japan là gì - Nghĩa của từ japan

japan có nghĩa là

Bizarre. Just a very, very bizarre and frightening place. It's the only nation where one can buy both porn and women's underwear from that freaky vending machine a block away from your cramped apartment.

Women should stay FAR away from any crowded place, because it's more that probable that she'll get groped at least six times before she gets back to her hotel room. If she's lucky.


Dude, I just got back from Japan. I'm fucking broke, but I got these DVD's where cartoon 12-year-olds get reamed by giant tentacle monsters. I feel dirty inside.

japan có nghĩa là

A country that has never quite got round yet to apologise for war crimes in Asia and it's mistreatment of allied POW'S during world war 2.


War Crimes in China, Korea, Phillipines, Burma, Thailand, Singapore, Vietnam, Hong Kong, New Guinea......
of rape, murder, pillage, executions without trial and torture of civilians.
Japan are guilty of crimes against allied POWS involving......
Beheading, water torture, burying up to the head in the sand, firing squad, castration, burning men alive, hanging, cruxifiction, starvation, working men to their deaths and in at least one known case, boiling a man to death.

japan có nghĩa là

A mean nation killed more than 36,000,000 Chinese people in WW2 and millions people in other Asian countries but never officially say sorry to the victims. And still vindicating the atrocity what he has done.

Many western country people do not know, though Nazi Germany killed 6,000,000 Jews in WW2, the total number is only 1/6 of victims of China in WW2. And till today Japan governmnet has not apologize for his inhuman war action, and never compensate for it to any Asian countries, and still call the brutal war in WW2 as a "help" to other Asian nations. So we say, a GERMAN on his knees is much taller than a japanese stand up straight.


japan sucks, japan really SUCKS!

japan có nghĩa là

A wonderful place that is stereotyped by american retards who love anime, and Gwen Stefani who thinks that japanese girls are all obsessed with fashion. These jack-asses think that the japanese will automatically love them for this, when in reality, they think that these 'animorons' are all idiots who think that they're japanese.


Oh, I love japan! I'm going to go there and everyone will love me because I like anime and that's all they care about!!! Despite the fact that I'm whiter than Michael Jackson, everyone is going to think I'm asian, and I'm going to eat sushi all day and play cool video games that only japanese citizens can play, because I think I'm japanese!

japan có nghĩa là

Jumping And Pumping All Night


Old lady to her husband: I couldn't sleep last night.
Husband: What happened?
Lady: The new neighbors upstairs were JAPAN.
Husband: Tell you what, you want to do that too?
Lady: WTF?

japan có nghĩa là

A country that's very much overrated or misunderstood.

Japanese school system isn't 'superior' to American system--in fact, it's more harmful than benefitial to the nation. With such an emphasis on reaching the next level of education, the only thing that the school focusses on is to get into the good high school or university. The amount of pointless studies is so ridiculous that frankly, it's ruining the country.

Do you really think that Jyuku is a good idea? Well... let's look at the youth suicidal rates again.

The government is so tangled with yakuza that it's not even funny.

Let's not go into the music as it happens to be the second cousin of shit. Sorry, five robotic men standing in a line with a mic in their hand and odd hand motions with monotonous songs isn't quite music. And I'm talking about SMAP.

Perfecting the art of toilets might be funny, but it also quite ironically shows how warped the country is. Did you know that the Tokyo area has a Jesus-themed cafe? With bloody crusifixes? How does that NOT show how corrupt and ruined the country is?

The language also has three systems of reverence. Obviously, this has done nothing to strengthen the Japanese people's backbone. Blind, mindless worship, that's what it is.

Quite simply, Japan is a country that's been in trouble ever since Matthew Perry came knocking so politely on their door so to speak. With cannons.

Oh, and he was a yank. Go figure. Bloody xenophiles gotta learn to stay in their own fucking turf--ruin your own country, and keep out of the rest of the world!


Matthew Perry was an American who opened up Japan. Look at where it's now. God bless America.

japan có nghĩa là

a nation so technologically advanced that...
they still eat with sticks?


as i peered into the window of the most intelligent technological experts from japan, they opted to archaically eat with sticks

japan có nghĩa là

To cheat, especially in football [soccer]. Derived from Japan's games in the 2006 World Cup, when the Japanese team always pretended to be injured so the referee would help them.


Those Italians really japaned the Socceroos when the referee gave them a penalty kick! That guy was really selling that foul.

japan có nghĩa là

Japan is a costal country with many small islands located in the east. It is the ultimate source of hentai, child porn, incese, tentacle rape, AV [porn where women with high squeky voice], where women get groped if they are not careful and a place where you need to have a license to ride a bike[huh? what the ....]. A place with high suicide rate too ! [ Thats why their nerds watch so much anime and play so much computer games to delude themselves , to escape reality] PLus, they allow secreat socirties to exist!

It is heaven for the perverts all over the world !


The japanese government allows people to form organizations and register it with them. These organizations are actually dangerous gangs...

japan có nghĩa là

A skateboarding trick in which the skater bends his/her legs and body to one side and grabs the bottom of the board.

So called because from the front or back, the skater's pose is a similar shape to the country or Japan.


Jack did an ollie off the half-pipe and followed up with a japan, then a 360 before landing.

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