethats more fitting.12 What are your thoughts on Mojangs stance on implementing Herobrine?I dont think Herobrine should be added to the game. I think that would ruin a lot of what makes Herobrine what he is. As soon as you make himcanon you cant make legends or rumors about him any more, and thats most of the fun.13 What do you think of the Herobrine mod thats floating about? Anything you particularly like, or dislike about it?Ive actually never heard of it before right now. I found the most popular Herobrine mod on the forums I assume thats the one youretalking about. I read about it and watched the videos and it doesnt seem like my version of Herobrine at all. But thats the beauty of urbanlegends; youre free to interpret it how you like, and expand on the story, give it your own twists.14 What happened to Brocraft since the stream?I left the site a few months after the hoax. I ran the site with an ex-buddy of mine, and the two of us had a big argument over whatsacceptable on the site and I ended up running my own stream. He kept the URL and the Brocraft name, but I kept the Livestream channel. Im notreally sure whats happened on there since then.15 What are your current thoughts on Herobrine?Honestly, I dont really have many. Herobrine was fun for a while but got old pretty fast. I really havent thought much about Herobrine at allin the past 2 years. If I happen to see him mentioned I think Oh, hey, Herobrine, I remember him and thats about it. Someone on my SteamFriends list had to tell me about the wikipedia page. It incorrectly said I had a wife for 2 years.16 If you had a second chance, would you have done this stream any differently?Hmm, not really. I probably would have plugged the stream in the original forum post, but thats about it. Im happy with my contribution to the whole Herobrine thing, and I dont think I could have done a whole lot else, or even anything better.

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